10/25/2011 08:29 PM (UTC)

Isis: An ancient egyptian goddess, Isis joins Mortal Kombat to assist Raiden and Fujin in the protection of Earthrealm. A goddess of war and peace is not one to be trifled with. Because she is a goddess of light, evil taint does not last long. Shao Kahn and Shinook are her Ultimate Challenge. She is determined to protect her home of Earthrealm. She is willing to sacrifice all who get in her way. Any threat to Earthrealm, she must act quickly and decisively upon.

Queen Cobra
Isis transforms herself into a giant Cobra, which then hisses at the
opponent, then comes down and eats the opponent.
Piece and Harmony
Isis launches a ball of light at the opponent, then, it enters the opponents body where opponents body begins falling apart.The opponent begins melting just before exploding.
May You Find Piece
Isis lifts the opponent into the air, blasts a large ball of light into the opponent shoving them into the wall, then proceeds to do it again then does it one more time and destroys her opponents body
Kiss of the Sun
Isis walks over to her opponent, kisses them then her opponent begins to catch fire and melts and falls to the ground.
Queen of the Nile
Isis makes the entire room flood, then, transforms into a crocodile and attacks and devours her opponent.

Special Moves:
Light of Ra: Isis throws a ball of bright light at her opponent
Ra's Wrath: Isis electrocutes her opponent
Ra's Mercy: Isis heals herself with water
X-ray: Isis stabs her opponent, then kicks them to the ground, and cracks their spine
10/25/2011 08:36 PM (UTC)
Jintaro is a very powerful sorceror whose skills are only matched by Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Shinook, Raiden, Onaga, and Shao Kahn. He joins Mortal Kombat to take over the realms, but he must prevent anyone else from taking his beloved home of Earthrealm, the only place he calls home. To do so requires patience and power, both of which he has had plenty of time to increase.
To the Grave
Jintaro Summons undead Skeletons to grab the opponent and begin ripping his flesh off and dragging the opponent down to his doom
You Choke, You Die
Jintaro lifts his opponent in the air with magic and chokes in a Darth Vader like manner, and at the last moment, crushes his throat, then completely explodes his opponents head.
Thoom, Thoom, Thoom
Jintaro disappears in thin air in a spirit wisp, similiar to shang tsungs,
then,you hear a thoom,thoom,thoom, thoom, then A gigantic tyrannosaurus rex appears and roars at his opponent, the opponent screams and cowers and tries to run, and then the Tyrannosaurus lowers its head down and picks up the opponent in his jaws and shakes him like a ragdoll, breaking his bones, then is swallowed. The T-rex roars at the screen and
transforms back into his human form.
Thoom 2
Similiar to above except this time 2 tyrannosaurs appear, one picks him up and they proceed to pull him in half with their jaws, then both transform into Jintaro and he laughs.

Special Moves:
-Darkfire:Jintaro blasts a ball of black and green fire
-Doomkick:Jintaro kicks his opponent with a flaming foot
-Deathchoke:Jintaro picks up his opponent and burns their throat and slams them to the ground
X-Ray: Jintaro throws a devastating blow to his opponents face, then kicks them below the belt breaking their pelvic bones.
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