New gen characters from Deadly Alliance to Armageddon (no more filler characters for MK8)
posted06/12/2007 05:46 PM (UTC)by
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04/28/2003 02:49 AM (UTC)
The purpose of this subject is to help Midway focus more on character quality over quantity. Not to say that all newly introduced characters from those games were filler.

Characters that were newly introduced to the MK franchise from Deadly Alliance to Armageddon were:

Hsu Hao
Bo Rai Cho
Li Mei

Now based on many peoples opinions and my own, I strongly believe that these characters were awesome:

Bo Rai Cho
Li Mei

And finally a list of characters that sucked or were just filler:

Darrius - Horrible main design, very stupid alternate costume from the 70's martial arts films, (IMO just another added humor to MK) they could have at least taken those shitty sunglasses away. Story was somewhat ok in trying to help make chaos in the Orderrealm. Gameplay wise, had very generic fireballs / tornado kick special move stolen from Cyrax, fighting styles weren't too bad, gauntlets were awesome. Probably the only good thing about this character.

Kira - Probably my most hated character in the entire series. I hate those pigtails so if I really have to choose playing as her, I select her alt. which isn't as bad as her main. Her story was mediocre, just another black dragon recruit trying to make it to the top. The most copycat character gameplay wise. Fighting styles stolen from Kano and Sonya. Same goes with her specials except for her lame purple low fireball. Her throw move was very powerful though. All in all, Kira is really just a character you pick out of boredom or want to give her a chance but always fails.

Kobra - Another one of my top hated characters of all time. What's funny is back in the street fighter days, Ken was always my favorite character, but Kobra is such a ripoff of Ken that it makes me hate him even more. His main costume was just really what I said in my previous sentence, a wanabe Ken, with a white karate top and black karate pants, barefeet. Kobra's alt. is nothing special but it somewhat helps forget his copycat nature of his main form. Storyline was basically the same as Kira's. Even his special moves were stolen from Ken. The low fireball was a very cheap move that was abused by many noobs online. Kali sticks were given to him in Deception stolen from Sonya in Deadly Alliance. At least they gave him that blade in Armageddon, he seemed less of a waste.

Nitara - Vampire chick? good idea, but not MK style. I kinda liked Nitara in Deadly Alliance, she was just an all new fresh idea that could have been better. Her neck bite fatality was very nice! That will remain as one of my favorites in a long time. In Armageddon, the absence of character specific fatalities kinda dumbed down the likeliness of most characters, and Nitara is a good example. If she had that fatality, I probably would have liked her more. Back on track, her story was decent, she was a neutral character that tried to help Cyrax but only to get what she wanted. I don't think she decieved anyone yet. Her fighting styles were good, her kama was great, I absolutely love those weapons. To sum it up, I can't really say that Nitara sucked, but again she just wasn't fitting in the MK universe.

Frost - Holy hell. Everytime I heard rumors of a female Sub-Zero prior to Deadly Alliance, I'd have a heart attack. She didn't end up as bad as I thought, but still, yet again, she was just another copycat character. As you can tell by now, I can't stand copycat characters. Her main design was good, I liked her alt. alot better. Her hair was pretty damn cool. Frost's fighting styles were great, as were her daggers. Just please Midway, stop recreating copycat characters.

Ashrah - You either like her or you don't. I don't. She has Raiden written all over her face. Even though she doesn't share any powers (Thank God). I liked the fact that she was probably one of the few female characters that hardly revealed any cleavage or ass cheeks (not to say I hate skankily clad women, but MK sometimes overdoes that). Her story was pretty much a demon trying to become good? ok, I'll try to buy that. Her fighting styles were pretty good, I really liked Chou Jiaou. Kriss sword was decent. Specials were generic. She had supposedly some voodoo powers that was only shown as part of fatality in deception with the voodoo doll, that was kinda sweet. Perhaps if she used more voodoo powers in her gameplay she would have been a better character.

Mokap - I'm not going to say much about Mokap because I know that he was just there as a joke. But I will never forget how dissapointed I was to find out after 3 years of waiting for Deadly Alliance, to unlock secret characters only to get a motion capture jumpsuit wearing MK developer. No fatalities = because of "time restraints", another dissapointment.

