Of the 4 new ones which is your favouite?
posted08/03/2014 08:10 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
11/10/2002 01:53 PM (UTC)
From what we have seen so far which of the four new characters do you like the most? I'd say Ferra & Torr count as one, because they fight alongside one another, but feel free to point out if you dislike one of them, but likes the other. ^^

D'Vorah really impressed me. She is a completely new and fresh kind of character to the franchise, being miss bug lady. She looks rather simplistic and rather human for an insectoid character which I think NRS could have gone a little further with design-wise, but other than that, she's definately impressed me.

At first look, I found Cassie to look... well, boring, to be honest. I was afraid she would be just another random human character, and when I found out about her heritage, I was afraid she would be another clone character of Sonya and Johnny... however, after seeing some gameplay with her, I was positively surprised. She is the blonde badass chick who shares alot of traits with other blonde badass chicks that are actually some of my other favourite characters from other franchises, such as Nina from Tekken, Cammy from Street Fighter and Lien from King of Fighters. She might become a new favourite of mine.

I was very much on the fence about Kotal Kahn at first as well. He looked very odd and out of place... and I kinda still think he does, to be honest. But he's unique. The Aztec style, the sword, the totems, the ray of sunlight that both heals him and damages the opponent like some holy light... He is definately a very interesting character. And I'm eager to learn more about why his name is Kahn.

And then Ferra & Torr. Another unique concept to MK, having two characters fight as one (Noob & Smoke were tag partners which I think is quite different that these two). To be honest, they haven't really caught my interest. Perhaps that will change as we learn more or when we get to play as them, but for now I don't care much about them. However, I won't discard them entirely... alot can change in the upcoming months before release.

Who is your favourite?
07/28/2014 04:07 AM (UTC)
1. Kotal Kahn
2. Cassie
Ferra/Torr - stupid ass concept, terrible looking
Devorah - TERRIBLE design, stupid ass voice, boring, bland, generic, etc
07/28/2014 04:10 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
1. Kotal Kahn
2. Cassie
Ferra/Torr - stupid ass concept, terrible looking
Devorah - TERRIBLE design, stupid ass voice, boring, bland, generic, etc

Would you like to elaborate on why you like and dislike them?
07/28/2014 04:13 AM (UTC)
Gotta go with Cassie as the favorite of the newcomers (so far). It has a lot to do with being the daughter of Johnny and Sonya. With Cassie we get the best of both worlds in one character. Cassie has her dad's cockiness with her mom's toughness. While still being an original character all her own. (Did I mention she's not dressed like a slutbag?)
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07/28/2014 04:21 AM (UTC)
1st - Kotal Kahn - Looks badass.
2nd - Cassie - Bland, but has some potential.
Dead Last - D'Vorah - Something about her just rubs me the wrong way, I don't know what it is. Ferra/Torr - Isn't this just Motaro but with a midget and a giant?
07/28/2014 04:27 AM (UTC)
1.) D'Vorah - Interesting design; I like the revolting/creepy aspect to her. Her moveset also looks pretty awesome with all the crazy ovipositor attacks.
2.) Cassie Cage - Modestly dressed/designed. Fun moves and personality.
3.) Ferra/Torr - Yay for Master Blaster. I hate slow characters, so I'll probably never use them, but I appreciate how different they are as a tag-team.
4.) Kotal Kahn - He looks pretty solid, but I'm just not that interested in him.
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07/28/2014 04:35 AM (UTC)
D'Vorah, with Kotal Kahn being a close second.

The 'Swarm Queen' quickly became my favorite after watching gameplay videos of her in action.. Her combos are the best from what I've seen so far. I have high hopes for her alternate costume - alts are usually better than primaries imo.

Something doesn't feel right about Cassie. Her body just seems... Odd to me for some reason. Maybe it's her posture? confused

Torr takes 4th place for being sluggish. And I only say Torr because have you seen Ferra sprint across the arena in like, 2 seconds?!
07/28/2014 04:46 AM (UTC)
1. Kotal Khan - I love his design and the blood god concept screams bad-ass! His fatality is my favorite of the new characters so far too.

