Okay... So is Noob a revenant or a wraith?
posted08/25/2015 03:45 PM (UTC)by
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12/18/2010 01:38 AM (UTC)
And what's the difference anyway?

Recently, I created a new Kombat Origins video starring Noob Saibot and in the video, I addressed Noob's status as a revenant and I've been fiercely corrected that he's a wraith and not a revenant.

You can view the video here if you'd like: http://youtu.be/2R8gHVioo6I
08/19/2015 03:05 PM (UTC)
The "revenants" are Quan Chi's creations. He creates a new body and sticks the souls he previously corrupted in it.

Bi-Han was nowhere near a good person. He had so much evil in his heart he had no problem hanging in the Netherrealm for long periods of time when going for the amulet. When he died a violent death his soul when straight to the Netherrealm and I assume he allowed himself to be consumed by it. He embraced the darkness within him and joined Quan Chi out of his own free will. Noob Saibot is not a corrupted version of Bi-Han. He's Bi-Han at his darkest.
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08/19/2015 04:22 PM (UTC)
Revenant, wraith, specter. After MKX I'm thinking they're all more or less the same things.
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08/19/2015 05:00 PM (UTC)
They often differentiated between Scorpion (Spectre) and Noob (Wraith).

A wraith and spectre are both, by definition, more of a "ghostly" type being, whereas revenants are reanimated dead. Hence why they dropped the spectre title to Scorpion...a confusing retcon since he stands apart from the others like Noob does.

The explanation, as I always understood it, is that Noob Saibot is Bi Han's darkside come to life in a metaphysical form. He is the only revenant to have that ghostly blue blood, and his abilities, appearance and seemingly physical form are of an entirely different makeup from the other revenants. He is completely unique among them all, so he would therefore truly be defined as a "wraith". Whereas all the revenants kept the abilities they had in life and were simply recreated constructs, Noob Saibot demonstrated a completely new set of abilities that have absolutely no relation to his abilities as a living being.

So I think it stands - the rest are revenants(undead), but Noob is truly a wraith(ghost). Scorpion is a wildcard though...the Hellfire abilities were NOT natural to him. It may be that he was granted more powerf, or he is more than a revenant, and truly a spectre. The flaming skullhead is definitely entirely supernatural, so that is also an ability in death he did not have in life. Ultimately, I think Scorpion is just an empowered revenant. Perhaps, had Quan Chi not been in a hurry to create his undead army, he would have considered enhancing Sub-Zero, Jax and the others as well.

08/19/2015 05:14 PM (UTC)
At this point it probably doesn't really matter. It used to be Noob - Wraith and Scorpion - Spectre, but now they seem to label any character that has died and comes back as a revenant so who knows what they will call him when he returns.

I still wouldn't call him a revenant though, he (and Scorpion) are both unique compared to the others since they both got new powers while the other revs are pretty just their former selves but evil with grey skin and yellow streaks lol
08/19/2015 06:25 PM (UTC)
At this point the original concept of Scorpion and Noob Saibot are fucked. Now we're just supposed to accept that they were brainwashed with evil the entire time and acting against their will and are/were no different from the revenants we saw in MKX.


Way to go Vogel and other writers. Way to make even more of the MK mythos less interesting.
08/19/2015 06:31 PM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
The "revenants" are Quan Chi's creations. He creates a new body and sticks the souls he previously corrupted in it.

Bi-Han was nowhere near a good person. He had so much evil in his heart he had no problem hanging in the Netherrealm for long periods of time when going for the amulet. When he died a violent death his soul when straight to the Netherrealm and I assume he allowed himself to be consumed by it. He embraced the darkness within him and joined Quan Chi out of his own free will. Noob Saibot is not a corrupted version of Bi-Han. He's Bi-Han at his darkest.

It was the fact that he was a professional killer that tainted his soul with the evil that would over take him and become Noob Saibot. We never saw any evidence that Bi-Han was actually a corrupt and malicious person in life. Jaded and cold at times sure but evil nope. Heck in this new stupid continuity they are trying to make us believe he was a compassionate guy with what Sareena says.

Not that I hold Shaolin Monks on a pedestal for MK lore but they did explain that that is the reason why Liu and Kung Lao were able to enter the Netherrealm. And I assume they might be using this logic as to why Sonya and Johny and an entire military force can just waltz into the Netherrealm now. Because they all have blood on their hands or some kind of transgression that has left a stain of sin on them.

