New characters, want them, yes/no, love them/hate them, how many.
posted12/02/2013 01:22 PM (UTC)by
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08/05/2007 05:54 PM (UTC)
I'd like to see 3-5 new characters in the next Mortal Kombat game.

I'm not talking about guest characters.

Do you think if MK made new characters they take a slot for a character that's a must have for example say Sub - Zero.

If we got new characters would you want them in the same engine as say MK2011, Injustice.

What type of new characters would you want.

Do you even want new characters.

Would you want them later down the road like future installments or the next installment.

I'd love to Have a succubus character. With MK style think she'd be a nice addition to the roster.


08/30/2013 02:20 PM (UTC)
I would like to see some new characters. I think it's about time we see some new guys be introduced, and have the time for people to like them, unlike how new characters were treated in Deadly Alliance and Deception.

I still wouldn't mind seeing a witch doctor being apart of the cast. Of course, they all have to find some way to be relevant to the story. Shouldn't be that big of a deal to figure out.

I guess someone who possesses earth bending who isn't Tremor. And I guess... A priest. Can do some damage with smite, light, healing, and shielding.
08/30/2013 02:42 PM (UTC)
Yes, i'd love to see a couple (Something like 2 or 3) new chars in MK10. And with MK9 or 10 i wish to see some light once and for all on the way new chars are treated.

My biggest wish would be to have, first of all a new mutant or monster character. A gargoyl or something along these lines, more flexible than say Onaga though. Maybe not as Bulky as he was.

For the returning chars i have my own wishes but first, If Shinnok's to be a boss, he can be a really decent/say great one imo. But 4 the most of the question here, interesting thread btw, yes i'm always open to witnessing what new faces MK has to offer. They happened to screw some up, but not as often as they gave us nice chars additions imo.
08/30/2013 03:12 PM (UTC)
4 at the most.

The MK Team can't handle making GOOD characters WORTH KEEPING if they're concentrating on half-of-a-roster's-worth of new characters.

1. That's why so many hated MK3 and left the franchise
2. That's why MKDA and MKD had so many forgettable characters

...and 3... eh... yeah. Anyway...

There are plenty of characters to choose from that fit in the MK4 story arch. They need to improve the ones they've already created before trying to create new mistakes.

For example: give Kai a good make-over (appearance, moves, attacks, deep story) so-on and so-forth.
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08/31/2013 05:16 AM (UTC)
No more then 4-5. I would like to see as many characters from 4 and DA return as possible. That assuming they even touch the DA story material, they might just start with 4's storyline and using it as a jumping off point for taking the series in a new direction.

I would love to see a samurai, I've always wanted one in MK seeing as how there are so many ninjas. Seeing Quan Chi for the first time made me want to play 4. I would love to see a new sorcerer villain who is a bit psychotic. I would like to see more come from the realm of chaos (I've got nothing, that's up to you all to figure out). I would like to see a human character who has no idea how to use chi. So he builds a suit and gadgets so he can compete. Like a cross between Batman and Iron Man. There needs to be more protector gods like Raiden and Fujin, make her female and call her Minerva. That's all I could come up with in 30 seconds, I'm sure I think of some other crap later. Good thread.
08/31/2013 01:07 PM (UTC)
Wouldn't mind a pure female tarkatan. Maybe she kinda moves like Ezio rather than Baraka. So a stealthy killer.

08/31/2013 10:29 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:

I guess someone who possesses earth bending who isn't Tremor. And I guess... A priest. Can do some damage with smite, light, healing, and shielding.

We have Ashrah.
09/01/2013 12:36 AM (UTC)
mwgrant0 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:

I guess someone who possesses earth bending who isn't Tremor. And I guess... A priest. Can do some damage with smite, light, healing, and shielding.

We have Ashrah.

Uhhhh, she's not a priest. She's a demon trying to free herself. She's hardly a priestess.
09/04/2013 02:43 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Uhhhh, she's not a priest. She's a demon trying to free herself. She's hardly a priestess.

To be fair, she dresses like a Japanese priestess, her powers use holy light, and in Armageddon, she started serving a group of angels because they're the ones who created her sword, and what is a priest or priestess if not the agent of a god or celestial being who spreads their message or does their will on Earth?

Monks like Liu Kang and Kung Lao are a kind of priest too, technically, and Havik is definitely a priest, he's literally a leader in the Church of the Chaos God.

