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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

02/27/2015 04:03 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
The_Truth Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
No. It's not Li Mei. Confirmed.


I need a source? Well that's news to me. Been hanging around here too long, I guess.

It could be Li Mei, but I really doubt it. She's working with the Special Forces and has no physical characteristics that relate to Li Mei. I'm not sure what evidence there is to support this being Li Mei.

So just because she's wearing a generic uniform and she's working with the special forces which she never did, even though this is a COMPLETELY new timeline, so it totally can't be her...

Logic? Where thou go?

And facial wise, you do realize how much Li Mei's face changed from MKDA to MKD- right? Can you imagine how different her face will look after nearly 11 years and given a new re-design? Come on dude.
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

02/27/2015 04:05 PM (UTC)
the girl talking looks very generic it could be a young Li Meh hopefully she's not in until MK 11
02/27/2015 04:05 PM (UTC)
If it is her. Then she will have a role in the game but it doesn't appear to be in playable style. There is no way in hell she will be part of those 4 characters in the Kombat Pack. Still not sure if NRS will be doing anymore DLC characters beyond those listed in the Kombat Pack.
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02/27/2015 04:06 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
She's working with the Special Forces

The scene is set in the refugee camp.

This woman is a refugee from Outworld.

DjangoDrag Wrote:
has no physical characteristics that relate to Li Mei

>implying MK has any continuity when it comes to faces

DjangoDrag Wrote:
I'm not sure what evidence there is to support this being Li Mei.

She talks about her village being the site of some battle involving the Amulet.

Li Mei's story in MKDA was all about her being a simple civilian girl from Outworld whose home village gets raided by the forces of the Deadly Alliance looking to find slaves to build Shang's palace. She's then offered to participate in a sham "Mortal Kombat tournament" with the condition that her people would be released if she wins.
02/27/2015 04:12 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
The_Truth Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
No. It's not Li Mei. Confirmed.


I need a source? Well that's news to me. Been hanging around here too long, I guess.

It could be Li Mei, but I really doubt it. She's working with the Special Forces and has no physical characteristics that relate to Li Mei. I'm not sure what evidence there is to support this being Li Mei.

Being interrogated means she's working for the SF? Guess that means everyone interrogated by the police is a police officer, then. Raiden must also now be part of the SF, since he he was in that scene, too.

She doesn't resemble Li Mei? Kitana in MK vs DCU was Asian. Tanya in MKD became a very light-skinned Mulatto. Mileena in MK: Gold had a darker skin tone. Stryker's MKA primary was barely recognizable. I could go on.
02/27/2015 04:15 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
The_Truth Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
No. It's not Li Mei. Confirmed.


I need a source? Well that's news to me. Been hanging around here too long, I guess.

It could be Li Mei, but I really doubt it. She's working with the Special Forces and has no physical characteristics that relate to Li Mei. I'm not sure what evidence there is to support this being Li Mei.

We really only saw her face. And she probably was beat up and her clothes torn so they gave her an outfit to wear and now she is with SF.
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

02/27/2015 04:16 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
The_Truth Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
No. It's not Li Mei. Confirmed.


I need a source? Well that's news to me. Been hanging around here too long, I guess.

It could be Li Mei, but I really doubt it. She's working with the Special Forces and has no physical characteristics that relate to Li Mei. I'm not sure what evidence there is to support this being Li Mei.

True, she's not outright named so it could be anybody. Physical characteristics are hard to discern because she's featured only in close ups. Her lack of continuity in terms of facial features is keeping in line with NRS' inability to maintain facial continuity for just about all their characters. Jax looks different game to game, as does Kitana, everybody really. However generically she fits with her vaguely Asian-esque features and apparent color scheme.

To me she doesn't seem to be working for the SF at all. From what I gather from the trailer is that it seems she's a refugee giving information to the SF. She mentions her village which lets be honest is Li Mei's niche.

