05/13/2012 07:06 PM (UTC)
For the return of the Dragon King, I see how important the inclusion as a playable character in history and relevant Undead General, General of his forces mummified and second in command, he certainly is the importance of forces to Baraka and Kahn is more important that Kobra (which was the third command in a Black Dragon, since Kira was above him, and even a Black Dragon without Kano).

Lavas His Priests would also be welcome, but here so you could create a new character and give that role to an existing (since basically they are just men who believe and seek the return of the Dragon King and believe that he is the true king of Outworld and Shao Kahn is a usurper, something like Sebastianism Portuguese). And we must consider that officially Hornublucke is described in this field.
05/15/2012 02:46 PM (UTC)
I would really like to see the split-up of Kia, Jataaka, and Sareena a bit more in-depth story-wise, and maybe the trio take out Quan Chi in the next chapter of MK after relizing their pawns possibly with the help of Ashrah. Also, I'd like to see Tremor make a full-character appearance on ALL CONSOLES NRS.

I'd also like to see a plant-wielding/powered character, I think the name Aphid fits perfectly! Let it be a female character that is made up of leaves and thorns/thistles. Maybe even hide a venus flytrap under what you think is her actual head, but it opens up through her mouth like shedding skin and kinda sick-like and uses vines to pull the victim into her trap. That way we get to see the Living Forest again, ALWAYS MY FAVORITE STAGE!!!
05/15/2012 11:11 PM (UTC)
You can name a few examples of special moves that Character plant?
05/18/2012 06:33 PM (UTC)
Introduce Kia and Jataaka as full fledged characters would be a good idea.
Reiko and Fujin are interesting the way they are, I really can't Understand why people hates them so much.
Tanya needs a great re-work of her attire and general look, she's just a yellow kunoichi.
Hsu Hao is cool, don't get why people hates him so much either.
Honestly I Love the new characters, except for Jarek, Darrius and Dairou I kinda like 'em all, including Kobra.
05/18/2012 08:32 PM (UTC)
Of the characters that you mentioned I just do not like the Hsu Hao.

My problem with it. Is that it is redundant, the Red Dragon is perfectly functional with Daegon and Mavado.
05/19/2012 12:58 AM (UTC)
I'd have to say that for MK10 they should work with what they have, including some side-character action since a lot of people would like to see more depth to the story. I could see Tremor and Jarek for sure this time, especially since he's the 1 that was released from being in prison since MKSF on MK9 (Vita)

1. Sonya Blade
2. Johnny Cage
3. Raiden
4. Scorpion
5. Hydro
6. Reptile
7. Fujin
8. Frost
9. Quan Chi
10. Noob Saibot
11. Sareena
12. Kia
13. Jataaka
14. Shinnok
15. Tanya
16. Rain
17. Reiko
18. Nitara
19. Kebral - Black Dragon Leader's son
20. Jarek - MKA moveset
21. Tremor - NEW MOVESET!!!
22. Mavado (without hookswords - since Kabal still has them in Netherealm)
23. ? New Red Dragon Member
24. Daegon - Taven is still asleep
25. Blaze (MKD version)
26. Hornbuckle (turns out to be Liu Kang's thought-to-be dead brother)
27. Aphid - New Plant manipulator
28. Zaggot - Unlockable
29. Havik
30. Abacus - Unlockable; him and Zaggot should FINALLY be included in the actual fight
31. Hotaru
32. Siang - Unlockable and great double-personality mix (different than Noob)
33. Dehlia
34. Argus
35. Ashrah
36. Wu Lae
37. Kiri - Revived by Quan Chi for Reptile's help but now wants to rule Outworld alone
38. Ankha - Revived by Quan Chi for Reptile's help
39. Siro
40. Taja

The 10 Unlockable characters:
1. Kitana
2. Sindel
3. Kung Lao
4. Kabal
5. Nightwolf
6. Cyber-Sub Zero
7. Smoke
8. Jade
9. Jax
10. Stryker

I think these 50 characters would fit perfect storywise, yet I don't think they can fix Cyber-Sub Zero fully until MK11, babysteps!
05/19/2012 04:12 PM (UTC)
The next installment should be a war of the gods vs. the realms:

Raiden, Fujin, Dehlia, Argus, and Shinnok

Reptile for once turns good after getting Kiri/Ankha back for helping Quan Chi, which saves his race; both which fight differently. Leave Khameleon for Chameleon which they both fit together better IMO.

