New Ideas For Scorpion
posted07/20/2013 05:48 AM (UTC)by
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11/23/2010 09:35 PM (UTC)
I browsed our forum in our little corner of the web, and came across a great thread by Esoteric for new ideas for Sub-Zero, and realized there hadn't been one for Scorpion.
As many know, I am against ninja characters, but most of the ninjas aren't really ninja, so, Scorpion is awesome as he's more like a samurai.

My idea for Scorpion is that he uses his kunai and rope as melee weapons like he did in his MKII Fatality and in Shoalin Monks, like holding his rope around their neck and throwing them to the ground as his grapple, or like a pop-up attack that would throw the enemy into the air with his kunai. So...
share your ideas!
10/09/2012 02:00 PM (UTC)
A.) I don't know you that well to know you don't like ninjas.

B.) How is Scorpion a samurai?

C.) All he needs is a major story change.
10/09/2012 06:45 PM (UTC)
A) Must not have seen the ninja-based rants during the tournaments.

B) His battle style; attack and defeat, don't run away. Samurai's fight like real warriors instead of killing people in their sleep.

C) I totally agree. No more "Revenge on (INSERT ENEMY HERE)!!!"
10/09/2012 07:51 PM (UTC)
WARNING: Long-ass post!

Scorpion has only been of Samurai status in MK: Legacy. Personally, I think Scorpion is the male ninja-type character in the series that needs the biggest changes.

Look-wise, he's become way too flashy. He's just overdesigned, and in my opinion, that hurts him. I feel that for the most part, Scorpion's costume in MK: Legacy has the right idea of a simpler costume. Going crazy with lots of designs just makes him look ridiculous.

Another major gripe about Scorpion's costume designs is an issue that goes back to the very first game itself: his color scheme. Yellow, especially a bright yellow, is not exactly the best color to be wearing if you're a ninja. It's as if Scorpion is like Ben Kingsley's character from Tuck Everlasting, going out at night in yellow.

I like the idea behind Vincent Proce's reboot drawing of Scorpion by giving his look a ghostly feel and having the yellow color scheme coming from blood. Being a specter, Scorpion's look should capture that element, and I feel that is another thing lacking about him.


Gameplay-wise, I could argue that to many, Scorpion comes off as the "fast, aggressive" type who likes to close the distance and hit enemies with a barrage of attacks. With that said, he feels more like a Japanese Karateka than an actual ninja.

I've argued that Sub-Zero (Kuai Liang) is more like a ninja by being more methodical, strategical, and defensive. The thing about being a ninja is really about intelligence gathering and analysis, among other things (e.g. sabotage). In terms of hand-to-hand combat, it's just not a priority, because getting into that kind of situation is counterproductive. Giving a quick example, Scorpion and Bi-Han were sent to the Shaolin Temple to obtain the Map of Elements for their respective clans. The fact that Scorpion had to get into a fight with Bi-Han doesn't exactly help, especially since Scorpion was defeated and killed by him.

Also, if Scorpion had more of that ninja feel to his fighting style, he would not feel right to a lot of people. For one thing, he'd being using more defensive tactics and would be using very few kicks, of which are very simple kicks (e.g. front stomp kick). So what would I do to make Scorpion's fighting style better?

I know that while NRS does not use the 2/3-style system from MKDA-MKA, it would still be possible to use techniques from actual martial arts styles for a character's moveset. Ideally, Scorpion's hand-to-hand combat techniques would have a base from Togakure-ryū, Gyokushin-ryū, and Kumogakure-ryū, the three Ninjutsu traditions that are from the X-Kans (Bujinkan, Genbukan, and Jinenkan).

To go with the more offensive aspect, there could be strong influences from Kotō-ryū Koppōjutsu, which is an art about attacking the opponent's skeletal structure. Since Scorpion comes from the modern era, it wouldn't be illogical to have had him pick up some martial arts experience from other styles. He could have influences from a Japanese style of Karate like Shōtōkan or Kyokushin.

The idea behind using the martial arts techniques is simply to use a strong base as the foundation for a character's fighting style. Given that MK is a video game series, there is obviously room to incorporate moves not in those arts.

Getting to his special moves and overall abilities, I feel that he could be more ninja-like by using various weapons and tools as opposed to being big on fire. In the MK Mythologies backstory, it was mentioned that Scorpion was proficient in the use of the shuriken, a weapon that he has never used in any of the games. However, if that was referring to him using his kunai, that's definitely an error, because kunai are not shuriken.

I would like Scorpion to use shuriken since he's supposed to be proficient in it, and he can still use them differently from someone like Reiko or Noob Saibot. I could see Scorpion throwing shuriken on the ground to set them up as traps, not unlike Sub-Zero's Ice Clone.

