New ideas for Rain,Reptile,Scorpion,and Sub-Zero
posted11/26/2005 04:36 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/30/2005 08:28 AM (UTC)
all these charaters i like and would love to see return [especaly Reptile] but i wanna hear what other people think now post!!!!tonguetongue
10/06/2005 06:00 PM (UTC)
They all suck, except for Scorpion and Sub-Zero.
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10/06/2005 11:07 PM (UTC)
uh ... no
10/07/2005 01:34 AM (UTC)
oh whatever, the ninjas go so unappreciated. I love each and every one of the MK ninjas. Well, Reptile...i dont like the whole big walking iguana look. I wish they would bring him back to his original ninja look. as for scorpion and sub zero, the elegant armor thing just killed their ninja look. I think Boon and them need to bring back as close as they can to the ninja look for all of the ninjas. I liked Ermac in Deception, he looked truly like a ninja. Ninjas rule. Rain is an awesome ninja. like I said earlier. I love all of the ninjas equally as well as all of the Cyborgs.furious
10/07/2005 09:20 AM (UTC)
I could see Sub-Zero and Scorpion involved in a conflict that has Noob Saibot as the main problem. Sub-Zero and Scorpion are both after Noob Saibot but both have different opinions and it is that which makes them fight against each other. I could see Sub-Zero and Scorpion as enemeis fighting against each other while Noob Saibot escapes.

Reptile I feel should turn into a good guy. For so long Reptile has been abused by his old masters and he desperatley followed them like a pet. After Onaga' s possesion on him, Reptile could awaken to find Sindel and Jade standing over him. Reptile thought that he would be killed but Sindel and Jade had other plans for him. Over time while still in Outworld, Reptile will bond with the Edenian women and he would loyally server them and change for the better.

Rain on the other hand should make his return to deal with Mileena and help Edenia during a great time of peril. Now that Mileena is disguised as Kitana I could see Rain disguised as a common man in Edenia and watching the battle unfold from the people's perspective. Kitana's good name was ruined thanks to Mileena and when the real Kitana returns to Edenia she would be turned into a tyrant and the people would go against her. Rain would escort the real Kitana to the palace and their they would attack Mileena.
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10/07/2005 11:46 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero found out that his brother is no other than Noob-Saibot. With this knowledge he will try and find his brother and see if he can turn his brother for the side of good and enlist him in his newly formed Lin-Keui.

Scorpion also having found out that Noob-Saibot is the Sub-Zero that killed him will go after Noob aswell, this time Scorpion will get his revenge.

Frost was just in suspended animation, not dead as Sub-Zero had thought. It was just a reaction of her body to get atoned to her increased Kori powers. Sub-Zero never had this because he was more trained in his Kori powers than Frost was when she held the medallion. Waking up in side the sarcophageus Sub-Zero put her in, inside the Cryomancer temple, she realised her heritage as Sub-Zero before her. She now goes out to find her brother, something she always knew yet he never realised.

Sektor having founded his new Tekunin Clan, will be going after Sub-Zero to get rid of hislong-time rival once and for all.

Smoke not being able to withstand the Netherrealm itself will seek out to find his old ally and friend Sub-Zero to ask him for help to get back to who he once was.

Sareena, will be helping Sub-Zero with the struggle that is to come. Afterall she knows both brothers and has experienced it herslef what its like to come from the Netherrealm and reform yourself.

This would tie in with Grizzle' idea mostly with the addition of Frost,Sektor, Smoke and Sareena.

When Reptile awoke finding Sindel and Jade standing above him, he thought he would die, but he smelled a familiar smell. Khameleon had teamed up with the two Edenian women to help them. Khameleon and Reptile become the loyal bodyguards to the Edenian queen as thank for getting the two together.

And yes it ties in with Grizzle's idea but with the adddition of Khameleon.

10/07/2005 05:40 PM (UTC)
hakasha and grizzle you have realy great i deas
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10/08/2005 08:48 AM (UTC)
thank you coltess, got some ideas of your on that you might want to share?
10/14/2005 07:48 PM (UTC)
ok how about this after sindel and jade took onagas soul out of reptiles body reptile was out cold for several hours when he awoke he found sindels kwan dao at his throat reptile said if you spare me i will pledge my loyalty to you sindel thought for a moment then decided to let him live sindel and jade took reptile and kitana who was under the dragon kings power until sindel freed her to edenia while in edenia reptile spotted a person he thought to be dead .......... rain reptile thinking that rain still worked for shao kahn alerted sindel sindel explained that rain now worked for the edenian army reptile then went to talk to rain rain thinking that reptile still worked for shao kahn attacked reptile reptile and rain fought for hours before jade put a stop to it jade explaind to rain that reptile is now on edenias side rain and reptile talked for many days about their past and eventuly with their knowledge of outworld and shoa kahn they became the most powerful edenian generals the end im still woking on scorpion and sub-zeros
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10/15/2005 07:48 AM (UTC)
Thats not a bd twist to the the Reptile story adding Rin into it. Waiting to see your Sub-Zero and Scorpion story .
10/15/2005 05:13 PM (UTC)
Your Reptile story should never come true for the following reasons:

