New Fighters for the new MKII (Shinnok Saga)
posted10/04/2012 10:21 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/06/2010 07:41 PM (UTC)
I wonder if we'll get new characters to replace the lamer ones in the previous games.

What about the prototypes from the previous games like (Deadly Alliance, Deception & Armageddon)?

Even those that didn't make it in the previous games like... Kathy Long, the kickboxer.
05/03/2012 12:51 AM (UTC)
I wish not. Or wish they'll at least stick to a roster with only 2 or 3 new characters per game for a couple more years from now on.

The only characters which i wouldn't mind never seing again are mostly Mokap and the bosses (Blaze and Onaga). Nothing against the 2 bosses there but if they intend to introduce new bosses after Shinnok i'd be ok with it.

About the MK4-MKDA-MKD roster? Well most of them prevented me from getting bored with the franchises so i started giving them some sort of credit and importance as i did with the others back in the MK1-3 era. I'm not a fan of every MK4-MKA character like, Shujinko or Li Mei. I still think for the most of them they should still come back though. None of them were actually Lame in my eyes.
05/03/2012 03:08 AM (UTC)
If there'll be new characters to replace some of the worst characters, they better have

- earth
- metal
- plant
- magnetism
- poisons/toxics
- weapons
- bone
- blood
- elasticity
- crystals
- flesh
- light
- ghost
05/03/2012 04:31 PM (UTC)
Meh. Elasticity? You mean kind of like Dalshim? Maybe.

Metal? Cyborgs
Magnetism? A Magneto type of character, not bad.
Blood: Nope. Unless they give Nitara a second chance and we also have Skarlet from now on. Meat, i couldn't care less. Plant and/or poison? Poison would be a cool addition to a new character.

I don't have that many ideas but since we have many fire related characters and powers, blood related, cyborgs... A character with earth powers (different from those ninja or robot looking characters) would be welcome.
05/03/2012 05:43 PM (UTC)
DistraughtOverlord Wrote:
Meh. Elasticity? You mean kind of like Dalshim? Maybe.

Metal? Cyborgs
Magnetism? A Magneto type of character, not bad.
Blood: Nope. Unless they give Nitara a second chance and we also have Skarlet from now on. Meat, i couldn't care less. Plant and/or poison? Poison would be a cool addition to a new character.

I don't have that many ideas but since we have many fire related characters and powers, blood related, cyborgs... A character with earth powers (different from those ninja or robot looking characters) would be welcome.

Elasticity yeah. With a little Mr. Fantastic. If there is ever a chance to have another warrior from the realm of chaos.

I was thinking for Metal & Magnetism to mix together. Even for the metal part to make liquifying solid weapons. A magneto-like character can be mixed with it too.

What's wrong with plants? They can be useful like Poison Ivy's powers. The poison part... replace Khameleon with someone else to be Reptile's lover. Even another who can be a member of the Red Dragon who can possess toxins of chemical, oil, bio, radiation, etc.

Oh! Let's not forget light powers. Plus those of space & time. For space, gravity, planets & the stars of the constellations. Even a crystal fighter possessing many gemstones & minerals.

For Time. How about a time traveler who fears of Onaga's resurrection and armageddon.

As for the bone. Remember Spyke from X-men evolution and Marron?

Have someone from Outworld possess that kind of power.
05/04/2012 04:15 AM (UTC)
I like the idea if new characters and I'd love to see Reiko return only more vicious. I love the idea of earth based warriors. I could see the plant control but the costume would be tough and I see any plant/poison more suiting for a girl character. OH what if they bring tremor back and then another earth based boxer/krav maga? A move could include the person throwing pieces if earth and another has him boxing with them. they could be part if special forces and can do earth boxing and krav maga tactics maybe sand. Since it's earth and mud can go along to make it easier for projectiles or stunners. I loved Havik I thought that was a unique character that really made a difference. I also like the crystal idea but for costumes make the person normal maybe just their costume can shine a bit.
05/04/2012 12:30 PM (UTC)
I really think they should add some new characters. I actually hope maybe it's a MK Vs DC 2. I'm very serious about this. I actually LOVED the concept. It was a good idea but the engine was broken, now that we actually have a competitively good engine I think it would be a good game.
05/04/2012 03:08 PM (UTC)
At least maybe they'll keep those of the MK4-MKD roster.
- Fujin
- Kai
- Reiko
- Shinnok
- Tanya
- Bo'rai Cho
- Drahmin & Moloch
- Nitara - vampirism
- Hotaru
- Havik

For Fujin, they need a wind warrior. For Kai & Reiko... that's tough. Tanya... maybe witchcraft.

