new ideas for rain,stryker,smoke,sektor,cyrax, noob
posted09/25/2005 05:40 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/30/2005 08:28 AM (UTC)
okay here you give me your ideas for the characters above now post !!!!!!!!!!!
09/01/2005 04:51 PM (UTC)
Stryker could be involved in the whole conflict between the Seidan guardsman and Darrius's terrorist group. To restore balance in the realms Stryker would be assigned the task of venturing out to Seido along with Jax and Sonya to get to the bottom of the situation. They will soon discover that the Seido guardsman are a real threat for if they win their battle against Darrius then the One Being will be one step closer to awaken.

Rain could return to aid Kitana and Jade in their cause against Mileena. Mileena has complete control over the army Kitana has built and Mileena may have turned her own armies against her. Rain could return from the shadows when Kitana least expects it and from his past actions would be trusted to a certain level. Rain would fight against Mileena and then restore his honor in combat.

Cyrax could return from Outworld and his orders would be terminated. In Cyrax's journeys he is one step closer to becoming human. Unfortunatley for him. Cyrax's counter part Sektor would launch a full scale assault against the Lin Kuei. Cyrax would be caught in the middle of the struggle, but this time Cyrax is able to judge from what is right and wrong and he would aid the Lin Kuei against Sektor. An inevitable battle would take place between the two.

Smoke would turn against Noob Saibot due to a malfunction in his systems. Noob Saibot would abandon Smoke in the Netherealm and due to the unholyness in that realm Smoke would slowly change not into a cyborg but a demon. Smoke would slowly turn evil and gain a concious. No Mercy, Or compassion, Smoke would be a force of his own.

Noob Saibot would discover that his younger brother had grown stronger and he would lust that same power. Noob Saibot would steal Sub-Zero's Dragon Medallion during a confrontation between the two. Sub-Zero would barely escape their encounter with his own life and rely on his ancestor's guadance and mentorship to deal with his brother. Noob Saibot would be one step closer to gain power for himself and over the realms.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

09/01/2005 10:01 PM (UTC)
WOW^^^^ i love your smoke idea...awesome indeed....i would love to see his esscense rise from the cyborg and create something like his costume in deception only more advanced then just a pair of boots pants and a weird cyborg helmet...

my idea for noob saibot would be for him to eventually become aware of his brother in some way(the same for sub zero)...possibly some of noobs ending comes true where he follows noob and smoke simply because of smoke, not knowing that his brother is the wraith smoke follows...he would eventually come into conflict with them ala noobs ending but escape....noob now aware of his brother plans to follow up and take the power of their ancestors that sub zero now has...but before he does this...ashrah attacks...noob orders smoke to attack but now in the neatherealm smoke begins to malfunction(this could be another way of setting up the poster above's smoke idea) forcing noob to act on his a great fight ashrah pulls her holy sword to destroy noob, but noob block and takes the sword from her and uses it to dispatch ashrah thus ending her quest....noob takes a long breath in and see for the first time in ages the cold mist from his breath...some of noob's humanity has been restored**his kori powers**... with his kori powers restored and his status as an unrelenting wraith...he would be more than a match for his brother.....

**drools at the thought of this happening**
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I had a sig, but Chuck Norris ate it.

09/02/2005 02:19 AM (UTC)
I think that Rain should have a Rain Puddle move similar to Sub's ground freeze & Bo Rai Cho's puke.
09/04/2005 12:41 AM (UTC)
no no no no no! smoke is good after his malfunktion he was expelled from the neatherelm then met cyrax in outworld where they made a pact to find thier counterpart sektor and turn him good then they will have all thier souls and return to the lin kui. stryker should join the new outerworld detection agency. rain should kill rieko then become shau kahns general

[i spell bad ]

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09/04/2005 12:46 AM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
no no no no no! smoke is good after his malfunktion he was expelled from the neatherelm then met cyrax in outworld where they made a pact to find thier counterpart sektor and turn him good then they will have all thier souls and return to the lin kui. stryker should join the new outerworld detection agency. rain should kill rieko then become shau kahns general

[i spell bad ]

Obviously you have no idea of dramatic tension, nor preplanned directing. Besides, why should be there a happy end for al of the characters? But thats okay? I rather see Rain die in his mission, and as for Reiko, well, no thanks. Stryker could be a valuable asset later, not now.
09/04/2005 01:09 AM (UTC)
get out of my thread now!! crapfuriousfuriousfuriousfurioustongue
09/04/2005 02:31 AM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
no no no no no! smoke is good after his malfunktion he was expelled from the neatherelm then met cyrax in outworld where they made a pact to find thier counterpart sektor and turn him good then they will have all thier souls and return to the lin kui. stryker should join the new outerworld detection agency. rain should kill rieko then become shau kahns general

[i spell bad ]

No...just no...

