New Hara-Kiri Execution Idea for MK7!!!!
posted06/12/2005 03:54 AM (UTC)by
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PSN: Eazail70x7

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04/12/2005 08:18 PM (UTC)
I was just struck with a great idea! As we all know when you lose a fight against someone you can kill yourself by pressing an assortment of buttons.

My idea is that instead of the loser having to press the buttons for the hara-kiri, I think that it would be much, much better if the winner had to press it.

This is how it should happin, Sub-Zero vs. Nightwolf and Sub-Zero kicks Nightwolf taking away his last bit of life, "Finish Him." Now instead of Nightwolf pressing up, up, up, up, X to perform his Hara-Kiri, Sub-Zero should have to press down, up, down, up, triangle to perform the Hara-Kiri! When he presses that, it gets dark and Nightwolf throws his Tomahawk up and it lands on his face killing him, "Sub-Zero Wins, HARA-KIRI."

If it was the other way around, Nightwolf would press up, up, up, up, X and Sub-Zero freezes himself and falls over. Same goes with every other character, just press your fighter's combination for the hara-kiri after YOU win the match and YOUR OPPONENT kills themselves.

This will give it more of a Fatality feel to it where as you accomplished something as a winner of the match instead of the loser accomplishing some sort of mini victory.
06/11/2005 04:25 PM (UTC)
Nah. It's better the other way. Hara-Kiris are stupid anyways.
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06/11/2005 04:32 PM (UTC)
No, it's good that the defeated may use ity. However make the damn combination loner, so it would be harder to do.
About Me

PSN: Eazail70x7

06/11/2005 07:09 PM (UTC)
I myself hate Hara Kiris and how the loser has to do the buttons for it. Why would anybody want to KILL THEMSELF after losing a match. The winner may want you to kill yourself but why would you want to kill yourself? Its just dumb imo to even have hara-kiris on there, but if they are on there the winner should have control of what happens after the match because after all he/she fought their ass off to defeat the opponent.

Hara Kiris imo just give you a reason to want to lose either on purpose or not on purpose. It is imo a waste of fatality space if it is going to be used that way instead of the classic way of the winner inputting the buttons. I'd much rather every character have 3 fatalities than for every character to have 2 fatalities and 1 hara kiri.

Also, whenever I do lose a match I know that I am not even worried about or even thinking about commiting suicide. It just seems retarted to me that YOU have to do the hara-kiri your self in order to be killed.

Think of it like this, would you want the loser of the match to press the buttons for a fatality to be done to them or would you want the winner of the match to press the buttons to do a fatality on the opponent themselves? I know with hara kiris that the loser actually does the killing to themselves but I still think it defeats the purpose for the loser to have to put the combination in themselves because its like turning the loser into the winner of the match.

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06/11/2005 08:13 PM (UTC)
The point of Hara Kiri is for you to kill yourself at will.

Why would the other person have to press the buttons for you kill yourself?
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
06/11/2005 08:57 PM (UTC)
Vomit Wrote:
The point of Hara Kiri is for you to kill yourself at will.

Why would the other person have to press the buttons for you kill yourself?

My thoughts exaxctly. I hate the Hara Kiris. They're imo very pointless and how they're done is far from realistic.
About Me

PSN: Eazail70x7

06/12/2005 12:15 AM (UTC)
Like I said earlier I really dont care for Hara Kiris and if I could change something about it I would either:

1. Do as I said above with the winner and all.

2. Take them out the game for good and add a 3rd fatality for each character in place of Hara-Kiris.

I actually would prefer doing my second change rather than the first because as tgrant said above, hara kiris really are pointless and unrealistic.
06/12/2005 02:11 AM (UTC)
It's funny how the most realistic Hara Kiri is the most naff.
Kenshi's Seppuku is a belly cutting move and when you consider that "Hara Kiri" literally means "Belly-Cutting" you can see how innacurate some of the other "Hara Kiris" are, with spine rips and neck snaps among them.

Seppuku- Official Samurai form of Hara Kiri, in which the one commiting suicide drags a Dagger through his gut until he can no longer stand the pain. At this point, a Samurai behind the kneeling guy would sweep off his head with a Katana to put him out of his misery.

BTW, because I'm from Britain you must think I'm nuts, posting on a Forum at three O'clock in the morning. I do the most daft things... I always go to bed late, anyway and I'm not to tired... I usually catch up on my sleep in the early morning. Do you think I'm an Insomniac?

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Geez, I've been a member since MKDA was just a pic of Scorpion and Jax looking at each other and I have less than 2,000 visits. I should really log in more...

06/12/2005 03:54 AM (UTC)
I kind of like Hara Kiri's the way they are. It's always fun playing against somebody in a very long, drawn-out match and then losing and having the winner sit there trying to do his fatality so he could "show you! hahahaha!" and then busting a Hara Kiri and seeing the disappointment on their face. But that's just me. Hehe.
Speaking of Hara Kiri's, has anybody done a Hara Kiri at the same time your opponent does his fatality? I did once, me and a friend of mine both had Kenshi and he beat me so I went for the Hara Kiri but he busted a fatality at the same time and it glitched. I was floating in the air with my sword on my stomach. I forgot what else happened since it was a few months ago, but it was pretty neat seeing a glitch like that.
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