Mavado - Antonio Banderas anyone? I can't remember the name of that movie but someone reading this might know what I'm talking about, where he looks just like Mavado. Or should I say the other way around. Anyways, I just don't see any reason to like this guy. His alt. form was alot better. I truly believe he didn't deserve the title as the leader of the Red Dragon. Glad that Daegon took his place. Mavado's specials were actually good, but I remembered Inspector Gadget every time I did any hook grappling moves. He is a pretty balanced character though. Another main reason why he is disliked is because he stole Kabal's hookswords. You can't f*** with Kabal like that!

Hsu Hao - The village people. Enough said. Thumbs down for Hsu Hao. He was basically Mavado's bitch, just did whatever he told him to do. At least he was loyal to his clan. I look at Hsu Hao as an attempt from the MK team to introduce a wrestling style character. His alt. form was better and less dissapointing than his regular form. The artificial heart implant was nice. Thank God they gave him his own fighting styles and weapons. Shuay Chao was sweet from Deadly Alliance, wish they'd given him that than stupid Sumo in Armageddon. Anyways, to sum it all up, he wasn't horrible, just filler, poor character development, and not MK style.

Shujinko - hero? more like a troubled individual if you ask me. I liked his main design which looks very similar to Pai Mei from Kill Bill. His alt looked more of a shaolin monk which I do like. Once again, another copycat character stealing fighting styles and specials from many characters. His weapon was basic, and it lacked in moves.

There you go, basically try to avoid bad design and stop making copycat characters stealing moves from each other.

Have a nice day. wink
06/06/2007 06:05 PM (UTC)
- Drahmin
I liked Drahmin. I think he has a good story and I like the concept of his character. Although I don't care much for his primary (it's just a diaper), he looks cool in his alt. I can see him playing a role in the Netherealm sub-plot. After the current top Netherealm antagonists are gone, I can see him taking the throne. Another big thing for me far as Drahmin goes is I think he can make a good adversary for Sareena due to their potential history (she was banished to the 5th Plane to be tortured....he was one of the main torturors). Definitely want to see Drahmin continue.

- Li Mei
Li Mei has improved a great deal for me since her debut. I can see her as a next generation character...either as a hero or a villian. I like that she's a good character trying to resist being corrupted and I'd like to see where she goes either way. She also has a good look (though heavy on the cheesecake) and I liked playing as her in Deception and Armageddon.

- Havik
Havik is another character who should come back. I like the concept of a character who exists soley to cause trouble. Not really good or evil...just trying to create more chaos. He has a great look in both his primary and his alt. His only downside is his gameplay. He needs improvement there.

- Nitara
I disagree Vampires don't fit into Mortal Kombat. I think they can fit in as much as Demons, Centaurs, and cyborgs. I think they did a good job incorporating Vampires into the series. Nitara was a cool character witha good look. I don't have that many concrete ideas on what she can do or where she can go in future stories, but I would like to see her continue.

- Ashrah
I never thought of Ashrah as anything connected to Raiden. Ashrah's tricky because she is apparently at the end of her current story....being almost fully purified. So the question is where can she go from there? What makes me support bringing Ashrah back is I think she can add something interesting to Sareena's story. I've been especially getting into the idea of them being rivals. Seeing as they're both "good guys" I'd like to see how they'd be enemies....especially if Ashrah is portrayed as the "bad" one. I think that could make for an interesting rivalry.

- Hotaru
I'm kind of so-so on Hotaru, but I think he's a character who should come back. He has a solid concept and his story can go in various places with different characters. He also has a good look and he plays pretty good, too.

- Kira
I like Kira. She seems like a cool character and I think she has a good look. What she really needs is her own moves. Although, I must admit, I can't fucking stand I'd wouldn't mind at all to see her take his place.

- Kenshi
I like Kenshi and I can see him continuing in the next gen. He has a good story and he's a cool character. Although I like Kenshi and can see him continue, I have very few ideas on what he can do or where he can I'm not as enthusiastic about him as others.