Regarding his spear move, the idea was that it was based off of the Chinese rope dart. However, given how his spear works in the games, I think it would make sense that his "spear" was more like the Kyoketsu Shōge, a ninja weapon used in Togakure-ryū. The design of its straight blade makes sense for piercing the opponent's body while the side hooked blade can latch onto the opponent's body in order for Scorpion to pull him/her towards him.


Story and character-wise, he's a mess. It was somewhere in the MKDA era where the whole revenge thing became tiresome. It was understandable for Scorpion to want to get revenge on Quan Chi, but there really wasn't much else. MK: Deception had Scorpion becoming the Champion of the Elder Gods, a role that would have felt more natural into progression had his character started to develop into something of a hero. However, MK: Armageddon had Scorpion degenerating back into the revenge-based story as he goes after Taven to get back at the Elder Gods.

With MK vs. DC and the new continuity in MK 2011, Scorpion is now made out to essentially be Quan Chi's bitch. Now I can understand the concept of Quan Chi being the one to bring back Scorpion as a specter and trying to use him as a weapon, especially against Sub-Zero. However, what's missing, at least seemingly to me, is the dynamic of Scorpion being that "wild card" who does as he chooses. Sure, in MK4, Scorpion worked for Quan Chi and Shinnok, but that's simply because Quan Chi made an offer to him. Even then, Scorpion had his own motives.

Right now, the overall story of the series is a big mess, and given Scorpion's bad track record, I don't see his story and character improving anytime soon. However, in this new continuity, it IS possible for him to move away from villain status and maybe even progress into something of an anti-hero. The thing is, that has to take at least a few games in order to get there.

I personally would like to see Scorpion's story develop into a story of redemption, hence eventually progressing into a hero or an anti-hero.

10/09/2012 11:45 PM (UTC)
teleport sweep. scorpion teleports from 1 side to the other that sweeps the fighter to the floor.

teleport hold. scorpion grabs there arm teleports on the other side while still holding on.

teleport throw. scorpion grabs the fighter and does Ryu Hayabusa Izuna Drop through a portal.

teleport counter. scorpion grabs his kunai and counter the fighters attack and sends them through a portal landing them on there back.

chained punch. scorpion grabs his kunai uses the chain as extra punching power.

kunai rippile. he swings his spear slicing the floor sending debris flying at the fighter.

kunai spin. he spins in a circile cutting everything in it's path.

kunai trip. scorpion sends his spear latches onto there leg and sends them on there back

kunai arm drag. he throws his spear and latches onto there arm and flips the fighter sending them flying.

scorpions underlings attack. summons bunch of baby scorpions to attack.

these are just some ideas i had. ninja assassin film had some interesting ways the main character used his weapon and feel scorpion could benefit along the lines. what you guys/girls think.
10/14/2012 07:09 PM (UTC)
We all know how how scorpion feels about his family and clan. Let's capitalize on that. Scorpion should ,HIMSELF, somehow find some ancient artifact that will revive the Shira Ryu. Enough of the revenge and enough of people misleading Scorpion. I want to see him as the champion of the revived shira ryu and I want the new shira ryu to go to war with other clans of earthrealm, preferably the Lin Kuei or Red Dragon....or even the White Lotus : )
10/15/2012 01:16 AM (UTC)
What purpose would they have going after the White Lotus? That would make no sense.
11/15/2012 07:16 PM (UTC)
Alt Costume-> Ghost Rider
11/16/2012 02:58 AM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Alt Costume-> Ghost Rider
11/17/2012 02:55 PM (UTC)

11/19/2012 01:31 AM (UTC)
legoslayer10 Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Alt Costume-> Ghost Rider

Thanks for agreeing!

@BIG_SYKE19 > That render of Scorpion you posted would be great for his main!
12/01/2012 07:50 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
What purpose would they have going after the White Lotus? That would make no sense.

Simple White Lotuse: Good ; Shira Ryu: Bad

There you have two opposig forces so INSERT PLOT HERE

or maybe the two clans could have a common enemy INSERT PLOT HERE

improvise man...
12/01/2012 08:26 PM (UTC)
corayfor Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
What purpose would they have going after the White Lotus? That would make no sense.

Simple White Lotuse: Good ; Shira Ryu: Bad

There you have two opposig forces so INSERT PLOT HERE

or maybe the two clans could have a common enemy INSERT PLOT HERE

improvise man...

No wonder why my detailed response is still neglected.

Oh, and Icebaby is a girl. wink
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01/02/2013 10:13 PM (UTC)
I'd personally like to see a scenario like this:

Due to Shinnok being a former Elder God, the remaining Elder Gods declare a champion of their own. After watching Scorpion fight for so long for revenge for his people, his lost family etc, they restore his humanity and endow him with more power.

