Non-white women among the new characters
posted08/06/2014 06:24 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
I'd like it if we got some female minorities, particularly rarer ones like a Native American gal (who should fight nothing like Nightwolf), or an Arab one (and by Arab, I mean the more exotic-looking, olive-skinned ones, like Namira from Mace: The Dark Ages). Since this is the MK universe, they wouldn't actually have to be human, but only to look like non-white women.

I know, some would say race doesn't matter, but it's not like it's racist to suggest female minorities. If you're not racist, you should embrace suggestions that lead to more racial diversity.

Since I don't care for stereotypes, I don't feel such characters would have to "act their race and gender". Meaning, for instance, that the Native American (looking) woman could be a vampire, or a succubus, or a cryomancer (but preferably the former two). I'd rather they not be evil, personally, at least if there's only one woman of a non-white ethnicity. Which brings me to another point: there's no reason we couldn't get more than one woman of a specific non-white ethnicity, if we're going to get enough new human, or human-looking characters. We frequently get a lot of new white characters of both genders, so why not two Arab (looking) gals, or a new Latina (Jade being the first one)?
07/31/2014 02:12 PM (UTC)
Well I mean so far the MK female cast is pretty diverse Edenians so far seem to have more of a middle eastern appearance same goes for Nitara so there is your exotic olive skin. Li Mei is oriental same for Ashra I think the only caucasian females in the cast are Sonya and Frost and Kira.
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07/31/2014 02:13 PM (UTC)
Jade is not Latina nor black. She is from Edenia.

The only females that would be identified by race are the ones from Earthrealm. The only famale we have so far is Sonya(caucasian).

Am I forgetting some other females from Earthrealm?
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Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

07/31/2014 02:20 PM (UTC)
I'm glad D'Vorah is here to represent the yellow girls.
07/31/2014 02:23 PM (UTC)
That doesn't mean we can't get new female minorities. No offence meant, but it almost sounds like you're saying we shouldn't new middle-eastern (looking) gals, because we already got some.

Please, no debates about existing characters' race in this thread. Whatever Jade's ethnicity is, the fact is, she looks human. Darrius looks unmistakenly black, just like Jax. So yes, if a non-human character looks completely like a specific human ethnicity, they can be considered as such. Kitana and Sindel are white Edenians. Darrius is a black Seidan, and Hotaru and Dairou are Asian ones.
Yeah, I love diversity for the sake of diversity, too.
07/31/2014 02:46 PM (UTC)
Male or female, MK is LONG overdue for a Latino character. They had their chance with Bo' Rai Cho but decided to make him Outworld instead.
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07/31/2014 02:50 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Male or female, MK is LONG overdue for a Latino character. They had their chance with Bo' Rai Cho but decided to make him Outworld instead.

I always thought Mavado was more fitting for a Latino character.
07/31/2014 02:56 PM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Yeah, I love diversity for the sake of diversity, too.

So, how can we make sure that a non-white female character isn't there just for diversity, according to you? Because apparently, diversity is all such a character can bring. They can't possibly have a compelling storyline or anything like that, as stereotypes probably don't allow that.

You know one of the things that makes Cyrax interesting? It's that unlike Jax, he's not defined by being black. I'm pretty sure that before he was revealed to be black, any suggestions of making him any race other than white (or perhaps Asian) would have been dismissed by the "anti-political correctness" crowd as "diversity just for the sake of diversity" too.

It's always a little suspicious when non-white characters are thought unable to bring anything other than diversity. I'm pretty sure no white characters would be accused of such, unless they were gay or bisexual.
07/31/2014 03:19 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
It's always a little suspicious when non-white characters are thought unable to bring anything other than diversity.

That was pretty much the exact reaction to Darrius, which was pretty stupid.
07/31/2014 03:31 PM (UTC)
Well, I hope for Tanya to be in MKX, so she would represent the dark-skinned woman at least.
07/31/2014 03:45 PM (UTC)
If she's actually given something to do, yes. But she shouldn't be included just for the sake of fulfilling a diversity requirement.
07/31/2014 04:16 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Well, I hope for Tanya to be in MKX, so she would represent the dark-skinned woman at least.

You say "the dark-skinned woman" as if that's all Tanya can be, and as if we wouldn't need another if she returned. No one makes a big deal about Johnny Cage returning just so he can represent the white man, or that none of the other white male characters would be needed if he returned.

I want to elaborate the comment I made about Jax in my last reply, about him being most defined by his race and all, as I'm afraid it came off somewhat wrong. Of all the black characters in the series, he's the most stereotypical one, and there never seems to be much purpose for him being in a MK game other than fill a racial quota. Him being stereotypical even seems to work in his favor, what with him always being chosen by NRS over the other black characters, including Cyrax. Why couldn't Cyrax have been in MK vs DC Universe either along with Jax, or instead of him? Is it because he (Cyrax) is not stereotypical enough to be the sole black character in a MK game, if we could only have one? Because "blackness" has to be a character trait in itself, making a non-stereotypical black character kind of...pointless?

I know, it might seem ironic that I accuse Jax of being only there because of his race, given the nature of this thread, but again, the non-white female characters I'm suggesting wouldn't be defined entirely by their race and gender. In part because I'm not sure Native American and Middle-Eastern women have any stereotypes that could make them fighting-game material, anyway, except perhaps as degrading joke characters. And we can't hope to achieve racial equality, or a fairer representation of all ethnicities, in the media, unless we start demanding it. Like I'm doing right now.

