No more air kombat, freefall kombat, close kombat or exaggerations
posted08/21/2008 10:40 AM (UTC)by
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09/08/2006 10:33 PM (UTC)
Why can't we just have a traditional fighter with 3d oriented gameplay and more realistic fighting?

I'm sick of seeing all this exaggerated stuff. Another thing that gets on my nerves, is how you can make your opponent bounce off the floor and make them go into the air with an attack. I know other fighting games have pop up attacks that lead into you being able to juggle your opponent and I'm sure this some how plays into the mechanics of the game, so you can pull off certain combos. Isn't there some way around this though? Maybe something you have thought of before? At the very least ,in the next MK, if you are going to be able to juggle opponents in the air, it should look a little more realistic. Quite a few fighting games I have seen have where you can jump really high and can send opponents in the air at different floating heights, which I never liked. I hope the MK team can come up with something because I to see something realistic this time around.

08/15/2008 10:48 AM (UTC)
It's a game with four armed tiger men and ice wielding ninjas, realism isn't exactly priority No.1.
08/15/2008 03:07 PM (UTC)
Yeah, but that isn't to say that future iterations shouldn't have more realistic fighting. Fine, keep all the special moves and characters can be outlandish but keep the fighting as real as possible.
08/15/2008 05:56 PM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat has it's own unique fighting style for a fighting game. It would be incredibly horrible for this game to all of a sudden change the fighting styles for this game to make it more "realistic" when everything in the game itself it "un-realistic." No, the fights shouldn't change just because some want this game to be realistic. It's not going to happen, and I doubt they'll ever change it ever.
08/15/2008 06:44 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
It would be incredibly horrible for this game to all of a sudden change the fighting styles for this game to make it more "realistic" when everything in the game itself it "un-realistic."

What would make it so horrible? If this is the case, then why don't we just have the characters fight while they are floating in the air like in dragonball z. Would you also support this, if they added it to the next game?
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08/16/2008 11:48 AM (UTC)
EagleClaw4 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
It would be incredibly horrible for this game to all of a sudden change the fighting styles for this game to make it more "realistic" when everything in the game itself it "un-realistic."

What would make it so horrible? If this is the case, then why don't we just have the characters fight while they are floating in the air like in dragonball z. Would you also support this, if they added it to the next game?

Realism is not the right world.

Suspense of disbelief? Probably the better. I think the compromise should be in the wire-fu kung-fu movies, but not to the extent of Crouching Tiger, hidden Dragon.

Dragonball sucks, it is virtual mind-dumbing opium for juveniles. Get over it. The floating would even more discredit the entire MK universe. What next? Supermoves?
08/16/2008 02:58 PM (UTC)
EagleClaw4 Wrote:

If this is the case, then why don't we just have the characters fight while they are floating in the air like in dragonball z.

Ha ha!

Watch Baraka and Kung Lao in the MKA opening.
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"I will not hide my tastes or aversions...If you are true, but not in the same truth with me, cleave to your companions; I will seek my own." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

08/16/2008 11:14 PM (UTC)
no, no, no. the new gameplay mechanics make it a new game. if i wanted to play a game without that i'd play mk2.
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08/20/2008 04:12 AM (UTC)
Okay, I'm getting more than a little sick of this notion that adding "realism" to MK games would somehow negatively impact the gameplay of this series.

What "realism" are we even talking about? Soul Calibur? Undead pirates battling lizard people? Tekken? Where lightning can reverberate through an old man's fist as he punches a kangaroo? Virtua Fighter? Sure, people can obviously leap fifteen feet up in the air and strike someone on the ground.

By realism, I take Eagle's post to mean that he just wants to get rid of the side show BS....The gimmicks, and I couldn't agree with him more. Would I like to see an MK game that has useful and cool to watch regular moves IN ADDITION to the projectiles, teleports etc? Absolutely.

MK had characters using "styles" for three games, but it was only their stances really, with some VERY basic punches and kicks. 90% of these standard moves (if not more) were interchangeable between all characters.

So yeah, the realism I'd like to see is having a fighting style, whether real or made up, that's consistant and matches up with the character. It's a part of their identity. To me, this would make for a more interesting game to play than being able to go into rockem sockem robots mode during the fight.