And then there's Outworld's "Shadow Priests", a cult of sorcerers who worship/serve Shao Kahn. And Shang Tsung is one of them.
09/04/2013 03:08 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Uhhhh, she's not a priest. She's a demon trying to free herself. She's hardly a priestess.

To be fair, she dresses like a Japanese priestess, her powers use holy light, and in Armageddon, she started serving a group of angels because they're the ones who created her sword, and what is a priest or priestess if not the agent of a god or celestial being who spreads their message or does their will on Earth?

Monks like Liu Kang and Kung Lao are a kind of priest too, technically, and Havik is definitely a priest, he's literally a leader in the Church of the Chaos God.

And then there's Outworld's "Shadow Priests", a cult of sorcerers who worship/serve Shao Kahn. And Shang Tsung is one of them.

You see,I don't understand this,how come there are angels in MK mythology,when clearly the highest beings are Elder Gods and not a singular God like in many religions with angels doing his will? I know we have termin "demon" in MK universe,but we never encountered angels before,so it is kinda confusing.
09/04/2013 03:35 AM (UTC)
Well the thing about Ashrah's "angels" is we don't know what they really are, all we know is they're some sort of mysterious little group of glowing heavenly-people who are hinted to actually have some shady, manipulative secret motive for wanting vampire-genocide and the Kriss they made might actually control the wielder's mind via slow indoctrination.
On another subject, acidslayer mentioned a succubus character?
Quan Chi's women might actually be succubi. We know they're demons, we know they use magic to look like beautiful human women, it's hinted (and outright stated in the Conquest TV show) Quan uses them for sex when they're not killing people for him, and according to MKDA Tournament Edition, Sareena has the power to suck the energy out of living things to fuel her human disguise. Just throwin' that out there.
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09/04/2013 04:09 AM (UTC)
I'm hoping NRS does something with the shimmering woman in Jade's ending. Part of the reason I loved MK:DA's story so much is because how certain character endings from MK4 actually had some weight to them. And it seemed as though every characters ending in MK:DA was part of a larger narrative.
09/04/2013 02:02 PM (UTC)
I like the Undead General become a regular character.
Shadow Priest and Masked Guard could become at least Costumes (although the time for this would be the last game when Shang Tsung participated in the tournament and Kung Lao dressed Masked Guard).
A character like Vorpax the Conquest would be something interesting.
09/08/2013 06:40 AM (UTC)
I don't think there should be new characters unless they would only be dlc.
Since Meat was part of the undead army, he could of been the undead general. What do we know? I think Meat could dawn the undead general costume. Certainly would be a good fit.
As for Smoke...not human nor cyborg, how about his true form which is demon?
Reptile...hands down! Even if he was to be dlc, it'd be good. The only thing is that I would like to have him return as he looked in MK 4, but, a little buffed and no clothing! What kind of amphibian wears clothing? I'd say he would be cool if he looked like Lizard Man from The Amazing Spiderman movie!
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09/27/2013 11:18 PM (UTC)
I want to see some female characters that show less skin. Possible not so ample in the breast area.
09/28/2013 12:22 AM (UTC)
Not until all the characters we have are developed, likeable, and memorable.
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God of War is Back!

09/28/2013 12:29 AM (UTC)
I want a young character that could have a back story of being Johnny Cages #1 fan but has a completely different fighting style. the only thing that they should have in common is that this person would have a pair of JC glasses. Shotokai fighting style maybe?
09/28/2013 11:35 PM (UTC)
lordkirac Wrote:
I want a young character that could have a back story of being Johnny Cages #1 fan but has a completely different fighting style. the only thing that they should have in common is that this person would have a pair of JC glasses. Shotokai fighting style maybe?

I'd like that.

But if there's gonna be a Johnny Cage's #1 fan. He should see the changes Johnny's been put through after Kahn's invasion.

He'll need to feel its time to get serious this time without holding back. Cage trains him if anything happens to him.
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God of War is Back!

09/30/2013 08:33 PM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
lordkirac Wrote:
I want a young character that could have a back story of being Johnny Cages #1 fan but has a completely different fighting style. the only thing that they should have in common is that this person would have a pair of JC glasses. Shotokai fighting style maybe?

I'd like that.

But if there's gonna be a Johnny Cage's #1 fan. He should see the changes Johnny's been put through after Kahn's invasion.

