12/22/2004 06:30 PM (UTC)
12/22/2004 06:38 PM (UTC)
you are so kewl man 10/10 good endings
12/24/2004 03:40 PM (UTC)
12/26/2004 10:02 PM (UTC)
i liked li mei's bio keep it up!
12/28/2004 04:52 PM (UTC)
01/25/2005 12:28 AM (UTC)
itz good is that it or theres more be cuz ure not posting more :/
02/07/2005 11:25 PM (UTC)
08/03/2005 07:52 PM (UTC)
08/06/2005 07:01 PM (UTC)
Oni Lord Asmodeus
08/07/2005 03:13 PM (UTC)
All I can say is wow!! I like what you have done so far and can't wait for what is next.

Smoke as an Elemental? never saw it coming. Blaze working to revive the one being, nice twist.

keep it coming.

when will the Jade/Tanya fan fic start?
About Me

Bye, Bye Bitches.

08/07/2005 05:06 PM (UTC)
It's all really good. Well written and so many twists.

I'm suprised you have'nt got more dragon points!
08/08/2005 01:39 AM (UTC)
08/08/2005 01:22 PM (UTC)
Very good work XiahouDun.

This is the first time ive read this thread though I see its been around a while. I havent read everything but I will be doing so before I finish and post the rest of the stuff in my own MK7 thread. (Interestingly, we have some similar ideas smile)

Although I personally dont like or agree with some of the characters you brought back, they fit well into your story.
I also really like how in the main, you have managed to cover returning characters' absences well, although in some cases, eg Reiko, you have left some intrigue and mystery.

Personally though, I dont buy the whole Frost thing. Ive read peoples ideas about her not being dead, and that she is kinda sleeping or cryogenically frozen withing her own ice. Sub Zero comes from a line of those with Kori powers, and I dare say that there would be ways of checking for this etc before he pronounced her dead. But thats my opinion and its the only real criticism I have (but in a way its not aimed only toward you, Ive heard that kinda of idea a lot).
08/08/2005 02:56 PM (UTC)
Ermac shouldn't be so easy struck down by some fire elemental tongue

I like what you've got down so far. Bios could use a bit more work, but everything seems rather refined.
08/09/2005 04:10 AM (UTC)
08/11/2005 05:26 PM (UTC)
08/15/2005 09:58 PM (UTC)
Dude... seriously shaun himmerick should read these and think about adding you to the mk team.... you have a good sense of what's exciting... you keep the reader intrigued... with your ideas mixed with the ideas of the mk team... MK7 might be kick ass...... but who knows.. do they actually read these fan fictions....???? wink

ps. you really add something extra to kitana and mileenas story
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
Hi everybody!

Some (all two of you), may remember a while back I started posting my storyline for MK7, which eventually fizzled out due to more important things. But in my spare time, I would continue working on it and changing things until finally the sumbitch is done. So I kind of want to finish posting it. And rather than start a whole new thread and deal with many "We've seen these already" responses, I figured I'd just bring back the original thread. Closure for the few who bothered to read it, something new for those who never did.

Those who did read the original story will notice a big change in the main plot, ie: no more Nyx, Thanatos, Lorenya, or the characters involved. I decided the introduction of yet another realm was unnecessary, so I took out all references to that plot. Instead I put more focus on Onaga's search for the Final Kamidogu piece which the Earth warrior's stole and are hiding on Earth.

I've also made changes to the cast. Roster is for the most part the same, only there are fewer new characters and more returning. When I started posting, I set a limit for myself (x returning characters, y new characters).....but I've since said screw it and just ran away with the story. Some returned strictly for storyline purposes(Shujinko/Goro); some I don't care about, but I thought of a story for anyway(Gemini/Tasia/Stryker); and some I don't care about, but I wanted to challenge myself(Hotaru/Dairou/Darrius).

So the roster is:
- Kitana
- Mileena
- Baraka
- Tanya
- Jade
- Rain
- Smoke
- Sub-Zero
- Kenshi
- Ermac
- Kung Lao
- Kai
- Fujin
- Shujinko
- Sonya Blade
- Li Mei
- Gemini
- Tasia
- Stryker
- Kabal
- Kira
- New Character: Livia
- Quan Chi
- Sareena
- Ashrah
- Kia-Jataaka
- Noob Saibot
- Scorpion
- New Character: Wraith
- Drahmin
- Frost
- Khameleon
- Nitara
- New Character: Vellock
- Shao Kahn
- Goro
- Kintaro
- New Character: Jackal
- Havik
- Hotaru
- Dairou
- Darrius
- Sektor
- Blaze
- New Character: Skarlett
Plus 10 Secret Characters

If you don't care to read the whole thing and only care about one or two characters in paticular, just skim to where I posted their story. Posting order is:
- Main Plot
- Bios
- Sub-Boss/MIAs
- Endings/Secret Characters
For those who are ambitious(and patient) enough to read the whole thing, feedback is appreciated.