For Nitara, vampirism can be needed so will lycanthropy. Hotaru and his lava/magma. Even Havik's messed up body.
05/04/2012 03:17 PM (UTC)
I would prefer that they don't add any new characters in MK10. There's a lot of characters in MK who still aren't developed. We should wait until they are, then add some new characters.
05/04/2012 03:51 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I would prefer that they don't add any new characters in MK10. There's a lot of characters in MK who still aren't developed. We should wait until they are, then add some new characters.

But I don't know about that. I grew a dislike in some of the characters of the old roster that weren't worthy. At least the MK4-MKD.
05/04/2012 05:13 PM (UTC)
If they start introducing more chars over and over (If even non canon). I mean having more than just 3 or 4 chars that are always shoe in for the next game, they could easily grow a roster of 10-15 reoccuring characters. With a couple uncertainties. Adding the bosses to the mix and the DLC, they can still create 2 or 3 New chars each game and have a roster of 25-30 chars.

I would give more screen time to the MK4-MKA roster in the 1 or 2 games to come, but new chars are still a welcome +.
05/05/2012 02:52 PM (UTC)
DistraughtOverlord Wrote:
If they start introducing more chars over and over (If even non canon). I mean having more than just 3 or 4 chars that are always shoe in for the next game, they could easily grow a roster of 10-15 reoccuring characters. With a couple uncertainties. Adding the bosses to the mix and the DLC, they can still create 2 or 3 New chars each game and have a roster of 25-30 chars.

I would give more screen time to the MK4-MKA roster in the 1 or 2 games to come, but new chars are still a welcome +.

10-15 recurring character in every chapter is even more boring than adding Hotaru, Darrius, Dairou and Bo' Rai Cho.
I'd rather have a roster with only two recurring characters (Scorpion and Sub-Zero) and the same mix of old and new characters, much like MK DA and Deception.

Remember that a lot of previous characters failed because they were not taken seriously, they were not ninjas and lacked originality.
But with new time, money and all, we can really give some spotlight to some secondary character. Think about Ermac in UMK3 and Ermac in MK Deception.

If they made an interesting character out of Stryker I don't see why Hotaru, Reiko, Kai, Shinnok, Bo'Rai Cho, Mavado, Hsu Hao, Nitara, Dairou, Havik and a bunch of others cannot do the same.

Instead of focusing on powers and special ability, I'd like to see some signature moves and elements specific to that very character.
For istance I don't want to see both Noob and Reiko using shurikens. Just one of them.
05/05/2012 03:35 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
DistraughtOverlord Wrote:
If they start introducing more chars over and over (If even non canon). I mean having more than just 3 or 4 chars that are always shoe in for the next game, they could easily grow a roster of 10-15 reoccuring characters. With a couple uncertainties. Adding the bosses to the mix and the DLC, they can still create 2 or 3 New chars each game and have a roster of 25-30 chars.

I would give more screen time to the MK4-MKA roster in the 1 or 2 games to come, but new chars are still a welcome +.

10-15 recurring character in every chapter is even more boring than adding Hotaru, Darrius, Dairou and Bo' Rai Cho.
I'd rather have a roster with only two recurring characters (Scorpion and Sub-Zero) and the same mix of old and new characters, much like MK DA and Deception.

Remember that a lot of previous characters failed because they were not taken seriously, they were not ninjas and lacked originality.
But with new time, money and all, we can really give some spotlight to some secondary character. Think about Ermac in UMK3 and Ermac in MK Deception.

