New MK adventure game I came up with.
posted04/01/2006 04:42 AM (UTC)by
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06/21/2005 07:52 PM (UTC)
This is basically an MK adventure game I would like to see in the future.

MK Devestation: An adventure game that has MK1-MKD in one game. In MKDE you start at an arena at Tsung's island. There are four playable characters at start:Scorpion Liu Kang, Sonya, Johny Cage. Others will be playable if you do a task in the game.

You will have a tutorial on how to play. You fight someone in the MK tournament. The character you fight is no one really. Just a pointless character. Here's how to play:


X= Low Punch
Square=High Punch
Triangle=High Kick
O=Low Kcik
Directional Buttons=Choose which fighting style you're using
Right Analog=Camera Angle
R1=Power Charge
L1=Faster Run

A=Low Punch
X=High Punch
Y=High Kick
B=Low Kick
Directional Buttons=Fighting Style
Right Analog=Camera
R=Power Charge
Click Right Analog=Grab
Click Left=Faster run

You would run around and attack with kicks and punches. To do specials you just have to do it like the other fighting games. If you did a special move it would drain power. You could charge power back up when hit, hitting an opponent, or by pressing a button. If your fatality bar was filled you could do a fatality MKSM style.

After that you could pick one character. You would have to beat the MK1 area with the first three playable characters to advance to the next game. Each character would have there own story line in the game. If you picked Sonya for example you'd be in the forest looking for Kano when Tsung captures you and your men. Then you began her MK1 storyline.

Sonya would fight Kano at the pit with Cage. Kano would be like any other adventure game boss; harder then normal. He had three moves: Laser, Canonball, and Knife throw. When you beat him, Goro would arrive and you'd have to fight him, three on one. Goro hasno special moves, but he is extremly powerful, and has a lot of health. When you beat him, a cinimatic movie would start. Everyone falls off the pit. That's it for Sonya's MK1 Adventure. Kano would be unlocked here.

Cage would first fight Cage at the warrior shrine before fighting Kano. Reptile could shoot acid, shoot those power balls, and turn invisible. He would have average health. Then you would fight Kano at the pit, then Goro. The cinimatic would start, but instead of everyone falling Raiden saves Cage. Reptile would be unlocked here.

With Scorpion, you'd fight Sub-Zero. 3 times though. Each time Subby would get more powerful. The first fight is a regular one. Subby has one attack, the slide move. After defeating him, he escapes. You chase him and battle him again. This time he has the freeze move. After that, Tsung's masked guards attack you. Raiden and Subby help you out to fight them. When the battle is over, you battle Subby for the last time. This time he has more health, and four moves. Slide, Ice clone, Freeze, Ground Freeze. You would have to kill him with a fatality cause he has to die there. When you kill him, Scorpion would leave the island. Classic Sub-Zero is unlocked.

I'll do more in the next post.
03/13/2006 04:33 AM (UTC)
Okay, time to continue.

Liu Kang would have to talk to Raiden saying he's strong enough to win in Mortal Kombat. To prove himself he goes to fight Goro. First he has to fight a bunch of Guards. As soon as you defeat them, you fight Goro at the palace. He is the same as fighting him in the pit with Cage/Sonya. After that you fight Tsung. He is the hardest boss in the MK1 level. Tsung could transform into one of the characters in MK1, he could shoot fireballs, and has a ton of life. After defeating him, you have to go to the nether ship to leave. After that you would be able to play as Goro. Tsung and Raiden have to be unlocked in a special task.

To unlock Tsung, you have to be Liu Kang. Beat Goro in a flawless victory and you get Tsung as a playable character. Raiden is unlocked with Scorpion. Raiden can't be injured during the battle with the Maske dGuards when you team up with him.

The unlockable characters don't have much of a story here. Subby does the same thing Scorpion does except Scorpion gets much harder. With Kano you just have to escape the special forces and board the nethership. After that you go to the pit, and fight Sonya, Cage and Goro. Goro fights Liu and the characters at the pit. Tsung just fights Liu Kang. Raiden fights a bunch of masked guards. Reptile has to fight Cage, then escape to Outworld.

