04/06/2011 12:44 PM (UTC)
Siroj Wrote:
In my opinion, adding Order and Chaos as the remaining realms to the MK universe was the worst thing that has happened to the storyline. It's as if they ran out of ideas, and then decided last minute to add them in the good ol' Light vs Dark fashion.

All characters that accompanied said realms were boring, bland and just plain ridiculous. Havik is probably one of the worst. He doesn't fit at all in the MK universe. Maybe if they just stuck with the Netherrealm, things might be different. But alas, we're stuck with Orderrealm and Chaosrealm... (they even have the most boring realm names I can think of)

Order and chaos realms are dumb. F***ing Midway and their demands for a dumb game every year made the story suffer this idiocy. (Though I don't know why they felt the need to drag these stupid realms into the reboot).
04/06/2011 12:57 PM (UTC)
Personally I always LOVED Hotaru in Deception. Scorpion's Pi Gua stance from MK:DA was one of my favorite fighting styles and so it made it easy for me to enjoy playing as Hotaru, plus both of his Fatalities were among the best in the entire game. I think he's a fantastic option for post-UMK DLC, no matter who disagrees.

Heck, I wouldn't mind if they kept both of his MK:D Fatalities and styled his basic fighting after Pi Gua all over again. I also think that aesthetically he's one of the coolest characters in the whole MK series, although I wish he'd lose the banners on his back no matter how well they fit the samurai theme.

I have no clue w hat his story was, how it affects canon, or how he was tiered; I just don't give a rat's ass about any of that. I want him included on the simple basis that Hotaru was, and is, sick to play as.
About Me

04/06/2011 01:06 PM (UTC)
Hotaru is easily my favorite post MK3 character. He reeked of intimidation. I loved the presence he held in a fight.

Now, that said, i feel that if they make him dlc, the helmet design should be the primary outfit, mainly because i dont see someone like Hotaru not going into battle without all their supplies.

I also want to see them make use of the spear more, giving him a wider, though somewhat slower, range for his attacks, which could be an opposite to Havik who could be fast but have very limited range.

If they make Hotaru dlc, i'll get him no matter what. But i can only hope they do him right.
04/06/2011 01:09 PM (UTC)
I just realized that Hotaru's neck-shattering Fatality could make for one of the ultimate implementations of the X-ray feature in a finishing move, should NRS explore this at all. That really was an ugly thing to do to someone, and the way he kicks out their knees to humiliate them beforehand was sadistic.

Hotaru gives no fuck whatsoever.
04/06/2011 01:28 PM (UTC)
I think that Chaosrealm and Orderrealm are fucking awesome. Deception's universe is fantastic and playing through Konquest was insanely good. I think the realms are really good additions to the storyline and I like the characters and the plot involving them. Well, Darrius and Dairou, I'm not too fond of them, but Hotaru and Havik are incredible characters with lots of potential.
04/06/2011 02:28 PM (UTC)
-Brad- Wrote:
It is very unlikely Hotaru will even be considered for DLC, but I've had quite a few ideas for a while and wanted to get them out there, see what you think. I'll follow a similar format as other threads.
- Designed to disdain and subdue the opponent, such as combo enders involving grapples and cracking limbs backwards. (punch, punch, popping the arm behind the back). Knocking the opponent down fast with many limb breaking moves like the knee popper and hyperextending the elbow.
- Lock-Up
Hotaru reaches to his side and throws a glowing object that arrests his opponent's hands behaving like handcuffs, allowing a free hit.
- Jousting Stab
Charging at the opponent with his staff drawn, working similar to Kabal's dash, except the opponent is hit in the chest.
- Magma Flash
Unleashes his magma attack which is ridiculously bright, knocking the opponent back if connected.
- Seize And Desist
A multiple body crack attack, pops the knees out, pops the shoulders and twists the opponent's neck.
- Wraps and chokes his opponent from behind with his staff, showing the throat caving in, still from behind Hotaru then grabs the forehead of the opponent and slams them on their back hard showing their spine shatter.
- Guillotine
Hotaru kicks and breaks both knees of his opponent and uses the Lock-Up move listed above to contain their hands, the opponent now face down, Hotaru then lifts his bladed staff, the Naginata high above his head and in a fatal cut causing decapitation.
Story: (Basic)
- Hotaru stands against Shao Kahn, believing much chaos is being originated from him. On a mission guarding the city of Lei Chen, Hotaru became disgusted with the repeated tarkatan attacks of Shao Kahn's army. The leader of these attacks was Baraka, in an obsessive need to exhibit order, Hotaru followed Baraka ending up on the outside of the mortal kombat tournament.
- Marches into screens view and stands like a guard on attention with his staff at his side.
Mid Round Winpose
- Hotaru says an usual comment of "You must obey order!"
Final Round Winpose
- Puts full body handcuffs on the defeated opponent, and hoists them over his shoulder ready for some jail time.