His name is changed from Scorpion back to Hanzo Hasashi and instead of wearing back and yellow, he wears white and gold. Instead of hellfire, he has heavens light.

Now, of course, this wouldn't last.

Somehow, he'll be betrayed by the Gods or his power will be taken away, so players will still get to choose the option of Hanzo or Scorpion. Or the good and evil versions of the same character.

I'd probably do that in a Robot Smoke changes to Human Smoke before the match type of dealy like they did in UMK3. I could picture a sweet intro for something like that!

01/03/2013 12:51 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
I'd personally like to see a scenario like this:

Due to Shinnok being a former Elder God, the remaining Elder Gods declare a champion of their own. After watching Scorpion fight for so long for revenge for his people, his lost family etc, they restore his humanity and endow him with more power.

His name is changed from Scorpion back to Hanzo Hasashi and instead of wearing back and yellow, he wears white and gold. Instead of hellfire, he has heavens light.

Now, of course, this wouldn't last.

Somehow, he'll be betrayed by the Gods or his power will be taken away, so players will still get to choose the option of Hanzo or Scorpion. Or the good and evil versions of the same character.

I'd probably do that in a Robot Smoke changes to Human Smoke before the match type of dealy like they did in UMK3. I could picture a sweet intro for something like that!

If Scorpion is going to become the Champion of the Elder Gods like in the other timeline, he should be developed into that role. With the way he is now, that needs to take more than the next game. As for the look, etc., I mean, if you want to go with that, he could just be called Hanzo. As Champion of the Elder Gods, I would like him to have more of the traditional Japanese armored look. Also, if he does become the Champion of the Elder Gods, why not further develop that?
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01/03/2013 06:45 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
If Scorpion is going to become the Champion of the Elder Gods like in the other timeline, he should be developed into that role. With the way he is now, that needs to take more than the next game. As for the look, etc., I mean, if you want to go with that, he could just be called Hanzo. As Champion of the Elder Gods, I would like him to have more of the traditional Japanese armored look. Also, if he does become the Champion of the Elder Gods, why not further develop that?

Well, I was mainly operating under the assumption that people would probably hate such a dramatic change in his appearance, even if the story would be more or less agreeable. He's been the black and yellow or black and gold ninja since the begining.

Perhaps I reversed what would actually be a better idea? Start Scorpion out in this next game as you would normally and then, through the story mode, have him come out the other end as the champion of the elder gods, thereby still giving players both versions but leading his story in to the next game with the white and gold version of Scorpion.

Truth be told, I love the idea of taking Scorpion in a new direction like this. Away from revenge against Sub Zero or Quan Chi. Perhaps throughout his story in the next game, he's fighting for the opportunity to get his family and clan back, but he winds up becoming the the reluctant champion of the gods instead?

Either way, there are directions that he can go in along these lines and I think that long time MK fans would warm up to him again if they'd just break him out of the mode that he's been in for so long.
01/03/2013 08:30 PM (UTC)
That's not a bad idea. I'm all for good story and character development, something the series needs badly. I do want to note about Scorpion's color scheme. To be honest, it's kind of stupid. It's not just about the amount of yellow being used. It's just that for a ninja character, it's not a good color to use.

I was thinking that if yellow is going to continue to be used as the color scheme for Scorpion's costumes, not only should it be used sparingly, it should be more of an aged bone kind of yellow instead of a bright yellow or even a golden yellow.

Also, the other issue I have with Scorpion's design is that they don't quite capture that "ghostly"/"spectral" feel. I sort of feel like NRS should get away from the whole "Ghost Rider" aspect and go more for the sort of horror factor weaved into the ninja base design.
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01/04/2013 02:48 PM (UTC)
To be completely honest, I've felt the same exact way about Scorpion's color scheme since the first MK. I mean, call me crazy, but shouldn't ninja's be stealthy? I get that the Shinrai Ryu wear the color to mock the Lin Kuei, but doesn't wearing bright yellow seem, I dunno, counterproductive to the whole "ninja" / stealthy thing to begin with?

I could see maybe having a piece of ripped, yellow cloth wrapped around one hand, or perhaps the part of his mask that covers the lower half of his face, but that's about it.

Of course, then again, Sub-Zero wore bright blue in thef first two games so I suppose that some disbelief must be suspended.

Still, one of the knocks against MK that I've read over and over again, even against the most recent MK was the fact that the costumes on many of the characters looked ridiculous. Too much spandex, too much 90's etc.

Perhaps with next gen on the horizon, now might be the time to update a lot of the looks for acharacters? Maybe make them a little less "video-gamey" and a little more realistic within the confines of the universe?

I'm not saying that you have to change Reptile in to some human, flesh eating serial killer or whatever, as the game has non-humans. But there are a lot of characters that could stand for an updating to say the least.

