NEW Mortal Kombat game ALREADY in the works!
posted04/02/2009 01:32 AM (UTC)by
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02/10/2003 07:04 PM (UTC)

January 26, 2009 - In a release that mentioned that Midway has shipped 1.8 million units of Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 since it hit store shelves on November 16, the company also slipped in the news that a new Mortal Kombat game is already in the works.

"Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe was the result of countless hours of hard work by many people, and seeing the game surpass the million-seller plateau makes it worth all the effort," said Ed Boon, creative director at Midway and co-founder of the Mortal Kombat series.

Boon went on to say, "We're already hard at work on our next version of Mortal Kombat, and look forward to being able to reveal more details in the future."

Midway also announced that MK vs. DC Universe was the most pre-ordered Mortal Kombat title in history and there have already been 3.6 million matches played on the PlayStation Network (according to GameSpy numbers).


01/26/2009 09:12 PM (UTC)
I feel nothing.
01/26/2009 10:17 PM (UTC)
God, please let this new MK be worth a damn.
01/26/2009 10:28 PM (UTC)
I'm really lookin' foward to this!

I don't care if this game takes three, four, or even fiver years to be made
I just hope they make a NEW BADASS GAME and no recycling stuff from
MKvsDC (except for close and freefall kombat)grin
01/27/2009 12:44 AM (UTC)
I hate close kombat and freefall kombat. They let even the least skilled players get the upper-hand on expert players.
01/27/2009 01:07 AM (UTC)
Well if they get the upper-hand; wouldn't that make them the most skilled in that area?
I have a bad feeling. Like a "Shaolin Monks" kinda feeling..

It seems way too soon.
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01/27/2009 03:57 AM (UTC)
I know that as a player, I'm not privy to what goes on inside Midway, but this whole thing of turning out one MK game a year, well, even if it's two parts of the team releasing games on alternating years (and I honestly don't know if that's the case), it still makes me wonder:

MK seems to be the only triple A title that Midway really has left. Alot of their other titles like Area 51, Blitz and others lately have pretty much bombed. Does anyone else think that it's Midway's financial troubles, coupled with their lack of, well, ANY other high caliber IP's is essentially forcing the publisher to milk MK for all it's worth, even at the expense of quality?

I dunno, back in the day, the MK team could make an MK game once a year and do so with a much smaller team, but with the advances in tech over the years, it just seems like bringing out an MK game once a year, even for a larger team, would be a herculean task.

I just wonder if Ed Boon is actually making the MK games that he wants to make. I mean, Armageddon was basically MK Trilogy only for six games. MK vs DC was a concept game, but neither a "new MK game."

So yeah, as far as the announcement of a new MK game, I'm happy about it, but I just reeeeeeally hope that this is the next true sequel in MK, and that we see something that really takes MK forward, not just in terms of having a fun fighting game or even advancing the genre as a whole, but something that says "this is the new Mortal Kombat. This is what happened to the characters in the past, and this is where we are now."
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01/27/2009 04:04 AM (UTC)
WingsOfRedemption Wrote:
It seems way too soon.

It's seems about time to start the work if the game has to be better than the recent one. But if it has to be good, then it shouldn't be released this year tongue

So it's not too soon to start the project, because nobody said when it will be finished yet. Let's hope for the usual autumn release... 2010.
Baraka407 Wrote:
So yeah, as far as the announcement of a new MK game, I'm happy about it, but I just reeeeeeally hope that this is the next true sequel in MK, and that we see something that really takes MK forward, not just in terms of having a fun fighting game or even advancing the genre as a whole, but something that says "this is the new Mortal Kombat. This is what happened to the characters in the past, and this is where we are now."

Let's hope for that, too.
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01/27/2009 03:33 PM (UTC)

I'm sure that this is old news by now, but the most recent Game Pro magazine (the one with Halo Wars or Halo ODST, didn't really check, on the cover) had a small interview with Ed Boon.