2. Tie with D'Vorah and Ferra/Torr. Both are very unique and have interesting move sets.

4. Cassie looks awesome, it's just the alien/creature type characters always grab my attention the most at first.
07/28/2014 04:47 AM (UTC)
Quanchi9 Wrote:
1st - Kotal Kahn - Looks badass.
2nd - Cassie - Bland, but has some potential.
Dead Last - D'Vorah - Something about her just rubs me the wrong way, I don't know what it is. Ferra/Torr - Isn't this just Motaro but with a midget and a giant?

I don't get the correlation with Motaro and Ferra/Torr whatsoever. Care to explain that one?
07/28/2014 05:08 AM (UTC)
Kotal Kahn (seems to be a common theme)

Cassie cage (bubblegum blowing little bitch and I love every second of it)

D'vorah (don't love her, but don't hate her. Hope she's not punching bag territory)

Ferra/Torr (hate them. H.A.T.E. them. Idk what it is. The annoying voice on Ferra. The fact that it's a ridiculous movie character rip off. The fact that this annoying semi dumbass Ferra is leading this huge beast of a guy. I just hate them. On top of that they just do not feel like MK at all. Do not like.)

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07/28/2014 05:46 AM (UTC)
Kotal Kahn wins by a mile, and truthfully, it's probably going to stay that way. If the characters are fun to play, that's obviously a different story, but right now, none of the new blood is doing it for me.

Cassie just feels like a tongue-in-cheek Sonya. I don't really know what else to say. I've never cared for Sonya, and the things I love about Cage aren't translating in any way I care about.

I don't care for D'vorah for the same reasons I never cared for Baraka, Meat, or (to a smaller extent) Drahmin. I just don't dig characters that are ugly by concept. Ugly isn't charismatic to me. If she has a great story and fun gameplay, that will change my opinion, but I have nothing more to go off of yet.

Ferra/Torr is a female take on Master Blaster. On paper, it does nothing for me. The design does nothing for me. Torr looks like a generic brute, and Ferra looks like a little girl in bondage. There's nothing cool about that.

Out of all the new characters, I expected to see a new Order realm character, or maybe a new god, or perhaps something completely non-derivative, but what we got at E3 was two colorless gritty characters, a military chick, and a green dude who's cool for now but doesn't emanate as much personality as I'd like.

These are first impressions: this could change. Right now, NRS has to sell these characters to me, and at face value, I couldn't possibly care less about 3 of the 4. I almost want the next reveal to be a new character just to break the mold of what we have now.

And listen, guys. I DON'T WANT TO DISLIKE ANYONE. My friends often give me shit because I'm too hard on movies, but I remind them constantly that I never pay $10 expecting to hate anything. I like what I like.
07/28/2014 07:19 AM (UTC)
1.D'Vorah - I think she fits right in with the rest of the MK characters. I love the idea behind her and can't wait to play as her.

2.Cassie - Other than her weird proportions which I hope they fix before the game comes out, I think she rocks. She oozes personality and we haven't even seen her in action yet.

3.Ferra/Torr - They don't strike me as characters one would instantly love but I find them very cool. It's a very innovative idea for a fighting game to have two characters function like that. I find Ferra's voice a bit annoying but I wanna wait till the game comes out to form an opinion about her.

4.Kotal Kahn - I don't love him but I don't dislike him either. He just doesn't do it for me. His gameplay also didn't catch my attention so I don't expect to be using him a lot. I also seem to be the only one that sees Tekken's Ogre when I look at him *shrugs*
07/28/2014 07:30 AM (UTC)
I don't understand your arguments guys. Ferra/Torr is a take on from MasterBlaster. Sektor and Cyrax are a take on from Predator. Johnny Cage is a take on from Claude van Damme. What is the point here? Lack of creativity? I bet that every new character you create is inspired by something you saw in the past. I'm 100% sure about it. So this isn't even a point for me. Because everyone even the developers are inspired by something.
07/28/2014 07:31 AM (UTC)
I like all 4.

1) D'vorah, she has the potential to become my new all-time favorite character. I LOVE insects in the fantasy worlds, egg-laying parasite wasps are one of my favorites and D'vorah reminds me of them, if she has an lay-egg-into-victim fatality i'm in heaven.
I already hate the D'vorah-haters, so that is also a sign i'm in love with her.