Bring in Peron or someone impersonating her; could be Quan Chi tricking Scorpion and maybe they could use Ashrah (while still working for Quan Chi) but we don't find out it's her until the next game. This could also allow us use to Sareena, Kia, and Jataaka, FINALLY!!!

Abacus/Zaggot/Hotaru/Havik = Order/Chaos unite for this game, just to start a feud in the next game and bring on The Kombantant.

Nitara and her little Orb Quest which needs to be dissected a bit.

The Kreeyan Race - Vorpax and Empress Kreeya (What realm are they from, we could find out)

Qali - unknown where she is/went but very similar to the woman in Jade's ending and could very well be her. Whatever realm that woman in Jade's ending is, is quite interesting and a lot of people are dying to know: Who's That Girl???

I'm now a bit worried for Sub Zero, just like Scorpion not being in regular MK3, I don't think that regular Sub Zero will appear this time, allowing Frost, the Netherealm bound Cyber Sub Zero, or Hydro/Cyber Hydro. I still think the 10 dead characters will be our Unlockables in the next game (I mean they are the best and most favorites well maybe not Stryker/Nightwolf).
05/29/2012 03:44 AM (UTC)
How about the Dragon King saga? At least after some fighters from Mk4-MKD are done, at least we can have a new fresh start for the new MK.
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<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589

05/29/2012 07:03 PM (UTC)
I get the idea behind new characters having a certain theme, but why do we need more elemental warriors? Poison? Sand? Magnetism? Elasticity? Sure, some of their moves could be based on these and can tie in with their character, but taken at face value, simpy having a "poison warrior" or whatever makes these sound like Mega Man villains.

Tying a character that much to a certain theme, in my opinion, makes them feel too one dimensional. Cage is an actor, he's arrogant, makes jokes, etc. But while you might argue that his low blow is reflective of his more humorous side, his shadow kick, shadow uppercut, etc don't combine to make him "the famous warrior" or "the shadow warrior" or whatever. So why do characters have to be tied to a particular element or trait?

Yes, Sub Zero is centered around ice and Scorpion is centered around fire. But do we need to have 10 more characters that center around this idea?

As for the idea of bringing in new characters, I'm also wondering why so many people default to bringing in background characters from previous games, comics, movies, etc.

I swear, half of the comments about characters for the next game are either "bring in Kia, Jataaka and Tremor." or "give (obscure character) a shot."

Wouldn't you rather see NRS, given what they did so well with the last MK game, get the chance to create some completely brand new characters, rather than giving us more and more fan service with each game? We already got Reptile, Shang Tsung, Ermac, Noob, Jade, Smoke, Rain, Sareena, Blaze, Skarlet and I'm sure that there others I'm forgetting.

Personally, I'd rather see what new ideas they could bring to the table, rather than trying to build a character around Shao Khan's slave girl or the woman in purple or whatever.

Not trying to hurl insults at anyone by any means. We're all just stating our opinion here and you're all more than entitled to want what you want. I just hope the for the next game, we see the best characters from all games and the characters that fit the story the best.

In other words, if NRS thinks they can make Jarek better and he fits the tale they're trying to tell, then by all means. But don't just throw him in because this game is supposed to be "MK4." It's not.

With the altered timeline, it can be anything. NRS has opened themselves a window, giving themselves an opportunity to make the sequel they want to make. So I sincerely hope it's not just more MK1-MK3 nostalgia or MK4 with some MKDA and MKD characters thrown in.

That's my 2 cents.
05/31/2012 12:30 AM (UTC)
How about two aliens.

One evil alien from a different planet, learns about the mortal kombat tournament and its war. His mission to seek out the magic, cells & samples of the earth & the realms greatest warriors and create an army of warriors that carry these samples to dominate or conquer the universe. He possesses cosmic energy & gyrokinesis (gravity). He can even join alliances with Onaga or any evil force during his time. I could see some Cell in him and Super Skrull.