I'm also not much of a fan of the chains and skulls version of Scorpion. It's oka and it gives him a different look that separates him a little from the other ninjas, but it would be nice if they took him in a different direction overall and whether that e a more ghostly appearance or a champion of the gods type of look, I think it's time for a more heavy-handed approach to his look going forward.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
WARNING: Long-ass post!

As a long ass poster myself, much respect on the thought that you put in to your original post. I hadn't read it initially, but always intended to go back to it when I had a few minutes. Now that I have, I get alot of where you're coming from here.

I honestly don't think that NRS has ever put Scorpion's or Sub-Zero's fighting style together with their stories or more specifically, they're ninjas, so they should look, fight and act like ninjas.

I'm not familiar with most of the fighting styles that you mention in your post, but you did meantion attacking the skeleton of the opponent and using throwing stars and I like where you're going with those ideas.

I personally wouldn't mind seeing more of a use of misdirection. I'd also like to see more of a marriage between his occupation and his move set. I think that there's some room for fire here and there, as that's kinda his "thing," but I agree that he should not just be the big, hulking fire guy with the chains or whatever, as ninjas shouldn't really be like that and (I'd assume) aren't like that.

It's tough, as I think that through so many games, people have a feeling of how Scorpion should look and play, even if a lot of long time fans are kinda sick of both of those things. So in many ways, NRS is kinda stuck. I'd like to see him evolve over the course of the next few games and I think that starts with a rather large change in direction for his character story-wise.

Will NRS have the stones to pull that off? I hope so. I think so. I guess we'll see at some point.
01/04/2013 11:30 PM (UTC)
Here comes a long ass response. tongue

The thing about MK's ninja characters is that they're obviously going to be based off of stereotypes of ninja from movies and such. Therefore, they're going to stick with wearing some version of the Shinobi shōzoku ("Ninja suit"). For the purposes of a series like MK, it works fine if there are good designs for the characters. Realistically, Scorpion could have a very different kind of costume, but I imagine that it would get a lot of backlash for not having enough familiar elements to the look.

But yes, if we're going to go with the Shinobi shōzoku, then yellow, especially a brighter yellow, is a bad idea. I think it'd be great if Scorpion's costume had some light armor on, which would tie into more realistic touches while being able to touch on a nice fantasy aspect. This is especially if Scorpion serves under Quan Chi and Shinnok in the next game for the purposes of fighting the war against the gods. Then again, for that, I would probably want a more armored look where Scorpion is decked out.

I do agree with the criticisms of the character costumes looking cartoony and something out of a comic book. Granted, MK is a video game series, and it has strong fantasy elements to it. However, it's a series that has a mix of realism and fantasy, because you have a range of the more realistic characters like Stryker to the more fantasy-oriented characters like Onaga. It can't go too far into one direction or another or it loses a strong element of its ambiance.


Aside from my hatred of the overall story, what MK9 really failed to do was to truly reintroduce the series and its characters in a new light. When you get right down to it, it's still all pretty damn familiar. Sure, there are various changes to certain character and story directions, such as Sub-Zero becoming a cyborg or many of the heroes dying and becoming Quan Chi's zombie slaves. However, when you get to the characters themselves, even with certain changes here and there, I don't feel like there's that strong sense of change.

Having said that, I look back at the Rebirth short and I still find it more interesting than what we have lately in the game series. That doesn't mean that I necessarily want the games to have a very realistic look and feel like in Rebirth. It's just that I really got that feeling that the characters and the setting where done in such a different way that shows the potential, the possibilities for how the series and its characters can be done.

When we get to MK: Legacy, particularly with the 7th and 8th episodes, we get to see the side to Scorpion that's not really touched on in the games. I'm referring to him being the family man, which is the basis for what lead him to become a ninja for the Shirai clan. It's not like in the games where in the old timeline, Scorpion was a wild card/anti-hero but is Quan Chi's bitch in the new timeline. It has much more to do with seeing different sides to characters to where we are invested in them.

That's the thing about this series. It has its share of flaws throughout its history yet it has this potential that I don't really see in other fighting games. Maybe that's just my bias since I'm not as invested in those other series like I am in MK. However, what I see in MK is the potential for many different, yet valid interpretations. The MK guys are able to tap into some of the potential but not enough to give it a real rebirth.

But anyway, I do feel that touching more on realism would help the series by grounding it. However, when talking about Scorpion's look, it has more to do with looking overdesigned as opposed to a lack of realism. The lack of realism in costumes is much more of an issue for characters like Sonya and Jax. I would actually say that Ermac is a pretty good example of a character whose design clearly has a lot of fantasy elements, but his costume designs work very well. With that said, I would say that a page of two should be taken from how Ermac's design is done.