At one point, he mentioned how great it would be to do MK vs SF, MK vs Tekken or MK vs DOA. He thinks that MK can form a sort of second franchise out of these versus games (if I remember correctly).

Okay, here's the thing:

If MK does versus games as a sort of "second franchise" I have zero problems with that. None whatsoever. Would I prefer to see MK only sequels from here to eternity? Absolutely. But if making these versus games helps the series thrive so that the other MK games, the real MK games that I actually want to play can thrive as well, then go for it. Knock yourself out.

But if the next MK game, after Armageddon (MK Trilogy with six games) and MK vs DC (the concept game) is ANOTHER versus game, then that's it for me. I will know at that point that the MK series I once knew is no more.

Ed, I know it's a cool idea to see who would win in a fight, Scorpion or Paul Phoenix (well, not that cool come to think of it), but the fans of YOUR game, the MK fans, for the most part do not want this. They want a NEW MK GAME.

Again, not trying to sound like a tool here, and maybe I'm alone on an island with this idea, but I want a real MK sequel with MK characters set in the MK world with an MK plot.

He remarks in the interview that the initial perception from MK fans was "to be blunt, negative." Well yeah, if you told Metal Gear Solid fans that the next big MGS game that Kojima himself was working on was MGS versus Castlevania, you'd have alot of MGS fans either scratching their heads and wondering why or throwing things at their computer screen.

For me, it's not the idea of MK vs DC that bothered me before, it was the fact that this was the next MK game we were getting. Why, as an MK fan, would I want this game over a true MK sequel? I hope that Ed takes that idea into consideration if he's cooking up some other versus game. Hand it off to another company, fine, but MK fans want MK games. Seems like a simple concept, but well...
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01/27/2009 06:09 PM (UTC)
I have one thing to say:


Just had to say that.I'm excitedgrin
03/02/2009 06:25 PM (UTC)
I think they've learned their lesson.

No more DC crap.

I think they'll get back to the classic MK style.

My main concerns are the characters and the gameplay.

Please no mini-games.
03/03/2009 10:43 AM (UTC)
If I remember right, Boon said he was gonna use the Unreal Engine 3 for the next game. He wanted it to have that same grimy look that Gears of War has.

I also hope it has a fun fighting system.
03/09/2009 10:18 PM (UTC)
i liked shoalin monks it took us back to mk'sbetter days and let us view it in 3D/ story mode. thumbsup to shaolin monks. wish they'd make one for every kombatant with there own personal story that would take multiple hours to beat per character.
03/13/2009 06:11 PM (UTC)
bruiser84 Wrote:
i liked shoalin monks it took us back to mk'sbetter days and let us view it in 3D/ story mode. thumbsup to shaolin monks. wish they'd make one for every kombatant with there own personal story that would take multiple hours to beat per character.

That...would be insanely cool to me. But I think the chances of them doing something so huge are one in..well, what's the highest number there is?
SM was ok, but it got a bit repetitive. If they did another one, I would like some city/village people interaction ala Deception, just to keep it varied and different.
Buuuut...chances are MK9 is coming next. My only regret is my two favorite characters (Sindel and Tanya) have just about the same chances of making it in the game as the above game has being made.
Eh...just kinda sucks having non-main characters being your favorite I guess (although some could argue, myself included, Sindel IS a main character, the majority consensus is that she is not).
03/22/2009 08:36 AM (UTC)
I think MK9 would remind a lot of MKvsDC, especially if it's released as soon as the late '09. The way I see it is that they already have half of the roster available and they will easily build the other half on top of the DC guys.

Of course there would be a slight graphical improvement and maybe they will take under consideration all complaints on the current gameplay, hell they might even test this one for a whole day rather than an afternoon, but overall the game will remind MKvsDC as much as Deception reminded Alliance.

I would bet big money on the fact that the characters would be the same look as MKvsDC's, meaning 'realistic' rather than the 'cartoony' ones of Alliance/Deception/Armageddon (which btw I personally prefer).