One good alien from a different planet as well, hunts the alien that intends to destroy earth and the realms. He possesses cosmic energy as well and uses the power of the constellations (stellar physiology). I see some Captain Mar-Velle.
05/31/2012 01:01 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
I get the idea behind new characters having a certain theme, but why do we need more elemental warriors? Poison? Sand? Magnetism? Elasticity? Sure, some of their moves could be based on these and can tie in with their character, but taken at face value, simpy having a "poison warrior" or whatever makes these sound like Mega Man villains.

Tying a character that much to a certain theme, in my opinion, makes them feel too one dimensional. Cage is an actor, he's arrogant, makes jokes, etc. But while you might argue that his low blow is reflective of his more humorous side, his shadow kick, shadow uppercut, etc don't combine to make him "the famous warrior" or "the shadow warrior" or whatever. So why do characters have to be tied to a particular element or trait?

Yes, Sub Zero is centered around ice and Scorpion is centered around fire. But do we need to have 10 more characters that center around this idea?

As for the idea of bringing in new characters, I'm also wondering why so many people default to bringing in background characters from previous games, comics, movies, etc.

I swear, half of the comments about characters for the next game are either "bring in Kia, Jataaka and Tremor." or "give (obscure character) a shot."

Wouldn't you rather see NRS, given what they did so well with the last MK game, get the chance to create some completely brand new characters, rather than giving us more and more fan service with each game? We already got Reptile, Shang Tsung, Ermac, Noob, Jade, Smoke, Rain, Sareena, Blaze, Skarlet and I'm sure that there others I'm forgetting.

Personally, I'd rather see what new ideas they could bring to the table, rather than trying to build a character around Shao Khan's slave girl or the woman in purple or whatever.

Not trying to hurl insults at anyone by any means. We're all just stating our opinion here and you're all more than entitled to want what you want. I just hope the for the next game, we see the best characters from all games and the characters that fit the story the best.

In other words, if NRS thinks they can make Jarek better and he fits the tale they're trying to tell, then by all means. But don't just throw him in because this game is supposed to be "MK4." It's not.

With the altered timeline, it can be anything. NRS has opened themselves a window, giving themselves an opportunity to make the sequel they want to make. So I sincerely hope it's not just more MK1-MK3 nostalgia or MK4 with some MKDA and MKD characters thrown in.

That's my 2 cents.

Agreed, let's leave it there.

We don't need 15 to 20 odd new characters like some people are suggesting. I think some of these ideas sound more like a new comic book than pre-existing MK. I mean aliens? How in the world would aliens even remotely fit in with Mortal Kombat? I'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings it just seems that a lot of these ideas aren't really Mortal Kombat but something else entirely.

Also enough of the Elder Gods being playable too. That's what they make lesser gods like Raiden and Fujin for. They aren't supposed to be fighters. So, no we don't need Delia or any of these minor characters playable. When they add people like Delia or mention elder gods it's supposed to be for story, not so that someone can start crying for them to be playable.

Like the Poison thing. We have a perfectly good character in Mavado who is a bad guy with a moveset that would need to be completely revamped. If we need to use poison then partner that with his grapples. Like give him a poison bomb or Poison mist. That would work great for Mavado. We don't need to create a whole other character for that when we have a good amount of characters with no direction now.
05/31/2012 02:23 AM (UTC)
Dark Kang, Reptile and other Saurians, Nitara and other vampires, Havik and other Chaosrealmers and one of Shang Tsung's priests to finally have a spotlight! grin
05/31/2012 02:25 AM (UTC)
DistraughtOverlord Wrote:
Meh. Elasticity? You mean kind of like Dalshim? Maybe.

If I recall correctly, Mavado's got some stretch with him.
06/16/2012 06:49 PM (UTC)
I got it!

Poison & Plants – A mad scientist who wants to speed the evolution of humanity and got mutated by accident. Until recruited by the Red Dragon to be brought back from cryosleep and has to wear a mask to survive from the fresh air.

