02/02/2010 02:25 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I also never dug the sudden aesthetic change from "medieval asian" to "urban goth".

Here, here! MK2 was, aesthetically, the best looking and sounding Mortal Kombat game by an extreme margin. I miss loading the game up and hearing that old school, gong sound and being greeted by that red sky.

Bring black classic MK!
02/02/2010 03:24 AM (UTC)
I'd be surprised if they weren't in it, but I know that Ed Boon plans to keep them in every MK game (unless if it's some kind of side story game that doesn't involve them). I think Sub-Zero still has potential and isn't stale. He's a well-developed character with a better story. He's not the main hero, but he doesn't have to be. He's the protagonist of his own sub-plot.

Scorpion, on the other hand, is someone I used to be a fan of. I'd rather have them do away with him. Just have him kill Quan Chi, be destroyed by Blaze's magical fire, and find the peace that he's been looking for. That would more or less wrap his story up. However, I doubt we're going to get that. We're probably going to see him as the new leader of the Shirai Ryu.

So the bottom line is that I'd be disappointed if Sub-Zero didn't continue on, but I wouldn't feel the same way about Scorpion not returning.
02/03/2010 10:33 AM (UTC)
i get that scorpion and sub-zero need a tune up, but there is something i saw that would be pretty samn kool. If anyone has finished mk vs dc as subzero, they see like an ending bio in which subzero wants to leave his clan and defend earthrealm. But it shows you this WICKED pic of subzero in a costume the is like batmans and his put together and it looks MENTAL. also id perfer scorpion over subzero, i mean he is a trainwreack ans all, but he hasnt changed all that much since the original.
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02/05/2010 04:15 PM (UTC)
mad upset and ready to kill
02/05/2010 07:09 PM (UTC)
scorpion should have his demon snake come out of his hand instead of rope. lol
02/06/2010 04:10 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
scorpion should have his demon snake come out of his hand instead of rope. lol

Right now, I'm suppressing enough rage to choke a horse.

His name is SCORPION, not SNAKE. STINGERS do not BITE.
02/06/2010 05:29 PM (UTC)
lol !!!!! nah im just saying scorpion has a living demon snake come out of his hands in the movies so i thought they should put in the games. lol.... its not like i made it up myself.
02/06/2010 05:38 PM (UTC)
And what I'm saying is the movie version is fucking stupid and whoever came up with it should die in a fire.
02/06/2010 06:06 PM (UTC)
The snake-monster that lives in Scorpion's hand was just one of many bad ideas that emerged from bad movies.

Best left out of the games.
02/07/2010 04:29 AM (UTC)
fatality idea for sub-zero- he deep freezes the opponent. then he makes an baseball bat out of ice. he then strikes the frozen opponent but it does not break. so then he steps back a few steps and dashes foward on ice while swinging the ice baseball bat breaking the opponnent into pieces!!!
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
So how would you guys really react if when they said all new characters... they meant it?

I think I would think it'd be cool in the beginning, then after playing it a few times, I would think it'd kinda suck. I mean, the kharacters they currently have in the series are alright, they fit the series perfectly.

Oh, and I guess I was geting a little tired of Sub-Zero and Scorpion, but to tell you the truth, if they didn not show up in the next MK, I'd actually kinda miss them. I mean, what's an MK game without the super-cool(Pun intended) ice ninja and that "GET OVER HERE!!!" sound that everyone recognizes? sad

And BTW... I wonder why on Earth they didn't have Scorpion and Raiden in MK3...?
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02/28/2010 05:54 PM (UTC)
I'd be distraught if Subzero was absent. It wouldn't be a fatal blow in my purchasing decision, though I would need some stellar character choices to keep me interested in the game.

Scorpion, not so much. If it was up to me, I would keep him in, but only because the core fanbase of MK still wants him, and damn it, I aim to please. He was great in Deception, both in story and design, but they just blew that all to shit in MKA. Cage had a better story than Scorpion did.
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