- The insect looking armor was very interesting, so I wouldn't change that. But what I would change is Hotaru's self appearance. In the most basic way to explain it, become a germaphobe. Having no hair at all and a very clean appearance.
Alt Attire
- Insect looking armor with the mask down.

This is all great, Hotaru was a favorite of mine in MK:D, and I like what you did to his story to make him important earlier on. Especially the part of Lei Chen, I've been wanting to see a stage of that city for a while.
04/06/2011 09:08 PM (UTC)
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04/06/2011 09:19 PM (UTC)
hotaru's not bad i guess, but yeah havik is much better.
04/06/2011 09:45 PM (UTC)
I will always hate Hotaru. He's a mindless dumbass, and he looks like a Soul Calibur reject. I really hate all of the armor. He just doesn't mesh well with the others. He also doesn't really have a unique power set either. I like the idea of Hotaru and Havik, but they both look like shit and they both feel souless to me.

Maybe if his look, moves, and motives change I could get behind him. But I doubt that will happen, and I think most of the characters who debut in MKD should be locked in the krypt....for good.
04/06/2011 09:54 PM (UTC)

Hopefully we will see these two in the next game, pitted against eachother.
04/06/2011 09:57 PM (UTC)
Hotaru looked alright, he was just so boring to play as.
04/06/2011 10:15 PM (UTC)
Hotaru is easily my favorite post MK3 character. He looks so badass. That picture of his alt. looks awesome, wish more characters had metallic armor like that. But I agree that the whole Chaos Realm vs. Order Realm was painfully simple and dull. But I did like the aspect that he was so obsessed with order it made him evil, I thought that was a unique direction to take with a character. Would love to see him back in the series fighting with the good guys until he becomes disgruntled with their progress or differences, eventually turning against them. I could see him believing Shao Kahn is most likely going to win and once that happens their would cease to be a struggle and order would prevail. Kinda the same reason he joined Onaga. Or maybe he could just break off completely and try and do his own thing. I always like when characters do that and make the whole good vs evil shtick a bit more complex.

And although I liked some of his special moves and fatalities in past MKs, I agree that he was definitely slow and clunky to play with. Hope that would get cleaned up should they ever make him DLC.

04/06/2011 10:17 PM (UTC)
04/06/2011 10:18 PM (UTC)
And they're pretty good ideas. I'd like it if Hotaru was like this should they reconsider him for future titles, he was one of my fave 3D era chracters.
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Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

04/06/2011 10:32 PM (UTC)
I'd take Havik over him anyday.

But i do like him, likely the second best character introduced in Deception, not that there were many good ones..

he should lose the flags though.
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

04/06/2011 10:48 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:

Hopefully we will see these two in the next game, pitted against eachother.

I'll take tem both but if we only got one I would take HAVIK!!! best post MKT character
04/06/2011 11:03 PM (UTC)
-Brad- Wrote:
I'm seeing repeatedly people saying they don't like Hotaru and wish he was improved. And that's what this thread is about.
I spent a good deal of time considering what I think would make him better and wanted to see what other MK fans thought.
I mean this with all due respect, I wasn't looking for comments on what people think of the current Hotaru, or Seido, or Havik because that's irrelevant to these revamps. I've had an idea of an advanced, almost a futuristic version of handcuffs that can be thrown and latch on to the opponent's arms in my head for ages.
I wish I was an artist/animator, but I'm not.
I really appreciate any that have looked at my ideas.

Really? No offense man, but I'd rather talk about the character instead of just one random fan's interpretation of him, which won't ever come to fruition regardless of whether I like it or not.