Crystal – A member of the Outworld resistance.

Metal & Magnetism – A warrior from the realm of chaos. Mutated with the help of Sektor & Havik.

Technopath – A criminal rival of Kurtis Stryker who was near death, until captured by the Tekunin rebuilt as a cyborg who can control & manipulate technology. And has a score to settle with Stryker.
06/22/2012 02:32 AM (UTC)
i think dey should have a dude like reptile but he is a mamal and he has claws and his fatalitie is he turns into like an animal like a gorilla and he takes the guys arms off then bites his heads off and eats the rest
06/24/2012 04:59 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Baraka407 Wrote:
I get the idea behind new characters having a certain theme, but why do we need more elemental warriors? Poison? Sand? Magnetism? Elasticity? Sure, some of their moves could be based on these and can tie in with their character, but taken at face value, simpy having a "poison warrior" or whatever makes these sound like Mega Man villains.

Tying a character that much to a certain theme, in my opinion, makes them feel too one dimensional. Cage is an actor, he's arrogant, makes jokes, etc. But while you might argue that his low blow is reflective of his more humorous side, his shadow kick, shadow uppercut, etc don't combine to make him "the famous warrior" or "the shadow warrior" or whatever. So why do characters have to be tied to a particular element or trait?

Yes, Sub Zero is centered around ice and Scorpion is centered around fire. But do we need to have 10 more characters that center around this idea?

As for the idea of bringing in new characters, I'm also wondering why so many people default to bringing in background characters from previous games, comics, movies, etc.

I swear, half of the comments about characters for the next game are either "bring in Kia, Jataaka and Tremor." or "give (obscure character) a shot."

Wouldn't you rather see NRS, given what they did so well with the last MK game, get the chance to create some completely brand new characters, rather than giving us more and more fan service with each game? We already got Reptile, Shang Tsung, Ermac, Noob, Jade, Smoke, Rain, Sareena, Blaze, Skarlet and I'm sure that there others I'm forgetting.

Personally, I'd rather see what new ideas they could bring to the table, rather than trying to build a character around Shao Khan's slave girl or the woman in purple or whatever.

Not trying to hurl insults at anyone by any means. We're all just stating our opinion here and you're all more than entitled to want what you want. I just hope the for the next game, we see the best characters from all games and the characters that fit the story the best.

In other words, if NRS thinks they can make Jarek better and he fits the tale they're trying to tell, then by all means. But don't just throw him in because this game is supposed to be "MK4." It's not.

With the altered timeline, it can be anything. NRS has opened themselves a window, giving themselves an opportunity to make the sequel they want to make. So I sincerely hope it's not just more MK1-MK3 nostalgia or MK4 with some MKDA and MKD characters thrown in.

That's my 2 cents.

Agreed, let's leave it there.

We don't need 15 to 20 odd new characters like some people are suggesting. I think some of these ideas sound more like a new comic book than pre-existing MK. I mean aliens? How in the world would aliens even remotely fit in with Mortal Kombat? I'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings it just seems that a lot of these ideas aren't really Mortal Kombat but something else entirely.

Also enough of the Elder Gods being playable too. That's what they make lesser gods like Raiden and Fujin for. They aren't supposed to be fighters. So, no we don't need Delia or any of these minor characters playable. When they add people like Delia or mention elder gods it's supposed to be for story, not so that someone can start crying for them to be playable.

Like the Poison thing. We have a perfectly good character in Mavado who is a bad guy with a moveset that would need to be completely revamped. If we need to use poison then partner that with his grapples. Like give him a poison bomb or Poison mist. That would work great for Mavado. We don't need to create a whole other character for that when we have a good amount of characters with no direction now.

As much as I'd hate to say this, they could further develop Scorpion. Since all of Earthrealm's warriors are dead excluding Johnny Cage and Sonya, what if Quan Chi tried banishing Scorpion for good, but Raiden intervenes and informs Scorpion of the truth. Enraged, Scorpion attacks Quan Chi and tortures him in the Netherrealm, which in turn allows Shinnok's time to drag out more. Which if you're tracking me thus far, can actually lead to some events of Deadly Alliance.