If they made an interesting character out of Stryker I don't see why Hotaru, Reiko, Kai, Shinnok, Bo'Rai Cho, Mavado, Hsu Hao, Nitara, Dairou, Havik and a bunch of others cannot do the same.

Instead of focusing on powers and special ability, I'd like to see some signature moves and elements specific to that very character.
For istance I don't want to see both Noob and Reiko using shurikens. Just one of them.

I take Reiko for shurikens. NS has got the ghost ball.

Signature moves and specific elements are gonna be tough.

Earth (Rock & Mud) - If there was an earth character, there can be a ninja from Outworld who can be an apprentice to Scorpion to bring back the Shirai Ryu.

Sand & Time - A time traveller.
05/05/2012 04:49 PM (UTC)
I don't know about Mavado, Hsu Hao & Dairou.

Mavado should take up Hsu Hao's sun-moon blades to honor his fallen comrade. And if Mavado swears alligeance to Shinnok, he can be endowed with special powers that will benefit his Red Dragon.

Dairou... I have no clue. Earth powers?
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05/05/2012 07:22 PM (UTC)
Those so called "lamer ones" were never actually given a chance seeing as how all these fanboys refuse to accept anything new instead choosing to hold on to 1995 till the end of the world. If they introduce a bunch of new characters you'll still get the same reaction from fans- Ew! How lame! They suck! Ect ect. And after just ONE game those characters will be thrown in the trash and the cycle will continue forever.

Eventually those "lame ones" will have to be given a second chance and developed and I'm all for it because we have seen time and time again that with a little work a disliked character can become well liked or at least more tolerated over time.

I'll only welcome 2 or 3 new characters in a game from now on. More would be idiotic.
05/05/2012 10:07 PM (UTC)
- Kai
- Fujin
- Tanya
- Shinnok

- Kenshi
- Li Mei
- Bo'Rai Cho
- Nitara
- Drahmin
- Hsu Hao
- Mavado

- Ashrah
- Dairou
- Hotaru
- Havik

Have Shujinko only in the Dragon King saga.

New Characters:
- Earth warrior
- Metal/Magnet warrior
- Crystal warrior
- Bone warrior
- Plant warrior
- Poison warrior
- Elastic warrior
- Machine warrior (vehicle abilities)
- Time & Sand warrior
- Space (gravity, stars & planets) warrior
05/07/2012 02:31 AM (UTC)
- Liu Kang
- Johnny Cage
- Sonya
- Rain
- Noob Saibot
- Raiden
- Goro
- Mileena
- Reptile
- Ermac
- Khameleon
- Baraka
- Scorpion
- Sub Zero
- Smoke
- Sektor
- Cyrax

- Tanya
- Fujin
- Reiko
- Shinnok (Boss)
- Quan Chi

- Kenshi
- Li Mei
- Bo'Rai Cho
- Nitara
- Drahmin
- Moloch (Sub-Boss)
- Frost

- Ashrah
- Havik

- Sareena
- Daegon

- Skarlet
Yet another Sub-Boss (if the technology becomes viable, Motaro).


- Mavado
- Kira
- Kia
- Jataaka
- Shadow Priest (Mileena needs a wizard).

Have Shujinko, Onaga, Kira, Mavado and Hotaru only in the Dragon King saga.
05/07/2012 02:06 PM (UTC)
What about new fighters to take the "worst ones" place to be brand new?

If Tremor or a new earth warrior takes Hsu Hao's place, he'd be a perfect rival for Jax.
05/08/2012 12:11 AM (UTC)
I'm thinking for the poison warrior, it'd be a rival for Kabal.

Someone (like Kabal), is a scientist who works for the Red Dragon and once worked with the Black Dragon before the Earthrealm tournament started.

Kabal was caught in an attack by Kahn's extermination squads + Kintaro and was found by Kano and been put on a respirator.

While the poison warrior has been caught by poisonous experimental explosions. His body started to become poisoned and was put in a cryogenic state chamber until he was freed by Mavado and put in a suit that'll allow him to control all the poisons in earthrealm... even other realms.

Kabal and the poison warrior knew each other since their time with the black dragon but left later on.
05/08/2012 04:32 AM (UTC)
I think the poison would be a perfect feature to grant Khameleon, making the character a defensive tactic that several powers and cause little damage immediately, but still damaging for some time, which causes long-term cause enough damage.