If you beat the MK1 stage with all the characters, Kung Lao is unlocked. With him you have to sneak in as a masked guard, and fight Guards.

The MK1 Stage is pretty much a tutorial stage. I might as well make a list of characters in the MK1 stage:

PLayable from Start-
Liu Kang
Johny cage

Shang Tsung
Kung Lao

In MK2, the characters unlocked from the start are Kung Lao, Liu Lang, Jax, and Sub-Zero. More commin soon
03/16/2006 03:07 AM (UTC)
SubMan799 Wrote:
Okay, time to continue.

Liu Kang would have to talk to Raiden saying he's strong enough to win in Mortal Kombat. To prove himself he goes to fight Goro. First he has to fight a bunch of Guards. As soon as you defeat them, you fight Goro at the palace. He is the same as fighting him in the pit with Cage/Sonya. After that you fight Tsung. He is the hardest boss in the MK1 level. Tsung could transform into one of the characters in MK1, he could shoot fireballs, and has a ton of life. After defeating him, you have to go to the nether ship to leave. After that you would be able to play as Goro. Tsung and Raiden have to be unlocked in a special task.

To unlock Tsung, you have to be Liu Kang. Beat Goro in a flawless victory and you get Tsung as a playable character. Raiden is unlocked with Scorpion. Raiden can't be injured during the battle with the Maske dGuards when you team up with him.

The unlockable characters don't have much of a story here. Subby does the same thing Scorpion does except Scorpion gets much harder. With Kano you just have to escape the special forces and board the nethership. After that you go to the pit, and fight Sonya, Cage and Goro. Goro fights Liu and the characters at the pit. Tsung just fights Liu Kang. Raiden fights a bunch of masked guards. Reptile has to fight Cage, then escape to Outworld.

If you beat the MK1 stage with all the characters, Kung Lao is unlocked. With him you have to sneak in as a masked guard, and fight Guards.

The MK1 Stage is pretty much a tutorial stage. I might as well make a list of characters in the MK1 stage:

PLayable from Start-
Liu Kang
Johny cage

Shang Tsung
Kung Lao

In MK2, the characters unlocked from the start are Kung Lao, Liu Lang, Jax, and Sub-Zero. More commin soon

it seems like a good idea except for one thing in an adventure game you have to jump and with the up derection key assighned to movement and no jump button it would ether be impossible or it would be like a tekken force mode which could not stand on it's own as a game
03/16/2006 05:32 AM (UTC)
MotaroRules Wrote:
SubMan799 Wrote:
Okay, time to continue.

Liu Kang would have to talk to Raiden saying he's strong enough to win in Mortal Kombat. To prove himself he goes to fight Goro. First he has to fight a bunch of Guards. As soon as you defeat them, you fight Goro at the palace. He is the same as fighting him in the pit with Cage/Sonya. After that you fight Tsung. He is the hardest boss in the MK1 level. Tsung could transform into one of the characters in MK1, he could shoot fireballs, and has a ton of life. After defeating him, you have to go to the nether ship to leave. After that you would be able to play as Goro. Tsung and Raiden have to be unlocked in a special task.

To unlock Tsung, you have to be Liu Kang. Beat Goro in a flawless victory and you get Tsung as a playable character. Raiden is unlocked with Scorpion. Raiden can't be injured during the battle with the Maske dGuards when you team up with him.

The unlockable characters don't have much of a story here. Subby does the same thing Scorpion does except Scorpion gets much harder. With Kano you just have to escape the special forces and board the nethership. After that you go to the pit, and fight Sonya, Cage and Goro. Goro fights Liu and the characters at the pit. Tsung just fights Liu Kang. Raiden fights a bunch of masked guards. Reptile has to fight Cage, then escape to Outworld.

If you beat the MK1 stage with all the characters, Kung Lao is unlocked. With him you have to sneak in as a masked guard, and fight Guards.

