ok now! this is what MK is missing!
posted06/29/2010 05:11 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/29/2008 09:43 PM (UTC)
I just been sitting here thinking to my self. MK is back but not all the way back just yet. what really set Mk apart from other games besides the fatalities? the realism. Mk is just missing something and I know what

1. Characters don't look real anymore. they don't have that real feel to them. the old mk games used real people which set mk apart from other games. mk needs to find a way to make the characters look real again instead of having a artist draw face and body. characters need different muscle tones and weight.

2. height. characters need height. mk characters look like they are the same hieght. i will like to see Kung Lao a little slender and tall and standing up in his stance like on umk 3.

3. the clothing. the characters look like the cloths are apar of their skin or something. it needs to look like they actually put on the cloths instead of looking like they were born with the cloths on. lol

4. take that damn tattoo off of Johnny. i want the Johnny from mk1 or mkda

Don't get me wrong, i love mk. it's my fav video game ever made. now lets bring back the real human feel it had to it in mk1-mk trilogysmile
06/24/2010 09:36 AM (UTC)
If you want the digitized characters of mk-tril back...it's prolly best to play one of those titles as it isn't going to happen.

Look at the technology now compared to then.I don't know if the look of these newer fatalities could be pulled off with digitized characters.I'm happy with what i'm seeing thus far.

Plus we are a ways off from release so who knows what could happen with the height and clothes,etc.

Nothing really to nitpick about seriously.
06/24/2010 04:30 PM (UTC)
The one thing that people are not getting is that they have literally nine months left before this game comes out. Which means that what we've seen so far could change within the matter of months. So...
06/25/2010 02:37 PM (UTC)
I think the graphics they have at the moment are pretty awesome. I know they could be more realistic, and that would be cool to see, but the current look looks good to me, is an improvement over previous games, and fits the gameplay. Super realistic graphics with air juggles and stuff might be a bit too uncanny valley.
06/27/2010 07:02 PM (UTC)
Ed Boon said: "Who wants to pay for realisme?"

If you guys want realisme, join a boxing team or whatever martial art you fancy.

Why the hell would you seek realisem from a computer game when it's all around you.
06/27/2010 10:36 PM (UTC)
leverpeber Wrote:
Ed Boon said: "Who wants to pay for realisme?"

If you guys want realisme, join a boxing team or whatever martial art you fancy.

Why the hell would you seek realisem from a computer game when it's all around you.

Stop missing the point.

Nobody wants a realistic game, we just want the characters to look human rather than cartoony. It'll just look more violent and brutal that way, anyway.
06/28/2010 11:14 PM (UTC)
This is something that the MK team could look into. The digitized actors and the realistic looking character models was a staple of the original titles. It was something that set MK apart from other fighting series.

I can't just help but feel a dis-connect at times between the older titles and the newer ones. Using Sindel as an example, her look in MK3 was freaky, dead bride. In Deception they re-did her and made her more regal, but the actual in game model and stills of her were a bit too plastic for my liking.

MK9 is supposed to be a fan service to the older titles. Ed Boon used the words "dark and gritty", and I've definitely noticed an obvious improvement in terms of tone and feel of the game, but if they really want to try and re-capture the feeling of the older titles they'll start working on more realistic character models.

Metal Gear Solid 4 is a perfect example of this. The characters looked incredibly realistic, but still had a "video game" quality about them. When I went to the options screen where you could view the "face camo's", my jaw dropped at how detailed and incredible those faces looked.

The characters from MK should look closer to that, instead of how Mileena looks in the VS. screen in the new stills we've gotten.

Not everyone may agree, but that's just my two cents.
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06/29/2010 02:47 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
The one thing that people are not getting is that they have literally nine months left before this game comes out. Which means that what we've seen so far could change within the matter of months. So...
I really doubt that they will do anything drastic to the characters in nine months. But they really do need to make the characters have different sizes like small, medium, large. Everyone should be unique in their own way.Everyone looks like their on steroids or something lol. Also, another huge issue is the fact that most of the new characters they are making suck ass. I mean come on, wtf Blaze for Armageddon!?!? The MK team couldn't come up with any boss that was not generic like Blaze. Lets list some stupid generic characters that have no originality.Blaze,Darrious, Ashra, Has hao(or whatever the hell his name is in MKDA), and I'm sure their is a lot more.No one has their originality like Scorpions *Get over here* none of the other characters stand out aside from the original ones.Oh and you can't forget Taven or Daegon. You know it must of taken the MK team a long time to come up with them for the most uninspiring characters ever. That was just sad to see that. Overall, don't expect much in the next nine months because the MK team can give you a lot of bullshit that is just lies. I thought the last MK was supposed to be the NEW MK right??? Well what was all that about. ***Oh instead of making a new MK with the slate clean we will make an MK VS DC.*** Yeah really cleaning the slate for the series by trying to increase sales with getting DC fans. What about MK Armageddon's endings. You really think that those were well thought out endings? I felt ripped off for paying 5 dollars for that crap. So I won't believe anything until I see it, and with the MK team, most of the time its upsetting to what I am receiving. Cool concept with the 2D route this time, but we will see how it turns out.
06/29/2010 05:11 PM (UTC)
i understand everyones thing about these new mk's what made the original ones as great as they were was not the fact of the digitized characters or the fatalities. it was the gameplay. in mk4 they deviated from the feel of the gameplay then to me it got worse with MKDA and got worse and worse. i decided not to try mk vs dc because for one i dont have a ps3 or 360 and dont care to buy one. and secondly i appreciate their making the characters individuals BUT the gameplay isnt there. its like what capcom had done with street fighter 3 and in between. they lost touch on what made the game popular. but with SF4 they combined the 2d gameplay with the 3d graphics and bingo that is a very well put together game. what i dont get is why exclude the biggest install base and go for the smaller ones? I have a problem with finding the games i would love to play cause i have a pc and a wii. i was happy when capcom made a pc version of SF4 and that is what i have and my pc runs it perfectly. i think for the MK series they need to get the gameplay back to where it was in the beginning and add the 3D element kinda the way SF series did. plus to ignore the wii with the classic games as well as the new ones is just plain dumb cause of the fact the wii will be breaking 80 million units this year sold and that was done in 3 years and on top of all that the wii is still selling faster then the ps2 did in the same time frame. but yet the wii is still regaurded as a kid's toy. sorry bout the rant but someone needs to say it. I just hope boon and others realize why MK died and that was cause they changed the gameplay. not the fatalities, or the graphics....If i was owner of the franchise id look at what other fighting games are doing and see what the most popular did to get back on track.
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