I'm skeptical that really this could be anybody else. It's possible and I don't fault anybody for believing that way. Would they really give screen time like that to a random NPC nobody has ever seen before? She borderline gets as much screen time and dialogue as Sub Zero. Either way this character seems to be of some importance.

In terms of MK9 story structure this seems like it fits to me. The amulet for whatever reason ends up in Li Mei's village. Player assumes control of Li Mei for a chapter. The village is attacked and pillaged for the amulet. Li Mei fights a couple of punching bag characters. Chapter ends, cut scene of the villagers entering the refugee camp, Li Mei warns the champions of Earthrealm, new chapter begins.

PURE speculation there but it makes sense to me.
02/27/2015 04:22 PM (UTC)
They sure as hell made her ugly if it is...
02/27/2015 04:28 PM (UTC)
I hope not, you guys think she just pulled a cultural 180? I complain and complain about the U.S Special Forces but even when people join (who shouldn't) they always keep their overall look, they never get "Special Forces Makeover" I don't see the evidence pointing toward it being a Outworld camp but even if it is, this girl is CLEARLY a U.S. Forces commander, if the NRS actually wants this mature story that keep going on about how about featuring a character or two isn't a superhuman fighter?

I hope she's just a story character, as they need them IMO.
02/27/2015 04:28 PM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
DarkKard4 Wrote:
i hope not, she looks waaaaaay less fierce compared to the past.

That's just because NRS couldn't render an oriental womans face for shit back then. Hence why her face looked so "fierce".

well yeah. if it is her, now she looks like the average asian woman like Sandra Oh or something. i don't think characters that look too ordinary belong in MK tbh.

but i dig her bratz doll face of MK Deception.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

02/27/2015 04:30 PM (UTC)
DarkKard4 Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
DarkKard4 Wrote:
i hope not, she looks waaaaaay less fierce compared to the past.

That's just because NRS couldn't render an oriental womans face for shit back then. Hence why her face looked so "fierce".

well yeah. if it is her, now she looks like the average asian woman like Sandra Oh or something. i don't think characters that look too ordinary belong in MK tbh.

but i dig her bratz doll face of MK Deception.

Yes, because Cassie's face is so unique and different.
About Me

Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

02/27/2015 04:52 PM (UTC)
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
I hope not, you guys think she just pulled a cultural 180? I complain and complain about the U.S Special Forces but even when people join (who shouldn't) they always keep their overall look, they never get "Special Forces Makeover" I don't see the evidence pointing toward it being a Outworld camp but even if it is, this girl is CLEARLY a U.S. Forces commander, if the NRS actually wants this mature story that keep going on about how about featuring a character or two isn't a superhuman fighter?

I hope she's just a story character, as they need them IMO.


Aircraft lands in the Refugee Camp arena. A refugee camp for Outworlders, located in Earthrealm. They've discussed this.

The woman talks about her village getting caught up in a battle. That sounds like a "refugee" thing to do -- not a SF commander.

Apparently some people came from Outworld with bad news. Cassie and the gang arrive to investigate, talk to the witness, and learn about the Amulet. Simple.

If this is Li Mei, and I suspect it is (there's no way they'd pass up an opportunity to cameo a character for a big scene like this) I actually think she looks better here than in MKDA/D. At the very least, it's easier to take her seriously. In MKDA she was basically just a bikini joke. Her whole presence here has much more appeal to my heteroman sensibilities.

I'm banking on her just being a cameo though. Ed seemed pretty specific about seeing her in "some capacity," which is Hint Latin for "not in full capacity."
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

02/27/2015 05:00 PM (UTC)
Alright...it's my day off so why not do some CSI stuff? Here is the character.

What do we know? Prior to her introduction we see a military base, possibly some kind of militarized refugee camp. Either way we get this female explaining to Cassie's team along with Raiden the following words.

"Our village was the epicenter for a fierce battle...a talisman with a center jewel. The emperor grows desperate...and those caught in the middle pay the price."