- Dairou
Dairou was an okay character that I think can be improved. If he continues on in the next gen games, what I think they should do is make him closer to his MK:DA concept, which sounded cooler and I think would make him more interesting.

- Mokap
He's just a joke. Ha ha. Let's move on.

- Shujinko
Shujinko was a decent idea that was executed horribly. He failed as the new hero and I'm really not interested in seeing him continue...even if he were to turn into a villain as his Armageddon ending suggested. Shang Tsung is only character to get away with being a mimic. We don't need anymore of them.

- Hsu Hao
I have nothing really against Hsu Hao...but he's served his purpose. Not really that interested in seeing him continue.

- Moloch
Moloch's okay, but I'd rather the boss and sub-boss characters get dropped in Armageddon.

- Onaga
I think all the current major threats should be cleared out in Armageddon. This includes Onaga...even though I like him. I will admit though, if he were to continue as a next gen threat, I'd be forgiving.

- Blaze
Same deal as Onaga....except I don't care about Blaze. He served his purpose with Armageddon and should go.

- Darrius
I'm really not interested in seeing a rivalry between Dairou and Darrius develope. I think the last thing we need is another "guy trying to avenge his family" story. Of the Seidan cast introduced, I think Darrius got over the least and I think it'd be better to just off him.

- Kobra
I really don't mind Kobra....but he is a very expendable character who isn't that well liked amongst fans. Armageddon cannon fodder. BTW, he's meant to be more of a homage to "Karate Kid" than a rip-off of Ken. Cobra Kai never die.

- Bo' Rai Cho
Bo' Rai Cho is a good character story and concept-wise. However, I think he would have more impact on the story dying than continuing on. Also, he isn't that well liked either.

- Frost
I agree that in the next gen games they should cut down on copy characters....unless tha character that's being copied is gone for good. Kira can be saved by either giving her own moves or even losing Kano....but Frost's concept is being a "female Sub-Zero" so she has little chance of changing and I doubt Sub-Zero is going anywhere. BUT...I did like Frost and I honestly wouldn't mind that much if she were to continue on (especially if she were to feud with Sareena).

- Mavado
I've mixed feelings on Mavado. On the one hand, like I said before, I think current threats should be dropped in Armageddon. And I include Mavado...being the current lead Red Dragon guy. However, I do like him and I would like to see him continue. I like his look, story, and I like playing as him. So I could go with way on Mavado.

- Taven
I liked Taven as a character and for his story. Didn't like playing as him and his look didn't leap out at me. However, I have zero interest in seeing him continue on. If Kitana is to step aside as the lead Edenian character, I'd rather see Jade or even Sindel take the spotlight over Taven.

- Daegon
I liked Daegon...more than Taven actually...but I think what happens with him should depend on what happens with Taven. If Taven returns, I wouldn't mind Daegon returning. However, I wouldn't miss him either.
About Me

06/06/2007 07:03 PM (UTC)
Kobra and Ken are worlds apart.
06/06/2007 07:54 PM (UTC)
Kenshi - I thought Kenshi was cool. Very good back story relating to Mr Tsung. Great design for both of his Deadly Alliance costumes (Not sure on his Deception Primary) and he has potential.

Drahmin - To be honest, I quite like Drahmin. The whole mummy/zombie behind a mask that focuses his insanity into controlled rage story is great. (If I've got that wrong, please correct me). I was quite surprised that he wasn't in or even mentioned Deception.

Mavado - Like Drahmin, I was surprised that he didn't make it in Deception. I'm not a fan of his bungee-hook gimmick, but it was unique. I kinda though Deagon stole his thunder in Armageddon though.

Frost - I quite like Frost. Great design and the story with her insanity was great. Don't get me wrong I can understand why she isn't popular but I do think they turned a potential trainwreck of a character (lol Sub Zero with bewbs)into a good one.

Bo Rai Cho - I do like Bo Rai Cho. I know he isn't the most popular guy around but he has character. He is a humble man, which is a contrast to some of the other characters.

