On MKX skipping the Netherrealm Wars Saga
posted02/04/2015 11:55 PM (UTC)by
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10/06/2014 02:54 AM (UTC)
Yay or Nay?

Do you believe it would be sort of pointless to relive the less popular and known MK4 storyline, even if slightly modified by the events of the reboot. Or do you think it would be a waste to miss on the opportunity to recreate the MK4 events in detail and ignore all the potential development and relevant plot points.
02/02/2015 10:17 PM (UTC)
Considering that MK4 will be eighteen years old this year (damn), reverting back to that storyline at this point would probably not be ideal, especially for a game purporting to be taking a new direction in the series but has ten returning characters.

Long story short: wipe the slate clean.
02/02/2015 10:18 PM (UTC)

The Netherrealm War saga is what MK9 was leading to. Instead we're taken 25 years in the future to an Outworld Civil War. Which is interesting, but I was really looking forward to Shinnok fucking shit up. Now it looks like that won't happen.
02/02/2015 10:18 PM (UTC)
I think it's way too important for them to gloss over, but it makes perfect sense that they wouldn't want to spend an entire game in MK4-Redux mode.

It will be a very big part of part (the beginning) of the game, and it will have lasting consequences. I'm personally happier with them making that a smaller aspect of the overall storyline and getting to things we've never seen before.
02/02/2015 10:20 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:

The Netherrealm War saga is what MK9 was leading to. Instead we're taken 25 years in the future to an Outworld Civil War. Which is interesting, but I was really looking forward to Shinnok fucking shit up. Now it looks like that won't happen.

MKX isn't just taking place 25 years later, it's covering a bunch of stuff in those years--and it's been confirmed that includes right after MK9. I can't see them skipping the Netherrealm War at all. The comic has already made it clear there is a lot of important plot in there.
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02/02/2015 10:38 PM (UTC)
Nay I am only saying this because MK4 was already announced to have a part in this story even though it will be different. Also Deadly Alliance and Deception's story may be in as well but differently told.
02/02/2015 10:39 PM (UTC)
MKX is a 25 year time span, not time leap.
02/02/2015 11:01 PM (UTC)
Sockie Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:

The Netherrealm War saga is what MK9 was leading to. Instead we're taken 25 years in the future to an Outworld Civil War. Which is interesting, but I was really looking forward to Shinnok fucking shit up. Now it looks like that won't happen.

MKX isn't just taking place 25 years later, it's covering a bunch of stuff in those years--and it's been confirmed that includes right after MK9.

I can't see them skipping the Netherrealm War at all. The comic has already made it clear there is a lot of important plot in there.

Even still, the Netherrealm War is big enough to have it's own game. There was a lot there. I was really looking forward to it. But oh well, no big deal.
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02/02/2015 11:12 PM (UTC)
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
MKX is a 25 year time span, not time leap.
That doesn't mean they can't gloss over it, there's a lot stories to be told and they seem focused on advancing pass those events and creating a new storyline, we definitely can't have everything, cuts will have to be made in order to make it work, I believe expecting a MK4-MKA events compilation is highly unlikely since their format isn't as simple as a series of Mortal Kombat tournaments.
02/02/2015 11:18 PM (UTC)
The story mode INCLUDES events from just after MK9 (and this has been said by developers during interviews) as it covers that time lapse instead of skipping it, we will see the invasion, probably not the same way than in MK4 but we will see it.

The comic starts later in the timeline than the game.
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02/02/2015 11:22 PM (UTC)
I'd certainly hope to see it.

It was one of my favorite pieces of the story. Especially after re-hashing the Shao Kahn debacle three times.
02/02/2015 11:51 PM (UTC)
If we don't see it in the comics than we should probably see it in the game, even if its short. MK9 ending showed that Shinnok and Chi clearly had something up their sleeves, so id like for either the game or the comics to actually show us what happened exactly.
02/02/2015 11:51 PM (UTC)
bitter bullshit from me. Nothing to see here people.
02/03/2015 12:06 AM (UTC)
Comics are 15 years after MK9.

Kotal is fighting Mileena 10 years for Emperor's throne in Outworld after the NRW.

NetherRealm Wars is the first 5 years.

