Ninja Palette Swap Costumes
posted10/06/2013 05:07 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/10/2011 01:28 AM (UTC)
Concerning MK's most popular characters, it would be a good/great idea to keep the ninja palette swap of the characters from MK1 because of the following reasons. 1. It would be more cost effective by saving creative energy and time in investing varying looks for the characters. 2. The characters would look closer to an authenic epic ninja in ancient Japan. 3. Being that the characters are the most popular characters within the roster, they would look more realistic to martial art fighters and warriors in their default costume. They would be consistent to the look of what the traditional garments are used for. So I would hope that in the final consideration of the roster and their presentation of the characters they would consider going with the MK1 ninja palette swap for all the male ninja characters including Smoke. To maybe some other varying ninjas such as Rain or Hydro, it would be suggested that their garments would be modeled after the G.I. Joe Cobra Ninja Collectible Dolls...just in a purple color scheme for Rain and a royal blue color scheme for Hydro. This would allow some of the other ninja characters to set apart their looks from the rest of the male ninja characters that are involved in the video game being that some would have the same color scheme and that they are multiple ninja characters existing.

Comments, criticisms are welcomed.
11/30/2011 08:35 PM (UTC)
as their only costumes? maybe they could be unlockable in the krypt as klassic alts. next to their current designs.
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11/30/2011 10:25 PM (UTC)
The original palette-swaps tend to be alternate unlockables anyway.

As for those being their ONLY costumes, don't you remember the game getting flack for the palette swapping back in the day? (I mean, WE loved the silliness of it, but it was pretty lazy....and would be moreso today)
12/01/2011 07:44 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't suggest that they are the ONLY costume although I would preferr that idea. Taking in to account that people would go for different looks, I would suggest that they be their DEFAULT costume and that alternate looks or variations of their uniform be unlockable in various gaming modes or accomplishments. That way you keep the nostaligia of the original ninja look while also offering alternate and more comtemporary looks for newer fans of the game.
12/07/2011 11:10 PM (UTC)
thats where creative energy SHOULD be going
to designing fully unique costumes
its 2011 not 93
they shouldnt be taking steps back
as an option yes
as the only option fuck no
12/09/2011 09:45 AM (UTC)

I'm not suggesting that the ninja palette swap from MK1 be the only option. I'm suggesting that they be the DEFAULT option of the characters and the various alternate costumes and looks be offered up as unlockable costumes in various gaming modes. That way you force the video game player to have to EARN the alternate and comtemporary looks for the various characters. I don't think there's anything wrong with making the original costumes the DEFAULT look for the characters.
07/20/2013 05:56 AM (UTC)
Comments and criticism are welcomed.
07/21/2013 02:12 AM (UTC)
The fact that you revived a two year old thread lol
07/21/2013 03:52 AM (UTC)
Martin_Jacob22 Wrote:
The fact that you revived a two year old thread lol

What's wrong with that? People hardly come onto these forums anymore, I'd rather see the old threads get bumped.

As for the topic:

Esoteric Wrote:
Concerning MK's most popular characters, it would be an idea to keep the ninja palette swap of the characters from MK1 because of the following reasons. 1. It would be more cost effective by saving creative energy and time in investing varying looks for the characters. 2. The characters would look closer to an authenic epic Iga ninjas in ancient Japan. 3. Being that the characters are the most popular characters within the roster, they would also bring a more realistic and serious tone to the overall game. So I would hope that in the final consideration of the roster and their presentation of the characters they would consider going with the MK1 ninja palette swap for all the male ninja characters including Smoke and Rain.

Comments, criticisms are welcomed.

To be honest, I don't want them. Mainly because of several reasons:

They're not ninjas, and I cannot tell you how many times I've expressed this as well as other users. They're not ninjas, sure they were probably thought up as them back in the past, but now that we've gotten more details about them throughout the years, we've established that only Scorpion is that very ninja. The others are not.

I'd rather see new costumes for these characters rather than having them wear the same thing over and over again because it's always nice to see something different for a change.

I don't really think having Ermac, Noob, Smoke, Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Rain, Reptile, and possibly Chameleon dress the same would bring a serious tone. The game has a serious tone already, costumes aren't really the cause of that though.

So, that's my two cents on the whole thing.
07/22/2013 12:58 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Martin_Jacob22 Wrote:
The fact that you revived a two year old thread lol

What's wrong with that? People hardly come onto these forums anymore, I'd rather see the old threads get bumped.

That is true lol, this site isn't what it used to be when MK9 came out.
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Why couldn't this ending have happened?

07/30/2013 07:54 PM (UTC)
I would love it if they simplified the outfits. Just because you have the technology to make elaborate costumes does not mean you should. Give me Ryu and his plain White Karate Gi anyday over all of that crap that Scorpion and co. are hauling around.
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10/06/2013 05:07 AM (UTC)
i agree about that ryu and ken never change and Sf is still awesome the ninjas and every mk character gets massive changes. soome times sinple is good. I mean look at Liu kang hes basicly always his mkII design which is awesome
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