New finisher idea: Oldality
posted03/10/2014 08:07 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
We have babalities, so I think we should have the opposite, too, where characters are aged drastically. Like the babalities, it affects every losers differently. Though maybe they should be called grandmality/grandpality (depending on the loser's gender). I realize it's going to sound offensive, but I just had to share these ideas. Here they are.

Quan Chi: tries to conjure a spell, and then...uh, forgets what he's supposed to say.

Cyrax: his armor gets all worn down, and he struggles to open his chest. When he finally does, he attempts to throw a bomb at his opponent, but it gets stuck inside his chest, and explodes.

Sektor: Similar to Cyrax, only he fires a missile. He actually succeeds, but it drops to the ground shortly after. It doesn't even explode, as it's now only a worthless piece of junk.

Alternately, Sektor gets his compactor out, fails to reach the opponent, and he's unable to get it back inside. Doh.

Scorpion: Throws his spear, says "get...!!!" but he is so weak that it falls on the ground. Desperate, he removes his mask, in order to roast the opponent, but his skull cracks and breaks down into little pieces.

Reptile: attempts to throw his sticky tongue at the opponent, but instead it falls and rolls down the floor.

Raiden: Attempts to create a ball of lightning, but it phases out. Then out of nowhere, a grown Kidd Thunder torpedos his old man out of there.

Johnny: Does what he does in his MK9 intro, but then we see there's wiring attached to him. He's also badly out of shape, with a large gut and his Johnny tatoo right above it.

Kabal: Attempts to run away from his opponent at high speed, but he falls on the ground, and dies of a heart attack.

Liu Kang: Attempts a flying kick, but lands on his ass. And breaks his coccyx (complete with X-Ray sequence).

Baraka: Struggles getting his blades out.

Mileena: Takes off her veil, and we see that all her teeth are gone! Then she slowly walks toward the camera while waving her hands and cackling maniacally. The camera moves backward, as if it's trying to get away from her.
03/08/2014 07:09 PM (UTC)
I don't know, u are supposed to respect your elders, but babies are plaything, that's why it worked for Babality.
03/08/2014 08:27 PM (UTC)
Some more

Bo Rai Cho: Looking even older, he is sitting on the ground, wearing nothing but a diaper, uncontrollably crapping himself.

Rain: Creates a small water ball, propels it into the air, and only gets a few drops of water to fall on him.

To expand on Johnny's aging, he'd say "I make this look so easy!" in a saddened tone , then he'd get on his knees, shaking his head in misery.

But here's a better, funnier one for good old Johnny: He does the split. Ouch.

Sindel: All her hair falls out. She tries to scream, but she's lost her voice, as well.

Kitana; Looks at herself in a mirror, freaks out, then she suddenly realizes "I'm the Queen now, yes!", and raises her arms in victory.

Kobra: Swings a kobra-shaped cane around, and almost loses his balance.

Shinnok: we find ourselves in a retirement home, where Shinnok is rambling, and going on about being a god. "Fallen elder god, now only fallen" says one of the employees. "Now, to bed" he says, while Shinnok's throwing a tantrum and being carried to his room by some of the personnel.

Stryker: we find hourself near a small house, where a bunch of thugs try to break in, and we hear a shotgun being fired. the thugs are then seen coming out screaming, followed by Stryker firing another shot in the air, and yelling "Get off my property, punks!".

Shang Tsung; No-brainer. Just think about the MK2 intro, or Darkseid's ending in the MK vs DC Universe.

Nitara: Turns her back to the camera, does something that we can't see, then turns around and hisses toward the camera. She realizes to her embarrassement that her fake fangs have fallen on the ground. She picks them up and tries to put them back in her gums, but to no avail. Her wings are also broken down and floppy.

Onaga: Look out everyone! He's about to blow fire everywhere! Oh wait, it's only smoke. Not quite the Dragon King anymore, heh? Speaking of smoke...

Smoke: Chain smoker. Sitting in front of a small table, he lights up cigarettes after cigarettes, coughing repeatedly in the process.
03/08/2014 10:26 PM (UTC)
Age is not a factor in Mortal Kombat, so it wouldn't make any sense.