It was commented on Light and Ashrah already have special moves based on that element.

Some of the Servants of Quan Chi could absorb the ground controller and mostly sand until it combines with a demon.

About the plant control would be a strange character with a Desert.

For ghosts have Quan Chi, Shang Tsung Ermac and dealing with souls or Zombies. And for the control of blood there Nitara and Skarlet. ____________________________________________________ In addition, the Black Dragon only really need to Kano and Kabal, as well as the Red Dragon only needs Daegon and Mavado and White Lotus Liu Kang, Kung Lao and Shujinko beyond the Master Bo Rai Cho. The other characters in these groups only saturate and will never have real importance. When we have already established many archetypes that do not have a representative in Mortal Kombat, as the Army of Onaga or their priests, and priests of Shang Tsung (which at that time should be serving Mileena) or even characters who have appeared and have not been developed as the Servants of Quan Chi. Besides the obvious, the Lin Kuei member needs another strong addition to Sektor at this time, which can either be a new character or an old robot (and the path seems to indicate at some point next Frost Story Mode). Hsu Hao, Kai, Kira, Kobra, Jarek, Tremor, No Face Tasia and only pollute such organizations with characters that are not as important to them (though with the reorganization of Kabal, Kira desenpenhou and the role of second in command, but Kobra was dispensable). I do not think they need more characters for these groups and these characters mentioned, it should be returned on a new context and not linked to such groups.
05/08/2012 01:18 PM (UTC)
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
I think the poison would be a perfect feature to grant Khameleon, making the character a defensive tactic that several powers and cause little damage immediately, but still damaging for some time, which causes long-term cause enough damage.

It was commented on Light and Ashrah already have special moves based on that element.

Some of the Servants of Quan Chi could absorb the ground controller and mostly sand until it combines with a demon.

About the plant control would be a strange character with a Desert.

For ghosts have Quan Chi, Shang Tsung Ermac and dealing with souls or Zombies. And for the control of blood there Nitara and Skarlet.

Khameleon & Chameleon aren't needed.

What's wrong with a poison warrior not suited as a rival for Kabal. And if there was a rival for Stryker, it'd be a criminal who he's hunting and rebuilt as a cyborg that is a technopath & able to transform his body into vehicle weapons of destruction.

Light.... someone that is angelic. True Ashrah at least there needs two light warriors.

Earth... Tremor is worthy of controlling it.

In Outworld, if there are ever good warriors like Li Mei & Bo'Rai Cho, there should be ones that control plants, crystals & ghost-like abilities. The realm of chaos... bone, metal & magnetism. Earthrealm... maybe one with ionic energy.

The Black Dragon, Kano, Kabal & Tremor are needed.
05/09/2012 01:54 PM (UTC)
Oh wait! How about a warrior that possess spider-like abilities. Kinda like Reptile. Some called Arachnid.
05/09/2012 04:51 PM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
Oh wait! How about a warrior that possess spider-like abilities. Kinda like Reptile. Some called Arachnid.

I don't know if they could pull that off without making it look lame. Also "Death Cargo" already has some sort of female spider creature that disguises itself as an attractive woman.
05/10/2012 12:23 AM (UTC)
Ya sure? We haven't had an arachnid warrior with webs yet.

Also, if Stryker was resurrected after the end of MK10, he should have a rival. A cyborg criminal (not like Kano) who can control machines/a technopath. He can possess the ability to absorb and control machines & vehicles at well. Especially absorbing a machine's ability to become one (a tank, chopper, motorcycle, jet & sub). Well... a little like transformers but... what do you think? He can be a criminal Stryker tried to hunt down and the criminal was found by a mysterious scientist who rebuilt him to be a technopath.
05/13/2012 06:26 PM (UTC)
Any more thoughts of what warriors this game needs or must new ones go to the Dragon King saga? I'm thinking for the ionic energy warrior, its gotta be someone Wonderman-like. And there should be an alien warrior who can control the star, cosmic energy & gravity.
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