That quote straight up does not scream SF in any way. What I read from this dialogue is that this character is a native of Outworld; of the village she describes in particular. Her village was caught in the middle of a battle (presumably between Kotal Kahn and Millena). The fight was over the amulet she mentions.

Pure speculation here but it seems to me as though this character has escaped the war in Outworld and is appealing to the Earthrealm champions for assistance. In terms of character this person appears to be all about protecting the people of Outworld. This is a personality/sentiment trait that Li Mei had in all of her previous entries.

I'm also not buying that she's wearing a SF uniform at all.

That does not look like anything Sonya or Jacqui are wearing. The color scheme matches Li Mei's primary from Mortal Kombat Deception (the bikini-esque outfit). There are also clear floral patterns on the portions that aren't made of what looks like leather. This is also in-line with Li Mei's previous designs.

As I mentioned before to me I could see this all happening in the style of storytelling we saw both in MK9 and Injustice. The story was broken down into chapters revolving around a singular character. Sometimes these were long sections, sometimes they lasted only a couple of fights. This is how I see this.

Li Mei's chapter begins. A battle between Kotal Kahn and Mileena's forces has been alluded to because for some reason the amulet is in Li Mei's village. Forces descend upon the village and chaos ensues. The two factions fight one another with the local population being stuck in the middle. Li Mei fights off a few punching bag characters from both sides to protect the villagers as they evacuate. Li Mei catches a glimpse of the amulet before being forced to leave herself. She along with the villagers end up as refugees. Li Mei appeals to the Earthrealm forces for assistance and gives all the information she can regarding the battle and what it was fought over. End chapter, start of another one from another character's perspective.

Pure speculation obviously. Could be completely wrong. Makes sense to me though.

02/27/2015 05:18 PM (UTC)
I'm totally in with her as cameo in this game, and fully return in MKXI - with Frost too please.
02/27/2015 06:35 PM (UTC)
Don't have time to read through the whole thread but I pray she's not in the game. Cameo is fine, but as a player, no. She's so generic it hurts.
About Me

02/27/2015 06:37 PM (UTC)
Daily reminder that Li Mei betrayed entire PLANETS because she wanted to fuck a dragon.

Best character of the year erry year.
02/27/2015 06:52 PM (UTC)

Well. I think Li Mei is in the tower..... fits her outfit.
02/27/2015 06:58 PM (UTC)
I'm 90% sure it is. An asian woman talking about her village, and obviously featured in the trailer. It would be a massive waste for it not to be her - why create a new character with so many traits of an existing character, to fill the same role?

I would imagine she is just an NPC, I don't want to get my hopes up for playable just yet.
02/27/2015 07:01 PM (UTC)
Sindel798 Wrote:
Well. I think Li Mei is in the tower..... fits her outfit.

02/27/2015 07:11 PM (UTC)
Shinomune Wrote:
Sindel798 Wrote:
Well. I think Li Mei is in the tower..... fits her outfit.

02/27/2015 07:14 PM (UTC)

Here is a clearer one.
02/27/2015 07:17 PM (UTC)
Sindel798 Wrote:

Well. I think Li Mei is in the tower..... fits her outfit.

you make a good point but I wanted that to be frost. I'll take both!
02/27/2015 07:18 PM (UTC)
I thought that was sonya
02/27/2015 07:21 PM (UTC)
Sindel798 Wrote:

Here is a clearer one.

Seems to me like we may have a winner!!!!!
If true i'm stocked! If she ends up only making a cameo, they so be it I'll take that too.

Doesn't really look like sonya but who knows.
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

02/27/2015 07:22 PM (UTC)
Cordova21 Wrote:
Sindel798 Wrote:

Well. I think Li Mei is in the tower..... fits her outfit.

you make a good point but I wanted that to be frost. I'll take both!

Hmm...still a little blurry so it's hard for me to tell. Are we assuming that the leather portions seen on her shoulders connect farther down on her body like a V type pattern? Might be somewhat of a homage to the original top she wore in DA that had a V styled cut down the center. I can kind of see the collar there...

Yeah I don't know maybe.
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