However, a suitable way this can be applied is in a way similar to Hara-Kiris.

During the FINISH HIM/HER section, the loser can input a code that prevents the winner from performing a fatality. Your examples of forgetfulness could be the gist of this 'Counter-Fatality.'

Some examples:

Scorpion - Scorpion whips out his spear, but suddenly forgets how to use it. He impales himself in the head by accident.

Sub-Zero - Sub-Zero begins to form and iceball, but loses focus and encases himself in his own unbreakable ice.

Bo' Rai Cho - Bo' Rai Cho grabs his gourd to take a final drink of wine, but the gourd is suddenly empty. Bo' Rai Cho gets enraged and slams the gourd on his forehead, knocking himself unconscious.

Mileena - Mileena runs forward to eat her victim, but suddenly loses her self-awareness. She then notices her own arm, takes it as the arm of an enemy, and begins to viciously gnaw on it.

Jade - Jade takes out her staff and positions herself to throw it towards her opponent. The staff suddenly becomes terribly heavy, and she falls backwards onto the floor, with staff impaling her stomach in succession.

Cyrax - Cyrax opens the command pad on his arm to issue an attack. He accidentally imputs the wrong command, and he self-destructs.

03/08/2014 11:07 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
Age is not a factor in Mortal Kombat, so it wouldn't make any sense.

However, a suitable way this can be applied is in a way similar to Hara-Kiris.

During the FINISH HIM/HER section, the loser can input a code that prevents the winner from performing a fatality. Your examples of forgetfulness could be the gist of this 'Counter-Fatality.'

Some examples:

Scorpion - Scorpion whips out his spear, but suddenly forgets how to use it. He impales himself in the head by accident.

Sub-Zero - Sub-Zero begins to form and iceball, but loses focus and encases himself in his own unbreakable ice.

Bo' Rai Cho - Bo' Rai Cho grabs his gourd to take a final drink of wine, but the gourd is suddenly empty. Bo' Rai Cho gets enraged and slams the gourd on his forehead, knocking himself unconscious.

Mileena - Mileena runs forward to eat her victim, but suddenly loses her self-awareness. She then notices her own arm, takes it as the arm of an enemy, and begins to viciously gnaw on it.

Jade - Jade takes out her staff and positions herself to throw it towards her opponent. The staff suddenly becomes terribly heavy, and she falls backwards onto the floor, with staff impaling her stomach in succession.

Cyrax - Cyrax opens the command pad on his arm to issue an attack. He accidentally imputs the wrong command, and he self-destructs.

No thanks, I don't want them to be clumsy. They are chosen warriors. Not dumb and dumber.
03/09/2014 12:27 AM (UTC)
hankypanky1 Wrote:

No thanks, I don't want them to be clumsy. They are chosen warriors. Not dumb and dumber.

And yet they perform Friendships and Babalities.
03/09/2014 12:37 AM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
hankypanky1 Wrote:

No thanks, I don't want them to be clumsy. They are chosen warriors. Not dumb and dumber.

And yet they perform Friendships and Babalities.

Those finishers are fine. However I will stand my ground against Hara Kiris.
03/09/2014 01:08 AM (UTC)
hankypanky1 Wrote:

Those finishers are fine. However I will stand my ground against Hara Kiris.

What I am suggesting is not a hara-kiri, as a hara-kiri is deliberate suicide.

What I am suggesting is a competitive finisher. When a player loses, they have the opportunity to exact revenge. A Counter-Fatality allows the loser to ensue death upon the victor, something far different than suicide.
03/09/2014 01:10 AM (UTC)
Since when were finishers in the MK series always meant to be coherent? Believe me, we could make a separate thread covering the things about MK that don't make sense. These ideas are for fun.

I have another idea for an age-related finisher: Teenality! Though I think the announcer merely saying "Teenagers" would be hilarious.

Scorpion: Throws his spear around repeatedly, never managing to throw it far. Angry, Scorpion throws it to the floor, screams his head off, accidently summoning hellfire and burning his own outfit.