Seriously? People are defending these ideas? Freefall mode will be cool for about the first ten or twenty times you do it, and then it'll lose it's new mode shine. Before you know it, you'll be trying to avoid the edges so as not to trigger this mode. But that's just my opinion based on the videos and what not that I've seen of it.

MK thrives on it's depth of characters/story, fun special moves, and brutality. Why can't a FUN fighting engine be built around all of that? Do you guys really like dial-a-combos? How about the Aggressor meter? Tell me you used that alot... Neijins? Yeah, I've probably used those once or twice by accident.

I really wish that they'd stop trying to dress up the fighting by tacking on these poorly thought out/poorly executed ideas and just make a great fighting engine that's easy for noobs to get into yet deep enough and rewarding enough for veteran fighting game fans to enjoy.

Why keep the standard moves roughly the same for each character? In the 2D MK's, I understood. Memory restraints. But the power of the 360 and PS3 could allow for virtually limitless possibilities. Twenty five characters with 300 plus moves each; from the simplest sweep or uppercut to the combos that make sense (you know... X, X, Y, Y, Y... not X, A, B, L, B, Y, L, A, X, back-toward Y) all the way up to complex but reward moves, whether specials or throws or moves that could blow away what any of us could imagine.

Why can't MK fans get this kind of fighting game? I don't say this because I want MK to be like SF, VF, SC, Tekken, DOA or any other series. I want MK to be MK through and through. But I can't ignore the fact that the gameplay, as it stands with the MK series, having been so awesome in it's earlier incarnations, is sorely lacking in any sense of fun or rewarding experiences. If the only fun moves to do are the special moves, then why even put in the standard moves?

That's what frustrates me. Everything is either a set up for special move or lead in for a combo. There are no standard moves that, by themselves, are interesting to watch or fun to use. That's like 50% or more of the fighting engine that essentially goes to waste!! But some of you are okay with that because, what, you get to take a guy and bash them through wall after repeating wall for the 160th time?

I guess I don't see a long lasting enjoyable experience in things like air kombat, freefall and the many bells and whistles the MK team has tried to tack onto a combat engine who's system has remained pretty similar over the years. Set up dial a combo, use special moves. Repeat. You can add whatever tricks or side shows to the combat you want, but at best, they distract you from the bad standard engine and at worst they serve to show MK fans that the series really should've gone for that drastic makeover instead of trying to answer age old questions about who's more bad ass, MK or DC characters, that no one ever cared to ask in the first place.

Sorry for the rant, but I just don't see how people wouldn't want better. I say this as a diehard fan of the series. MK was king for a few games in terms of innovation, gameplay and overall fun. Now I just want the games to have good gameplay and be fun to play again, not because of a side show, but because the actual fighting is cool and next gen quality.
08/20/2008 06:03 PM (UTC)
i think that MK is unrealistical,but never get too much over the edge.
is funny...just here.
freefall,klose,rage,etc are all gimmicks that should be avoided as hell in future games.MK2,the best game of the saga,didn't have such all this shit...idem for MK3/UMK3.MK Trilogy had the rage meter,but not the rest.
i hpe that Midway will find some brilliant ideas for the sequel....
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08/21/2008 10:40 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:



*Agrees with the thread title*

There's something wrong with the perception of MK from it's creators. I say that with the ut-most respect to them and what they do, too. But I think what happens is, when we say "complete change" or as Boon has stated, "wipe the slate clean", that somehow automatically qualifies MK to do exactly anything with the series.

You see, there is two very vague differences in interpretations happening with something like that. I think the MKTeam goes right to thinking about

a) "what the game is going to have in it that people will like to play".

while mr/ms fan of MK is thinking:

b) "I bet they're going to make this game the slickest martial arts killing spree ever put on a disc."

So you can see where the views start to separate eh? Trying too hard to make a fun game when that attribute is almost inherent if they'd just make MK......MK.

What is MK? Well, in one sentence, MK is a Rated R, Martial Arts, Horror, Fantasy, Action, Drama, Movie....GAME......all wrapped in one, to the fans. We're waiting for them to give us that. And for some of us, we're waiting for them to give that to us again,.