The MK1 Stage is pretty much a tutorial stage. I might as well make a list of characters in the MK1 stage:

PLayable from Start-
Liu Kang
Johny cage

Shang Tsung
Kung Lao

In MK2, the characters unlocked from the start are Kung Lao, Liu Lang, Jax, and Sub-Zero. More commin soon

it seems like a good idea except for one thing in an adventure game you have to jump and with the up derection key assighned to movement and no jump button it would ether be impossible or it would be like a tekken force mode which could not stand on it's own as a game

Knew I forgot something. R3 could be the jump for PS2, and the black buttin could be the jump for XBOX
03/17/2006 12:41 AM (UTC)
Okay, MK2. If you're Liu Kang, you have to find the shaolin temple. On your way you find Tarkatas. You kick their asses, and continue up. After fighting 3 dozen Tarkatan you have a meeting with Baraka. You have a fight against him. Since the game is getting harder, Baraka is harder then Shang Tsung. He has 5 tarkatan body guards that you have to kill before attacking Baraka. Baraka is killing monks in the background. There is a number at the side of the screen that indicates how many monks died. If Baraka kils 50 monks, you lose. As soon as you beat the tarkatan, Baraka jumps down and fights you. He has more health then Tsung. His specials are the blade swipe, the move where he bends down, and moves his claws up and down, his his projectile and the move he has in MKT. The one that is just like Kung Lao's spinning move. After about twenty seconds, he goes back, and more tarkatans come. About 8. Baraka is killing monks, and you have to kill the tatkatans.

Baraka escapes from his death when you beat him. You have to look around for living monks, and take them to rest. After finding all the monks (About 10 of them) Kung Lao and Raiden show up and tell you what's happening. You go through the portal with Kung Lao, and end up in a forest. The living forest. You get Baraka in a treasure chest on the right of the area. I'll do the rest for him later.

Subby has to find out what happened to his brother. You have to head out, and look in a beach where the nethership landed, and Johny Cage left. Inside there you have to find a summary on what happened. Raiden wrote it. When you find it, it tells you that the original subby is dead. You now have to find a portal on the beach that leads to Outworld. Once you find it and get through it, you face an oni warlord. You are in the wasteland. After defeating the oni (which does count as a boss) you head up tot he living forest. You fight tarkatans before you reach the area. Once there Reptile appears. You will now have to fight him.

Reptile is always in the trees, and only falls when you knock the tree he's on down. There is an axe in one of the trees. You take it and start chopping. The living trees always resist. They start bitting at you. And Reptile shoots Acid from up top.When you cut a tree down, Reptile waste no time, and turns invisible to attack. Freezing him is the only way to see him and turn hmi visible until he climbs another tree. You get about ten seconds when he turns visible before he goes back up. Keep repeating, and you beat him. Sub-Zero let's Reptile go, and turns around to find another foe, Scorpion. The two start battling.

Scorpion has his telepunch, spear, raising hell move, and his flip kick. Whenever he can, he will teleport and punch, then instantly teleport and punch, and then again, and finally stops after the fifth time. He has a lot of health, and launches his spear quite often. When you take him down alot, he starts using his other moves. When he is nearly beaten, he ris his mask off and starts blasting fire every where. You have to freeze him when he's vulnerable to attack, and he is only vulnerable after a blast of a dozen fireballs. When you beat him you get the whole "I will help you speech," and you unlock Scorpion for MK2. Now you have to find Liu Kang with Scorpion by your side. You actually accidentily bump into him. I'll do more later
03/17/2006 08:01 AM (UTC)
I don't like the idea of the jump button being R3 on the ps2. that would be really annoying and frustrating, and the black button on the x-box isn't really a bad idea, but why not keep the same control system that came from shoalin monks? I really enjoyed that system, and it was really easy to get the hang of and play. And if you're doing an adventure game from the first MK to the last, then why not center it on the characters who have been in almost every game? It can't be Liu Kang, cuz he already had an adventure game. Original Sub-Zero had one, but I don't think making a game after the 2nd Sub would be very original. I would personally like to see someone like Scorpion or Raiden have a game based around all their adventures from beginning to end. Even a bad guy would be a nice surprise, like maybe Shao Kahn, Quan-Chi, or another bad ass boss. You do have very nice ideas though wink
03/18/2006 01:11 AM (UTC)
bislas23 Wrote:
I don't like the idea of the jump button being R3 on the ps2. that would be really annoying and frustrating, and the black button on the x-box isn't really a bad idea, but why not keep the same control system that came from shoalin monks? I really enjoyed that system, and it was really easy to get the hang of and play. And if you're doing an adventure game from the first MK to the last, then why not center it on the characters who have been in almost every game? It can't be Liu Kang, cuz he already had an adventure game. Original Sub-Zero had one, but I don't think making a game after the 2nd Sub would be very original. I would personally like to see someone like Scorpion or Raiden have a game based around all their adventures from beginning to end. Even a bad guy would be a nice surprise, like maybe Shao Kahn, Quan-Chi, or another bad ass boss. You do have very nice ideas though wink