So on that note, here's my MK7 storyline....not sure about the title though....

Mortal Kombat: Darkness
"The end is at hand.
"The legendary Dragon King has returned and reclaimed his Undead Army. He has once again taken the Throne of Outworld. Through deception, he has aquired the Six Kamidogu pieces, which have already endowed him with god-like power. All Onaga needs to make his power absolute is to fuse the Kamidogu together.
"Many of Earth and Outworld's champions have already fallen. The few that remained tried to prevent Onaga from fulfilling his evil goals while he was still building his strength in Outworld.
"They failed.
"However, by some miracle, one of Earth's defenders managed to steal away one piece of the Kamidogu before Onaga could fuse them together. Onaga has all that he needs to conquer Reality except for this Final Piece.
"What's left of the warriors of good retreat to Earth, where they hide the last Kamidogu piece and prepare for the Dragon King's inevitable invasion.
"As before when Shao Kahn invaded, Earthrealm has become a battlefield. Earth's only hope is somehow Onaga can be destroyed before he reclaims the Final Kamidogu.
"But there is another threat. A hidden evil waiting and biding its time to reveal its master stroke. Manipulating and planning. Only a few have sensed this secret evil. Even fewer know what it is. For now it waits in the shadows....waiting until the perfect time to plundge all that exists...into darkness.... "

-The words of Ermac

Now the bios:

Origin- Netherealm
Alignment- Uncertain
Allies- none
Foes- Quan Chi, Drahmin
"Everything I've done....I've done for my family. I disobeyed my father and joined the Shirai Ryu to provide a good life for them. I risked my life every day for them. I sold my soul for them. I traveled through Hell and fought through Demons, Oni and God knows what else for them. I've served evil for them. I've served good for them. Everything I do is for them.
"I was transformed into the Champion of the Elder Gods and given but one mission: to stop the Dragon King from uniting the realms. I agreed and decided to play the hero for once. I tracked Onaga throughout Outworld, the Netherealm and places in between. Somehow...he was always a step ahead. And strangely, for all his great power...he seemed to be avoiding me.
"I finally cornered him in the Nexus. He sent his Tarkatan barbarians to stop me but they were easily dealt with. This was my chance to defeat Onaga and end his evil. But....he made me an offer. It seems Onaga has the power to resurrect the dead. He offers to resurrect me. The real me...Hanzo Hasashi. But more importantly, he also offers to resurrect my wife and my son. And in return he makes one simple request: leave him alone.
"The Elder Gods offer me nothing for being their Champion. But I know serving them is the right thing to do. I know to allow Onaga to continue his evil is wrong. But he may be my only chance to finally be reunited with my wife and son. To finally be at peace. For the first time....my mission is no longer clear."

Origin- Edenia
Alignment- Good
Allies- Jade, Rain, Sindel
Foes- Tanya, Onaga
"I have long feared my sins would come back to haunt me. For years I have worked and struggled to undo the evil I did for Shao Kahn. I believed if I did enough 'good,' I could redeem myself. But now I see my hopes were in vain. Although I perished in battle with the Deadly Alliance, I died with no regret. I did what I could and died honorably.
"But fate it seems, thought that wasn't good enough. I was brought back by Onaga, the Dragon King. He reawakened the evil in my heart and used me as his bodyguard. And in a cruel twist of fate, my mother died trying to save me. She died....by my hand. Now free from Onaga's control, I can see this terrible joke fate has played on me. My mother, a good and noble woman, dies while I, a former assassin, a killer of men, women, and children, live on with the torment of my actions.
"I can't do this anymore. I want it to end. I want to die, like I deserve to. I leave the protection of Edenia up to my friend Jade. I only hope she will succeed where I failed. And as for me...I intend to end my life. But not before I make sure Onaga never harms another soul again.
"But I cannot do this alone. Fortunately, I have heard my clone Mileena has fallen out of Onaga's favor. We now share a common enemy. She won't want to help me, I already know.....but I can give her what she's always wanted. An offer she won't refuse."

