Non-gory fatalities: Yes or no?
posted11/11/2011 04:56 PM (UTC)by
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06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
I find non-gory fatalities to be undervalued gems. I absolutely love gore, but not every fatalities need to be bloody. Lately there has been cases of fatalities being gory just for the sake of it. The best of the goriest fatalities are those where the gore doesn't feel forced. Look at the MK:SM version of Liu Kang's cartwheel fatality, which ends in a explosion. It's like it absolutely had to be gory no matter what. The MK:SM version of Baraka's impale is another case. Sure, it's always been gory save for the PSX version of MKT, which had the worst version of this classic fatality followed by MK`Gold's, but the MK:SM version also ended up with the victim exploding, again because they just had to have a lot of blood. It made the fatality less brutal. Liu Kang's bone breaking, also from MK:SM was among his best fatalities in that game. No blood, no mutilations, and no explosions! Liu Kang needs to have it back.

So here are some ideas for non-gory fatalities.

Strangulation: A fatality I've suggested for Jason in the current thread dedicated to him in the MK (2011) discussion board. You would see the victim's life slowly fading away, and it would be followed by his/her body being dropped on the ground.

Graveyard: If (or should I say when) it makes a return, there should be open graves in the background. The loser would be thrown in one of them, and the winner would pick a shovel. Maybe the victim could try to get out, only to be struck in the head with said shovel. The victim then gets buried alive. They could even include a feature allowing you to see the loser getting buried from his/her POV. The words "(Insert character name here) wins. Fatality" would appear once the dirt covers almost the whole screen.

Alternately, the victims could merely get knocked out, and upon waking up, find themselves in a coffin, buried underground. They would emit a loud, panicky scream. You wouldn't actually see them die, but it'd be pretty clear they'd be screwed.

09/21/2011 09:59 PM (UTC)
I think sometimes that what you don't see is more disturbing than what you do see.

Sound effects can work wonders for the 'gore' factor.

Breaking of bones, unseen but obvious internal damage, and strangulation are all viable options for bloodless but effective fatalities. Kenshi's MK:DA fatality was fairly disturbing-looking without much blood.

It's pretty dumb seeing chicken wings and popcorn flying around during fatalities.

I like your ideas. smile
09/21/2011 10:42 PM (UTC)
Yes! There is waaay too much focus on dismemberment!

Some of the fatalities should have been less focused on the "gore factor." Nightwolf's Ascension fatality in particular, I feel it should have been like his "sacrifice" in Story Mode, rather than just leaving the overused skinless body.
09/21/2011 10:43 PM (UTC)
Yeah, speaking of fatalities such as Kenshi's MK:DA one, some fatalities are much more sadistic when they involve less gore, actually. Baraka's impale is one, and another would be Quan Chi's leg beating. Two fatalities that had all the gore they needed. They pretty much ruined the leg beating in MK9 with the unnecessary decapitation. It's almost as if they considered it important to have the opponent die right before the words "Quan Chi wins. Fatality" appeared. It's clear the opponent will die, we don't have to see it happen. What's so fun about Quan Chi beating on a corpse?

Now, some more ideas for non-gory fatalities.

Kabal's face: One of my personal favorites. I have two ideas for new versions of it, one of them gory. The non-bloody one would see the opponents fall to their knees and die of fright. Their corpse would remain in this state, their hands in the air covering the head and an expression of fright on their face.

Preservation: Inspired by Kratos' medusa fatality, the opponent would be turned into a statue, still conscious. Whoever that fatality would belong to would not destroy the opponents but leave them as they are. Only their eyes are still fleshy, and you would see them move. They would eventually die of starvation and/or dehydration.

The last one for this post would be for the Alien, if it made a guest appearance in a future MK game.

The Alien wrap it's tail around behind it's opponent's feet and rise it, and the screen turns dark. All you would hear are disturbing sounds from the victim. The announcer wouldn't say anything, you'd just see the words "The Alien wins. Fatality". Inspired by Lambert's death scene from the first Alien movie.
09/22/2011 01:48 AM (UTC)
^I think another cool "xenomorph" one would be Brett's death scene, where he was lifted off his feet by his head and thrashed around, screaming all the while. Now they would probably add a headbite just because of the whole "fatality" thing, but in the movie he is carried off, alive, to an unknown fate.

I would just like to say that, as much as I love the Alien universe and creature, it really wouldn't fit in this franchise. sad
09/26/2011 07:49 PM (UTC)
CyberDemon13 Wrote:
^I think another cool "xenomorph" one would be Brett's death scene, where he was lifted off his feet by his head and thrashed around, screaming all the while. Now they would probably add a headbite just because of the whole "fatality" thing, but in the movie he is carried off, alive, to an unknown fate.

I would just like to say that, as much as I love the Alien universe and creature, it really wouldn't fit in this franchise. sad

Great idea. You wouldn't need a headbite though, just leaving the opponent's fate a mystery would be enough. Although, they could always have an egg morphing fatality, based on the deleted scene which reveals the whereabouts of Brett and Dallas. It didn't specify how exactly the Alien turned it's victims into eggs, but maybe they could think of something for the sake of a non-gory fatality. Could also work for a gory one.

Something ironic is that the Joker, one character with great potential for non-gory fatalities, ended up with bloody ones, one of them censored, the other rather lackluster. The prank turned fatality (as I'll call it) should just have been left out if it wasn't going to shown in all it's glory, replaced by a Smilex fatality, and the Reiko-lite one by an electrocution.