2) Ferra/Torr, really original concept for me, never seen that being handled so cool! People compare this to Smoke/Noob are insane, this has nothing to do with that switching duo, Ferra and Torr are using each other in their fighting moves, AWESOME! These come close second! And both they and D'vorah got me hyped for MKX.

3) Another close one is Kotal Kahn, I really like the native americans and Aztec/mayan mythology, and this character just looks awesome with his sun/totem and war abilities! Hope his second fatality is more original than his first one tho!

4) Cassie Cage, I like her more than her mother, not more than her father tho, but if Cassie Cage can get Sonya OUT of the game, I'll be in her depth! Not a bad character, but the others are far above her in my opinion, all cool monsters and creatuers, and then this human.
07/28/2014 07:33 AM (UTC)
Kotal Kahn - my favourite of the new kombatants. I'm lovin the Aztec design and variations. I hope he gets to be the emperor of Outland

Cassie - I love how she acts and and fights more like Johnny (really can't stand Sonya, but I like Johnny).

D'vorah - her moves are unique and her character is interesting.

Ferra/Torr - I don't really know what to say about those two, other than that I dislike how Ferra runs away during fatality, leaving poor Torr to take the wrath of the oponent.
07/28/2014 07:34 AM (UTC)
Napalm1980 Wrote:
I don't understand your arguments guys. Ferra/Torr is a take on from MasterBlaster. Sektor and Cyrax are a take on from Predator. Johnny Cage is a take on from Claude van Damme. What is the point here? Lack of creativity? I bet that every new character you create is inspired by something you saw in the past. I'm 100% sure about it. So this isn't even a point for me. Because everyone even the developers are inspired by something.

All these people are spoiled by other fighting games. They simply play TOO many fightning games, especially tekken they should banish, that stupid horrid game with fighting bears and whores.

Anyway, I'm really happy I only play MK and Streetfighter, the only fighting games that should be.

So i'm much more gentle on the MK characters, because I don't recognize them from other fighting games like Ogre from Tekken (HORRID name btw)
07/28/2014 07:34 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:

I already hate the D'vorah-haters, so that is also a sign i'm in love with her.

Don't hate on people who dislike your favourite characters. Be above it. Be the better person. ;)
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07/28/2014 07:41 AM (UTC)
1. Kotal Kahn

Not saying I absolutely love him, but he's gotten my most of my interest. We've never seen anything like his design. He's Aztec. I'm most interested in why his name is Kahn and his voice seems perfectly fitting him.

2. D'vorah

A bug character is really unique and fresh to MK so I welcome her. During the 3D era MK has dropped the ball on unique powers but they are redeeming themselves. Really hope D'vorah has a nice impact on MK

3. Ferra/Torr

I felt like WTF when I first saw these creatures. But they grew on me. Especially after they announced the different styles which seems to be working for those 2. Yet another example of something we did not see before in MK.

4. Cassie Cage

I will not receive much love here for placing Cassie on the 4th place. I'm just a bit sceptical. Being the offspring of two classic characters bring much difficulties with it. There's hope enough for her, as she doesn't seem to be a copy of either Sonya or Johnny. It's not that I hate her. I'm just not fully into her yet.

This list will probably change drastically once I've played with them, lol grin
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07/28/2014 07:43 AM (UTC)
Napalm1980 Wrote:
I don't understand your arguments guys. Ferra/Torr is a take on from MasterBlaster. Sektor and Cyrax are a take on from Predator. Johnny Cage is a take on from Claude van Damme. What is the point here? Lack of creativity? I bet that every new character you create is inspired by something you saw in the past. I'm 100% sure about it. So this isn't even a point for me. Because everyone even the developers are inspired by something.

I don't think anyone has a problem with the sources from which the characters are modeled. It's more about the concept and execution. I'm okay with the characters not being completely original.

