07/01/2014 02:57 PM (UTC)
ErmaSco Wrote:
I hated that in Injustice.

Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
coltess Wrote:
I fucking hate back-to-block. It doesn't make any sense! You don't have to retreat from an opponent to block their attacks.

And this is why I can't play Injustice.

MK needs its block button. Period.

I enjoyed going through the story. However I pretty much stopped playing after that. Removal of block button just makes the game not as fun to play for me.
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07/01/2014 03:24 PM (UTC)
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07/01/2014 07:05 PM (UTC)
ErmaSco Wrote:I hated that in Injustice.
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
coltess Wrote:I fucking hate back-to-block. It doesn't make any sense! You don't have to retreat from an opponent to block their attacks.

And this is why I can't play Injustice.
MK needs its block button. Period.

I'm with all you guys. The REASON i like MK the most is that it IS NOT like every other fucking fighter out there, and part of that is the inclusion of a designated block-button, which i find suits my style.

Blocking is by no means risk-free or imbalanced, and the b-2-b loving people on that other forum are so misguided by saying it will not be good because of ONE lousy button.

I raised the issue here in more depth too.
07/01/2014 07:08 PM (UTC)
Soul Calibur has a block button... I haven't heard people complain about that.
07/07/2014 01:07 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Soul Calibur has a block button... I haven't heard people complain about that.

This ^. A thousand times I've argued this when people go all anti-block button and they got nothing besides "but 2d fighters are different" so as to avoid slaughtering the other sacred cow that is Soul Caliber.
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07/07/2014 01:29 AM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Plenty of sound arguments against it.

Granted, I only read the first three pages, but none of the users seem to have a sophisticated understanding of what the block button actually contributes to MK.

I've posted about this millions of times, so I'll try to make this as simple as I can.

The block button allows for a sophisticated cross-up metagame. If the opponent is unable to counter it, then the opponent gets free chip, meter, and (most importantly) pressure. Pressure in MK9 is far more dangerous than it is in SF, so it's far most costly to get caught in a block string.

If the opponent IS able to counter the cross-up with a down poke, they get a full anti-air combo. If you anticipate this, you can cross-up with jump-kick instead of punch and score a knockdown leading to oki setups (and even SF types will tell you that the knockdown is more valuable than the cross-up). This works because air kicks have a bigger hitbox. On top of all of this, if you read the cross-up, you can neutral jump-punch for a full blown combo.

See how layered this? Now let's compare this to SF's cross-ups. In street fighter, a cross-up leads to an ambiguous air hit, and therefore, a 50/50 mix-up. That's it. You're giving up a layered meta-game so you can add ONE mix-up to MK. MK9 has no shortage of mix-ups. We don't need to dilute our cross-up system

The reason SF wouldn't benefit from MK9's cross-up system is because pressure isn't nearly as valuable. There's no chip, there's no dashing out of block strings into more chains, and there's no overheads leading into combos.

This is just the surface. I could write far more, but I've written about it too many time already, and I'm tired of preaching to the choir.

EDIT: and FYI, SF4 was my first tournament competitive game. I have no personal bias here. Anyone who plays SF knows that the cross-up isn't even a universally favoring mechanic. Vanilla Sakura didn't even have a fucking cross-up move back when SF4 came out! People against the block button aren't seeing the bigger picture.

This^^ thank you for this. It saves me some time from typing a similar write up on my phone.
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GT: Dimitri1033

07/07/2014 05:46 AM (UTC)
As others have already said, block button has been in every single Mortal Kombat game. It is never going to leave.
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07/07/2014 07:10 AM (UTC)
Jest0311 Wrote:
This^^ thank you for this. It saves me some time from typing a similar write up on my phone.


It bears mentioning again that I absolutely adore Street Fighter. Now that MK9 has run its course, Ultra SSF4 is my main game right now. I just don't want to see MK lose it's unique offensive qualities just for the sake of conformity.
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07/10/2014 01:11 AM (UTC)
Bloodfang Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Soul Calibur has a block button... I haven't heard people complain about that.

This ^. A thousand times I've argued this when people go all anti-block button and they got nothing besides "but 2d fighters are different" so as to avoid slaughtering the other sacred cow that is Soul Caliber.

The best part about Soul Calibur, or at least the older ones (idk if the newer ones have it), is that you could enable neutral guard to make the game play more like Tekken with weapons. Namco allowed players the choice to play how they want.
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