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-sig by MINION

08/03/2014 02:03 AM (UTC)
cpleck Wrote:
If the characters ethnicity was default black, some people would be upset. If it was default white, some people would be upset. No one can win. The only thing that can be done is add more people of different skin color/ethnicity. Makes the most sense, right? Maybe not.
Yeah definitely not. The reason for wanting more racial and ethnic minorities is the lack of representation. White people do not have that problem in any medium.
About Me

You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

Psn- Copperhead0311 Xblive- Criss2fur

08/03/2014 02:37 AM (UTC)
Rant: read at on risk and possibly may not even apply to the topic at hand.
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Technically if you base this off of the world and statistics whites (Caucasian) and (please excuse lack of better term I hesitate to use African because it seems like an easy way out as well) black together only roughly make up 26% of the world which is still a minority. (Albeit all of this data is just rough estimates from data gathered over 4 years ago) technically white or Caucasian if you will is considered a minority if you are thinking globally. So please think outside of a single nation if you're going to speak against racial and or sexual indifference, although I doubt this is even the case. People scream diversity but some races are harder to touch on without coming as racist so people will not attempt it. I mean if you put a south Asian man in a game and give him a Hindi accent I'm sure somewhere someone will scream racist. I am assuming women would even be harder to tackle without coming off sexist and racist. Also, for people of the world to have access to games where equality isn't even established it seems like it would be a gray area as well. I don't think there is a problem it's just going about it in a proper way seems like an uphill battle beforehand.

It's a game. Some topics are a losing battle to begin with and no matter what you try to do you can always piss people off even if you have no ill and nothing but genuine intentions. Sometimes it's easier to put in a John Doe than try to appease everyone.
08/03/2014 03:49 AM (UTC)
In the end, for me, it's a game. And I'm going to use that argument in this case because skin color isn't a big deal for me in a game like this. I don't care who's white, who's black, who's orange, who's green, I don't care for who's male and who's female and who's hard to decipher. It's a game that doesn't need to have a deeper insight about skin color/race when there's hardly any kind of importance behind it. And it's not, it's really not. In the end, it's a fantasy game, that's all it is.

If others want to make a big deal about it, then fine, make a big deal about it. But honestly, arguments like that usually gets nowhere. I've seen it too many times to just not give that much of a damn about it, because no one will ever agree about certain things, and it usually involves at least two petty arguments that really get out of hand.
08/03/2014 02:39 PM (UTC)
It's sad to think that we'd need more minorities within the audience just to get more non-white female characters. Because apparently, people can never get enough of their own race, and since the mainstream crowd's full of white people, well...

Fucking "relatability" crap. I'm a white guy, and I wouldn't remotely care if there were no white characters in a game. Well okay, it'd depend on how it'd be handled.

Anyone who'd complain about not getting enough white women in a game is obviously an idiot. It's unlikely, even in the next hundred years, that women of any non-white ethnicities could ever outnumber white ones in fiction. Like you know, black male protagonists in movies didn't mark the end of white male ones as the majority.

Plus I never said any race should be the default one. Just that the chances of getting new non-white female characters should be higher. That the chances of getting say, three new Native American gals be at least almost as high as getting three new white characters.

Here's an example of a female minority character done right: Nilin, from Remember Me. Finally a black/mulatto female character that they were obviously passionate about. It's generally mostly white characters who get such treatment.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

08/03/2014 07:36 PM (UTC)
Come to think of it, MK has never had a female African American character. Jade and Tanya are sort of black but they are not from Earthrealm. I would love to see Jax's daughter as a new character.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

08/03/2014 07:39 PM (UTC)
As a student of sociology I call BS on the, "it's a game" cop-out, sorry. I'm willing to bet 99% of the people saying that are white, too. Before you get offended I'm a white male myself. IJS.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

08/03/2014 09:23 PM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
As a student of sociology I call BS on the, "it's a game" cop-out, sorry. I'm willing to bet 99% of the people saying that are white,

I'm black. Try again.

And it IS just a game.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

08/03/2014 09:28 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
FerraTorr Wrote:
As a student of sociology I call BS on the, "it's a game" cop-out, sorry. I'm willing to bet 99% of the people saying that are white,

I'm black. Try again.