Boon said that we will play events in 5-10-15-20-25 years.

Nah, they will skip NRWars and we will get instead MoKap drugs' rehab grin
02/03/2015 12:18 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Considering that MK4 will be eighteen years old this year (damn), reverting back to that storyline at this point would probably not be ideal, especially for a game purporting to be taking a new direction in the series but has ten returning characters.

Long story short: wipe the slate clean.


MK4 enthusiasts started by thinking half the roster would initially be MK4-Deception characters to now praying that at least Tanya and/or Fujin squeezed their way through, even if it's by DLC.

It's time to face it, Boon is riding the success of MK9 and scrapping the whole 3D era. The ending of MK9 was a nod and nothing else. Otherwise they would have marketed the game as an MK4 reboot by now.
02/03/2015 12:36 AM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
Considering that MK4 will be eighteen years old this year (damn), reverting back to that storyline at this point would probably not be ideal, especially for a game purporting to be taking a new direction in the series but has ten returning characters.

Long story short: wipe the slate clean.


MK4 enthusiasts started by thinking half the roster would initially be MK4-Deception characters to now praying that at least Tanya and/or Fujin squeezed their way through, even if it's by DLC.

It's time to face it, Boon is riding the success of MK9 and scrapping the whole 3D era. The ending of MK9 was a nod and nothing else. Otherwise they would have marketed the game as an MK4 reboot by now.

I still think it's too early to tell, we'll see what happens when the game is actually released.
02/03/2015 12:46 AM (UTC)
One of the early interviews, don't remember which one, made me think that the main storyline of the game was 25 years ahead, but that it would probably have "flashback episodes", to tell and see things that happened before and led to that point. I might have misunderstood, but I am pretty sure it will be something like that.

To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if Shinnok was the main bad guy of the storyline, much like he was in Armaggedon. I wouldn't bet on it, but I could see it happening. Also, there are things that they just can't not show us, as how Kitana, Kung Lao, and whoever else is out of Quan Chi's control got free from that.
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02/03/2015 01:19 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:

The Netherrealm War saga is what MK9 was leading to. Instead we're taken 25 years in the future to an Outworld Civil War. Which is interesting, but I was really looking forward to Shinnok fucking shit up. Now it looks like that won't happen.

What I really wanted as well.
02/03/2015 01:25 AM (UTC)
Chances are that we are going to see MK4 (the Netherrealm War) even if it is just a small portion of the story mode. The comics make references to it and this will probably explain the return of Kitana, Kung Lao, and Sub-Zero.
02/03/2015 01:33 AM (UTC)
Ever since the mention of the Netherrealm War, things have been interesting. Skipping the NRW would be crazy. Explaining some of the events during that time is very important. So no skipping the Netherrealm Wars
02/03/2015 03:14 AM (UTC)
I really think in MKX, that story mode is going to be presented more like it was in MKD and MKA than it was in MK9, and by that I mean...

Yes, it will still play like MK9. With standard Kombat inter-spliced with cutscenes... and various chapters... BUT...

I think as far as the overall story of the game, and the timeline is concerned, it will play out more like MKD and MKA, in that story mode will cover all the events leading up to the final story presented in Arcade Mode...

In MKD, Konquest mode (which for all intents and purposes was the story mode of the time)... covered events over a span of decades, laying out Shujinko's story, the tale of Onaga's resurrection, as well as some extra details regarding all the other Deception characters as you met them and interacted with them. It was only AFTER the conclusion of Konquest mode that the story as presented in Arcade mode began, and that's where character's bios and present motivations for bumping off Onaga came into play. And that's where their endings took place.

In MKA, much the same: It covered Taven's story, and the events leading up to the "Arcade" story, which was the big battle at the pyramid. And then after Konquest laid the stepping stones, the "Arcade" story all took place within the context of the big pyramid brawl, and who made it to the top to bump off Blaze.

I'm thinking MKX... will give us lots of plot, and lots of details, laid out over 25 years. Time to see these characters grow, get to know their history and motivations... and it will all lead up to some final plot note, setting up a big boss, which will play out as the arcade mode story.