Those who've seen Batman, starring Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson, will likely remember the electrocution scene. Not a slight drop of blood in that scene, but nontheless brutal. Electrocution fatalities should use it as an inspiration. The SNES version of Raiden's MK1 fatality, where he reduces his victim to ashes, should also make a return.

Another non-gory fatality idea for the Joker (and another that could work with blood), also inspired by the movie: the pen. He would throw it at his victim's throat, and like in the movie, says that the pen is truly mightier than the sword.
10/02/2011 11:54 PM (UTC)
Non-gory fatalities should be enabled via "no blood" in the options.

The End.
10/09/2011 03:14 PM (UTC)
The lightsaber, whether it's used by Cyrax and/or guests from the Star Wars franchise, would be a perfect weapon for a new type of non-gory fatalities I came up with: bloodless mutilations. The wounds would be cauterized.

If the Predator made a guest appearance, it could mutilate it's victims with it's plasmacaster (shoulder cannon). Those who saw the first movie likely remember one of the characters, Dillon, having his right arm shot off by a plasma bolt. Little to no blood at all.

Ermac, Kenshi or Darth Vader, if he appeared in any future games as a guest, could use their telekinetic abilities (the force, in DV's case) to choke their opponents to death.

If Liu Kang's cartwheel fatality made a return, we should hear the opponent's spine shatter. Realistically, if that happened, there'd inevitably be some blood from landing on the ground from so high, but it wouldn't be a bloodbath. The telekinetic abilities of Ermac and Kenshi, and Fujin's wind powers, could also be used for non-gory bone-breaking fatalities. There is so much potential when it comes to non-gory fatalities.
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May the MK ninja$ live!

10/15/2011 04:49 AM (UTC)
Gory fatalities are awesome!
10/15/2011 01:47 PM (UTC)
Some of them are just overdone with unnecessary gore, though. Nightwolfs Ascension fatality in particular stands out to me. Why the skinless body? Why couldn't it have been like it was in Story Mode, or even MK3, for that matter? It just completely erases them lol. Maybe if it went in stages: skin melts, flesh melts, skeleton dissolves (or let it fall to the ground and break into dust), the end (like with Sindel). That would have been great!

Another character whose fatalities could have used less stupid gore were Raiden's (who, in my opinion, has THE worst fatalities in the game). I would have loved to see him just pick them up and electrocute till death/explosion. Instead, they went the dismemberment route, no matter how stupid they were. sad He doesn't even feel like the God of Thunder, he needs more lightning moves (that don't sound like kiddy toys... pew!).
10/25/2011 09:04 PM (UTC)
Some of MK 9s fatalities were a bit overdone such as goro, kintaro, sheeva, Johnny Cage,etc. They could have done a little different on some of them.
What they should have in options are
Blood: on/off
Fatalities: on/off
gory fatalities:on/off
non-gory fatalities:on/off
silly fatalites:on/off
10/26/2011 08:32 PM (UTC)
Why have such a feature, when you can just allow the players to use all kinds of finishers whenever they want? Naturally when the blood is turned off then only non-gory "alities" would be usable, but when it's on you can do whatever you want to your victim.

There could be an option however to ensure AI-controlled opponents only finish you a specific way. Let's say you don't mind them applying fatalities of any kind and babalities on you, but you don't want animalities? Turn them off. Players could still use them though.

But I think a feature of this kind should have to be unlocked. Because when you lose, you should accept that your opponents can do whatever they want to you. But upon acquiring it, you've proven worthy of this privilege.

Now, back to discussing non-gory fatalities.
11/09/2011 04:24 PM (UTC)
It just wouldnt be Mortal Kombat without the gory fatalities. That letter M is on the back of the case for a reason.
11/11/2011 02:43 PM (UTC)
kamikaze-dragon1 Wrote:
It just wouldnt be Mortal Kombat without the gory fatalities. That letter M is on the back of the case for a reason.

Yeah, I was obviously suggesting that there should be no gory fatalities. Not that there should be variety, as in, some gory fatalities, some non-gory ones, etc.

Let me introduce you to a wonderful concept: reading a thread's OP fully before commenting. I know, probably a lot to ask but hey, it's a valid idea.
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11/11/2011 04:56 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind it if each character had one non-gory fatality at the outset, with two more gory fatalities enabled via blood code, or with blood simply turned on. Probably the latter.

I think that with the gory fatalities, some of them were highly imagintive (Mileena's face eater fatality immediately jumps to mind) and others were just sort of "by the numbers" dismemberment fatalities.

At some point, someone should've said "okay, we need to balance the fatalities out a little bit more, because we really have a ton of people losing limbs."

Instead of Scorpions slice/slice kick fatality (which any character with a sword could've done ie Kenshi, Sub Zero etc), why not utilize more of his character? The guy's from hell! You can't think of anything involving hell that would give him more of a signature fatality?

Have him summon that 3 headed beast in the hell background and see what you can do with 3 heads chomping on a body at once (for example).

As for non-gory fatalities, I think that they could be good so long as they're imaginative and hopefully character specific. Shang Tsung's soul steal fatality in MK2 was awesome and uniquely his and it didn't have one drop of blood (again, for example).

So they can certainly be done and done well, it's just a challenge to think of things that don't involve doing something that would make blood spurt out all over the place.

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