And it IS just a game.

You're still wrong. When you take that attitude then it's easy for the majority group to end up over represented in our art & entertainment. Again, I study sociology. This is obviously something you don't understand. Many people though are cognizant of how underrepresented nonwhites are in many things that 'geeks' like especially like video games & comics. People who pop up every time anyone suggests trying to include more diversity among the characters in these genres to say that it doesn't matter blah blah blah fail to realize how culture impacts people and their perceptions of themselves. Again, most people are not educated enough to examine things on this level. Human beings are cultural creatures, the culture we live in shapes us. So yes, that's why it does matter how people are represented in our art and entertainment.
08/03/2014 09:30 PM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
Again, I study sociology. This is obviously something you don't understand.

Don't be condescending just because you know something others don't. It makes you look like a douchebag.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

08/03/2014 09:34 PM (UTC)
I really don't care if you're black and you're perfectly fine with art & entertainment in our culture continuing to be Eurocentric. That's your right to your opinion but as someone who is a big consumer of culture & entertainment, and also a student of sociology, I'm going to always be behind as much variety & diversity as possible. Our culture is still dominated by white producers, entertainment executives, creators, actors etc. When you ignore the goal of having diversity in a society with a majority group, you tend to end up with others being underrepresented. It shouldn't 'matter'...but that isn't how human society and culture works in reality.

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Props to MINION for making this sig.

08/03/2014 09:37 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
FerraTorr Wrote:
Again, I study sociology. This is obviously something you don't understand.

Don't be condescending just because you know something others don't. It makes you look like a douchebag.

It's just frustrating when you're able to see these things in a way most others don't. I get tired of people who have not studied how human society & culture work acting like these concepts are silly or do not matter. It's...ignorant and anti-intellectual. It's like the people who dismiss climate science or evolution simply because, in truth, they don't really understand it.
08/03/2014 09:48 PM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
FerraTorr Wrote:
Again, I study sociology. This is obviously something you don't understand.

Don't be condescending just because you know something others don't. It makes you look like a douchebag.

It's just frustrating when you're able to see these things in a way most others don't. I get tired of people who have not studied how human society & culture work acting like these concepts are silly or do not matter. It's...ignorant and anti-intellectual. It's like the people who dismiss climate science or evolution simply because, in truth, they don't really understand it.

You're talking to a bunch of people on a video game forum that enjoys talking more about video games than sociology. It's not because they're unintelligent about the subject, which I find insulting by the way, it's because not that many people actually do care as much as you do.

I don't because it's a game. A game that I don't need to put more thought into something than what's there. It's not a cop-out answer. There are really a bunch of people who really could care less about who's who when it comes to race. If it bothers you that much that I could care less, I'm sorry that does. But it's how I look at this game. I don't care what race a certain character is because in the end, they're nothing but fiction based on inspiration from other things in life.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

08/03/2014 09:52 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
FerraTorr Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
FerraTorr Wrote:
Again, I study sociology. This is obviously something you don't understand.

Don't be condescending just because you know something others don't. It makes you look like a douchebag.

It's just frustrating when you're able to see these things in a way most others don't. I get tired of people who have not studied how human society & culture work acting like these concepts are silly or do not matter. It's...ignorant and anti-intellectual. It's like the people who dismiss climate science or evolution simply because, in truth, they don't really understand it.

You're talking to a bunch of people on a video game forum that enjoys talking more about video games than sociology. It's not because they're unintelligent about the subject, which I find insulting by the way, it's because not that many people actually do care as much as you do.

I don't because it's a game. A game that I don't need to put more thought into something than what's there. It's not a cop-out answer. There are really a bunch of people who really could care less about who's who when it comes to race. If it bothers you that much that I could care less, I'm sorry that does. But it's how I look at this game. I don't care what race a certain character is because in the end, they're nothing but fiction based on inspiration from other things in life.

But the truth is that we ARE shaped and impacted by the culture we live in. One particular video game or book or film is not important all on it's own of course. The thing is though that there is a bigger picture and the bigger picture is ultimately made up of all these individual pieces. When you say it doesn't matter in one particular case, that is how you end up with certain people not really being represented. I'm not even saying people exclude them on purpose but that is just how it ends up shaking out.