Hotaru - I quite liked the Order Vs Chaos story despite it feeling very much tacked on and I hope that they integrate Seido and Chaosrealm better in the next game rather than drop it completely. As for Hotaru, he is one of the few "evil" characters where its understandable for him. He is fighting for his beliefs and there hasn't been many of those sorts of evil characters. He isn't fighting for himself or conquest, he is fighting for Seido.

Havik - I love Havik, the chiropractor taunts and his quite spooky voice. I can't quite explain it though. Just such a cool design.

Daegon - I didn't like the whole Armageddon was predicted by the Elder Gods so they froze two demi god brothers for a couple of millennia so they would decide the fate of all the characters fighting below them. So by all accounts I should hate Deagon. But I don't, a great design plus a nice little bit ofjealousy with Taven. Scheming from the shadows for years, enslaving a great fucking huge dragon and developing his own little group of naughty people means, to me at least, he should stay.

Nitara - I did think Nitara was cool but she served her purpose in Deadly Alliance and while I don't think she should come back, I wouldn't mind seeing a new vampire in MK8.

Moloch - That freaky howl when you beat him after one round was great. A nice simple design and I though it worked quite well. Wouldn't mind seeing a Oni like Moloch, appear in MK8

Ashrah - Ashrah had a good story, a demon trying to redeem herself for past sins, so she goes around slaying demons in Hell. (How do you kill people in Hell? Doesn't matter). The design was a bit iffy really. Not sure why. I don't think its the lack of cleavage. I think it was just a bit odd. Maybe a nice flowing skirt rather than trousers.

Kira - Busty redhead in leather. smile Naughty John, this is serious business. But seriously, I thought she had a cool backstory if a bit simple (Ruthless assassin recruited by the Black Dragon). Yes she was a bit of a filler character but she was quite enjoyable to play as.

Hsu Hao - I thought Hsu Hao suffered from overdevelopment in his design stage (consider the amount of preproduction material of him) and then it was a bit "Oh Shit we forgot a story for him". His Sun Moon blades were great but ultimately HH was dull.

Li Mei - I don't like Li Mei. She just seems a bit generic really.

Mokap - HAI GUYS! Why do you hate me?

Blaze - Had some cool designs in the MK Krypt and then they decide to go with Inferno + Astaroth. Story is a bit crap as well.

Dairou - He does have a cool design and side story but I think his colour scheme let him down. Brown and dull green isn't memorable really. Didn't have any impact.

Kobra - Dull character. Just what.

Darrius - I don't know why I don't like him. Maybe like Dairou he lacks impact.

Shujinko - Just no. This sort of "What if were in the [Insert Universe here] characters are never going to work unless they are wholly customisable.

Onaga - I don't know why really. Maybe its the whole literal sense of his nickname. If I was designing a character called "The Dragon King" I wouldn't make a 10 foot tall Komodo Dragon. I'd probably use a more Chinese design really. Long flowing eyebrows and beard. Oh well.

Taven - See Daegon up to the point where I explain why I like Daegon. To me he came across as arrogant. He does have a bit of an interesting story but then I realise that he is one of two characters that controls the fate of everyone else. I still don't like that. Either give them full fleshed out endings or wipe them out with a comet. This is an in-between and it smells a bit weak from Midway.
06/07/2007 01:28 AM (UTC)

Li Mei: I'm glad with what they did for Li Mei, developing her into someone who could become a potential hero or villain. Before MKDA, we didn't really have any good characters who came from Outworld, and I think Li Mei can easily become a next-gen protagonist or antagonist, depending on which direction the storywriters would want to go with.

Kenshi: I like his character concept and his attitude, but I'm not too sure where he can go. I'm sure there is something that can be done with him, and I would like to see him continue on. For some strange reason, I have lost a bit of interest in Kenshi. Maybe it's the way he was in MKD. I don't know. But even so, I want him to return.

Nitara: At first, I was skeptical about the whole concept of a vampire in MK, but I grew to like the character. I feel that she needs to be explored, as well as the Vampire Realm and its people. We know that she was successful in separating her realm from Outworld and has returned to it. I want to know what her plans are and how she's going to go about getting them done. She could easily develop into a villan of sorts, but I would kind of prefer her to be a more neutral character like in MKDA.