The SM style controls isn't like this game. This game the combos are linked together as long as the character has control of the other. This is hard to explain, so I'll just cut to the chase. I needed four basic attacks for the four letters/shapes of the controler. You could change the configuration o fthe control if you want.

I'm not doing a solo MK adventure cause we all know what happens with thatwink

When you're Jax, you have to find Cage for questioning in L.A. You start off there, and try to find him to know what he knows about Sonya and Kano. You'll have to go through doors to find him. He's at an apartment. You take him in for questioning. Raiden arrives and asks for their help to stop Kahn. Jax found out that Sonya fell, so he was using this to find her.

When you go through the portal you find a never ending tarkata group. You will lose this battle, and be taken away from the rest. You find yourself in a cell, and break out. You fight the masked guards in the area and escape. When outside, a bunch of shadow preists attack. After that you have to find Liu Kang and the rest

With Cage, you just fight off the attacking tarkatans. Raiden tleeports away saying he needs more recruits. You have to continue until you find Kung Lao and Liu Kang. Kung Lao is battling Jade and Mileena while Kitana and Liu Kang are fighting. You are attacked from behind by Baraka. Baraka has the same strength when he fought Liu. After defeating him you help defeat Jade. Mileena runs away as Kitna returns to normal. The five continueand Sub-Zero and Scorpion join them. Jax also joins them. You continue to Kahn's palace and are locked out. Raiden is fighting Kintaro as Liu is fighting Kahn. Shang Tsung appears behind you with Reptile, Mileena, Baraka, and many tarkatas. Reptile is invisible until attacked with a projectile. He shoots acid and energy balls, some homing. Mileena is just like the MKSM ne except more health. Baraka is the same as the last million times. Shang Tsung is young, and powerful. He sits back and waits for a winner. After that Cage's story in MK2 is over. Except that he fights Tsung one last time before the end. Tsung fights each person, and you have to be each one who fights. If you beat him it's a what-if ending. After beating it with Cage you get Raiden unlocked. If you beat it with Kung Lao, Mileena is unlocked. If you beat it with Subby then Reptile is unlocked. If Kitana, you unlock herself. If Scorpion then Baraka.

Jax's story isn't over. He doesn't fight Tsung. Instead he sneaks into the arena and fights Kano. Kano has his cannonball move, laser, knife throw, and a new move. His MKT crazy Canonball. He is much tougher then before because it was two on one. Now it's one on one. After beating him, he knocks you down and escapes. You free Sonay and you're done. Sonya's unlocked there.
03/18/2006 01:29 AM (UTC)
Here's who can be unlocked in the MK2 storyline:

Noob Saibot(SU)
Shang Tsung(SU)
Shao Kahn

About Me

"because real men throw eggs"

03/18/2006 01:36 AM (UTC)
I think its a good idea, but theres something wrong:You said that for PS2 you just push R2 and you do a Fatality.I think it should be the type when you push like 5 buttons and it happens.And what about brutality and babatilty and the others? But it's still a good idea.
03/18/2006 01:51 AM (UTC)
laofan Wrote:
I think its a good idea, but theres something wrong:You said that for PS2 you just push R2 and you do a Fatality.I think it should be the type when you push like 5 buttons and it happens.And what about brutality and babatilty and the others? But it's still a good idea.

