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07/28/2014 08:20 AM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
People sure are intent on seeing her die.

Well its in the rules of mortal kombat: only ONE leaves alive

Well, all the earthrealm (or outworld) warriors could win undefeated. Half the roster of fighters could survive in theory.
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

07/28/2014 08:23 AM (UTC)
And it's mot like it's never happened before. Deception had you killing Noob or Smoke.

D'Vorah is my favorite.
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New sig on the way
07/28/2014 08:28 AM (UTC)
Napalm1980 Wrote:
Hm interesting point. But Noob/Smoke were a tag team and Ferra/Torr act like one person. And to get the feeling like playing two characters is pretty tough to realise.

That's true. Noob-Smoke had a partnered fighting style, while Ferra/Torr is more like a strategist operating a machine.

My solution would be to make the enhanced moves Ferra-tized. If you Ex-burn the Ferra projectile, make her hang on to the opponent for a lockdown leading to full punish. If you Ex-burn a command throw, maybe have Ferra cling a while afterwards to shut down the opponents mobility (EDIT: and in most fighting games, ground throws are air-invincible, so an opponent who can't jump is a grappler's wet dream). Maybe make the Ferra projectile air-capable at full arc for jump-in mixups to screw with the opponents anti-airs (Sinestro was great at this).

To me, the key is to replace the cause of utility associated with other characters (Sub's freeze, Sonya's divekick, etc.) with Ferra. Let the two demonstrate that one necessitates the other (with the exception of the Torr-centric variation).
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Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

07/28/2014 09:34 AM (UTC)
I like them all so far but to put them in order.

D'Vorah - I like her design, and the insect theme.

Cassie - Finnally, the Sonya outfit I've been waiting for, only Sonya isnt wearing it..Still I'm a fan of Cage and Sonya so seeing there movesets amalgamated is interesting.

Kotal - Cool Design, strong looking. I bet he will be a big factor in story mode.

Ferra/Torr - I like the concept but I never really find myself playing as the larger characters in fighting games, I still like Ferra/Torr though, they come last simply because I prefer the other three.
07/28/2014 10:29 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
1. Kotal Kahn
2. Cassie
Ferra/Torr - stupid ass concept, terrible looking
Devorah - TERRIBLE design, stupid ass voice, boring, bland, generic, etc

Would you like to elaborate on why you like and dislike them?

You know he's not gonna since he hasn't elaborated at all when asked.

But back to the topic.

Out of the four, D'Vorah and Ferra/Torr are tied. Both are just so different from anything I've seen in this game and that's a good thing. They're certainly going to play much differently from everyone else, especially Ferra/Torr (dir). But something about a woman using bugs as weapons just screams awesome. And a little person riding a brute, I definitely want to know more about how they came to be more than finding out how fatalities are performed on them or whatever.

Kotal Khan comes next, mainly because I'm still not hooked on him despite he's got a gameplay video (with Raiden) and I don't know, it didn't do me much... yet. I can't really say that much about him, and I certainly, CERTAINLY hope that he's got nothing to do with any relation to any of the recurring characters. It'll make me kinda not like him, story-wise.

Last is Cassie. I don't dislike her, but I also don't like her as well. She's very indifferent, and before I immediately judge her, I'll play as her to see if she's likable in my books. However, nothing visually strikes out for me with her out of the videos that she's in.
07/28/2014 11:07 AM (UTC)
Kotal by far. I remember watching the Raiden reveal and being just as impressed by Kotal as I was with Raiden himself. Love the Central American mythology theme, and good god that sword-saw. Watching it dig into Raiden, and then slide it's way out with on powerful pull from Kotal...Jesus. I genuinely chuckled in admiration when that happened.

And his X-ray...wow. Pretty brutal, imo, and kind of reinforces my belief that X-rays really could just be Fatalities in their own right. I mean if that *had* been Kotal's fatality, that would have been perfectly fine for me.

Kotal also seems to have a regal bearing to him, but more along the primal God sort of way and less like a royal. His size enhances this aura, and even the way he fights/grapples, he just looks like a dude who's confident he's going to win, and he's going to show you why through an overwhelming display of power and strength.

As for the other's, I think Cassie is next on my list, followed by D'vorah, with Ferra/Torr bringing up the rear. I will say, however, that I think D'vorah's fatality is the BEST out of all four new characters, as it really disturbed me when I saw it. One of the things I disliked about MK9 was the way bodies dissolved when exposed to fire, acid, steam, ect. All that would happen is different layers of the victim's body would disappear, and if you viewed that person from the side after the fatality, you could either see right through layers that hadn't dissolved all the way or you could see the outline of a missing breast or jaw.

Lame. But D'vorah's fatality really gives me high hopes for non-hack n' slash fatalities. Her's just looks dowright eerie and badass, and I love it. grin
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

07/28/2014 01:49 PM (UTC)
I like Ferra/Torr the most. I did not like the fact that the characters all had the same body type in Mortal Kombat 9. Ferra/Torr looks really interesting to play as. Totally unique gameplay. I also like the visceral fatality. Looking forward to seeing the synergy from both Ferra and Torr. To me it gets very boring seeing the same types of characters again.