But then again it's more than likely that Vogel just forgot this and now just anyone can go into the Netherrealm. Would make sense why now FUCKING RAIDEN CAN!
08/19/2015 07:12 PM (UTC)
#BringBackTobias lol
08/19/2015 07:50 PM (UTC)
Doesn't this question depend on how you look at it?

Noob Saibot sort has two origins stories. John Tobias, wrote Noob Saibot as a wraith from Hell, sent to spy on the events during MK3(source his MKT bio). The original Sub-Zero came back in UMK3 (source classic Sub-Zero bio and ending). Therefore, the plot of the original Sub-Zero coming back from death was never resolved. Up until MK Deception, Noob Saibot and the original Sub-Zero were different characters.

The current writers of MK , just retconed the original Sub-Zero returning out of UMK3 and MKT. Out of nowhere, it was revealed that original Sub-Zero and Noob Saibot were one in the same, in MK Deception. With the current writers, Noob Saibot seems like kind of both.
08/19/2015 10:23 PM (UTC)
I'm pretty sure they explained Bi-Hans appearance in trilogy away in MK4 by saying it was only Kuai Liang wearing his brothers old uniform.
08/19/2015 11:51 PM (UTC)
Well, from my understanding Scorpion got his powers from the burning hatred he had for Bi-Han. Thus he got hellfire when his soul was in Quan Chi's hands. I never thought Bi-Han was outright evil, his soul was tainted, I mean a lot of people's are right? He just had a bit more because his job was as an assassin. When his soul was in Quan Chi's hands, he just exploited it and made it take over. Stripping all compassion Bi-Han did have. Hanzo's was fiery fury, Bi-Han's was that shadow looming over his life. Quan Chi basically used the one big factor in each ninja's lives at the time.
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08/20/2015 11:51 AM (UTC)
Revenants are practically mere zombies, the dead brought to artificial "life" and "reasoning" by Quan Chi, serving him mostly as thugs or pawns.

I think spectres and wraiths are something of a more "spiritual" species and, as such, with higher ranks in Netherealm. Plus, Scorpion and Bi Han were already pretty much filled with raging sentiments of hatred and malevolence during their lives, unlike the "defender" bunch, so Quan Chi must have taken that into account, too. When it comes to differing between spectres and wraiths (at least MK-wise), I was never good at it, though.

08/20/2015 02:11 PM (UTC)
How I see it:

Revenants: Souls that are corrupted against their will, and completely subservient to Quan Chi or whoever controls them.

Spectres and Wraiths: The difference might lie primarily in their abilities, like Scorpion's hellfire and Noob's shadowy abilities. Another possible difference is that wraiths embrace their darkness, while spectres consider it a curse and a necessary evil.

That's just my theory though.
FROST4584 Wrote:
Doesn't this question depend on how you look at it?

Noob Saibot sort has two origins stories. John Tobias, wrote Noob Saibot as a wraith from Hell, sent to spy on the events during MK3(source his MKT bio). The original Sub-Zero came back in UMK3 (source classic Sub-Zero bio and ending). Therefore, the plot of the original Sub-Zero coming back from death was never resolved. Up until MK Deception, Noob Saibot and the original Sub-Zero were different characters.

The current writers of MK , just retconed the original Sub-Zero returning out of UMK3 and MKT. Out of nowhere, it was revealed that original Sub-Zero and Noob Saibot were one in the same, in MK Deception. With the current writers, Noob Saibot seems like kind of both.

There was much discussion about who classic Sub-Zero was. Some theorized it was Shinnok or Quan Chi. Legacy seems to hint it was Quan Chi...

Onaga Wrote:
I'm pretty sure they explained Bi-Hans appearance in trilogy away in MK4 by saying it was only Kuai Liang wearing his brothers old uniform.

Classic Sub-Zero did have Kuai`s MKII moves, but with his brother`s Fatality.

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08/21/2015 07:06 AM (UTC)
Well frost I don't think we should count trilogy as cannon. I don't remember everything from bios and whatnot. But before reboot and after reboot it never changed. Bi-monthly does became Noob. He never came back to life in MKT. Which to me is just a game comprising my 1-3. I know they packaged it as my story of the invasion. Just my opinion on what they went with lol
08/21/2015 08:54 AM (UTC)
HOpefully it will be clarified in MKX when he comes in as dlc for KP2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
08/21/2015 12:50 PM (UTC)
Yeah, I don't think we should read too much into Classic Sub-Zero's inclusion in Trilogy. I always felt he was just there to ensure we do get everyone. Maybe Tobias indeed had plans to bring him back without linking to Noob Saibot but that ship has long sailed.

