NRS needs to reveal as many new characters as possible prior to release to ease the transition.
posted08/20/2014 10:00 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/15/2004 01:19 AM (UTC)
You essentially are required to do this pre-release for a fighting game, otherwise there will be an overwhelmingly negative feedback upon release of the game due to certain characters getting in over others.

Surely Boon et al. realize that the new characters are taking up a slot that someone else's favorite veteran character perhaps isn't getting. They need to throw all of the newcomers out into the open, and market the shit out of them so people can get used to them. If they don't, they're going to have a whole bunch of angry kids upon release see that Hidden New Character A got in over Mortal Kombat Veteran B and deride the game outright. This might spiral into a wave of negativity that could impact the game in the long-term, since this game will be successful short-term regardless.
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08/17/2014 01:03 AM (UTC)
No they don't.

People need to get over themselves with this classic character BS. New characters have been in basically every MK game and every game (minus Armageddon) has left out classic characters. The difference this time is that the new characters are actually interesting and WORTH roster spots.

They've gotten us acquainted with 4 new ones already, I think that's good for now. Maybe a few more would be nice before the release but I still hope they keep some concealed for when we actually play the game and discover them. It's gonna be like opening up Christmas or birthday presents in a way. Let the players find out about some of these new characters ourselves, that'll add to the gaming experience IMO.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

08/17/2014 01:10 AM (UTC)
What's with all the entitlement going on around here lately?...

**looks around...realizes where he is and that there is a new game coming that threatens not to pander to everyone's needs...**

Carry on.
08/17/2014 01:20 AM (UTC)
NS922 Wrote:
The difference this time is that the new characters are actually interesting and WORTH roster spots.

See, we don't know that. We could have a big, nasty turd as a surprise that Christmas morning instead of a treat.
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08/17/2014 01:25 AM (UTC)
Wanderer Wrote:
NS922 Wrote:
The difference this time is that the new characters are actually interesting and WORTH roster spots.

See, we don't know that. We could have a big, nasty turd as a surprise that Christmas morning instead of a treat.

I would rather them try that out than keep giving us the same "safe" character choices that will at best only bring average interest to most fans. I just feel that these new characters could take advantage of the new mechanics and story line and it would be almost impossible for them to be as bad as the ones from the 3D generation.
08/17/2014 01:28 AM (UTC)
Wanderer Wrote:
NS922 Wrote:
The difference this time is that the new characters are actually interesting and WORTH roster spots.

See, we don't know that. We could have a big, nasty turd as a surprise that Christmas morning instead of a treat.

I know exactly what you mean, sometimes I get worried that I won't like the new characters they come up with, but with the 4 newcomers we've seen they are great so far. I just hope that what we have now aren't the best they've come up with yet.

I'm still very interested to see what other new characters they've come up with. They should show all the newcomers before the game is out, I agree.
08/17/2014 01:40 AM (UTC)
I agree.

They should announce the new characters and get them out of the way. That way people have time to adjust and warm up to them. Just look at D'Vorah and Ferra/Torr's reveal reactions. People weren't too thrilled about them initially. But since then people have got used to them and are more welcoming to them.
08/17/2014 01:41 AM (UTC)
What they need to put out a narrative trailer for all the new ones theyve shown so far to tell us more about their story n variations
08/17/2014 01:53 AM (UTC)
I don't want the new characters get revealed so soon and suddenly because the fans need to get a better understanding of them. We've always been given brand new characters since Mortal Kombat 2, and if the fans are still this nitpicky that the "new characters are taking spots from the recurring," then all I can say to them is stop looking forward to this game and go back playing the games your favorites are in.

Yeah, that's a little harsh, but seeing now we've had a few interviews from Boon and what's been shown, it's clear that they are focusing on a lot more new than old. The change is and should be good to look forward to.

I don't want to be spoiled so quickly because a few fans can't grasp the concept of having a lot more new characters in this game. They're finally, FINALLY entering a new era with this series, ('bout freaking time too) they shouldn't have to sugarcoat things because fans are too upset that their favorites might not make it in.
08/17/2014 02:08 AM (UTC)
Hmmm....I feel like they walk a delicate balance with the character reveals.

They need to generate interest in the new characters, but if that's all they focus on, they're taking a risk with people getting the impression that its Mortal Kombat in name only. The older characters, like them or hate them, are a big part of the brand's identity - just as much as the gore factor.

Yet if they stick to revealing returning characters, gamers are gonna pop in the game and be like "Who the fuck are these other people and why should I care? And how did they get in over so-and-so?"

As for my own personal reaction, as a fan since 1994, they're missing the mark with me at this point. Raiden was a big "No shit, Sherlock." and a lot of people weren't exactly awaiting whether Kano would make it in or not with bated breath, either (though he does look cool now). And the new folks so far seem really hit-and-miss.

I think at this stage, they really, REALLY need to reveal an eagerly anticipated character to stoke up the hype flames. Just one at this point in the reveal schedule. And though I don't really feel one way or the other about her, I think Mileena would be the perfect candidate. And I would opt to reveal a new character with her so that people can digest and accept them more easily.

Just my two cents.

08/17/2014 02:10 AM (UTC)
I think revealing a new and a returning character at the same time is the best strategy.
08/17/2014 02:16 AM (UTC)
Dumping all the characters at once wouldn't be good from a marketing standpoint. It'd be like breaking a piñata and the chaos ensuing from everyone diving after the candy at once.

There's no more sensitive subject among MK fans than character selections. NRS is probably drinking Maalox out of the bottle (save for Boon) in this regard every time a new game comes out.
08/17/2014 02:30 AM (UTC)
I'm no businessman so idk what the best decision is from a marketing standpoint but I personally would prefer if they didn't reveal every character prior to release. I like surprises and discovering stuff on my own but if revealing all of or most of the roster beforehand is the smartest thing to do then I want them to do it. I want Netherrealm and MK to succeed and do well sales wise.