Kitana: tries out various fans and outfits, never finding something she likes. She constantly throws fans at the screen, until she finally finds the ones we're accustomed to, along with the outfit. One of the outfits she'd try would be a reference to another fan-wielding gal from a certain fighting game series.

Kobra: Redundant. He's already a brat. The word "Teenagers" would appear on the screen earlier, he'd go off and insists that he's a "man, a fucking real man, a realer man, a more cooler guy than that blue-clad faggot!!!" etc, etc. The incoherences in Kobra's dialogue are intentional.

Kabal: Removes his mask, screams maniacally, and reveals...a rather beautiful face. Some asshole offscreen mocks him and says Kabal's too much of a pretty boy to be a credible badass. Kabal takes out his hoodswords, runs offscreen at high speed and guts the prick.

Stryker; Grabs a gun, is shocked bow how heavy it is, drops it by accident, making it go off and shoot him in the foot.

Quan Chi: Is reading a book about spells, when some bully appears behind him. Just before the bully can do anything, Quan Chi turns around, conjures a spell and shrinks him! Quan Chi then grabs the bully and puts him in his pants.

Mokap: All his balls are "down there". To, you know, show you he's got balls. More balls than any other guys in the universe. Sadly for him, they fall off.

Liu Kang: Plays a MK arcade, when someone offscreen tells him "You have to train to be MK champion one day, Liu Kang, so get over here!". It breaks Liu Kang's concentration and he loses. Annoyed, Liu Kang literally vanishes and the arcade burns.

That's it for now.
03/09/2014 02:27 AM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
hankypanky1 Wrote:

Those finishers are fine. However I will stand my ground against Hara Kiris.

What I am suggesting is not a hara-kiri, as a hara-kiri is deliberate suicide.

What I am suggesting is a competitive finisher. When a player loses, they have the opportunity to exact revenge. A Counter-Fatality allows the loser to ensue death upon the victor, something far different than suicide.

Hell No, a loser should not be allowed to counter the winner's finishing move. DG I like the teenality idea. Teenality is definitely be more creative than Babality.
03/09/2014 03:18 AM (UTC)
hankypanky1 Wrote:

Hell No, a loser should not be allowed to counter the winner's finishing move. DG I like the teenality idea. Teenality is definitely be more creative than Babality.

You don't want counter-finishers because they are 'Dumb and Dumber,' but you like Teenality?

Wow. Just wow.
03/09/2014 05:39 AM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
hankypanky1 Wrote:

Hell No, a loser should not be allowed to counter the winner's finishing move. DG I like the teenality idea. Teenality is definitely be more creative than Babality.

You don't want counter-finishers because they are 'Dumb and Dumber,' but you like Teenality?

Wow. Just wow.

That's about what I'd expect from a Gen Y'er.
03/09/2014 02:40 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
hankypanky1 Wrote:

Hell No, a loser should not be allowed to counter the winner's finishing move. DG I like the teenality idea. Teenality is definitely be more creative than Babality.

You don't want counter-finishers because they are 'Dumb and Dumber,' but you like Teenality?

Wow. Just wow.

Because counter finisher mechanic will only piss off the winner. The winner should decide 'what happens to their opponent' after theyve won. Teenality could work, with the rise of films starring young ones as main character. FIlms like Ender's Game, the Hunger Games. The new Karate Kid. They show young ones as achievers. So if Teenality shows characters achieving something, then it would work.
03/09/2014 08:14 PM (UTC)
I've thought of yet another one for Johnny. Definitely the most offensive of all my suggested oldalities: David Carradine.
03/09/2014 09:34 PM (UTC)
I like the idea of blocking fatality. It's sort of like a final FU after you've been defeated. We sort of see this in Mortal Kombat 2011 in the intro video. Shao Kahn was on the brink of destroying Raiden, and he manage to sent a message to his past self. But for in games, it should be just to avoid getting hit with a fatality. Making a timing and precision thing. Where the defeated character not only have to guess which fatality will be use but press the button quicker than the other.
03/09/2014 10:41 PM (UTC)
Seasrmar Wrote:
I like the idea of blocking fatality. It's sort of like a final FU after you've been defeated. We sort of see this in Mortal Kombat 2011 in the intro video. Shao Kahn was on the brink of destroying Raiden, and he manage to sent a message to his past self. But for in games, it should be just to avoid getting hit with a fatality. Making a timing and precision thing. Where the defeated character not only have to guess which fatality will be use but press the button quicker than the other.