I'm also quite certain that they will include a konquest mode and a krypt. Can't assume anything on mini-games though.

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03/25/2009 12:35 AM (UTC)
In my opinion MK Deception was the high point of the all 3D MKs so anything like that would be amazing to me.

It had just the right amount of characters and the right type of characters (Noob/Smoke, Sindel, Jade, Ermac) loads of unlockables (music, costumes, art, videos.) an awesome konquest mode and the totally addictive Puzzle Kombat.

Not that MKDA, MKA and MK Vs DC arnt awesome too.grin
03/25/2009 03:54 PM (UTC)
mkdfan Wrote:
In my opinion MK Deception was the high point of the all 3D MKs so anything like that would be amazing to me.

It had just the right amount of characters and the right type of characters (Noob/Smoke, Sindel, Jade, Ermac) loads of unlockables (music, costumes, art, videos.) an awesome konquest mode and the totally addictive Puzzle Kombat.

Not that MKDA, MKA and MK Vs DC arnt awesome too.grin

I concur. MKD was by far my favorite, and did seem to be the high point. I think the introduction of online had a lot to do with that though. But the inclusion of all the other modes just made it feel, initially, like an MK fan's dream. Well, this one's dream anyway.
03/26/2009 02:01 PM (UTC)
Yeah MKD was the best, i think its because they brought back alot of the old characters with new looks, Jade, Tanya, Ermac, kabal, Sindle etc

I think MKA would have been better if the characters had there own Fatalities thats was my only down fall of MKA... So MKD is still my favorite ^^
03/29/2009 05:08 PM (UTC)
Surprisingly I find myself having fond memories of MKD as well. Well except for Frost being absent in the main roster that isgrin.

MKA was okay for me but tooooo many characters = toooooo many similar movessad

I really hope that weapon + hand-to-hand combat returns. It was cool to switch styles during battle IMO.

Everyone having a large number of special attacks/powers in MKvsDC was pretty cool, but I don't think everyone needs a teleport move.

I do hope that create-a-fatality never ever returnssmile

03/29/2009 07:52 PM (UTC)
What really killed MK : Armageddon was it removed features that the fans already liked, and tried adding things that were half ass.

2 things you can't take out of Mortal Kombat are unique fatalities and the story .

Generic endings, and no bio's killed the story, and the story they did have focused on 2 new throw away characters that no one cared about.

Creating fatalities is a good idea, but not if you take away the individuality of the characters.

And then you give us possibly one of the coolest features an MK fan could ask for in KAK ......... then you only allow for 1 saved character ......... 1 saved character ??

I really hope they do give us a proper KAK in the next MK, one along the lines of create a soul in SC4 so you can make tons of new characters.

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03/29/2009 09:26 PM (UTC)
jpetrunak Wrote:
And then you give us possibly one of the coolest features an MK fan could ask for in KAK ......... then you only allow for 1 saved character ......... 1 saved character ??

I really hope they do give us a proper KAK in the next MK, one along the lines of create a soul in SC4 so you can make tons of new characters.

That's an interesting point. I find that I loose interest, and don't ever use a KAK beyond my third. So, if they do have it, I'd be comfortable with the limit being 3-4 slots. Though I think that may be because I like the idea of putting alot of work into only one or so characters, rather than having a bigger selection of unrealized ones.

MKA's KAK had a crapload of options I merely played around with, and I think once I got the hang of it, I wanted to put all that knowledge into my first character.
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04/02/2009 01:32 AM (UTC)
KAK has so much potential, and I hope (if they include it again) that there is some better costumes and items. The ones in Armageddon seem a bit bland and boring.

As for the kreate-a-fatality - I think it should have only been for the custom characters, and all the story characters should have had their own unique ones.

One thing I really liked though was being able to customise your characters fighting style and moves, instead of just choosing pre-made one (like in SC4).
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