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07/28/2014 02:16 PM (UTC)
D'Vorah for now.
07/28/2014 02:31 PM (UTC)
In this order:

Kotal Kahn: I like that he's a large character, with a mix up of grappling and fast close-up combat, and the weapon has incredible range. His totem powers interest me the most, and graphically when he gets power from the sun it looks very nice. Love the Aztec god thing going on. His voice is very suiting. Very interested to picking him up the first day I play. Fatality is cool, considering I've always been a fan of Kano's heart rip variants. His X-ray is just so damn brutal to watch, 10/10.

Ferra/ Torr: I'm a grappler character fan so he makes me an insta-fave. Him and the combination of Ferra used as a weapon makes even better. Design is good, can't wait to learn more about them. Nice tandem fatality.

D'Vorah: she's very quick and agile, nice mix-ups. Her different variants will make her a great character.

Cage: my least favorite but I like her styles as well. Has a lot of combo potential.
07/28/2014 04:31 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
1. Kotal Kahn
2. Cassie
Ferra/Torr - stupid ass concept, terrible looking
Devorah - TERRIBLE design, stupid ass voice, boring, bland, generic, etc

Would you like to elaborate on why you like and dislike them?

You know he's not gonna since he hasn't elaborated at all when asked.

ANd i don't have to, why do you care really?

But just for JR: i basically stated why i don't like Devorah or Ferra/Torr, i find their designs tacky and generic, and shitty. What's there to like, if don't like what i've seen from them so far?
07/28/2014 04:33 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
1. Kotal Kahn
2. Cassie
Ferra/Torr - stupid ass concept, terrible looking
Devorah - TERRIBLE design, stupid ass voice, boring, bland, generic, etc

Would you like to elaborate on why you like and dislike them?

You know he's not gonna since he hasn't elaborated at all when asked.

ANd i don't have to, why do you care really?

But just for JR: i basically stated why i don't like Devorah or Ferra/Torr, i find their designs tacky and generic, and shitty. What's there to like, if don't like what i've seen from them so far?

OMG lol, generic.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/28/2014 06:25 PM (UTC)
1. Kotal Kahn -
He's got presence. My eyes kept gravitating towards him in the game play vids. Great x-ray, and the sword variation (War God?) will be the first I try. And you just know he'll have a decent role in story mode.

2. D'Vorah -
Something tells me I'm not gonna be much on the Venomous and Brood Mother but that wasp tornado in Swarm Queen has me excited. She was second one I paid most attention to. Those legs(?) that come out of her back look like they could dish some great combos combined with the wasp nado. Can't wait to see her contribution to the story.
Plus the insects flying around her in Swarm Queen are awesome ;)

3. Ferra/Torr -
I don't get the reference with the movie, so I first thought "Rock SC2". Design doesn't have me excited but I like the game play. Pain and Gain did some crazy damage and they've got my 2nd favorite x-ray. I also hope Torr has the ability to speak and doesn't just grunt. (If he spoke in the vids, I missed it.)

4. Miss Cassie.
Not that I hate her or anything, but all around, nothing has jumped out at me about her. Her story doesn't really excite me but I'm probably just jaded because I've never had much love for Sonya or Cage.
07/29/2014 03:14 AM (UTC)
D'Vorah- Best design of the 4. Love her variations and will be one of my new faves. That Fatality wow

Kotal- Great design, love the sun scorch and the spiked paddle.

Ferra/Torr- Nice concept.

Cassie- Daughter of Sony and Johnny. Reason why she's last is because I never liked Sonya. They should have had a son instead.
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07/29/2014 03:18 AM (UTC)
RyanSeabass Wrote:
Quanchi9 Wrote:
1st - Kotal Kahn - Looks badass.
2nd - Cassie - Bland, but has some potential.
Dead Last - D'Vorah - Something about her just rubs me the wrong way, I don't know what it is. Ferra/Torr - Isn't this just Motaro but with a midget and a giant?

I don't get the correlation with Motaro and Ferra/Torr whatsoever. Care to explain that one?

Okay, let's say that Torr is the lower half of the body, the horse, and Ferra is the upperpart of the body, the human part of it.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
07/29/2014 04:08 AM (UTC)
1. Ferra/Torr - I can honestly not think of a better place to draw inspiration from for Outworld denizens than from the postapocalyptic wasteland of Bartertown in Thunderdome. It's a perfect, perfect fit. Outworld should be full of feral, nomadic types, and this is a perfect example. Plus, I love that Chang/Choi gameplay.