First of all, Smoke and Sektor are enemies of each other and Smoke would more or less want to kick his red cyborg ass given the opportunity.

Secondly, Cyrax is concerned with heading back to Earthrealm safely and I'm sure he did since his ending in MKDA happened.

Thirdly, I don't want Stryker to return. I never really liked him.

Fourthly, it's Outerworld Investigation Agency, not Outerworld Detection Agency.

Fifthly, why would Rain kill Reiko then become Shao Kahn's general? Rain was once a general for Shao Kahn and served him out of fear. Depending on whether Kitana told Rain about his past and such and his father being killed by Shao Kahn himself, Rain would want Shao Kahn to be destroyed.

Lastly, yes, it's overly obviously you can't spell. Moderators, please close this thread and ban this user permanently.

09/05/2005 02:47 AM (UTC)
ok i agree i was angry about smoke your rite
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out of ninjas, cyborg thugs, evil ninja robots, martial artists, martial artists with sharp hats, princesses, bodyguards with more than 4 limbs, undead movie stars, native american shamans, evil emporrers, gods and secret service agents, you say Stryker didn't fit in MK3?

09/05/2005 04:35 AM (UTC)
Rain is better off not returning as a ninja IMO. morely as an Edenian knight. with the hots for Jade.

Stryker has three good places open for returning. 1.he could have been brainwashed by Shao Kahn during MK3 to become one of his generals; he eventually goes through mental issues but turns good in the end. 2. could become a member of the Outworld investigation agency and possibly end up in a better version of MKSF. 3. he could have joined the Seidans against chaos (though I personally don't like this idea. the Seidans would not have accepted a mortal into ranks of people who were serving long before Kurt's 80th great-grandfather was staining diapers. still the possibility is there). either way, I don't think Stryker should change his fighting style and adopting magical fireball-type moves. it's what made Stryker who he is. Stryker having guns and bombs on Shao Kahn's side would even make some sense: where did all the weapons that Kano got for Kahn's army go? Kano's MK3 bio clearly states that they had nukes and "Earth Weapons"

Noob-Smoke I am not so sure about. there is no telling where they're story will go, but perhaps Sareena will be torn between loving the old Sub-Zero or fighting evil with the younger Sub-Zero. just a guess

Sektor, I hope, will side with the Red Dragon if they still feel like wiping out the Lin Kuei. a rivalry with Sektor will make younger Sub's story even more complex.

Cyrax should stay with the Special forces, but ditch the old robot suit. hes human now, but scarred from being automated. his eyes are now blue and his left arm could not be unautomated. not sure where the story should go from there except providing backup to the Lin Kuei against the tekunin, ultimately squaring off Cyrax and Sektor once and for all... and just for the hell of it, make him Jamaicangrin
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09/05/2005 06:55 AM (UTC)
stryker would not join kahn...during the envasion khan killed everyone im guessing that stryker knew...he was the last remaining in a city of millions....he would never forgive that as a cop and person of justice in my opinion.
Its obvious for now cyrax should stay with SF in aiding in the conflict between the seidens and chaos in ensurance that the chaos doesnt spread into Earthrealm...i think stryker would aid in the sf as well.

Smoke i think would not stand being noob's slut. IMO i think smoke will continue to advance in his techo-body as well as in intelligence. In alot of senarios when a computer or advance computer system gets powerful it tends to either go haywire or find a way to take control so i think that is the path for smoke.

Noob i think in smokes defiance and his failure to create demons with smokes powers will try to find a new way to gain power and find it in Sub-Zero's dragon medallion so he steals it thus giving him and sub-zero purpose for MK7. Sub needs to stop noob his brother from increasing his powers and possibly regaining his old lin quei imagine that...a threat of noob saibot regaining his former powers and it will be up to sub-zero to stop him...possibly sareena thrown in mk7 to aid noob saibot who was the old sub-zero. cool.

sektor will wage war on the lin quei with his army of cybernetic robots now that sub-zero is weakened since noob stole the medallion. Tenukin VS Lin Quei. Sub must defeat noob and get the medallion back in time so that the Lin Quei can defeat the Tenukin army.