1. He is a man-eating venom spitting bloodthirsty lizard man.

2. Your just making Reptile be the Edinian girls male(ish) bitch. Sounds like he's become their gay boy-toy.

3. You can only eat so many people before your stuck on the side of evil.

grin Reptile for Evil grin
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10/16/2005 08:59 PM (UTC)
yeah reptile is totally evil and always will be, and that goes for noob too.
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10/16/2005 10:16 PM (UTC)
aside the little fact that Reptile is hunted in Edenia for genocide. Empha-sis on the word GENOCIDE, -check his MK4 bios.
10/17/2005 02:44 AM (UTC)
ok its not my idea i stole it ok im just a little worried about reptile there is no one else left that he can serve now heres my idea reptile awoke back to his human form when he saw jade he turned himself invisable an crept up behind her then he snaped her neck like a twig sindel and kitana heard the crack and came rushing in reptile then impailed sindel with his sword and blinded kitana with his acid reptile ran out of the room and ran outside then he looked at the outworld sky then he realized he was his own master now and reptile set off for a new life in the living forest
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MKO Moderator, Story Writer, Actor
Signature by Pred
10/17/2005 01:27 PM (UTC)
Reptile killing two favoured characters would be interesting, somehow I doubt that that would happen. It serves no real purpose in Reptile becoming his own warrior without a master...
10/17/2005 09:42 PM (UTC)
Reptile definitely needs to take on a solo role, here's my idea.


With the soul of Onaga being removed from his body reptile was now free of the Dragon Kings will. But the possesion had affected him in ways that he'd truly come to realize. He knew that he was more intelligent, it would seem as if the Dragon King had reawakened some dormant intellect in him, he was no longer a mondless killer, he now had tact, he could plan, he could think for himself, this new found ability excited reptile. He falsely (sp) pledged his allegience to Sindel, knowing that it was the only way to escape with his life. Sindel hesitantly agrees, but warns him that he will be watched.

One night there is word the Shoa Kahn's army has been sighted moving on the city walls, led by none other than the Emperor himself. Hearing this Reptile realizes that he didn't fail his master after all. As he begins to devise a plan to escape the city, his new intelligence reminds him that it was Kahn himself that dorve his race to extinction. Enraged by this knowledge he slays the two guards guarding him without remorse, and vanishes over the wall of the palace. He will return to his master, but he will not serve him, he will rip him limb from limb and feast on him flesh, he will have his vengence.

I feel this story ties in with the Armaggedon theme (the war between Edenia and Kahn, which will of course draw earthrealm into the struggle and I'm sure a showing from Orderrealm, Chaosrealm and even the Netherrealm would be likely) and also finally makes Reptile an independent character.

Appearnace: The dragon kings presence is still left on him so he retains reptile like qualities. No wings! Basically he looks like an Iskar (everquest) With short horns running along his brows and along his jaw line aswell as a mane or horns from the back of his head. Since he was considered part of the Edenian guard he wears royal plate armor, but since his escape he has modified it with large spikes along the shoulders (MK4 Quan Chi) While in Edenia many feared him, so he was fitted with a muzzle (basically a steel mask concealing his teeth) I think I'll actually do a mock up tonight to give a batter idea of what I'm getting at.


Zatterian: I don't think have a specific style for Reptile would be such a bad idea. Comprised mostly of slashing motions (due to the race having claws) there are minimal kicking motions rather most sweeps and low attacks are performed with the tail. Incredibly fast style, minimal recovery time. Lacking strength and powerful combos though.

Ninjutsu: Being as agile and fast as Reptile is it seems like a logical fit. The ninja gains his perspective by expanding his perception to see that everything is change and reality is temporary. Approaching falsehood as though it were the truth and truth though it was falsehood the ninja finds no suprises. There are times when strength is really a weakness laughter is power in is you and innocence is wisdom.

Battle axe: A large double bladed axe, four feet long with a speared tip for thrusting attacks. The blade has a wingspan of 18 inches and is scrawled with the Zatterian code of the warrior. "Mercy, forgiveness and sympathy are for the weak" The handle is made of bone, and died red with blood.


Invisibility: A must reptile is the original user of it and nothing fits him better
Forceball: He hasn't had it for a while but with him no longer being able to spit acid (muzzle) he needs some form of projectile.
Crawl: Far better than the lizard ball and more fitting I think.
Super leap: Think of the scenes in Jurassic park of the raptors lunging at people. Reptile jumps in a high arc at the player landing on them then grabbing them by there shoulders repeatedly slams them into the ground. (imagine this in an arena of water *drool*)


Devour: Reptile does a super leap attack, but when he lands on the victim he tears the muzzle from his face (blood spurting out accordingly) and begins to feast on them the screen reads fatality and goes black in the middle of Reptile feasting.