Drahmin: I like his character concept, and I think that he could be a good villain for the Netherrealm side of the story. I could perhaps see him taking his own power or just going around eating and killing. Overall, something can be done with him.

Kira: I know a lot of people don't like her due to the whole Kano/Sonya moves thing, but I think she has that something that makes me feel that she should get another chance and further develop. Maybe if they bring Sonya back, we can get a rivalry between the two, with an interesting dynamic. While Sonya is brash and aggressive, Kira is calculating and manipulative. Personally, I want her to step away from the whole Black Dragon thing and maybe even clans/groups altogether. Afterall, it's a bit strange for someone who believes in anarchy to be in an organized group.

Hotaru: He has a good character concept and a pretty solid story so far. I also like his look and his lava-based moves. He can definitely go somewhere.

Dairou: Like Kira, Dairou is not liked by many, but I think he also has a bit of an appeal to him in that he can kind of go in different places for his story since he's a mercenary assassin for hire and all.

Havik: Havik is my favorite new character from MKD. I just love the concept of this troublemaking madman who believes in chaos and anarchy. He can definitely do a lot of different things yet his prominence in the story doesn't even need to be that big.

Taven: Although there are things about him I don't like, I feel that it's best to make use of him and develop his character, otherwise, he's just a waste like Shujinko. I think that he should become the new Protector God of Edenia, and it'd be a bit interesting to see how he handles that responsibility.


Mokap: He's a joke who doesn't have much potential.

Blaze: I like Blaze, but he must serve his purpose by dying.

Hsu Hao: Hsu Hao is a pretty mediocre character, imo, and he's meant to be a minor character. I never really got into the character, and I have no interest in seeing him return.

Bo' Rai Cho: I actually like Bo' Rai Cho, but like XiahouDun84 said, there would be more of an impact if he died.

Darrius: I neither like nor hate Darrius though there are some things like about him, such as his Gauntlets. I think it's better that he dies by Dairou's hands. He just didn't have much impact on the story, and unlike Dairou, he can't really go too many places in his story.

Moloch: Maybe if he had more to his backstory and wasn't so annoying when fighting him, I might not mind him returning. However, since he is annoying and doesn't have much going for him, I just want him to die a very painful death.

Shujinko: Although Shujinko has gotten wiser, I'd rather he just die. He may have potential as a bit of a next-gen Bo' Rai Cho, but I don't have enough interest in the character to want him to continue.

Onaga: I kind of like Onaga, and I wished that they had explored him, but with Armageddon and all, he's probably better off dead as him being alive probably won't be pretty.

Kobra: I don't like this character, and I feel that he's just very expendable.


Mavado: Mavado is a pretty cool character, but I'm not sure if he should return. I honestly can't say too much on him.

Frost: I think Frost may have some potential if she were to side with Noob Saibot, have a rivalry with Sub-Zero and Sareena, or maybe have some kind of story with the whole Cryomancer thing.

Ashrah: I like Ashrah, but with the way her story is, it is kind of tricky to further develop her story. I suppose that she could go around the realms, purifying evil or something.

Daegon: I like Daegon, and I like him more than Taven, but I'm not fully sure what I think should become of him. I would prefer that Taven be the one to gain godhood. Maybe Daegon can return in a future game or something. *shrugs*
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
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06/07/2007 09:36 PM (UTC)

Kenshi: Sucessful Character pretty much all around. Just open him up more..Exploit his powers and the history surrounding the sword.

Drahmin: I'm interested in what happened to him before the NetherRealm. I don't like his moves, and I can only tolerate his Alt though. 1.What did he look like before? 2. What was he like before?

Nitara: Vampires one of THE most interesting characters to depict even in movies, but they are painfully mis-concieved most of the time. I'd love to see Nitara come back just based on the special powers of a proper depicted vampire. But that's all I like this character for, her story and design are very good too.

Hotaru: Pretty successful character as far as uniquness. We haven't seen very many characters like him in video games and I like the OrderRealm.

Dairou: I like mercenaries.