Skipping to Scorpion's ending in DA, he ends up in the void and the remaining elder gods in desperation make him their Champion in order to battle Shinnok.

As I said, I myself kinda dislike this idea, but it's a chance to make Scorpion do something big for once. And we all know how plain his story was in the original, now let's give him a purpose other than revenge.
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06/24/2012 09:16 PM (UTC)
I had an idea for a Lin Kuei tech worker called Tech. Basically, she would fight with a blade similiar to Cyrax and Sektor's laser blades and would use something of a wrist gun to fire energy.

Story-wise, she along with Sub-Zero would assist Cyrax in getting his humanity back. Sub Zero would come back somehow.
09/08/2012 07:40 PM (UTC)
Replace the lame character with new characters

Lame characters:mokap,jarek,deagon,taven,hsu hoa,sareenasleep
New character names:nightmareX,cyrek,Afro ninja,yen Sid,mickey oswald,Blakeglasses
09/12/2012 01:37 PM (UTC)
NRS has created an amazing mk game that i love so much i wouldn't change it but thats the problem they made the best game ever by mixing mkT with mkII and addind a new element to battle. but now most of the roster is dead and there tasked to make a game better then the best wich seems virtually impossible and unles the mk9 cast gets brought back it will be disappointing. but i have faith in them that they can do it. and instead of bombarding us with new characters (some wich aren't even in the games) they should release 5 new characters at the most.

now all they have to do is think up of some cool ideas for mini games and work on a story about shinnok and bringing the good guys back to life. and liu kang is not dead. im not asking for tremor, he is cool and wanted cuz hes not there thats why we like him. but all i ask for is kreate-a-kharacter and if you cant do it cuz of the 2D platform then ok.
why not have a game that focuses on when khan takes over the other realms and becomes the emporer?

introduce the chance to play the elder gods and new kharachters
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09/23/2012 01:56 PM (UTC)
I think we need new blood and reinventions of the lamer characters. Also some of the concept characters like Tiamat and Hachiman should be given a chance. Sumac could fill the plant role. She would be the person responsible for turning travelers and warriors into the living forest. Viper could have poison based abilities and would be a reptile/human hybrid from Shang Tsung's fleshpits and fitted with Tekunin body parts to keep him alive. I had other ideas, but those were just a few.
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09/30/2012 01:37 PM (UTC)
There's enough existing characters from MKT-era (and MK9), 3D era (Shinnok saga-through-to-Armageddon) and background/story (Tremor, Sareena + sisters, Undead general, Argus & Delia etc) to fit into the next game as playables and non-playables for storytelling purposes.

There really doesn't need to be any more characters from obsure comics and badly acted TV series.

If you want elemental-type warriors, play pokemon. Plant and poison warrior? Just throw in Victreebel as a "bonus guest" and see how many of you gripe about Freddy then. The theme thing sounds one-dimensional to the point of verging on the ridiculous. REAL characters in storytelling have ambitions, flaws, histories, ranks... not just powers.

e.g. Why does anyone here like Sonya? Because she's a tough, tenacious chick who stands loyally by her allies and CO, who got fooled in the past (according to MK9 story mode) into trusting Kano. And also she can cartwheel a man into submission and kill with a kiss, but that's not the be-all and end-all of Sonya. (please no wise-cracks about jugs the size of Texas!!)

I think i've made my point. Disagree? That's your prerogative, but personally this is the side of the fence I'm on with a couple of others like Baraka and Scar_Subby that have already stated their opinions.
10/03/2012 11:38 PM (UTC)
I'd like to see Wu Lae get a shot.

We need a little more orange in MK.
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10/04/2012 03:13 PM (UTC)
Im_JUST_Sayin Wrote:
I'd like to see Wu Lae get a shot.

We need a little more orange in MK.

This. I think everyone on here knows my feelings about Wu Lae by now. Besides, he's been previously established, could use a little more background story with the Lin Kuei rivalry, and wouldn't you just love to use the scythe in his moveset??
10/04/2012 10:21 PM (UTC)
It would be truly sweet.
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