Shredder: Reptile stands at the far end of the screen he then draws his Battle Axe, he runs at the opponent and in one slice cuts them in half as the opponents severed torso begins to crawl away Reptile lifts the axe and decapitates the pleading body.
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10/17/2005 09:55 PM (UTC)
ninjutsu for Reptile...sure.

Basicly Zaterrian is nothing more than mindless slicing and so on from that description. He already has that in Hung Gar (Hung Kuen) and much more. Crab was a ftting choice, hence his ulkier appearance.
10/19/2005 12:51 AM (UTC)
Jerrod Wrote:
Reptile killing two favoured characters would be interesting, somehow I doubt that that would happen. It serves no real purpose in Reptile becoming his own warrior without a master...
i know thats why im worriedsadsad ps who the frick is khameleon and chameleon oh and lets talk about sub-zero nowgrinsmilewow
10/19/2005 01:00 AM (UTC)
lol i love how everyone spells shao kahn,SHOA KAHN!!! lol

but reptile should go back to his mk2 costume,rain totally needs a new outfit,scorpion can do whatever,subby can atleast have a better storyline in the game rather than beating up tarkatans nonstopfurious

ermac should keep his mkd style,noob should still be like a shadow,smoke can stay a robot
10/20/2005 03:54 AM (UTC)
well of course he should get his mk3 costume backsleep
11/05/2005 01:09 AM (UTC)
ok lets talk about someone new k
11/05/2005 01:10 AM (UTC)
lets talk about someone else ksleeptonguewow
You posted the exact same basic message twice, one minute after the other; don't.
11/05/2005 01:58 AM (UTC)

I remained hidden during Shao Kahn's invasion of the Earthrealm over a decade ago. I had one objective. Find the warrior Reptile, the only other existing of my race. I come from the realm of Zaterra. It was beautiful, a paradise greater than Earth or Edenia, until Shao Kahn defeated us in ten consecutive Mortal Kombat tournaments. He merged the realm with Outworld and it became a hideous nightmare, a shadow of a once majestic kingdom. I had to fiercely restrain myself from killing Shao Kahn but I could not let anyone know of my presence. Not until I found Reptile. But unfortunatley, I didn't.

When the emperor had been defeated, I imagined that my realm would be seperated from Outworld but I was wrong. The merger held. I learned that a fallen Elder God had returned from the Netherealm to invade the realm of Edenia. I prayed that this would buy me some time to figure out a way to free Zaterra. During my travels in the Outworld I learned of magical orbs, orbs that served as symbols of the mergers. For every realm warped into this desolate place there was a glass orb filled with magic that held them together. I set off to find these orbs when I was ambushed by a vampire.

Nitara and I made a deal. We both wanted to free our realms and so we traded information. I told Nitara of the orbs themselves where she told me of a possible location. I couldn't help but ask Nitara whether she had seen another of my race, I wanted to know had she seen Reptile. I did not expect her to say yes. She told me, before I should go find him, that she had a plan. She had also already spied a strange metallic warrior from Earthrealm wandering the wastelands. If the orbs were where Nitara thought them to be, we would not be able to retrieve them ourselves. The cyber-ninja Cyrax would be the only one capable of getting it.

I was to hold back, and Nitara would talk to Reptile. After she had finished talking to him he set of to the wastelands where we followed in secret. When we got there we found Cyrax who had been injured but not severly by Reptile. Reptile was nowhere to be seen and this made me anxious. But still, I followed the plan. We made our way to the underground shrine were the orbs where meant to be. I was amazed Cyrax' armour could stand the heat. A short time later, he arrived back holdin one orb. Nitara took it from him. quickly sent Cyrax back to Earth and smashed the orb. I lost conscienceness at that point but when I awoke Nitara was gone. Infuriated I set to leave when I heard someone enter the chamber behind me. Reptile who was still searching for Nitara and Cyrax. He didn't move when he saw me and I was too stunned to say anything. That's when Reptile began to mutate.

The Dragon King!! Onaga has been slain and what became of Reptile I do not know. I have tried to find his body but I fear Sindel may have destroyed it after defeating Onaga. I am alone know. I know my race shall die with me and my realm shall never be freed. Unless...I have heard talk that some of the strongest sorcerers in the Netherealm can ressurect the dead. If so I must journey there immeaditaly. The sorcerer and alchemist Quan Chi ruled an order known as the brotherhood of Shadow. The order is still recovering after the massacre Ashrah caused but someone in the order may still be able to help me...
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11/06/2005 02:25 AM (UTC)
Yeah me 2 exept i want them 2 make a game out of all the nijas qiun lings and stuff like into 1 game and all of them have their own story line
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11/06/2005 02:25 AM (UTC)
Yeah me 2 exept i want them 2 make a game out of all the nijas qiun lings and stuff like into 1 game and all of them have their own story line
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