New Ideas for Mavado Pt. II
posted04/01/2012 03:38 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/10/2011 01:28 AM (UTC)

Mavado can wear a long black open faced leather trenchcoat with long sleeves. Within these sleeves there could be thin leather straps that extend and retract back within his sleeves giving him the ability to grip and slap objects from long range. His undergarments could be a black buttoned up shirt with black slacks and black boots. He could similar to Keanu Reeves in the Matrix just with an open faced black leather jacket instead of it being buttoned up to his neck. His alternate costume could be the same open faced leather jacket just in a grey color with a black undergarment pattern. His manuevers can be modeled after the loner like ninja in the movie, Shinobi: Heart Under Blade where he showcases a demonstration within the temples of his elders. He can have sleeves like Hotarubi from Shinobi: Heart Under Blade except he would look like the picture up above with the exclusion of the glasses and he would have a buttoned up shirt for undergarments.

Mavado can incorporate a Long Fist style of fighting characterized with a series of a quick barrage of hand movements. He'd also have a experience Tae Kwon Do background which also add quick tempered kicks that were power based to vulenerable areas of his opponent's body to his arsenal. This combined with his leather straps used in a slashing and gripping tool would provide Mavado with a versatile means of attacking his opponent in quick spurts.

Mavado, a well-respected, and long time standing member of the Black Dragon Organization, was inducted into the organization through birth-right. Many of his family and extended family members are active members of the organization and were bred for strength, high-tolerence and power. A street based organization founded on market based needs, loyalty, strength, heart and ambition for money and power, very little is known about the operations of this organization mainly because of it's underground activities remain discrete and private to outsiders. Years ago, Special Force Ops., Sonya Blade and Jackson Briggs lead an investigative unit dedicated towards bringing down notorious key members of the organization, one of them being Kano. And because of this investigation, some of the more prominent locations would be forced to shut down causing them to loose out on several revenue streams and forcing internal strife and conflict between ranking members and subordinate workers. Kano being on of the fall guys for the organization was taken captive and held in possession within Mortal Kombat to take the heat off of being brought to them. This in turn forced Mavado, as one of the leaders of the Black Dragon, to come up with other means to replace the streams of revenue he lost in the invasion, for he had numerous families and dependants to support with those loss streams of revenue. This would eventually and gradually lead to the demise of the Black Dragon in the eyes of wealthy clients and business partners, underground rings they were involved in, and rivaling organizations looking for opportunties to move in on their operations. With time passing and realizing that things have never gotten back to where they once were in terms of power and clout, Mavado hinges on eliminating the Special Force Ops. and their suffocating presence on their organizations operations. With the Black Dragon's respectablity and power on the line, Mavado personally plans to eliminate any threats of insurgence in the tournament of Mortal Kombat.

Whiplash: From fighting stance, Mavado, flings forward his backside arm towards his opponent and unleashes his backside sleeve that slaps his opponent in the face. This causes his opponent to grimace in pain in the face and stumble backwards. Mavado's sleeves retract back into his sleeves in his leather jacket.

Upper Whiplash: From fighting stance, Mavado, flings fowards his backside arm towards his opponent and unleashes his backside sleeve that slaps his airborne opponent causing them to drop from the sky and grimace in pain. Mavado's sleeves retract back into his sleeves in his leather jacket.

Aerial Whiplash: While airborne, Mavado, flings forward his sleeves towards his airborne opponent and slaps them in the air causing them to drop from the sky and fall to the ground grimacing in pain. Mavado's sleeves retract back into his sleeves in his leather jacket.

Downward Whiplash: While airborne, Mavado, flings forward his sleeves towards his grounded opponent slapping them in the face. This causes his opponent to grimace in pain in the face and stumble backwards. Mavado's sleeves retract back into his sleeves in his leather jacket.

Multiple Whiplash: From fighting stance, Mavado, flings his sleeves towards his opponent at a rapid underhanded motioning causing his sleeves to rapidly strike his opponent multiple times, rendering them in a free fall backwards across the screen and scoring Mavado multiple hits before retracting back into the sleeves of his leather jacket.

Smoke Trail: From fighting stance, Mavado, slightly extends his backside arm forward towards his opponent and then jerks it backwards passed his waist as if to be pulling out an extension cord. This causes his sleeve to slap against the surface of the ground and generates a succeeding trail of knee high explosions to race towards his opponent and causes them to be juggled backwards across the screen if hit with any one of the explosions right before Mavado's sleeve retracts back into the sleeves of his leather jacket.

Suffocation Grip: From fighting stance, Mavado, takes a step forward to face his opponent parallel to the plane of his opponent's body and flings forward both his sleeves which launch a series thin metal wire like strings towards his opponent that wrap around his opponent's body. He then slightly jerks back from where he stands and tightens the grip, suffocating his opponent where they stand and causing them to fall to their knees. Mavado's sleeves then retract back into his sleeves in his leather jacket providing him the opportunity to execute some follow up combos.