Having Counter-Fatalities only adds to the competitiveness of the game. Even if you lose, you have an opportunity to gain the upper hand.

However, I don't think it should be linked to any particular fatality; that seems a bit too precise. It also makes performing the counter less appealing or worth doing. If you have to guess which fatality the opponent will use, or if the opponent will use one at all, the odds of succeeding will be against you. It's not worth the attempt.

I think a simple counter finisher for each character would suffice. This alone creates a quick and intense competition of wills, one that I feel will be quite exciting for players.

hankypanky1 Wrote:

Because counter finisher mechanic will only piss off the winner.

That's kind of the point.

hankypanky1 Wrote:
Teenality could work, with the rise of films starring young ones as main character. FIlms like Ender's Game, the Hunger Games. The new Karate Kid. They show young ones as achievers. So if Teenality shows characters achieving something, then it would work.

Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds?

A finisher should be at least the slightest bit practical, and not genuinely foolish. At least Babalities are based on the premise of humiliating your opponent. You want a finisher that shows a random achievement of a teenager? You cannot possibly be serious.
03/09/2014 11:10 PM (UTC)
Teenality would be more creative than Babality. Babies are cute but teens are a nightmare, so it would be nice to see what characters were like in their teens. The loser should not be able to counter anything if they've lost the fight. The only thing the loser should do when they lose a fight is congratulate the winner. Not counter anything. Maybe for in-between fights but that's it.
About Me
03/09/2014 11:17 PM (UTC)
Sounds pretty funny. I'm down for a new comedic finisher.
03/10/2014 08:07 AM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
Seasrmar Wrote:
I like the idea of blocking fatality. It's sort of like a final FU after you've been defeated. We sort of see this in Mortal Kombat 2011 in the intro video. Shao Kahn was on the brink of destroying Raiden, and he manage to sent a message to his past self. But for in games, it should be just to avoid getting hit with a fatality. Making a timing and precision thing. Where the defeated character not only have to guess which fatality will be use but press the button quicker than the other.


Having Counter-Fatalities only adds to the competitiveness of the game. Even if you lose, you have an opportunity to gain the upper hand.

However, I don't think it should be linked to any particular fatality; that seems a bit too precise. It also makes performing the counter less appealing or worth doing. If you have to guess which fatality the opponent will use, or if the opponent will use one at all, the odds of succeeding will be against you. It's not worth the attempt.

I think a simple counter finisher for each character would suffice. This alone creates a quick and intense competition of wills, one that I feel will be quite exciting for players.

hankypanky1 Wrote:

Because counter finisher mechanic will only piss off the winner.

That's kind of the point.

hankypanky1 Wrote:
Teenality could work, with the rise of films starring young ones as main character. FIlms like Ender's Game, the Hunger Games. The new Karate Kid. They show young ones as achievers. So if Teenality shows characters achieving something, then it would work.

Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds?

A finisher should be at least the slightest bit practical, and not genuinely foolish. At least Babalities are based on the premise of humiliating your opponent. You want a finisher that shows a random achievement of a teenager? You cannot possibly be serious.

How about in exchange for guessing the precise fatality, one get a certain percent of ones health back. A second chance. Not so much health, maybe back to danger mode again. Then it be truly from the brink of death, one tries to snatch the victory from the other. Plus, it show an important kombat skills: not only you know what to do for yourself, but wha I your opponents capable of.

IMO, Teenality doesn't serve a purpose. Whereas, the existing ones already serve purposes. Fatality finish them in dreadful sense using extraordinary mean. Animality finish them in animal mode. Friendship finsh them in a funny way. Brutality a such brutal beatdown by just regular punches and kicking. Babality finsh them in age humiliation sense. Teenality is just a repeat of Babality, even with different age.
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