One of MK9's biggest flaws in story, actually, was that it wasn't at all clearly defined where Story mode ended and Arcade Mode's story began. You kill Kahn with Mileena in arcade mode, but in Story mode, Kahn is already dead and Mileena had nothing to do with it. How does that make sense? It left the vast majority of the arcade mode stories and endings in a place that felt largely irrelevant... and the arcade mode stories and endings (at least the endings that prove canon) are USUALLY the meat and potatoes of the MK plot. In MK9 the endings felt flat, because they seemed to have nothing to do with anything, for the most part...

I'm thinking... hoping actually, that they learned from that small misstep in MK9, and that MKX will have a better synergy between where story mode ends and where arcade mode begins.

I'm really hoping story mode will cover 25 years of history that set up a final conflict which plays out in Arcade mode.

And yes, I would hope that the opening chapters would touch on the Netherealm Wars, and then soon after move on to new horizons.
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02/03/2015 09:40 AM (UTC)
I'm fine with the neatherrrealm war stuff. The comic alludes to it. So will story mode. Story mode is, non linier it will jump around through time. It'll show Shinnok's invasion then show 25 years later to whatever the main plot is. Possibly concerning the demon from the comics
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02/03/2015 10:41 PM (UTC)
Gillbob316 Wrote:
I really think in MKX, that story mode is going to be presented more like it was in MKD and MKA than it was in MK9, and by that I mean...

Yes, it will still play like MK9. With standard Kombat inter-spliced with cutscenes... and various chapters... BUT...

I think as far as the overall story of the game, and the timeline is concerned, it will play out more like MKD and MKA, in that story mode will cover all the events leading up to the final story presented in Arcade Mode...

In MKD, Konquest mode (which for all intents and purposes was the story mode of the time)... covered events over a span of decades, laying out Shujinko's story, the tale of Onaga's resurrection, as well as some extra details regarding all the other Deception characters as you met them and interacted with them. It was only AFTER the conclusion of Konquest mode that the story as presented in Arcade mode began, and that's where character's bios and present motivations for bumping off Onaga came into play. And that's where their endings took place.

In MKA, much the same: It covered Taven's story, and the events leading up to the "Arcade" story, which was the big battle at the pyramid. And then after Konquest laid the stepping stones, the "Arcade" story all took place within the context of the big pyramid brawl, and who made it to the top to bump off Blaze.

I'm thinking MKX... will give us lots of plot, and lots of details, laid out over 25 years. Time to see these characters grow, get to know their history and motivations... and it will all lead up to some final plot note, setting up a big boss, which will play out as the arcade mode story.

One of MK9's biggest flaws in story, actually, was that it wasn't at all clearly defined where Story mode ended and Arcade Mode's story began. You kill Kahn with Mileena in arcade mode, but in Story mode, Kahn is already dead and Mileena had nothing to do with it. How does that make sense? It left the vast majority of the arcade mode stories and endings in a place that felt largely irrelevant... and the arcade mode stories and endings (at least the endings that prove canon) are USUALLY the meat and potatoes of the MK plot. In MK9 the endings felt flat, because they seemed to have nothing to do with anything, for the most part...

I'm thinking... hoping actually, that they learned from that small misstep in MK9, and that MKX will have a better synergy between where story mode ends and where arcade mode begins.

I'm really hoping story mode will cover 25 years of history that set up a final conflict which plays out in Arcade mode.

And yes, I would hope that the opening chapters would touch on the Netherealm Wars, and then soon after move on to new horizons.

Very good comment here GillBob316. Me Likey.

I predict the story will be In 3 acts. The NetherWar, the OutWorld CiviL War, then a 3rd unknown act.
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02/03/2015 10:43 PM (UTC)
I really couldn't care less, BUT since them glossing over it may mean no Tanya, no Fujin, no Shinnok on the playable roster side of things- then it sucks.
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02/03/2015 11:59 PM (UTC)
$10 says that the Nether Realm War will be the basis for the Opening Cinematic. It will show what happened and how things are different and will set up story mode. It will be a way to be nostaligic while setting up a brand new story as well as explain how so many of the warriors who died in MK9 are back alive.

Why do people want MK4 redone again?

Another $10 says its Shinnoks Skull in Quan Chi's outfit. And that makes me happy.
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