NO Scorpion and Sub-Zero....
posted02/28/2010 05:54 PM (UTC)by
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12/15/2009 06:55 AM (UTC)
If Scorpion and Sub-Zero were not in the game... how would you react?

Honestly, the two are iconic to the game, we know this, but I personally think some believe they should be in the game because of storywise and the other half only know them for the moves...

Can you have an MK game without an ice freeze? Or the harpoon? A lot of people who aren't really fans... thats what they know MK for... they know it for "Get over here/come here!"

So how would you guys really react if when they said all new characters... they meant it?
01/08/2010 06:26 AM (UTC)
Ed boon has said in previous interviews that Sub and Scorp will ALWAYS be in Mortal Kombat.
Historical Favorite
01/08/2010 06:26 AM (UTC)
I'd be pretty comfortable with it. My favorite game in the series is MK3 which has no Scorpion and a completely redesigned Sub-Zero. I'd miss them, certainly, but it's not like I couldn't go back and replay the games they're in.
01/08/2010 06:27 AM (UTC)
Can't say I'd care that much.

I'd miss Sub-Zero more than I'd miss Scorpion...who, frankly, I've grown quite tired of...but their absence wouldn't sway me.

So how would you guys really react if when they said all new characters... they meant it?

This is a slightly different question.

While I wouldn't miss Scorpion or Sub-Zero; ALL new characters...meaning no Sareena, among a few others....then yeah, I'd be very disappointed.
01/08/2010 07:20 AM (UTC)
It wouldn't be the same without them. Playing a game without them wouldn't strike as much interest and fun.

As for all new characters, I think it would be interesting to see the other worlds of the MK universe. I wouldn't mind it at all just as long as they make it feel like Mortal Kombat.
01/08/2010 10:59 PM (UTC)
Some arguments I have here:

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
If Scorpion and Sub-Zero were not in the game... how would you react?

I'd be shocked, but know that it won't happen since they've been announced as the only two characters that will make an appearance in the game.

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Honestly, the two are iconic to the game, we know this, but I personally think some believe they should be in the game because of storywise and the other half only know them for the moves...

But, here's the thing, Sub-Zero and Scorpion were not really main characters of any MK game... It was mostly Liu Kang, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi (For Deadly Alliance) Blaze, Taven and Daegon (Armageddon) Sub-Zero and Scorpion were never essential characters to the game's story, they were more like sub-characters.

Can you have an MK game without an ice freeze? Or the harpoon? A lot of people who aren't really fans... thats what they know MK for... they know it for "Get over here/come here!"

To be honest, Smoke has the harpoon, Scorpion has the spear.

And also, I know a few people who never played the game before, but know what Mortal Kombat is. I ask them what do they know about the game and all they have for a response is that, "It's a fighting game where people can rip heads off or chop'em up into pieces.

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
So how would you guys really react if when they said all new characters... they meant it?

Well, with a brand new cast of characters, I'd probably give the game a try and see what it's like but it'll be a heck of a different game that's for sure if there's no recurring characters making a presence.
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01/09/2010 10:46 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind there being no Sub Zero or Scorpion.
I think both characters need new life breathed into them tbh, they are gettin kinda stale.

A game with all new characters wouldn't be very good IMO as it wouldnt feel like an MK game. It needs at least a few Veteran fighters.
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01/10/2010 12:05 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
Can't say I'd care that much.

I'd miss Sub-Zero more than I'd miss Scorpion...who, frankly, I've grown quite tired of...but their absence wouldn't sway me.

My sentiments exactly.
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I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

01/10/2010 06:30 AM (UTC)
the best rivalry in mk scorpion and zero gone it would shock me every game i play with those 2 i call them legends of mk because of their moves those charactera like scorpion sub zero johhny cage etc. are classics.'

i call scorpion and sub-zero the mk charaters of the decadewow
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OptimusGrime Wrote:Li Mei needs to be series mainstay. She betrayed goddamned planets because she wanted to fuck a dragon. Best character in anything ever.

01/11/2010 03:56 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero is indeed my favourite character but I'd really like to see him get some new moves, physical and special.

It annoyed the shit out of me that he was barely changed at all between Deadly Alliance and Deception, whereas most of (if not all) returning characters got at least one new style.
01/13/2010 12:16 AM (UTC)
DarzieP Wrote:
Sub-Zero is indeed my favourite character but I'd really like to see him get some new moves, physical and special.

It annoyed the shit out of me that he was barely changed at all between Deadly Alliance and Deception, whereas most of (if not all) returning characters got at least one new style.

Ha ha... You don't think his Shredder costume was a different look for him? Heh, that's funny.

But, I do agree with you on your first statement... Sub-Zero should get some new moves. (Let's see a change with his ice powers, there's got to be more than just his signature iceball and slide)

And his character should be something different. Heck, I would be shocked if they managed to have his Armageddon ending be cannon and let him become an Elder God...
01/13/2010 03:02 AM (UTC)
If Scorpion and Subby aren't in the game, Tanya and Frost should replace them.
01/13/2010 03:11 AM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
If Scorpion and Subby aren't in the game, Tanya and Frost should replace them.