No, I meant that R2 will set you up for an MKSM style ftality. The other alities are pointless imo in an adventure game
03/18/2006 04:06 PM (UTC)
Okay, Liu Kang's MK2 part is gonna finish here. You enter the arena, and see Raiden is fighting Kintaro. Masked Guards appear and start attacking you. After beating them you see Raiden killing Kintaro. Kahn blasts Raiden with a bolt of energy knocking him out cold. You have to fight Kahn here. He has his MKSM moves, and also the move where he blasts energyfrom his mouth. He won't take damage when you hit him, but eventually the damage starts showing. Kahn has alot of health to take out. After beating him, he escapes and sends the arena collapsing. You have to escape with Raiden now. You have only a minute now. Whne you escape you get a cutscene ect. ect. you unlocked Shao Kahn and beat MK2's story.
03/21/2006 09:58 PM (UTC)
Okay, MK3 starts. You automatically start off as Raiden. Panic and chaos is going around. People are losing there souls. You have to find the heros and save them. Sub-Zero, Nightwolf, Kung Lao, Sonya, Kabal, Jax, Stryker, and Liu Kang are the heros. When they're found, they are unlocked.

With Kabal, you fight an extermination squad with no-face and Jarek with you. You have to fight Baraka in a one-on-one battle. There's a cutscene there, and Baraka messes up Kabal's face. Kabal gets his mask, and there you go! Kabal can shoot plasma balls, runs fast, and has hook weapons. You have to walk around the destroyed area. You find Cage fighting Motaro, and Nightwolf. Kabal rushes to the scene to help them. You team up with the other two, and fight Motaro. He is extremly hard, and can reach far with his tail. He has alot of health. He shoots blasts of energy with his tail, teleports, and you can't block his attacks. When his health is almost out he summons a bunch of centaurs to attack while he heals. You have to kill all of them before attacking Motaro. The centaurs are stronger then the tarkatan, and shadow preists.

After beating Motaro there is a cuscene. Motaro kills Cage, and Raiden appears to stop Motaro. He succeeds. Cage comes back because he can't ascend.

Kabal travels with the other three, and reach Nightwolf's hideout. All the other heros are waiting there. After a cutscene, you travel to the remains of New York with Sonya and Jax. The other two head up a tower. Kano then appears and talks to you. Kabal tells him he's not helping him and then you fight. Kano is as tough as he was with Jax. Kano wins the battle and heads up with tarkatas weilding guns. Half go attack Jax, and the others attack Sonya. You're out cold.

He wakes up in the hospital, and learns that Kahn lost. You beat Kabal's MK3 story
03/30/2006 10:41 PM (UTC)
Not to sound mean and to promote my thread but shouldnt this be in my thread? My MAKE YOUR OWN M.K. GAME thread
03/30/2006 10:52 PM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
Not to sound mean and to promote my thread but shouldnt this be in my thread? My MAKE YOUR OWN M.K. GAME thread

*Shrugs shoulders*

03/31/2006 08:46 PM (UTC)
I think it sounds good, I always wanted to play an MK adventure game that shows everyones story. Keep it up.
03/31/2006 11:13 PM (UTC)
SubMan799 Wrote:
coltess Wrote:
Not to sound mean and to promote my thread but shouldnt this be in my thread? My MAKE YOUR OWN M.K. GAME thread

*Shrugs shoulders*

"points finger and walks over to Subman799'' Well you making threads like this one inspires others to make one like it, And takes posts away from my thread and I dont Like that! "pulls out a gun and pulls the trigure but water hits subman799 "both subman799 and coltess laugh although subman799 laughs in a scared way'' then coltess grabs subman799 and repeatedly slams his head into a table and says dont take my posts away! capiesh"
About Me


04/01/2006 03:12 AM (UTC)
This would be a good idea, but it would have to go on an upcoming blue-ray disc, cause a CD doesnt got that much memory.
04/01/2006 04:42 AM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
SubMan799 Wrote:
coltess Wrote:
Not to sound mean and to promote my thread but shouldnt this be in my thread? My MAKE YOUR OWN M.K. GAME thread

*Shrugs shoulders*

"points finger and walks over to Subman799'' Well you making threads like this one inspires others to make one like it, And takes posts away from my thread and I dont Like that! "pulls out a gun and pulls the trigure but water hits subman799 "both subman799 and coltess laugh although subman799 laughs in a scared way'' then coltess grabs subman799 and repeatedly slams his head into a table and says dont take my posts away! capiesh"

Was that suppose to be funny?
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