Now about the fighting styles, I'm just the type of guy that loves to analyze things like that. Before I really get into all of that, I've been doing a lot of thinking about the series, mainly its story and characters. Basically, I've been thinking a lot about how I would portray the characters and what kind of stories could be told. This even applies to Baraka, a character that, from a story/character perspective, have never really been too fond of. I actually have some fairly concrete ideas for him.

Anyway, back to the whole fighting style thing, I've not only done a lot of thought about actual martial arts aspect but the overall gameplay style to each character. I actually have been wanting to do a thread where I talk about all of that, but it just seems that with the way things have been on MK forums like this, that kind of discussion wouldn't get too many great responses. I'm still a sucker for the "good ol' days" where we had people like ProudNintendoFan and XiahouDun84 delving into story and character discussions. I would go one step further and talk about other aspects in addition to those.

As awesome as it would be to sort of go back to the MK: Deadly Alliance-MK: Armageddon influence by using real martial arts styles, I don't see that returning to the series, at least not for a very long while. I still believe they can easily be incorporated into the characters' movesets as influences.

When thinking about Scorpion's gameplay style, I see him as a character that's more suited towards beginners. He comes off as that sort of aggressive, fast-paced fighter that closes the distance and unleashes a barrage of attacks. If he fought more like an actual ninja, I can assure you that players would be pissed off due to how different he would feel. It would really be something more suited to Sub-Zero, which I know sounds ironic.

Despite all of that, certain techniques can be incorporated. Some of the arts I mentioned (e.g. Togakure-ryū) are martial arts that are grouped together in what is known as Takamatsu-den (Takamatsu traditions). There was a Japanese martial artist named Toshitsugu Takamatsu who studied several martial arts styles, three of which are specifically centered around Ninjutsu. There are some people that question the authenticity/historicity of some of those arts, but that's not particularly important for the purposes of a video game series like Mortal Kombat.

About the stuff with attacking the skeleton, I was referring to koppōjutsu (bone method skill), which involves attacking the bone structure of the opponent to disrupt his/her balance. It's taught in styles like Kotō-ryū (Tiger Toppling School) and Gikan-ryū (Example of Justice and Righteousness School), both of which are two of the arts grouped in the Takamatsu-den. There is even a ninja striking technique called koppō ken (bone method fist), which is essentially a fist with a bent thumb on top to emphasize the knuckle of the thumb as a striking weapon.

The idea of Scorpion using the shuriken has to do with the backstory element from the MKMSZ stuff where he was apparently a master of it. However, I later realized that the kunai was being referenced, and quite frankly, kunai are NOT shuriken. He could have a special move where he throws bō shuriken (stick-shaped shuriken) on the ground as opposed to the more well-known hira (flat) variety. Since Scorpion is supposed to be an actual ninja from a ninja clan, there is actually a lot more that could be done with his special moves if a lot of good thought was given towards it.

I think that overall, Scorpion is one character who badly needs major changes to be given new life. It doesn't mean that he has to be changed so much to where he is almost a different character. I guess what I'm saying is, NRS should go more back to the roots of the character himself as the basis for his design, moveset, etc.
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01/08/2013 02:34 AM (UTC)
There's only one thing I'd like for Scorpion: To kill Quan Chi and that's it. I'd like that chapter to be closed.

The revenge storyline since MK 4 has gone on way too long. Yes, he was declared a champion of the Elder Gods in Deception, but got screwed over by them by resurrecting his clan as specters.

I'd think with the next game, Scorpion will still be Quan Chi's bodyguard, but perhaps if Sub-Zero is freed first somehow, Quan Chi will have him hunt him down (and lie about his role in his family and clan's death) and then Scorpion would take Sub-Zero to his former home. He would just try to kill him and then either Sareena or his fallen family and clan show him the truth (I liked that bit where Quan Chi shows him that vision of Sub Zero doing it).

Scorpion tracks down Quan Chi and kills him like in his MK 2011 ending.

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01/09/2013 08:57 PM (UTC)
For Scorpions look, I could see a more armored version, certainly. I just worry that they'd over-design it and have giant skulls for the shoulders with big points sticking out of it or something that looks like it belongs in a metal video from 1985.

But if they could come across a style of armor that flows more from the ninja/warrior side and less from the hell spectre side, I could see something like that working really well for him.

That's kinda the annoying part about the character designs in MK now. They basically have to keep it safe because they'd had these looks for characters that have been the same for decades now. Sub Zero must wear blue, Scorpion must wear yellow, Sonya must wear some sort of military / stripper outfit. Kitana must wear light blue etc.

If Kitana was in the next game wearing a flowing red kimono with green and gold accents or something of that nature, MK fans would freak out.