So yeah pretty much I want them to do whatever is best for Netherrealm and Mortal Kombat in the long run.
08/17/2014 04:14 AM (UTC)
JadedReign Wrote:I think Mileena would be the perfect candidate. And I would opt to reveal a new character with her so that people can digest and accept them more easily.

It doesn't necessarily have to be Mileena, but, I know what you are saying. For the next reveal and from then on, NRS should reveal a returnee and a new character at once. Would be better that way.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/17/2014 04:53 AM (UTC)
A month prior to release, I wouldn't mind that most of the new characters had already been revealed. Save one or two, maybe 3 for us to go ape shit over, post release.

Tbh though, I'm open-minded. Whether they reveal them all between now and release, or hold some off. I can already say I've warmed up to all the "new" this game will bring. And it's really exciting.
08/17/2014 05:10 AM (UTC)
NS922 Wrote:
No they don't.

People need to get over themselves with this classic character BS. New characters have been in basically every MK game and every game (minus Armageddon) has left out classic characters. The difference this time is that the new characters are actually interesting and WORTH roster spots.

They've gotten us acquainted with 4 new ones already, I think that's good for now. Maybe a few more would be nice before the release but I still hope they keep some concealed for when we actually play the game and discover them. It's gonna be like opening up Christmas or birthday presents in a way. Let the players find out about some of these new characters ourselves, that'll add to the gaming experience IMO.

The community is never going to be satisfied. NRS wouldn't be creatively satisfied giving us the same characters over and over again. The general public and most of the fan base wouldn't be satisfied with Trilogy/Armageddon games over and over again. The rest of the fan base wouldn't be satisfied with a ton of new characters that steal spots from their favorites. And don't even get me started on the distaste of marketing strategies in this fanbase.

However skeptical I am of this specific new characters we've seen, I still welcome the change fully knowing Mortal Kombat is a living, thriving and generally revived franchise so there's always the next game (because lets face it, for the foreseeable future, there's ALWAYS going to be a 'next game').

I hope they'll begin showing off more of the new characters soon. As awesome as Kano looks, I'd feel more relaxed seeing their full creativity on display again. But not all at once. Maybe switch back and forth from this point on.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

08/17/2014 05:53 AM (UTC)
I definitely do think it's paramount for many of the new characters to get some good pre-release attention. Not only does it get the fans warmed up, but really, general audiences as well. I have a friend who isn't even a MK fan but even he's excited about Ferra/Torr, that says a whole lot. I'm not saying all the new characters need to be revealed prior to release but a good number of them should.

As far as that whole "Christmas morning" analogy, I think we can all agree that in this day and age there's no such thing as surprises. We'll unfortunately probably know the entire roster months before the game hits. We even knew the Deception roster a while before it was released and that was back ten years ago now, so you know keeping a characters on the hush is even harder now. But if they manage to work it out and keep a few fighters (new and old) secret- good for me.

08/17/2014 06:06 AM (UTC)
I'm one of those who'd like to see EVERYTHING before release. All characters, stages, and I'd probably see the leaked Story Mode on youtube as well, as I did with MK9. It's not going to spoil anything for me at all.
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08/17/2014 06:48 AM (UTC)
Ed Boon should let me play the game 16 months before the beta comes out or this game will be a piece of shit.

Trust me. I'm a scientist.
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Get that ass BANNED

08/17/2014 06:48 AM (UTC)
I'll take it as it is. I don't care what they do.
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-sig by MINION

08/17/2014 06:50 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I'm one of those who'd like to see EVERYTHING before release. All characters, stages, and I'd probably see the leaked Story Mode on youtube as well, as I did with MK9. It's not going to spoil anything for me at all.
Same. I won't enjoy the game more being surprised. Game are expensive and I like to know what I'm paying for.
08/17/2014 07:10 AM (UTC)
I don't think we should worry that much about the Klassic characters that won't make it ( I do assume Kung Lao,Smoke, Kitana, Jax and Shang Tsung are some with no chance to be in the game), but they will mostly be in as a DLC within 6 months after the game release, so in the end we will get them anyway if we want, but they will have nothing to do with the story, which is fair enough.
08/17/2014 07:16 AM (UTC)
Wanderer Wrote:
You essentially are required to do this pre-release for a fighting game, otherwise there will be an overwhelmingly negative feedback upon release of the game due to certain characters getting in over others.

Surely Boon et al. realize that the new characters are taking up a slot that someone else's favorite veteran character perhaps isn't getting. They need to throw all of the newcomers out into the open, and market the shit out of them so people can get used to them. If they don't, they're going to have a whole bunch of angry kids upon release see that Hidden New Character A got in over Mortal Kombat Veteran B and deride the game outright. This might spiral into a wave of negativity that could impact the game in the long-term, since this game will be successful short-term regardless.

We have a video game marketing expert in here.

Please tell me you aren't using Soul Calibur V. Or Street Fighter 3.
08/17/2014 10:23 PM (UTC)
Kaber Wrote:
We have a video game marketing expert in here.

Please tell me you aren't using Soul Calibur V. Or Street Fighter 3.

Also both disasters of marketing. The latter not being marketed literally at all and the former suffering from many of the things I'm talking about to an even worse degree.
08/18/2014 12:01 AM (UTC)
Hoping to see at least one returnee and one new as I mentioned earlier. Hoping to see the reveals at PAX Prime. No, I won't be there but can see it via stream. It's Aug 30 - Sept 2.
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