Havik: The "entity" that is Mortal Kombat.

Shujinko: This is how bad-guys or really powerful leaders are made. He should come back defined. Irony would be that because he absorbs everyones talents...he finds his own. I would love to hate him but he still kind of wallows in innocents because he was taken advatage of .


Hsu Hao
Bo Rai Cho
Li Mei

Not to generalize them, but these characters have all either served their puposes, are copies, are key in ousting the current plot of Mk, or I'm simply not interested enough to see them come back.


Frost: Like her, but don't know if she should stick around any longer.
Taven: Don't like him, but he might make an adequate God of some sort.
06/08/2007 02:01 PM (UTC)
Okay here goes my list:


Drahmin - one of the few interesting characters, reminds me of the character "meat" only he has a purpose in the game and a real story line...

Hotaru - One of the semi decent characters from D, i quite liked him had a very interesting look about him, i could see him reappearing.

Dairou - I didn't really like this character he was just too "Normal" nothing really special about him, but he does to me seem a bit of a mystery.

Havik - Very good Character Definitely Best New comer since MK3, very good design, very original moves and not only is his story interesting but his whole appearance suits Mortal Kombat to a crisp

Darrius - You cannot really have Hotaru or Dairou without Darrius. I personally thought he was best of the 3. His moves were good although stolen from Johnny Cage (also used with Kobra) and his secondary outfit was Awesome! Made him look like the guy from "Bruce Lee - Enter the Dragon".

Shujinko - Still has his story to fulfill

Taven - Still has a story to fulfill

Daegon - Still has a story to fulfill


Frost - Interesting Idea, i liked her hair tongue, she could still be made into something if given the chance though i doubt she will see the light of day again

Nitara - Possibly the 2nd best new Character From MK DA. she looks fairly interesting and has some pretty good moves. However i cant see her coming back, she doesn't serve a purpose that in the MK universe
Li Mei - An Average Character, like Dairou she is nothing special, although probably a fairly interesting character from MK:DA she just doesn't suit the MK Universe.

Kira - Best New Black Dragon Member, i like that whole idea of the Black Dragon vs the Red Dragon. Unfortunately Midway Screwed the Red Dragon Characters up so badly that Black Dragon cannot exist without an enemy...

Ashrah - She looks like a female Raiden at first glance, she has some pretty good moves and a good backing story. Though for some reason Everybody hates her. I personally don't ever play as her, unless they improve her i dont see her comming back.

NOES: tongue

Kenshi - 3rd worst Character. Always hated this character from the moment i first saw him. He could have been something more. If Midway didn't over do the fact that he is a new character in the game and make him look like an Animé character with an Animé name in a non Animé universe. He also doesn't really have anything to do in Mortal Kombat Story line so "BI2U"

Moloch - JOKE SUB BOSS. Seriously i prefer to call him Bolloch (pronounced Bollock)

Mavado - 2nd Worst Character.. Don't even need to explain

Hsu Hao - 1st Worst Character... Don't even need to explain

Bo Rai Cho - 4th Worst Character, as a trainer he shouldn't have been fat, with a crap name. The whole concept wit him n Li Mei could have been fab if they didn't turn them into Jokes

Mokap - Joke Character

Blaze - Served His Purpose

Kobra - Wanna be Ken

Onaga - Served His Purpose

As you can see i don't care much for the new characters that Midway use to fill gaps! I'm sure the majority of MK fans share my view in saying
06/11/2007 05:32 AM (UTC)

Kenshi- One of the best new characters. Costume looks nice (except for the MKD primary). Not the typical good guy unlike characters like Kai and Stryker. Story is also good.

Sareena- Everything about her is almost perfect. Definitely a next gen. character.

Li Mei- In MK:DA didn't like her. I thought she was just another typical good girl. In MKD she improved drastically. Her story became very intriguing plus her costume and gameplay were 100 times better.


Nitara- She's like ashrah only more slutty.

Ashrah- Not sure if she should return/die. Cool character one of the more conservative women has a story that makes sense but there's somthing about her that just doesn't WOW me.

Mavado- I personally don't like the Red DRagon but if it were to return he should too. Still on the fence with him.