So the challenge then becomes: How do you innovate on a characters look while keeping them true to their core concept design? I personally don't think that they should. I mean, I suppose for the two characters that are actually in ninja clans they could, but does Rain have to wear purple? Does Reptile have to wear green? He didn't in MK4 and while his actual outfit design in that game was atrocious, they still felt compelled to given him a green ninja costume as an alt outfit.

But honestly? And this is just my opinion. I'd rather have characters with outfits that fit who they are, where they're from, what's currently happening with them etc. As long as the style works (and is hopefully more modern than black spandex), I don't care how close any characters are to what they've been in the past.

To me, that's almost a symptom of a greater issue with MK... It's almost becoming a victim of it's success. Because it's been around for so long, new characters become harder to introduce, as so many people just want the MK1-MK3 characters, and they want the character designs to be what they've always been, or some similar take on them.

I sincerely hope, and again, this is just me, that NRS looked at MK2011 and said "we did a great job from top to bottom. I think that we can now move on past the nostalgia and chart the future for this series as we want it" and do so with a sense of confidence in knowing that their legion of fans have faith in them again.


Ah, see this goes to what I was saying before and you're exactly right... MK2011, while having a great fighting system, did little in terms of introducing the characters in a new and different way. I suppose that's to be expected given then timeline and the fact that they were basically focusing on MK1-MK3.

But again, I really hope that with the next game they can take a look at the story they've created with MK2011 and move the characters that they intend to bring back into new and interesting directions. I hope that those directions make the characters more well rounded personality-wise, and I hope that it affects the way the characters look and maybe even fight as well.

If change wasn't the name of the last game, if the purpose was more a resetting of the series and laying the ground work for a new direction, then I really hope that the next game IS that new direction.

I still remember Boon saying before MKvsDC that he basically wanted to kill off the whole cast and start fresh (or something to that affect). Well, now is the time to do that. You've laid the ground work.

[SPOILER... I guess?] Cage, Sonya and Raiden are the only good guys that survived. Now unless you want to have a DLC story where Sub-Zero, Smoke, Jade, Kitana and Kung Lao all fight their way out of the Netherealm somehow (which might be fun), just stick with the characters that you have and have the courage to move forward.

They now have the excuse of "because the alternate timeline did this..." virtually built in if they want to introduce a new character, not bring back an old one, whatever.


Depth of character... That's another thing that I sort of mentioned. To me, MK has always had the potential for a great story because it took the time to tell us what was happening, who these people were and from game to game, they laid out a path and few fighting games have ever bothered to do this and those that do are borderline incoherent messes.

I think that what can sell MK's story even more would be making these characters more realistic in terms of how they speak, how they act, how they move, how they react to things. I'd love to see an MK story that has complex elements with complex characters.

I'm not saying that MK should be a soap opera, but there could be love, sex, betrayal, plotting, madness, loss, etc. Things that go beyond "Scorpions family was killed and now he seeks revenge" for the 80th time. The guy lost his family and his clan and while I get why he's a huge ball of rage, perhaps we could see the more tragic elements of his story? The grief, the loss, the emptiness...

Just an example, but I think that there are alot of other characters that could use this type of depth. Not all. Some characters are monsters because they're monsters, but there are a lot more that could use some help in making them more... Complete? I guess that's the right word.


As far as the fighting styles, I like what you're talking about a lot. I think that as long as MK is on a 2D plane, we'll continue to see summersaulting jump kicks, sweeps and big uppercuts for every character. In fact, I think that alot of that stuff are just genre staples, if not MK staples that they'll keep forever.

But I would like to see more of a marriage of the realistic elements of fighting mixed in with the fantastical elements. Again, I love the signature moves and the little bits of extra that they put in to make each character unique in their combos and what not.

Now I'd just like to see them take both ideas to the next level. From a structural standpoint, the way the character move, the way that they attack, how they attack, the structure of the combos etc... It would be nice to see a consistency in terms of style.

Sure, it's a fighting game, so a ninja will still have to fight like a character in a fighting game, but not just for authenticity sake, it'd be nice to see character fight in real styles because I think that a lot of styles would look different and feel different and it'd give every character a level of depth that few fighting games have ever achieved.

You do that, and then you build off of the signature moves and find more ways to make it look and feel like Quan Chi the sorcerer is attacking you, not just Quan Chi the expert in Tang Soo Do.

I think that the root is a good place for character design to start with a lot of the older characters. Looking at their story to see how the character can be given more depth and more well-roundedness beyond "the chosen one" and "the moustache twirling bad guy."

Games should be trying to go beyond those simple ideas and with story being such an important part of MK, it would be great to see them really take this concept to the next level.