He'll need to feel its time to get serious this time without holding back. Cage trains him if anything happens to him.

Yeah like at first he is kinda not liking new serious cage but it grows on him and causes him to be a better warrior/ person.(It could be a girl too but I was trying to avoid the Sakura Ryu relationship thing. Also this characters ending would have him staring along side JC in a movie in which he wins an award for, not JC lol. Johnny Cage and #1 Fan star in MKX:Serious Cage)
09/30/2013 10:50 PM (UTC)
lordkirac Wrote:
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
lordkirac Wrote:
I want a young character that could have a back story of being Johnny Cages #1 fan but has a completely different fighting style. the only thing that they should have in common is that this person would have a pair of JC glasses. Shotokai fighting style maybe?

I'd like that.

But if there's gonna be a Johnny Cage's #1 fan. He should see the changes Johnny's been put through after Kahn's invasion.

He'll need to feel its time to get serious this time without holding back. Cage trains him if anything happens to him.

Yeah like at first he is kinda not liking new serious cage but it grows on him and causes him to be a better warrior/ person.(It could be a girl too but I was trying to avoid the Sakura Ryu relationship thing. Also this characters ending would have him staring along side JC in a movie in which he wins an award for, not JC lol. Johnny Cage and #1 Fan star in MKX:Serious Cage)

Well... if Johnny decides to go to Seido. He can give his fan his glasses to remind him and honor him to take his place in protecting Earthrealm for the next generation.

What about the next generation of heroes to protect not just Earthrealm. But ALL the realms!
10/02/2013 10:56 PM (UTC)
I think 4 new characters is the most I'd care to see, but ideally, I'd say 2-3 would be better. I would also be fine with no new characters.

The problem with new characters, is that most of the ones introduced in MK4 and on, weren't anything that I'd personally call "great". That seems to be a common feeling over the years. For every Quan Chi and Kenshi, you had a Hsu Hao, Kai, Jarek, Taven, Daegon, Darrius, Tanya, and Dariou etc. Not to say nobody likes those other characters, but they just don't have the fanbase behind them, nor the inspiration and creativity that those from MK1-3 had. Quan Chi and Kenshi were the only real stand outs, with some others still having potential such as Ashrah, Reiko, Drahmin, Li Mei, Shinnok, Hotaru, Nitara, and Havoc.

So it's a bit tough for me to think having any large number of new characters at this point is a smart move. They have 40 characters that they can really flesh out still, with the ones I have listed above as having potential, still able to be made into something special.

So if they want to try a couple, that they really feel confident about, cool, but I'd much prefer they use the majority of their efforts and resources on the ones with proven success, or possible potential.
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11/22/2013 02:16 AM (UTC)
lordkirac Wrote:
I want a young character that could have a back story of being Johnny Cages #1 fan but has a completely different fighting style.

There are already a few secondary characters linked to Cage ie Mokap, Director, Stuntman, etc. Why not expand on the pre-existing before rushing for new? OK not many people actually liked mokap but he's been established, and illustrates my point.
11/22/2013 06:36 AM (UTC)
Maybe a couple, but definitely put more priorities towards improving the characters we already have first.
11/27/2013 03:11 AM (UTC)
Hell yes. MK needs to shake things up, for a change.
11/28/2013 10:59 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
I think 4 new characters is the most I'd care to see, but ideally, I'd say 2-3 would be better. I would also be fine with no new characters.

The problem with new characters, is that most of the ones introduced in MK4 and on, weren't anything that I'd personally call "great". That seems to be a common feeling over the years. For every Quan Chi and Kenshi, you had a Hsu Hao, Kai, Jarek, Taven, Daegon, Darrius, Tanya, and Dariou etc. Not to say nobody likes those other characters, but they just don't have the fanbase behind them, nor the inspiration and creativity that those from MK1-3 had. Quan Chi and Kenshi were the only real stand outs, with some others still having potential such as Ashrah, Reiko, Drahmin, Li Mei, Shinnok, Hotaru, Nitara, and Havoc.

So it's a bit tough for me to think having any large number of new characters at this point is a smart move. They have 40 characters that they can really flesh out still, with the ones I have listed above as having potential, still able to be made into something special.

So if they want to try a couple, that they really feel confident about, cool, but I'd much prefer they use the majority of their efforts and resources on the ones with proven success, or possible potential.

I agree. This is stated perfectly!
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