Since the Dragon Medallion was stolen its powers are tainted now in the hands of (basically) the former and now evil sub-zero. The tainting of the the medallion i think is what can release Frost. When a mystical object is tainted or corrupted there is usally adverse effects and in this case the effect could be the release of frost who will join sub-zero in regaining the medallion because for one she wants to atone for her betrayal and two if she doesnt want to atone for her betrayal she has a benefit in aiding sub-zero because she could once again have a chance to get the medallion for herself and learn from her mistakes and increase her powers by aiding sub-zero and taking the medallion again.

Rain in my opinion and it will always be my opinion is that since his suicide mission was never conluded i think he went off on the mission but didnt really have a plan so he was planing on how to defeat shao kahn but the deadly alliance beat him to the job so he withdrew from his plot and returns to aid Kitana and the Edenians as he steps up and claims the role of general of the Edenian army filling his slain fathers position which would hopefully lead to Edenias rise once again.

These are my ideas on this subject....let it be known lol im am nice and tipsy on some alot of bacardi and some beers lol i know i might have misspelled alot of things and i dont wanna come back on here and hear anything about it lol its labor day weekend im in college and just got done playing texas hold em with my room mates knockin back some of grandpa's cough medicine....waaaaa whooooooo lol have a good one everyone live it up lol man im trashed, but i did re-read what i wrote and it sounds logical and looks like its spelled peace. no class tomorrow. (man im gonna get flamed on this lol)
09/05/2005 08:07 AM (UTC)
Out of the characters listed, Stryker's the main one I really want to return, so my idea is for him.

Kurtis Stryker.

Alignment- Neutral
Fighting Styles- Boxing, SCARS (Navy Seal fighting style)
Weapon- Nightstick
Outfit 1- Full blue SWAT uniform and body armour. Still has the old hat.
Outfit 2- Dressed like a plainclothes police officer, with a long brown trenchcoat. Crewcut hairstyle.
Allies- Havik (or is he?)
Enemies- Every other fighter

Stryker was killed during the fight against Shao Kahn's Earthrealm invasion. Later, he finds himself ressurected by a man known as Havik, in his quest for chaos. But he has been brought back as an amnesiac, with so many memories missing. Havik manipulates his mind using images to convince him that EVERY other fighter is a threat to Earth who must be eliminated, even the people he once helped before. With his expertise in weapons and explosives, Stryker sets off for his mission, but he keeps getting flashbacks to the invasion, and friends who he had joined against Kahn. Can Stryker discover the truth about who he really is, and his true mission to join the fight against Earth, or will he carry on as Havik's manipulated agent of chaos?
09/06/2005 02:02 AM (UTC)
i like that
Yeah the only wway i see stryker returning since is if he joins up with the special forces along with jax aand sonya etcwink
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out of ninjas, cyborg thugs, evil ninja robots, martial artists, martial artists with sharp hats, princesses, bodyguards with more than 4 limbs, undead movie stars, native american shamans, evil emporrers, gods and secret service agents, you say Stryker didn't fit in MK3?

09/09/2005 08:46 PM (UTC)
redexquisite Wrote:
stryker would not join kahn...during the envasion khan killed everyone im guessing that stryker knew...he was the last remaining in a city of millions....he would never forgive that as a cop and person of justice in my opinion.
Its obvious for now cyrax should stay with SF in aiding in the conflict between the seidens and chaos in ensurance that the chaos doesnt spread into Earthrealm...i think stryker would aid in the sf as well.
like I said, he was captured and brainwashed
09/10/2005 12:42 AM (UTC)
i hate noob so i dont care abaot him but if hes in the next one he should be ALONE! Smoke should be ALONE! togrinwink
09/13/2005 03:26 AM (UTC)
hey its important go to my thread in the general discussion its important!!
09/24/2005 07:46 PM (UTC)
i hate noob and canada

09/24/2005 07:46 PM (UTC)
i hate noob\

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09/25/2005 03:03 PM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
i hate noob and canada

Holy merciful crap, congratulations! You earned 5 Skulls (highest I've ever given to one poster!), and also earned the most Skulls from myself when compared to any other user that I've ever Skulled since I became a Sub-Mod! You will hopefully receive Bumping Achievement HouNors once I inform all the Mods of your recent actions. Enjoy!
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Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
09/25/2005 05:40 PM (UTC)
This is a disgrace. You managed to fill this up with 6 consecutive clone posts. You managed to advertise a thread and post your hate towards another country.

Do not let me see anything like this from you again.

Thread closed.
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