Branching out from the root though, along with story and character depth, comes who they are, their style, how they move, attack, defend etc. I know that's putting it in very simplistic terms, but again, going for a more authentic feel that this character exists in this world as we exist in our world. They are an expert in X martial arts style, so what can they do? What wouldn't they do? How does their personality play in to how they utilize their attack method and can NRS make that attack method as real and authentic to that character as possible to help further enhance their uniqueness and their identity?

I think that's what I've always loved about MK. The potential to dig deeper. And I really hope that with characters and the storyline in the next MK, they really choose to go that extra mile, to make these characters, their looks, their fighting styles, everything that goes in to being what they are and how they function in the world of MK as authentic and believable as possible.

You take that and cross it with the more fantastical elements and I think that you have a really special game. Just my opinion though. I feel like I was picking around the edges of my thoughts, but I hope that anyone that bothers to read this sees where I'm going here.
07/20/2013 05:48 AM (UTC)
SCORPION (revision finished)

Standard Harpoon - Throws signature harpoon towards opponent to impale them in chest and pulls/drags his paralyzed opponent over to where he stands gliding his opponent across the ground instead of stumbling across the floor to execute additional hits/combos while opponent stands disoriented.

Reverse Harpoon – From close range, Scorpion thrusts his hand in the chest of his opponent and impales tip of harpoon in opponent’s chest from close range then throws/kicks opponent away from him either behind him or away from him towards the wall in front of him with a thrusting both of his hands in a quick push or with a front snap kick while they’re attached on rope to slam them on floor.

Aerial Harpoon - From mid-air, Scorpion thrust his arm forward in a diagonally downward direction, extending it to launch his harpoon towards his footbound opponent. When the harpoon lodges into his opponent's chest, from mid-air he can land on his feet and rescend the harpoon back into his hand from a crouching disposition from his jerking motion and consequently fling his opponent up into the air face down in a head over heels motion towards himself for a possible air juggle or pop up combo to execute while his opponent his airbound.

Ground Poke – From fighting stance, Scorpion thrusts his harpoon through the ground in a bent knee position only have it extend on the other side of the screen from the ground and to extend underneath his opponent’s feet to impale opponent in their upper torso causing opponent to clam up into a fetal position. He then recoils harpoon back in hand in swift motion and transitions into his fighting stance.

Ground Poke & Slam - From fighting stance, Scorpion thrusts his harpoon through the ground in a bent knee position and thrusts harpoon through the ground to have his harpoon extend out on the other side of the screen from the ground underneath his opponent’s feet to impale opponent in the back of his upper torso and propels opponent in air and then slam opponent with force to the ground causing opponent to bounce up and down against the ground on their back. Leaving opponents open for combos.

Teleport – Scorpion teleports leaving a blinking hologram imprint behind and transfers himself laterally across the screen behind his opponent, forward towards his opponent or to reappear and drop down vertically from the top of screen.

Upper Harpoon - Throws harpoon diagonally upwards towards a jumping opponent to impale them while in mid-air. Then Scorpion yanks his harpoon down to slam opponent on the ground diagonally past himself with force. Opponent bounces diagonally past Scorpion off the pavement from sudden impact of jerk bouncing off the ground directly behind him and leaving them open for combos yelling the phrase with ALOT of conviction “Get over here!” “Get down here!!” and “Come here!”

Tree of Life - Thrusts harpoon in crouching position down through the ground to extend on the other side of the screen from the ground underneath his opponent’s feet to strike opponent multiple times launching him in the air with each hit. Tip of harpoon impales opponent in mid-air interweaving across their body rapidly and hitting them multiple times to finally impale them in the back while in mid-air. Scorpion recoils harpoon back in his hand to jerk opponent down to the ground with force bouncing them up and down against ground.

Fighting Hologram – From standing position, Scorpion flings his intersecting arms backward and launches an advancing hologram image replica that executes a brief free-handed combo towards opponent then disappears in a blinking imprint.

Scorpion’s Tail - From mid to long range Scorpion thrusts harpoon in crouching position through the ground to extend on the other side behind opponent to impale them in the back paralyzing them where they stand and pushing his opponent forward a bit in mid-glide forward. It can be motioned similar to a Scorpion’s tail impaling its prey. The forward momentum can push his opponent forward with their arms outstretched and then he can pull his harpoon back by recoiling harpoon back in hand to jerk opponent backwards off their feet into a ground slam with force bouncing up and down slightly and disorienting his opponent to leave them open for a series of combos to follow up with a possible teleport.

Mid-Air Throw - Scorpion somersaults in the air to grab and throw his opponent leaning backward and thrusting his foot upward to launch his opponent up and over across the screen. Scorpion lands on his back face up and springs up with no hands to transition into his fighting stance.

