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02/17/2015 10:03 AM (UTC)
swerzy Wrote:
FROID Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
FROID Wrote:
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
They already said they will be another stream this month and a character reveal will happen this month as well.

& you're taking a talentless hack like Tyler Letdown's word for it?

Prepare for disappointment...

Okay, I'm sorry but what the fuck is up with the NRS hate all of a sudden the last month or so? Especially the Tyler hate? He has a fucking job. His job is to do what he's fucking told by his superiors. If he is told to go on camera and sell a fucking character to us, that's what he's gonna do to earn his bread and butter. He's not there to toy around with us, to tease other shit. The other people on the streams, maybe, but he's the one in charge of getting that shit shown and explained to us and he has a job to do, a timed job at that. NRS likes to keep all things under wraps and keep to their schedule. They had a specific date for the Reptile/Kitana stream, that's why he didn't want the guy showing off the variations or teasing them and he probably, I'd imagine, get yelled at for it because of NRS's secretive nature so fuck all this hate and noise towards the guy.

Jesus Christ, some people here. The dude is nice enough to fucking converse with people on Twitter every damn day when that isn't even part of his job description. He's a nice dude who's just doing his job and honestly speaking, I'm sick of the attitudes and the holier-than-thou bullshit lately when it comes to not getting what you want from the team lately.


There is no excuse. He looks like the type that will tell a female "Hey baby!! I'm working on a popular video game franchise. Wanna hop in & come to my place?" He's only using the company & their recognition to get in a female's pants.

Still buying the game regardless, but Tyler sucks balls...

Words can't describe how much of a cunt you are, holy shit. I've never seen more vile posts come from anyone on a forum EVER and it's shitheads like you that make me wish this forum had a goddamn block user button. Absolutely pathetic.

Tyler still sucks, by the way.

What's next will Tyler talk about to narrow down the stream length, how he wakes up every morning? Will the majority of the next stream involve Tyler promote his fashion sense? I mean, my days!!!
About Me

Get that ass BANNED

02/17/2015 10:07 AM (UTC)
Who the fuck is Tyler.
02/17/2015 11:09 AM (UTC)
Murcielago Wrote:
Who the fuck is Tyler.

Some guy FROID is obsessed with.
About Me

02/17/2015 11:24 AM (UTC)
NickScryer Wrote:
Murcielago Wrote:
Who the fuck is Tyler.

Some guy FROID is obsessed with.
02/17/2015 01:06 PM (UTC)
Well thats enough MKO for today
02/17/2015 01:09 PM (UTC)
Both Tyler and Derek are great. People like FROID seems to be envy of their Job and their celebrity spot.

I wish to do the same job, get paid for playing, enjoying and promoting the game of your favourite franchise and interacting with the fans as well.

I highly respect them and they deserve every penny of it.
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