While I think that to the creators, MK is a "fun game to play that happens to be their job". Which is cool though, right? Wouldn't you love to get paid for something you love to do? I know I want to//will be.

But my issue is, that perception is flawed. I'd bet that if they motivated a future MK game with the perception of the fans every step of the way....1991-1999 all over again. Make a Rated R Martial Arts Fantasy film that is playable.....Do it. heheheh...

You almost can't get cartoon graphics from that equation, and you certainly would not put in all the gimmicks and distractions such as the title of this thread mentions. Well, at least no where near in the same fashion anyway, and certainly not all of them like they have been. Because it be like mixing Mario with Resident Evil games or something like that.

These distractions start to become really apparent as "a stupid thing to do" if they make a "real" MK game.

Obstacles? Only one. And I could see it being the MSRB rating system....right where they should be, right with what THEY started, right where they began. And I don't even need to hypothesize about controversy, shock value, and holy shit revenues. Non-issues here y'know? And why? Because they'd be making the correct game under the title Mortal Kombat. The demand and the supply would no doubt be being met.

I know, I wouldn't want them to get in trouble for making the right MK game, but considering games pulling in big numbers right now out-do MK for similar (if not exactly the same) qualities, I don't think there's a real tie-up there. That, and we're a 16yr old franchise now. Pretty sure things are down to a science. They know what they can and can't do by now. Hm...To kind of answer my own concern there, this may very well be the exact reason we haven't received the type of game we desire. Cuz they might like dealing with the fans bitching more than going to court. lol

There's ways around that though. "The art of display", "The art of interpretation", "The art of suggestion", ect ect...There's a million ways to do or say one thing.



Side games are the opportunity for silliness like all the little modes and "zooming in". But the game of MK is supposed to be the hardest hitting fighting game on the shelf.

Try out freefall or close combat or whatever in a MKSM type game, and if it works....then put it in an official title. Do another Mythologies or Special Forces game, let them do all the canon // non-canon fleshing out stuff, and pick and choose from that pool when making an official title. Yknow? Let a subsidiary MKTeam eat off the side games, but give them a list of requirements or something. Let them do the silly crossovers and all that. Boon and team just take royalties off the name or something. That's what it's all about anyway. 0 work, get paid for what you helped create.

And if "anything is possible", let that side game team make a "fan art" game or whatever of the wall silly shit that is being tested out for the next "real MK game". That's where these things go.

I'm just saying that the games thinking process should be relatively easy by now. Biggest thing they should be thinking about, as far as an official MK, is logistics. "Planning" and all that, "How to make the fighting play more like watching a movies fight sequence", How to make the story mode longer, and more elaborate", "Which characters' stories get completely fleshed out or who dies in the next MK game"....Those types of things.

Not "How many different little bitty fighting mechanics can we squeeze in there". Just making the job harder doing that, I think. lol


Before I close, please understand that I LIKE that they believe that anything is possible when they say "start all over". But the problem comes in once they deviate from, or merely - consistently, jeopardize the elements of MK, that make the games MK games. can change your clothes without changing your personality. But I think that's what they think they're doing.

Again, I like change.

:: Change the direction of the pre-existing story, or if we're at the end of that, take it somewhere totally different. Hell, do that with every game actually.

:: Change the look of the same characters. That's enough. Add new characters, KILL disliked characters, and bring them back in "Trilogy" type games with a new look.

:: Change the art direction. Let somebody different do it each time on an revolving type situation. Take us different places in the same MK Universe (Earth, Outworld, Hell....Asia, USA, Africa). It's a UNIVERSE. hhha! With whole worlds to explore, these things will look totally different from one another...hahaha..

:: Change the fighting mechanic. So long as it remains fun to play and maneuver through, sure, why not? Correction: As long as it remains an enjoyable fighting experience. "Fun to play" sends the wrong message I think.

All that change, and none of it says (or even dis-includes a sensible) mini-mode.

Rated R, Martial Arts, Horror, Fantasy, Action, Drama,(lol) GAME = Mortal Kombat

Jumped around alot so sorry, tired right now. But thanks for reading anyway...
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