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Lifes to short to be jealous of the main event

11/08/2005 09:13 PM (UTC)
Reptile,Rain And Scorpion Are Awesome alot of people may disagree but i cant stand subzero
11/13/2005 09:21 PM (UTC)
im sorry i must be retarded who is khameleongrin
11/13/2005 09:35 PM (UTC)

Reptile was once thought to be the last member of an extinct race of reptilian creature, until the appearance of Khameleon. She alone knows the truth about their history and chooses to fight on the side of Earth, making the last survivors of their race lethal enemies.

Khameleon's former race were known as Raptors. They evolved millions of years ago on Earth into intelligent creatures but fled the realm when it was destroyed in a battle between the gods. They repopulated a new realm known as Zaterra only to be driven to extinction by Shao Kahn when they lost to Outworld in Mortal Kombat. With Shao Kahn near victory against Earth, Khameleon contacts Reptile and shares the truth about their race with him. This turns him against Kahn, allowing Khameleon to lead a sneak attack against the Emperor. This last battle results in the end of Shao Kahn and unification of Earth, giving Reptile and Khameleon the chance to beget a new generation of Raptors.
11/19/2005 01:45 AM (UTC)
very good (clap clap) so reptile and khameleon are a couple fantastic (laugh laugh) tongue
11/20/2005 11:16 AM (UTC)
I dont think Rain should Return. I dont see him as very important or very likely to return (except for his rather unexcpeted large fan-base). If he were to return Id like to see him involved with Jade in some. As rivals perhaps.

I think its obvious he will be after Noob Saibot. but not perhaps right away. He might not find out Noob's true identity to begin with.
I would like to him to restart his clan, the Shirai Ryu to take on Noob'S CyberDemons (if in fact these entities really exist). Scorpion is seriously boring he needs a new angle.

Sub Zero:
Trying to reach defeat his brother. but not kill him. I think he would want to try and find a way of purifying his soul or something. I would also liketo see Sareena involved more, and put into the Noob-Sub storyline since she knows both.

I dont think Reptile should return, but I dare say he will. If he does, I want to see him be his own master. Stop following people around Reptile...get some balls and do waht U want for a change. Might also try to find Nitara or Khameleon.

I know these people arent mentioned in the thread title, but others have commented baout them so I will too:

Wow she can fit in so many place. Id like to see her on the side of the good guys really (but always be mysterious about her alliance). She spent forever trying to escape the Netherrealm, I dont think it would make sense for her to side with nobb, as inevitably she will end up back in the Netherrealm. But Noob could try and influence her. Also Id like to see what happens with Quan chi and Shinnok should they return.

I'd like to see some kind of rivalry with nitara should she return.
If not, id like to see Khmaleone infiltrate Earths warriors (assuming Reptile is dead) in order to find a great warrior (whether an Earth Warrior, or an enemy who she encounters and turns on her allies with) so that she can mate and regenarate her race.

I'd love to see Nitara return. Rayden's MK:DA ending hinted that the vampires would pose a threat to Earth so here's hoping they will. IMO, a lot depends on Reptile's fate as to how Nitara is reintroduced. I would like to see her try and use Reptile to do her dirty work should he return. A possible rivalry with Khameleon has also been hinted at so I'd like to see that develop. I also ahve another idea, though I dont think it would be much liked, but it involves Nitara being from an alternate reality/ alternate timeline. As u see above, I have Khamaleon with the ability to mate with any kind of humanoid male, so I would have Nitara coming back to this timeline or reality, to kidnap Khameleon, and force her to be the matriarch in Nitara's homeworld....where the Vampire people are close to extinction.
11/26/2005 04:36 AM (UTC)
i think scorpion whould have the old costume like in mk 4 the normal one and reptile to have his head eat fatality like in mk 2 and stufffurioustongue
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