That being said, your X-ray move sounds awesome and I like the subduing aspect of it. But your entrance for him sounds awkward, marching looks odd if just one person is doing it. And your win pose would better fit Stryker, as would the handcuff move. For someone from an entirely different realm for them to basically be acting like an American cop seems out of place. I get that Order realm was all about locking people up, but to me it should be more strange and unique then the way people do it on Earth.
04/06/2011 11:11 PM (UTC)
04/06/2011 11:42 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I want to see this character return really badly. He was the greatest thing out of Deception.

And the intro of Armageddon.. come on, what he did to Li Mei was freaking sweet.

This guy just rocks when you play as him... I want this character back.

I loved that part! and btw i always love reading your posts cause theyre so colorful! grin

and havik and hotaru were the ONLY good new characters post mk4
04/06/2011 11:43 PM (UTC)
There is potential for Hotaru and Havik. I like both their concepts but they both need to be worked on majorly.

I just watched Hotaru's bio card on youtube and i have an idea that his projectile that acts like molten lava and shoots you up can be reanimated to have a sort of mini-volcano effect. His fatality could incorporate that attack where he charges up energy to shoot a larger version of that projectile onto the ground below you and the ground starts to melt and turn into molten lava where you sink and burn to death. Since his name means "firefly", light and heat could be a part of his special moves.

Hotaru has loads of untapped potential.

Havik should have attacks and a style that is reminiscent of his "chaotic" background. He should be erratic and disorderly in is fighting style, sort of a "dirty" fighter.
04/07/2011 01:49 AM (UTC)
I really loved havoc's design, it was creepy and crazy but not in an evil zombie kind of way, the bottom of his face was ripped off and he broke his bones during his specials.

I disagree that the order and chaos side story was bad, it was actually a good idea. Hotaru is the ruler of seido(I think thats the name of it or something) and its so strict there if you look at some one in the wrong way you might get your head cut off for breaking the law, He is so strict that he is disgusted by the fact that there is a realm made specifically out for chaos. Havik is the same way except with he wants to disorganize the order realm. His realm isn't given a name I don't think but all I know is that its bat shit insane there, no rules what so ever. There aren't any functional societies, everyone for themselves, rape and steal and pillage.

they need to bring these two back and make a whole game revolving around them.

I really wish NRS would visit these forums. A lot of us have good ideas, especially the topic creator. I don't like hotaru so much but if he was in I would like what TC had in mind to be his moveset.
04/07/2011 02:19 AM (UTC)
Missed it the first time, I just want to put that this would be a very fitting X-ray for Havik, nice one.
iHeartXenomorphs Wrote:
I can see his X-ray now: He punches you in the ribs, breaking 4 of them, then in the stomach then in the face breaking your skull and you fall, then he punches himself in the face cracking his own skull.
04/07/2011 02:41 AM (UTC)
I'd like it but only if it didn't do self damage or it did only a little bit but did the most damage of all x-rays. EDIT: I was looking at both of there fatalities, hotaru's are almost more insane that Havik's. their's are tied for best of MKD
04/07/2011 02:48 AM (UTC)
also If he gets knocked off the Pit stage for a fatality he should say:

04/07/2011 03:01 AM (UTC)
ICEgrenade Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
I want to see this character return really badly. He was the greatest thing out of Deception.

And the intro of Armageddon.. come on, what he did to Li Mei was freaking sweet.

This guy just rocks when you play as him... I want this character back.

I loved that part! and btw i always love reading your posts cause theyre so colorful! grin

and havik and hotaru were the ONLY good new characters post mk4

Aww thanks! That's my whole point with the colored font!

Getting back with Hotaru, I dig this guy's armor so much, mostly his secondary appearance. If this guy makes a return, and lets say all characters have at least a new look to them, what's going to happen with his appearance? I don't want this look to go away. I don't think there's any way to improve his look. Keep the long white hair, that shouldn't leave either...

The moves he also has, they're really cool. I love the fireblast because it's not really a straight forward projectile. He just shoots down at you and pops you up! What other characters do that with their projectiles? And granted that he's another character that has a different styled bicycle kick, but, his makes sense with what he's got looking for him. His armor is supposed to be of a beetle's, grasshopper is a bug... two and two together BOOM! FIRE POWER

Yeah... This guy needs to return. So what his story/realm didn't strike that much of an interest, not too many of these Deception folks really got a chance to be likeable since they're joined with characters we hadn't seen since UMK3... Which was really disappointing.

So, with that said, Hotaru deserves a second chance in this series. The guy is very interesting with what we got from the new cast. You have to admit the guy looks really cool too.
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