Drahmin- At first I hate him. But when I read XD's Mortal KOmbat: Rebirth. It was a great idea to make him the ruler of the Netherrealm nut I highly doubt that the MK team will do that so i'll put him the maybe list for now.

Havik/Hotaru/Dairou- I really don't care about the Orderrealm/Chaosrealm characters because their not as important as the others. BUt i won't really mind if these three retrurned.

Kira- Unlike Kobra, Kira is a cool character. Although she has the whole rip-off thing, She still has something that makes me want her to return.

Taven/Daegon- Nothing really much to say about them.


Bo Rai Cho- One of the more hated characters. The mentor thing really doesn't work for me.

Hsu Hao- 2nd crappiest character in MKDA. He's just somebody's bitch. what's so good about that???

MOkap- DOn't really need to explain.

Frost- ..............................................................The only female character i ever hated. Unlike Tanya ( who i also hate), she's just plain crap.

Darrius- UNlike the other O/C realm characters, Darrius is just absolute crap. He looks like some kind of retard. They better not return him.

Shujinko- Keep him???? nah drop him instead

Kobra- OMG don't even get me started with him.

Onaga/Moloch/Blaze- I just think all sub-bosses and bosses should not return.

06/12/2007 04:51 PM (UTC)
Mavado: He's got a shot. His rivalry with Kabal could spark a new storyline. Also, a rivalry between the Red and Black dragon clan storyline could come of this.

Hsu Hao: Honestly, I think he's not coming back. He seems too much of a lame character. He just seems very unpopular, and his storyline sucks

Hotaru: This is a tough one. Hotaru is an interesting and likeable character, but his storyline is rather bland, and unless a new twist comes around with him and Havik, he's not coming back.

Havik: Havik is pretty much the same as Hotaru. If the storyline dosn't go anywhere, then he's outta here.

Kobra: This character is just plain awful. He's a blatant ripoff of Ken from Street Fighter, and he has virtually no storyline. He's a filler Black Dragon Character.

Kira: Same as Kobra. Has no storyline, and is just a filter character. But she is more original than Kobra. But still has no chance.

Ashrah: Her storyline is wayyyy to bland. There's nothing to build on here. The only thing she'll be doing is slaying Oni. After that, she escapes from the Netherrealm and there really is no other way to go.

Shujinko: Has an excellent chance of coming back. Since he has the power to gain the fighting abilities of any fighter, he can become a new villian, much like Shang Tsung. He has a lot of potential.

Dairou: He has a shot. I think his Mercernary storyline could fit in with others well. He has untapped potential.

Darrius: Another Bland Storyline, has little chance of coming back. He might come back if Havik and Hotaru do, but he'd just be another filler character in that plot. The only thing he's doing is beating up Seido Guards.

Mokap: Absolutley not. Has no storyline, and is as much of a joke as meat. They cant do anything with him!

Reiko: He's another joke. He wont be coming back, but I think his
storyline has potential if Shao Kahn is killed off in the next game.

Fuijin: Has a good chance of coming back. It's not like you can kill off
Gods. Also, I see him being a replacement and rival of Raiden due to
Raiden's new sinister ways.

Frost: She also has a good chance of coming back. She has lost of
storyline potential, most likely a Sub-Zero rival, and could start her
own Ninja clan.
06/12/2007 05:28 PM (UTC)
ouch....the only names isee here are all the same...and btw 90% of them are boring characters,with classic look,samurai or ninja look-alike...another soul calibur 3...another boring game.

of new characters i like and i wish to see again:

Dark Raiden(very kool);
Daegon;and one between drahmin or Moloch.

i don't see why classic characters should die,ut you want this way....

oh,i forgot,all the rest should die.
06/12/2007 05:46 PM (UTC)
if Mavado isn't coming back then there's no reason for Hsu Hao to come back

my list of characters to come back are
Kung Lao
Liu Kang
Li Mei
Bo Rai Cho

With the Black Dragon

and the Red dragon
Hsu Hao
and Kobra(Since he was kicked out of the Black Dragon in MKD0
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