noob-smoke or noob and smoke
Mortal Kombat X
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noob-smoke or noob and smoke
posted04/18/2005 08:05 AM (UTC)byDetoxwould you prefer to have noob and smoke together in they're tag team style.... or as separate charactars....
me personally...i say split em up....i'm not happy that smoke's been turned into a slave...b ut oh well.....i say make a tag team mode...if this game is on ps3 or x box 2 it shouldn't be a problem to make a good tag mode
me personally...i say split em up....i'm not happy that smoke's been turned into a slave...b ut oh well.....i say make a tag team mode...if this game is on ps3 or x box 2 it shouldn't be a problem to make a good tag mode
raphaelTMNT23 •04/07/2005 11:21 PM (UTC) •
I thought the idea of having a tag team was ok...until I played with them for about 4 times. I don't really see the point of having two characters in the game a tag team and not have the option for anyone else. It might be ok if the weapon style wasn't absent. I say send them on their different ways and let each one's story evolve.
ExiledChild07 •04/08/2005 06:39 PM (UTC) •
Split. And somehow Smoke should return to being a human. Like dying and his soul is resurrected in the Netherrealm.
TemperaryUserName New sig on the way •04/09/2005 03:52 AM (UTC) •
About Me
Well, let's take into account of everything that was accomplished by fusing the characters:
- The ruined Smoke's story; killed any voice he had in the game.
- Created advantages of the tagteam that were completely comsmetic. They couldn't do anything that other characters weren't able to do with their special moves. Smoke was merely a fighting style with a different appearance.
- Screwed Smoke out of an ending.
- Further delayed the Subzero Smoke ruinion which everyone had been waiting eight years to see.
- enticed the Smoke fanbase since March with his return, only to reveil that he was only going to be a fighting style for Noob.
Simply put: Split the two!
- The ruined Smoke's story; killed any voice he had in the game.
- Created advantages of the tagteam that were completely comsmetic. They couldn't do anything that other characters weren't able to do with their special moves. Smoke was merely a fighting style with a different appearance.
- Screwed Smoke out of an ending.
- Further delayed the Subzero Smoke ruinion which everyone had been waiting eight years to see.
- enticed the Smoke fanbase since March with his return, only to reveil that he was only going to be a fighting style for Noob.
Simply put: Split the two!
scorpionspupil •04/09/2005 07:18 PM (UTC) •
i say give noob saibot and smoke a divorce
smoke is the charactor who has always been royally screwed over give him a chance hey and he noob and smoke should have been seperate they have awesome potential for weapons i mean to see noob with his scythe in mkd ould have been awesome and i have always pictured smoke using a sort of bad-ass trident
they should transfer the tag-team idea over to another charactor like a werewolf or something in one style he is a small really fast fighter then you switch styles were he morphs into the werewolf were he is really powerful but pretty slow
smoke is the charactor who has always been royally screwed over give him a chance hey and he noob and smoke should have been seperate they have awesome potential for weapons i mean to see noob with his scythe in mkd ould have been awesome and i have always pictured smoke using a sort of bad-ass trident
they should transfer the tag-team idea over to another charactor like a werewolf or something in one style he is a small really fast fighter then you switch styles were he morphs into the werewolf were he is really powerful but pretty slow
subzero6969 •04/10/2005 11:12 PM (UTC) •
split them up but let all of them form an alligeince with sub zero and form a new clan that would be sweet smoke should also turn human and i like the idea of him being killed and escaping the netherrealm and becoming human i htink sub zero should kill him and free him from the cyborg because i remember in one of smokes endings they say he still has a soul but will always be stuck inside his cyborg body
red_dragon •04/11/2005 06:03 PM (UTC) •
I say split them up, and keep them as their own characters. In MKD, Noob got most of the developments, he was obviously the dominant half of the tag team (and I don't mean in a sexual way). Smoke was just kinda there, as a puppet. MKD was supposed to revamp older B list MK fighter, but Smoke didn't get a fair shot.
Noob has to come back, on his own. We've found out he's the older Sub Zero. He's too important to not make it. He needs his own 3 styles (if the keep this gameplay mode), and to have showdowns with Sub Zero, and Scorpion.
I'm not bothered about Smoke, I always found him boring. But it would be nice to see him finally become his own character, with his own look, storyline and moves. I like the new, etheral Smoke of the 2nd outfit.
Noob has to come back, on his own. We've found out he's the older Sub Zero. He's too important to not make it. He needs his own 3 styles (if the keep this gameplay mode), and to have showdowns with Sub Zero, and Scorpion.
I'm not bothered about Smoke, I always found him boring. But it would be nice to see him finally become his own character, with his own look, storyline and moves. I like the new, etheral Smoke of the 2nd outfit.
UnseenFighter •04/18/2005 08:05 AM (UTC) •
About Me
Long Live The DragoN
They were great as a team but they should be split up so they can have there own styles and new special move then they would really dominate
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