2. Cassie Cage - It's 20 years of fanfic justifying itself. How could I not love?

3. Devorah - Always wanted an insectoid influence in MK, and now I've got it.

4. Kotal Kahn - Looks pretty badass, but apart from being some sort of god I need to know more about him.

Not a one I dislike...yet.
07/29/2014 04:27 AM (UTC)
1.Kotal Kahn- Best character I've seen. He stole the show in raiden's trailer. He will be very powerful and probably be one of my mains.
2. Cassie- never really liked the females but intrested in her. She looks like hill from resident evil. Cool design and coll background story to her. Curious to see her role in mk but she fits right in due to her parents.

Ass new character number1- Shitvorah. Worst character ever created in mk in my opinion. I wish when the game comes out it was a way for me to back it and erase her from existence like what turbo did in wreck it Ralph.

Ass character number 2- Ferra/torr- torr isn't that bad imo but the girl riding his back just makes the character suck. He would have been a cool sub boss but they had to add her on to it to mess it all up. And he's a retard who does what he's told like leatherface. Should have gotten that role as a executioner style sub boss for shinnok or quan chi.
07/29/2014 04:37 AM (UTC)
1- Kotal Kahn.. he is fucking amazing!

2- Ferra/Tor : Very original concept! really like it!

3- D'Vorah : I don't care that much, however better than Sheeva and Baraka.

4- Cassie Cage: As mentioned before, too generic, but I rather have her than both her parents.
07/29/2014 04:38 AM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:

Ass new character number1- Shitvorah. Worst character ever created in mk in my opinion. I wish when the game comes out it was a way for me to back it and erase her from existence like what turbo did in wreck it Ralph.

Ass character number 2- Ferra/torr- torr isn't that bad imo but the girl riding his back just makes the character suck. He would have been a cool sub boss but they had to add her on to it to mess it all up. And he's a retard who does what he's told like leatherface. Should have gotten that role as a executioner style sub boss for shinnok or quan chi.

You're are WAY too overdramatic.

Also you constantly bring up the "fact" that Torr has a mental handicap...who cares if he does?

1. D'Vorah
2. Kotal Kahn
3. Ferra/Torr
4. Cassie Cage
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
07/29/2014 04:46 AM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
And he's a retard who does what he's told like leatherface.

What the hell is the matter with you? Grow up.
07/29/2014 04:58 AM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
I wish when the game comes out it was a way for me to back it and erase her from existence like what turbo did in wreck it Ralph.

Well, you can hack your own game and erase her on there, but you can't prevent others to play as her, and if you play online, you might fight against her there as well. And your own game might crash every time it wants to select D'Vorah, but can't find the files. If you think that's better than to have her in your copy of the game, well, then good luck with it.

But she is part of the MK universe now. She's going to be in MKX, and that's something you can't do anything about. You might not like her, but you may want to adjust your attitude to be less aggravating.
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... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

07/29/2014 05:05 AM (UTC)
D'Vorah simply because of her fatality. Kotal Kahn is next due to his all entirely fleshed out character style and look. Ferra Torr is my third favorite as I worry that they may turn into the next Reptile/Baraka in the story mode. Finally, last but not least I find Cassie to be a great character overall and she will stay that way as long as she brings a personality that lightens up a seriously dark story.
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07/29/2014 11:23 AM (UTC)
Kotal Kahn by a mile. I'm extremely impressed by his fatality, move-set variety and taunts. It's about time some more playable gods showed up in MK.

D'Vorah's a distant second. I'd pay more attention to the other newcomers' move sets if I wasn't so hyped by Kotal. That said, D'Vorah looks original enough to me, and her X-ray is suitably squicky. Maybe some backstory will get me more interested in her.

I haven't quite warmed up to Ferra/Torr or Cassie yet, but I'm sure that a few more promo appearances will increase my interest in them.
07/29/2014 05:47 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
I wish when the game comes out it was a way for me to back it and erase her from existence like what turbo did in wreck it Ralph.

Well, you can hack your own game and erase her on there, but you can't prevent others to play as her, and if you play online, you might fight against her there as well. And your own game might crash every time it wants to select D'Vorah, but can't find the files. If you think that's better than to have her in your copy of the game, well, then good luck with it.

But she is part of the MK universe now. She's going to be in MKX, and that's something you can't do anything about. You might not like her, but you may want to adjust your attitude to be less aggravating.

I actually want people to pick her. I'd enjoy killing her all the time.
07/29/2014 05:50 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
I wish when the game comes out it was a way for me to back it and erase her from existence like what turbo did in wreck it Ralph.

Well, you can hack your own game and erase her on there, but you can't prevent others to play as her, and if you play online, you might fight against her there as well. And your own game might crash every time it wants to select D'Vorah, but can't find the files. If you think that's better than to have her in your copy of the game, well, then good luck with it.

But she is part of the MK universe now. She's going to be in MKX, and that's something you can't do anything about. You might not like her, but you may want to adjust your attitude to be less aggravating.

I actually want people to pick her. I'd enjoy killing her all the time.

That'd imply you'd actually win.
07/29/2014 05:56 PM (UTC)
Yeah, if could we stop using the word "retard" to describe Torr, that'd be great.
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