New Idea for Mini-Game: Test Your Will / Test Your Fight
posted05/06/2012 11:09 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/10/2011 01:28 AM (UTC)
I would also like it if Mortal Kombat introduced another mini-game called, "Hunger Games" or "Test Your Will" or "Test Your Fight". In this mini-game, your character could have an opponent to face off with that would have their energy bar depleted to just about nothing, with your character being in the same predicament. And being that both you and your opponent would have their respective energy bars depleted, you'd have to fight each other.

This fight would be different in that, with every power based hit landed on your opponent knocking them on the ground off their feet, most likely an uppercut, you'd have a piece of food knocked out of your opponent, or some coins, or dollar bills, paper currency being knocked out of your opponent's body or garments. Then with the collection of the items, you would restore your character's energy bar and health. The first fighter to restore their health and energy would win the match. It could be kind of like a replenishing yourself from being wore down from fighting, or fighting an opponent's to eat or to have money.

The difficulty of the levels could increase with more skilled fighters or having to contend with endurance styled fighting and going up against two or more fighters against your one character. The food items or coins could also differ in increasing value such as bronze, silver to gold coins, all the way to dollar bills, wallets, gold bars, diamond necklaces and jewelery.

This could be a mini-game that also could appear in the Arcade Ladder in the more difficult Destiny Ladders or the Challenge Tower or both even.
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