Ehh, those two characters don't make any sense to replace Sub-Zero and Scorpion... They will be in the game because Boon said so.
01/13/2010 03:19 AM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
If Scorpion and Subby aren't in the game, Tanya and Frost should replace them.

Just like everything else you say this doesn't make any sense.
01/13/2010 03:43 AM (UTC)
firesnake Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
If Scorpion and Subby aren't in the game, Tanya and Frost should replace them.

Just like everything else you say this doesn't make any sense.

I was kidding about that. And how come you say the other things I talk about don't make sense? Really? EVERYTHING I say don't make sense? I know I say some silly things but EVERYTHING I say doesn't make sense? Ok. Tell me EVERYTHING I said. Come on spit it out.
Historical Favorite
01/13/2010 07:34 AM (UTC)
It's just that most people aren't totally comfortable with the whole extreme gore and sexual assualt thing you're into. Just sayin' is all.
01/13/2010 11:26 AM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
It's just that most people aren't totally comfortable with the whole extreme gore and sexual assualt thing you're into. Just sayin' is all.

I can not say that some of what Sadistic has posted from time to time is a bit disturbing. I for one would rather not see it go to that level myself. Its one thing to show a bit of nudity,use of profanity,sexual themes/suggestions and seductive taunting but actual sex acts should not be implemented. I could see it maybe hinted through a tragic storyline or in other means but not shown or displayed in game in any other form.

As for the thought of no Sub-zero or Scorpion...if it ever happens (which I kinda doubt) that would mean that the MK team is starting over with a new cast and story. If I can remember right to say that it has been stated that Ed could not imagine an MK without the 2 ninjas so we are stuck with em' like it or not I think.
01/13/2010 01:28 PM (UTC)
The thought of not having Scorpion and Sub-Zero in the game is devastating to me. Scorpion has been the main caracter for me ever since MK1. MK3 didn't have him and that was to me a great let down, but it didn't stop me from buying it anyway.

And so will the next MK game, if these caracters do not make the roster I wouldn't buy it at the release date, but I would still buy it.

But Like Boon said, they will make it so this whole thread seems pretty pointless.
01/13/2010 05:38 PM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
It's just that most people aren't totally comfortable with the whole extreme gore and sexual assualt thing you're into. Just sayin' is all.

Oh I C. Too many people can't handle it but there's still a way of saying things. And telling me that I don't make sense or what I say don't make sense is totally unacceptable. That's just like telling me I'm stupid. Anyways, back to the topic, I don't think Subby and Scorpion will always be the icons of MK.
01/16/2010 12:36 PM (UTC)
It probably wouldn't bother me much at all. I've never been much of a fan of either character, as I have felt their stories...a bit wasteful at times. For such cool pure concepts, they have kind of been diluted by poor writing. More so Scorpion than Sub-Zero. Actually, Subby's story should probably continue, because he is still growing as a character. Eventually, he should fill a lead hero or even corrupted soul role quite effectively.

Scorpion, on the other hand, has had his story pissed on so many times. It feels like after each game, he should either be written off, or he just fails in whatever it is he is attempting to do. Sometimes both. Poor guy. For a bad-ass, he is a complete pussy.
01/16/2010 01:12 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero is my favorite video game character of all time. I also have great respect for Scorpion. Honestly, Mortal Kombat without those two would be worse off than Street Fighter without Ken and Ryu. At least in Street Fighter they have built characters with similar movesets that could replace them. No character would ever replace Scorpion or Sub-Zero, and why would you want to omit their excellent movesets from the game anyway?

Honestly, I don't think either character is getting stale (play wise, Mortal Kombat's story has sucked since MK3). And all of you asking for new moves pretty much get them every game. Sub-Zero was never able to create a block of ice to fall on the enemy, and deal damage anyway. Scorpion was never able to channel flames to surround his body.

I want classic Scorpion and Sub-Zero with their classic movesets, no fluf. However, I want their basic attacks and combos to compliment their movesets.

And to answer the original question. I would not buy a Mortal Kombat game without these two characters. I almost passed on Deadly Alliance for the lack of Liu Kang. Mortal Kombat is a game heavily dependent upon its characters. I know there are a lot of characters, and people all have their favorites. But if there is one thing we should all share, it is respect for our classic and legendary Mortal Kombat characters.
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02/01/2010 08:12 PM (UTC)
Lock myself in a room and cry. Well...not really, but I would be very upset. Doesn't mean I wouldn't give it a chance though.
02/01/2010 10:35 PM (UTC)
i dont know how i would feel but sub and scorp needs updates or is it they need better gameplay......
02/01/2010 11:28 PM (UTC)
MK3's always been my least favorite of the games. Mostly because Scorpion's not in it.

I also never dug the sudden aesthetic change from "medieval asian" to "urban goth".
02/02/2010 12:31 AM (UTC)
That we're even asking this question at all kinda shows how poorly the storylines for these two headliners have been incorporated into the overall MK plot. Turning Sub-Zero into a middle-aged mentor who had successfully usurped the Lin Kuei only served to further push him out of the limelight. I won't even go into the train wreck that is Scorpion. If anyone would be well-served by a reboot, it's these two.
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