07/31/2014 04:25 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
That doesn't mean we can't get new female minorities. No offence meant, but it almost sounds like you're saying we shouldn't new middle-eastern (looking) gals, because we already got some.

Please, no debates about existing characters' race in this thread. Whatever Jade's ethnicity is, the fact is, she looks human. Darrius looks unmistakenly black, just like Jax. So yes, if a non-human character looks completely like a specific human ethnicity, they can be considered as such. Kitana and Sindel are white Edenians. Darrius is a black Seidan, and Hotaru and Dairou are Asian ones.

That's not what I was saying at all. I was just saying it's not like MK is not dominated by caucasian female characters.
07/31/2014 04:27 PM (UTC)
Toxik Wrote:
Jade is not Latina nor black. She is from Edenia.

The only females that would be identified by race are the ones from Earthrealm. The only famale we have so far is Sonya(caucasian).

Am I forgetting some other females from Earthrealm?

Double post I know I am really sorry I seriously suck at quoting, but this comment always ALWAYS bugs me.

That's like saying Liu Kang isn't Chinese he's Human. I would assume Edenia was much bigger than one continent and kingdom.
07/31/2014 04:29 PM (UTC)
Why are u guys so obsessed with race? Let it go
07/31/2014 05:19 PM (UTC)
Dellombie Wrote:
Why are u guys so obsessed with race? Let it go

07/31/2014 05:21 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Well, I hope for Tanya to be in MKX, so she would represent the dark-skinned woman at least.

You say "the dark-skinned woman" as if that's all Tanya can be, and as if we wouldn't need another if she returned.

If that is how you see it, you completely misunderstood. This thread is about various people with different skin-colours and cultures, and my point was simply that Tanya would add the dark skin colour to the roster.

I NEVER said that would be the ONLY thing she would add to the roster! It was within the context of the thread.
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-sig by MINION

07/31/2014 05:37 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
You know one of the things that makes Cyrax interesting? It's that unlike Jax, he's not defined by being black.
Jax isn't defined by being black, that's something MK fans continuously thrust upon him because they're insistent in their belief that he's only around for affirmative action.

DG1OA Wrote:
Of all the black characters in the series, he's the most stereotypical one, and there never seems to be much purpose for him being in a MK game other than fill a racial quota.

DG1OA Wrote:
Him being stereotypical even seems to work in his favor, what with him always being chosen by NRS over the other black characters, including Cyrax. Why couldn't Cyrax have been in MK vs DC Universe either along with Jax, or instead of him? Is it because he (Cyrax) is not stereotypical enough to be the sole black character in a MK game, if we could only have one? Because "blackness" has to be a character trait in itself, making a non-stereotypical black character kind of...pointless?
I sorry do you care to elaborate on Jax's stereotypical portrayal in MK vs DCU? Because I can't recall.

Y'all need to let ONE alt from over a decade ago go. He wore a chain and said aw yeah and y'all lost your minds.
07/31/2014 05:40 PM (UTC)
We already have caucasian (Sonya), black (Tanya), asian ( Li Mei) and whatever category Kitana/Kira/etc fall into. Do we really need every known race for the sake of it? Bring them on if they're gonna be interesting though!!
07/31/2014 05:41 PM (UTC)
I sense a touch of race-baiting going on here. That is not needed AT ALL! The title says, "Non-white women among the new characters". We already have 2 in D'Vorah and Ferra. They are definitely not white. Do I think that there is room in MK for individuals with different skin color? Absolutely. Bring them all on! Black, red, yellow, brown, blue, magenta, chartreuse, indigo. Really doesn't matter to me what color their skin is, as long as they fit into the story somehow. Adding characters for the sake of diversity, AND ONLY DIVERSITY, is stupid. Give them a reason for being there, and I couldn't care less about their skin color.

"I have a dream that my for little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character" - MLK Jr.

Same goes for MK characters dammit!!!!!

07/31/2014 05:44 PM (UTC)
Stereotypes exist for a reason... They're stereotypes, because that is how they generally are, if you sum up all the traits that comes from a certain group of people.

Jax is an American black man, and yes, he represents the stereotype somewhat with some of his personality traits... but if you go deeper, you will also see that he is a highly intellectual individual with knowledge of cybernetics and robotics, he is a strong and loyal soldier who wants to protect not only his country, but the whole of Earthrealm, and he has a big heart, caring alot about his partner Sonya and would do anything to make sure she is safe.

Saying Jax is nothing than a stereotype would be so very wrong. That you choose to only see the stereotype is something YOU need to work with.
07/31/2014 06:44 PM (UTC)

Yeah we really don't need diversity just to have diversity, that's really annoying.

07/31/2014 07:06 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
asian ( Li Mei)

Li Mei is outworlder.
There was never asian chick in MK as far as I'm concerned.
07/31/2014 07:11 PM (UTC)
Jade is Edenian, but her looks are black, latina, and maybe even Middle-Eastern inspired.

Tanya is Edenian, but her looks are black inspired as well.

Li Mei is Outworldian, but her looks are Asian inspired.

Darrius is Seidan, but his looks are black inspired.

Dairou is Seidan, but his looks are Asian inspired.

... You guys getting it yet? These characters might be from otherworldly places, but their looks are inspired from real-life people and races.
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