Closeline: From fighting stance, Mavado, takes a step forward to face his opponent where his body is parallel to the plane of his opponent's body. He then, in that motioning, flings forward his backside arm towards his opponent and shoots out a series of finely threaded metal strings towards his opponent that wrap around their upper body. He then proceeds to jerk his arm backwards and yanks his opponent towards him into a standing closeline with his other arm causing them to do a full flip in mid-air before landing face first on the ground behind where Mavado is standing. Mavado's sleeves retract back into his sleeves in his leather jacket.

Leap of Faith: From fighting stance, Mavado, springs diagonally backwards only to come to rest on the other side of the screen behind him. It can look like the stunt wires in the cinema. This can work as an avoidance manuever.

Great Escape: From fighting stance, Mavado, dashes backwards across the screen after a couple of steps to avoid any offensive attacks executed by his opponent.

Torpedo Slaps: From fighting stance, Mavado, spins around where he stands into a crouching disposition. While spinning he extends outward to where his sleeves to where they rotate and slap his opponent multiple times if they are standing within close range right before retracting back into the sleeves of his leather jacket and standing back up into his fighting stance.

Whiplash of Chaos: From fighting stance, Mavado, steps forward towards his opponent to where his body is parallel to the plane of his opponent's body and flings forward his sleeves in sequence with each other and shoots out a series of sleeves that unravel and slap his opponent in the upper extremities multiple times. It can look like the party strings that explode out of a freshly opened can or it can look like the chaotic movements of electric volts except it would leather straps from his sleeve slapping his opponent's upper extremities multiple times before retracting back into the sleeves of his leather jacket.

Tricks Up My Sleeve: From fighting stance, Mavado, steps forward to face his opponent parallel to the plane of his opponent's body and flings forward his backside sleeve which launches a series of finely tuned thin metal wire like strings towards his opponent that wrap around their neck. From there, Mavado, raises his arm and generates a glowing energy that emits a flow of energy down the finely tuned strings and onto his disabled opponent causing an adverse chain reaction of minature explosions to skate up and down chaoticly all over his opponent's body and blowing them backwards into a free fall backwards before coming to rest face up across the floor and Mavado's sleeves retracting back into the sleeves in his leather jacket.

Paper Shredder - Mavado, from fighting stance, faces his opponent in a stare down and abruptly flings both of his arms forward towards his opponent and launches his leather straps and fine-like strings that quickly wrap around his opponent's disoriented body from head to toe. He then, tightens the grip he has on his opponent to the point of suffocation and causing blood to spue out of their esophocates and mouth. He then motions into a sharp and abrupt jerk, turning his back to his opponent and retracting his leather straps and sharpened steele like strings back into his sleeves. This rips through every body part of his opponent like a crumbling debree from an implosion and spuing blood everywhere. Mavado then takes on his winning pose.

Mavado simply walks towards his opponent with cold and blank stare while retracting his leather straps back into his sleeves in the process.

Mavado leaps backward across to his position on stage and retracts his leather straps back into his sleeves in a series of fluid hand and arm movments and stares down his fallen opponent while reading himself in his fighting stance.

Turning his back to the camera, Mavado, sadistically looks over his shoulder and jerks back his leather straps and steele sharpened strings into their sleeves.

Slapboxing - Mavado flings one of his sleeves towards his opponent that wraps around one of their arms from mid-range. He then dashes forward into a forward punch with an open palm to the opponent's stermnum causing a crack in the rib cage and soloplex. He then transitions into a jab with the curveture of his wrist to the neck region of his opponent causing them to gag and fall to their knees. He finally follows up those couple of hits with a jumping punch to the face of his opponents, fracturing facial structured parts of the skull and nose in motion similar to Brad Pitt's character in Achillies in the movie Troy when he fights Eric Bana's character, Hector.

After winning the tournament, Mavado, mindful of his mission, envisions a golden opportunity to ultilize the Mortal Kombat grounds as a place to upstart a new division of the Black Dragon Organization. Here he would absorb the combined powers of the defeated Shang Tsung and Shao Kahn and grow to be the most notable and powerful warlord of the Black Dragon since it's founding. Over time he would recruit more and more skilled fighters into his organization and enslave others for his biddings to strengthen their brand and operations in a untapped market his competitors wouldn't be able to reach. He would then transferr some of his more canning members to divisons in Earthrealm with entrusted powers the likes of Earthrealm had never seen before quickly giving them leverage over their competiton and wealthy clients. These chain of events would restore the Black Dragon to the prominent organization they once were years ago and elevate their power and influence among Earthrealm's matters, allowing them to have a say in more of the bigger matters and events to present day. All this and Mavado would soon promote himself as the new defacto leader of the Black Dragon ensuring the livelihood of it's tenure and reign among the elite corporations and organizations around the world and beyond
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