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posted04/08/2011 06:07 PM (UTC)by
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04/02/2011 12:14 AM (UTC)
Diggin' it.
04/02/2011 12:16 AM (UTC)
Sounds like a great idea! wow
04/02/2011 12:16 AM (UTC)
Dayum. I want that for MK so bad now. grin
04/02/2011 12:19 AM (UTC)
Soul Calibur for Dreamcast (yes, I got that one) had the best mode for such bio descriptions and I would love to see it for MK as well. It would be awesome to go and read about the characters, learning about them, in the game!
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04/02/2011 01:47 AM (UTC)
Having small details is what would matter, too. Like, for insta nce, if the theme music for every character played not only when looking at the bio but when watching their arcade ending.

Just small stuff like that always makes me smile.
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04/02/2011 03:14 AM (UTC)
Do want.

Also,you know what I really loved about Deception?

The fact that the bios were written in first person,from the character's perspective,providing a little insight into their actual personality. Off the top of my head,I don't think I've ever seen that done in any vidya. That was a touch of genius on Vogel's part.

04/02/2011 03:31 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
Do want.

Also,you know what I really loved about Deception?

The fact that the bios were written in first person,from the character's perspective,providing a little insight into their actual personality. Off the top of my head,I don't think I've ever seen that done in any vidya. That was a touch of genius on Vogel's part.

Y'know what would have been really cool? Those were originally supposed to be read in voice-over, that's why they're in first-person. The bios were gonna be videos of the characters showing off some moves.

You can see the test footage for Ermac's in the Krypt, which is awesome 'cause he has the best voice for it, what with the Venom-style echoing "we" thing, but they must not have had time to finish and make them for everybody.
04/02/2011 03:32 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
T-rex Wrote:
Do want.

Also,you know what I really loved about Deception?

The fact that the bios were written in first person,from the character's perspective,providing a little insight into their actual personality. Off the top of my head,I don't think I've ever seen that done in any vidya. That was a touch of genius on Vogel's part.

Y'know what would have been really cool? Those were originally supposed to be read in voice-over, that's why they're in first-person. The bios were gonna be videos of the characters showing off some moves.

You can see the test footage for Ermac's in the Krypt, which is awesome 'cause he has the best voice for it, what with the Venom echo and "we" thing, but they must not have had time to finish and make them for everybody.

And for that, I'm pissed off at fucking Midway.
*Sigh* Maybe in the cold, distant future.
04/02/2011 10:30 AM (UTC)
I'd rather have an omniscent (is this the right word?) narrator than it written in first-person. A narrator can tell more detailed about the characters than the character itself can. Sure, it's cool to hear what the characters have to tell in first person, but like every other person, they can't know everything that's happened around them.
04/02/2011 10:34 AM (UTC)
I just hope there's a character model viewer with full control of the camera. I want to see all the characters details up close. wink
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04/02/2011 12:22 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
omniscent (is this the right word?)

04/02/2011 01:57 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
omniscent (is this the right word?)


Thanks. ^^
04/02/2011 02:07 PM (UTC)
Coolest fan suggestion I've heard for this game
04/02/2011 03:33 PM (UTC)
Wouldn't it be cool if you could zoom on the head, and switch to alternate costume when you unlocked them aswel.

I'm in for this as I never can see enough info on characters, there always seem to be little info on the characters...
04/02/2011 03:33 PM (UTC)
I would like to see this happening in Mortal Kombat too. They had those biography kards in Deception so this shouldn't be out of question. This must be the coolest fan idea I have read ever since the idea before this one.
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04/08/2011 05:55 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Soul Calibur for Dreamcast (yes, I got that one) had the best mode for such bio descriptions and I would love to see it for MK as well. It would be awesome to go and read about the characters, learning about them, in the game!

One of my favorite games of all time. Pretty much bought a DC because of Soul Calibur. Shame the series starting going downhill from there on forward...But I digress.
On to our MK, I'm definitely in favor of a Soul Calibur I styled profile page. Character's stats and backstory, information on their fighting style (and weapon if they wield one), perhaps a little clarification regarding their powers, a voice clip collection and maybe even information about each arena. Now that MK9 took out much of the unnecessary/unpopular characters, it would be a perfect moment to "set all the facts in stone".

Something that I imagine we could still have for MK9 is a model viewer mode, with voice clips and a damage/effect test like -Brad- suggested.
Very easy to implement. All we need is a option in the Krypt/Necropolis to open it, a plain background to set the models in and a simple menu to scroll through the voice clips and other options (like switching to alternates).
I read that NRS are aware of this community's wishes for DLC characters but this should really be brought to their attention as well.
As of now, I wouldn't ask for them to add detailed bios but a DLC patch to add a model viewer option sounds like a very easy thing to add and it probably wouldn't take too much space.
It would definitely increase the game's value. Besides, NRS should let people take the time to appreciate all the work they've put in the models.
04/08/2011 06:07 PM (UTC)
Awesome post! I like most of those ideas that Brad presented in this thread. Details like that truly make a difference, imo.

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I'd rather have an omniscent (is this the right word?) narrator than it written in first-person. A narrator can tell more detailed about the characters than the character itself can. Sure, it's cool to hear what the characters have to tell in first person, but like every other person, they can't know everything that's happened around them.

How about both?

MKDA and MKD started this thing (which was great, imo) were characters would get 2 different bios (1 featuring one costume and 1 featuring the alternate). I thought it was a good idea in order to give more insight about the characters roles and stories.

I think it would be amazing to have 1 bio written in first-person (the character talking) and another one narrated by a omniscient presence like its traditionally done.

I too agree that Vogel did an amazing job at the "first person" bios in MKD and MKA.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
T-rex Wrote:
Do want.

Also,you know what I really loved about Deception?

The fact that the bios were written in first person,from the character's perspective,providing a little insight into their actual personality. Off the top of my head,I don't think I've ever seen that done in any vidya. That was a touch of genius on Vogel's part.

Y'know what would have been really cool? Those were originally supposed to be read in voice-over, that's why they're in first-person. The bios were gonna be videos of the characters showing off some moves.

You can see the test footage for Ermac's in the Krypt, which is awesome 'cause he has the best voice for it, what with the Venom-style echoing "we" thing, but they must not have had time to finish and make them for everybody.

This. Please, give us this for the game!!! *prays*
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