And I'm sorry for coming across as personally insulting.
08/03/2014 09:56 PM (UTC)
No hard feelings.

But don't let a few people who don't care get to you. I mean, it shouldn't hold you back and saying what you want to discuss. Just throw out what you want to talk about and I'm sure people will reply.

It's understanding to think some might not know the subject well. I mean, I have a BA in animation, there's plenty of stuff I know about that many on here might not know, and it gets a little frustrating to see that. But hey, nothing hurts on throwing what you want to say out there. Let's hear it anyways. smile
About Me

You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

Psn- Copperhead0311 Xblive- Criss2fur

08/03/2014 09:58 PM (UTC)
Wow are you aware of what egocentrism is?
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

08/03/2014 09:59 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
No hard feelings.

But don't let a few people who don't care get to you. I mean, it shouldn't hold you back and saying what you want to discuss. Just throw out what you want to talk about and I'm sure people will reply.

It's understanding to think some might not know the subject well. I mean, I have a BA in animation, there's plenty of stuff I know about that many on here might not know, and it gets a little frustrating to see that. But hey, nothing hurts on throwing what you want to say out there. Let's hear it anyways. smile

Thanks, man! I appreciate the sentiment. grin
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

08/03/2014 10:00 PM (UTC)
Jest0311 Wrote:
Wow are you aware of what egocentrism is?

"Don't you think if I were wrong I'd know it?" - Dr. Sheldon Cooper

About Me

You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

Psn- Copperhead0311 Xblive- Criss2fur

08/03/2014 10:03 PM (UTC)
Just saying because not only did your early statements sound condescending but it also seemed like you had tunnel vision. I mean based off of comments in a video game forum you can ascertain a persons cultural views and ethnic background.
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

08/03/2014 10:15 PM (UTC)
Jest0311 Wrote:
Just saying because not only did your early statements sound condescending but it also seemed like you had tunnel vision. I mean based off of comments in a video game forum you can ascertain a persons cultural views and ethnic background.

No, I just mean usually it's other white guys I see saying it doesn't matter. It's easier to say it doesn't matter when you're the most well represented. That's all I meant.
About Me

-sig by MINION

08/03/2014 10:16 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I'm black. Try again.
And it IS just a game.
He said 99% though. Just because you're black doesn't mean that the other people participating are too.

And it is just a game like things are just movies or TV shows or whatever but they still provide relevant commentary on more important things.
08/05/2014 08:43 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
jooki Wrote:
um... yeah let's add some "minorities" so they could feel better about their inferior selves because um... we might like.. sound like racist???????
I'd love to see some.. um.... yeah like non-white girls.

Fucking hell this is the worst shit I've ever read.

You're not exactly qualified to talk about anyone being inferior, what with you being a bigot, the lowest form of life.

You have the intellect of an anus. I wish you die of cancer and end up in Netherrealm being eternally anal pumped by non-white onis.
08/05/2014 09:17 PM (UTC)
jooki Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
jooki Wrote:
um... yeah let's add some "minorities" so they could feel better about their inferior selves because um... we might like.. sound like racist???????
I'd love to see some.. um.... yeah like non-white girls.

Fucking hell this is the worst shit I've ever read.

You're not exactly qualified to talk about anyone being inferior, what with you being a bigot, the lowest form of life.

You have the intellect of an anus. I wish you die of cancer and end up in Netherrealm being eternally anal pumped by non-white onis.

Well shit......that escalated quickly.
08/05/2014 09:19 PM (UTC)
jooki Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
jooki Wrote:
um... yeah let's add some "minorities" so they could feel better about their inferior selves because um... we might like.. sound like racist???????
I'd love to see some.. um.... yeah like non-white girls.

Fucking hell this is the worst shit I've ever read.

You're not exactly qualified to talk about anyone being inferior, what with you being a bigot, the lowest form of life.

You have the intellect of an anus. I wish you die of cancer and end in Netherrealm being eternally anal pumped by non-white onis.

08/05/2014 10:56 PM (UTC)
White people were extremely underrepresented in Def Jam: Fight For New York. Lol
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

08/06/2014 06:24 PM (UTC)
cpleck Wrote:
White people were extremely underrepresented in Def Jam: Fight For New York. Lol

tongue Very naughty.
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