Chaotic Impale - Pulls his opponent by shoulder and thrusts his hand to the sternum of his opponent causing a multiple combo hit of Scorpion’s harpoon as it interweaves through the sternum and out of the back of his opponent, paralyzing them where they stand as they convulse from the multiple hits. He could then recoil the harpoon back into his hand while opponent drops to the floor on their knees, leaving them open for more combos to follow upon.

Hell-Spawn - Scorpion flings his intersecting arms backwards from fighting stance while a fiery inferno momentarily engulfs him and then disappears and forms his pupil eyes completely white. In this mode the physical punches and kicks have more impact with flashes of fire with each movement and he would move more quickly like being fast forwarded as if he were under the gun, in a state of panic/emergency or in a hurry. He also can perform a select few moves under this mode.

Whipper Snapper – Scorpion cocks back backside hand from fighting stance facing the camera, and throws his harpoon to impale his opponent in the chest. He then, instead of pulling the harpoon into him, he yanks down on the harpoon causing his harpoon to snap across the face of his opponent and have them grimacing in pain covering their face for a brief moment. This gives Scorpion an opportunity to execute a series of combos and hits on his disabled opponent.

Tangled Web - Scorpion cocks back backside hand from fighting stance facing the camera, and throws his harpoon to impale his opponent in the chest. He then, sequentially flash teleports randomly around his impaled opponent while wrapping his harpoon rope around and across the upper and lower extremities of his opponent. When opponent is fully wrapped and restrained, with the connected harpoon in Scorpion's hand, he can then forcefully yank back/jerk the harpoon back into retracting back into his hand, unraveling his opponent in mid-air, head over heels and topsy turvy in front of him only for his opponent to bounce up and down against the pavement for a possible air juggle or follow up combo.

Root Cause – Scorpion grabs his opponent by the hand and executes a half twist turning his back against the plane of his opponent’s body and throws them over his shoulder in a similar fashion as a Hapkido/Akido throw to the ground. While his opponent lies on the ground face up, Scorpion then kneels over their laid out body and thrusts into a crouching position on one knee driving his harpoon through the mid-section of his laid out opponent. The harpoon flows through his opponent’s chest as their body convulses from the multiple hits and then exits out the other side of the ground sporadically like a water geyser. Scorpion then recoils the harpoon back in his hand causing his opponent’s body to convulse once more from retracting the harpoon.

Ball Drop - From fighting stance, Scorpion, thrust his backside arm upwards towards the sky and launches his signature harpoon weapon towards the top the screen. He then yanks on the harpoon as leaverage device to launch himself into full fledged series of tightly knitted front somersaults in a rainbow like motion towards footbound opponent. He collapse into a kneeling disposition on top of his opponent on one knee pushing on their chest face up. He then throws a series of quick tempered punches to his opponent's face before transitioning into a forward groundroll away from his fallen opponent.

Flaming Harpoon - Throws signature harpoon towards opponent to impale them in the chest. He then takes off mask to blow a breath of fire on harpoon on the rope. The flame engulfs opponent in fire. Scorpion pauses for a second while opponent burns in flames. He then yanks flame engulfed harpoon from opponents chest back into hand to cause opponent to explode into different parts.

Flaming Skull - Flings his intersecting arms backwards and momentarily engulfs himself in fire before it disappears. He then takes off his mask revealing a flaming skull and blows a stream of fire at the feet of his opponent that engulfs and burns his opponent to death. Scorpion then strikes his winning pose and raises his right arm in victory to where the arm is slightly bent when raised in the air.

Hell Spawn – From long distance Scorpion flings his intersecting arms backwards and momentarily engulfs himself in fire going into to Hell Spawn Mode. He then performs a series of front and back handspring flips towards his opponent and in the end of the series of handsprings pops up into a series of front somersaults while spontaneously bursting into flames in mid-air. He then descends down into a flying punch to the ground and disperses a large backdraft of fire around his body that divides into two half circles above his head in mid-air and forms a large flaming skull. The skull then consequently dashes diagonally downward towards his disoriented opponent and explodes into a large backdraft of fire on the ground incinerating his opponent to thin air. Scorpion then strikes his winning pose.

Scorpion ascends to the air from the ground in a backdraft of flames to land in a crouching position on one knee. He then stands into an outstretched posture with flames of fire rising off his body then disappearing. He then utters the phrase, “Somebody has to pay for what happened to the Shirai Ryu!”

Scorpion flings his intersecting arms backwards by his waist igniting a flash of full body fire right before turning and walking back to his position on stage, adjusting his garments and then transitioning into his fighting stance.

Scorpion turns to the camera and raises his right arm in victory staring at the camera.

Scorpion bounces back and forth in a stationary position with his backside arm raised up by the backside of his head as if insinuate throwing his signature harpoon while his forward side arm rest hanging down by his waist. It can look exactly how his stance looked in MK1.

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