Ferra/Torr perhaps might be the exception because they're modeled after a character that wasn't even that interesting in it's content of origin. If they wanna save Ferra/Torr for me, they have to take the concept much further. If you're going to combine two characters, make it FEEL like I'm playing two characters. Do things that are only possible with a second design in the mix. Throwing Terra as a projectile and abusing Torr for stats are a starting point, but they can't stop there. Right now, Ferra just feels like part of the aesthetic while Noob/Smoke played like two characters in conjunction with each other.
07/28/2014 07:49 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:

1) D'vorah, she has the potential to become my new all-time favorite character. I LOVE insects in the fantasy worlds, egg-laying parasite wasps are one of my favorites and D'vorah reminds me of them, if she has an lay-egg-into-victim fatality i'm in heaven.

Why do I picture you like that in real life now?

07/28/2014 07:53 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:

1) D'vorah, she has the potential to become my new all-time favorite character. I LOVE insects in the fantasy worlds, egg-laying parasite wasps are one of my favorites and D'vorah reminds me of them, if she has an lay-egg-into-victim fatality i'm in heaven.

Why do I picture you like that in real life now?


I dunno, i'm more of a guy-type gay-gay, i'm into many things, going out, animals, dinosaurs, mythology, sports (not soccer tho, I hate that), games, music, movies of all kinds.

So i'm not really a nerd, or anybody that hates cars and soccer is a nerd? I just love insects in game-worlds, I hate them in the real world tho, at least most of them should take note NOT to invade my home. wink

07/28/2014 08:02 AM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:Ferra/Torr - I don't really know what to say about those two, other than that I dislike how Ferra runs away during fatality, leaving poor Torr to take the wrath of the oponent.

She doesn't run away when defeated; she falls to the floor, writhing in pain.
People sure are intent on seeing her die.
Edit: Just pretend that her vitals are synced with Torr's; he dies, she dies.
And lots of people didn't die during the MK1 & 2 tournaments. You're allowed to spare your opponent. (That's how Scorpion realized Sub-Zero wasn't Bi-Han in the original MKII.) If every match ended in a fatality, in or out of tournaments, there'd be way more undead characters.
07/28/2014 08:06 AM (UTC)
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
People sure are intent on seeing her die.

Well its in the rules of mortal kombat: only ONE leaves alive
07/28/2014 08:10 AM (UTC)
1 - D'vorah

2 - Kotal Kahn

3 - Ferra/ Torr

4 - Cassie Cage - TERRIBLE design, generic,
07/28/2014 08:19 AM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
Napalm1980 Wrote:
I don't understand your arguments guys. Ferra/Torr is a take on from MasterBlaster. Sektor and Cyrax are a take on from Predator. Johnny Cage is a take on from Claude van Damme. What is the point here? Lack of creativity? I bet that every new character you create is inspired by something you saw in the past. I'm 100% sure about it. So this isn't even a point for me. Because everyone even the developers are inspired by something.

I don't think anyone has a problem with the sources from which the characters are modeled. It's more about the concept and execution. I'm okay with the characters not being completely original.

Ferra/Torr perhaps might be the exception because they're modeled after a character that wasn't even that interesting in it's content of origin. If they wanna save Ferra/Torr for me, they have to take the concept much further. If you're going to combine two characters, make it FEEL like I'm playing two characters. Do things that are only possible with a second design in the mix. Throwing Terra as a projectile and abusing Torr for stats are a starting point, but they can't stop there. Right now, Ferra just feels like part of the aesthetic while Noob/Smoke played like two characters in conjunction with each other.

Hm interesting point. But Noob/Smoke were a tag team and Ferra/Torr act like one person. And to get the feeling like playing two characters is pretty tough to realise.

Also we didn't saw the complete move set from Ferra/Torr. Only some specials and combos. I would jugde them if i played with them.

But sure you can have the feeling they could do more with Ferra/Torr. It's your first impression. Mine is much more positive :D
I like grabblers and in MK9 we only had two. Sheeva and Jax if i remember correctly. Now we already have two in MKX with Ferra/Torr and Kotal.

Well, let's be honest. Many of the shown gameplay videos didn't show the true power of the fighters. They only gave a little view to the gameplay. I believe we didn't saw the groundshaking combos of Ferra/Torr or Kotal because they failed to pull it off most of the times :/

From what i saw i think Ferra/Torr could be really fun to play.
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