Origin- Outworld
Alignment- Neutral
Allies- none
Foes- Tanya, Baraka, Kitana
"I was so close. So close to finally fulfilling my purpose....my destiny. I masqueraded as my 'sister' Kitana and took control of her armies for the Dragon King. I was to lead them to ruin. They were to be led into an ambush and be destroyed. But a strange thing happened. They won. It was then that I realized I had achieved my purpose. I controlled the most powerful army in Outworld and Edenia combined. As long as they believed I was Kitana...I could rule. I could finally take my birthright.
"But Baraka knew of my masquerade. He could pose a threat to me. I....loved Baraka.....but I could not let that stand in the way of my destiny. I lured him to the Beetle Lair and I struck him down. I left the body to be devoured by the insects that dwelt within and set to return to MY army. But then the real Baraka arrived. Someone alerted him of my plan and he sent a decoy in his place. Baraka attacked me and I tried to fight....but then Onaga himself had arrived. Someone told him of my betrayal.
"I escaped.....barely....only to find that Kitana's ally Jade had alerted the army of my deception. Someone told Jade what I was doing. The same someone who warned Baraka of my plan. The same someone who told Onaga that I had betrayed him. This same someone is now seeking to take control of Edenia....to take my birthright.
"Someone named Tanya.
"Now I'm on the run. But I have no intention of going quietly into the night. I will have my revenge. I will find this Tanya and I will peel the flesh from her bones. And I will go through whatever I have to do it. I will prove that I should rule Edenia. I will achieve my destiny."
08/16/2005 03:56 PM (UTC)
She lured Sub-Zero to a secluded spot outside the Lin Kuei Temple where he was ambushed by Saibot, Kia, Jataaka, and Frost herself. Sub-Zero was promptly killed by the onslaught.
You bitch ( jk ) You killed Sub Zero *sob* tongue
08/17/2005 03:55 PM (UTC)
08/17/2005 10:15 PM (UTC)
Have a nice day...
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
That would be from Mk2 Shang tsung Ending.

P.s. Those Bios AND endings are pretty cool. *thumbs Up*
08/20/2005 06:34 PM (UTC)
08/21/2005 03:13 AM (UTC)
seems like u use the tekunin thing alot with this......i never much liked sektor tho....n that was a dick head way 2 off cyrax,.....which is great, cuz i didnt see it comin (thats what they need 2 do, make endings no one sees comin)

anyways, bomb ass story, we shood hook up a mk story together, cuz i myself am i pretty good writter
08/23/2005 04:37 AM (UTC)
08/24/2005 06:01 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
Long ago, while he still served Shao Kahn, Reiko swore a vow to watch over and protect a young girl. It was for her protection that he abandoned Shao Kahn's army. For her protection that they were taken to the Netherealm where Reiko offered his services to the fallen Elder God Shinnok. Reiko and the girl were turned into Demons so they could exist within the Netherealm. The girl was taken by Quan Chi and trained to be one of his assassins while Reiko became one of Shinnok's generals.
However, the girl hated the Netherealm and secretly wished to escape. Unbeknownst to Reiko, when finally made an attempt to escape, she was killed by Shinnok. Her death was blamed on another and Reiko continued to serve Shinnok, unaware that it was really the Elder God who killed her.
Reiko continued to serve Shinnok until he led the assault on the gods shortly after Shinnok invaded Edenia. During this battle, Reiko was thought to have been killed by Earth's Thunder God Raiden. But in actuality, Raiden revealled to Reiko the truth about Shinnok. It was because of this revelation that Reiko abandoned Shinnok's armies.
No longer serving Shinnok and believing the girl to be dead, Reiko disappeared into the shadows with no reason to fight. But as Onaga begins his invasion of Earth, Reiko learns that the girl he had vowed to protect so long ago was in fact alive and hiding on Earth. At last knowing she's alive Reiko sets out to find her. He will have to find her soon, for she will need his protection now more than ever.
The girl named Sareena.

OMG this is too weird. My ideas for Reiko and Sareena in My MK7 are basically the same as yours. Lol.
In my bios, I hinted that Reiko and Sareena were connected, through the Allies option.
In their main bios, Reiko discovers Kahn is still alive and leads troops to fight a legion of Kitana's armies in Outwrold.
Sareena is given command fo some of Kitana's army and told to go to outworld.
In the alternates, the two clash, and it turns out that the two were once lovers. Both commited murder in a small village, and went on the run. Reiko swore to protect Sareena, but she was attacked from behind and killed, and her soul descended into the Netherrealm.....where it was twisted and tormented and she became a demon, and was rescued by Quan Chi.

This is spoooooky!!!

Also I really like your idea about Reiko being a mute.
08/27/2005 04:35 AM (UTC)
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