Also, I like the fact that the bitter rivals were both killed in Quan Chi manipulation and ended up at his side. It would have been something interesting to follow up on.
What is Sindel? She was already a reanimated korpse in MK9.

Was she under Quan Chi`s control? Was she loyal to Shao Kahn or just acting loyal under Quan?

Did she go from a corpse kinda controlled by Chi, to a corpse fully controlled by him?

08/25/2015 02:14 AM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
Yeah, I don't think we should read too much into Classic Sub-Zero's inclusion in Trilogy. I always felt he was just there to ensure we do get everyone. Maybe Tobias indeed had plans to bring him back without linking to Noob Saibot but that ship has long sailed.

Also, I like the fact that the bitter rivals were both killed in Quan Chi manipulation and ended up at his side. It would have been something interesting to follow up on.

Yeah it was pretty much a non canon inclusion anyway just like Human Smoke.
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08/25/2015 02:51 AM (UTC)
I had a feeling this would come up so let's look at this, this way.

Bi-Han back in the day was hired by Quan Chi to steal Shinnok's amulet and he was ordered by Raiden to retrieve it from the Netherrealm. When he went there his soul became tainted with evil. He did not seek out Nightwolf to have his soul cleansed so when he was burned to death by Scorpion his soul would return as a wraith as told by Shujinko. Then in MK9 Noob otherwise known as Bi-Han was killed when his soul was flung into the soulnado in the graveyard. So Bi-Han as far as we know is gone.

Hanzo Hasashi was murdered by Sub-Zero according to the original timeline while attempting to steal the same map from the Shaolin Temple. Now in the new timeline we learn that Quan Chi masscaraded as Sub-Zero killing him in the process. Much like Sub-Zero, Scorpion would return as a spectre to avenge his death at the hands of Bi-Han's death.

A spectre and wraith are the same. They are both evil spirits / ghosts.

When Kuai Liang died and was brought back by Quan Chi, he did not become a wraith since he had not ventured to the Netherrealm like his brother. Kuai kept his original powers where Bi-Han gained newer ones. But a spectre and wraith are the same where as a revenant is sort of a slave.
08/25/2015 01:04 PM (UTC)
Tetra_Vega Wrote:
What is Sindel? She was already a reanimated korpse in MK9.

Was she under Quan Chi`s control? Was she loyal to Shao Kahn or just acting loyal under Quan?

Did she go from a corpse kinda controlled by Chi, to a corpse fully controlled by him?


That's a good question.

Unlike the revenants, Quan Chi didn't have access to her soul. He must have done an entirely different spell. I think he just brought her back to life then clouded her mind instantly to make her follow him. Then when she died he could grab her soul and make her a complete slave.

It's interesting to note that, in the new timeline, Sindel is still evil.
Oni Lord Asmodeus
08/25/2015 03:45 PM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
Tetra_Vega Wrote:
What is Sindel? She was already a reanimated korpse in MK9.

Was she under Quan Chi`s control? Was she loyal to Shao Kahn or just acting loyal under Quan?

Did she go from a corpse kinda controlled by Chi, to a corpse fully controlled by him?


That's a good question.

Unlike the revenants, Quan Chi didn't have access to her soul. He must have done an entirely different spell. I think he just brought her back to life then clouded her mind instantly to make her follow him. Then when she died he could grab her soul and make her a complete slave.

It's interesting to note that, in the new timeline, Sindel is still evil.

I think your assessment is right on. There are stark differences between Sindels resurrection on Earth, and the revenant's resurections in the Netherrealm.

1) Quan Chi never had control over Sindel's soul, in fact it would seem that NRS retconed the whole "shao Kahn kept her soul" thing to.

2) Quan Chi has to do a specific spell, and even said as much in MK9, in order to bring Sindel back and undo what she did.

3) When Sindel came back in MK9, she wasn't undead, she was alive, thus by definition not a revenant. It was only after Nightwolf killed her that Quan Chi, thus Shinnok, gained dominion over her soul.
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