New characters for MK8 and returning characters
posted03/17/2007 05:10 PM (UTC)by
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07/25/2005 12:03 AM (UTC)
I was just thinking of who would be cool to return to MK8 and indeed the new characters that could be introduced. Starting off with new characters, I was thinking that it would be pretty cool to maybe see some new earthrealm warriors. Maybe recreate Taja and Siro from Mk Conquest - could be good. I don't think we need any new cyborgs, but some fresh new normal fighters with cool moves is what we need. I still think the must have returns are Raiden, Sonya, Sub, Scorp, Ermac, Jade, Shang and Shao Kahn. MK would not feel the same without Raiden personally, he is kind of the main MK character next to Liu Kang - except he is cooler. Sonya should be revamped with a new (less manly) look and her classic moves back. The person I think who could be ace in next gen is Jade. I loved her in MKD and MKA. I would like a more in depth character storyline telling us more about her and possibly a cool new storyline. I want Shang back as he has always been bad ass and the same as Shao Kahn. Also I was playing MK1 the other day and was thinking how s#@% hot the theme music was for it. It set the mood for MK perfectly so I would love it if next time that this exact theme tune could be played in the opening credits and the character select screen.

Feel free to share your thoughts

03/04/2007 05:41 PM (UTC)
I think that the MK characters we know should end in MKA, I want new, ORIGINAL characters, with a well thought plot, moves, and costume, if there is one character that should be brought to the next gen MK, I think it will be a new and revamped Sub Zero, but if Midway will wipe slate clean, and began a new chapter as they said, then i'll be a lot happier,
03/05/2007 11:28 PM (UTC)
New characters woul be cool, but look at all teh new characters that were added in Deception, I'm not making any comments about Deadly Alliance because a lot of people thought that game was awesome.

In Deception you have Kira a Kano + Sonya immitator, Darius who I thought was Cyrax's human side before I saw the name, Diarou who is completely pointless...

Whats the point on having new characters if they are going to be nothing but crappy characters with useless story lines? What the creators should do is keep the most popular characters and bring them back into this generation with a completely new story line and attitude.

I can totally see Frost going back to a good guy and I can see Shang Tsung being the ultimate bad guy before Kahn. Having Sub-Zero and Scorpion resurrect their fued and Goro being the creature that many people have never seen before in their lives.

If anything, they should just have everything erased with these popular characters and start off with a totally new story and alignment. have some good guys go bad and vice versa. Liu Kang could be a total badass if he was turned evil. Just think about it, not saying that it might come true, but if something has to be done, I better see these characters having a new story (Even though I'm repeating my self, it's how we call getting things through other people's mind and have them see something that could happen even though the creators don't read these junk posts!)
About Me

03/06/2007 04:26 AM (UTC)
Ermac_rain Wrote:
I think that the MK characters we know should end in MKA, I want new, ORIGINAL characters, with a well thought plot, moves, and costume, if there is one character that should be brought to the next gen MK, I think it will be a new and revamped Sub Zero, but if Midway will wipe slate clean, and began a new chapter as they said, then i'll be a lot happier,
I agree.It would be better for Midway to have mostly new characters, instead of bringing back alot of the classics.
03/06/2007 11:50 PM (UTC)
I would hate to have a large amount of classics to return. They're stale, and very boring now. I wouldn't mind a few classics staying, along with some newer ones, but not too many. It would be better if we learned more about the unexplored characters and realms.
03/07/2007 03:15 AM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
I would hate to have a large amount of classics to return. They're stale, and very boring now. I wouldn't mind a few classics staying, along with some newer ones, but not too many. It would be better if we learned more about the unexplored characters and realms.

I couldn't agree more with you there. I have the same thoughts. Good job.
03/16/2007 04:09 PM (UTC)
I think it would be for the best if there was a completely fresh story and you started the game with NO classic characters, but you could unlock a few fan favorites later on.
03/17/2007 05:10 PM (UTC)
You know I see these posts everytime a new MK game will be made. And the undeniable truth is that the MK team for Midway doesn't read these posts. They don't care what kind of characters you want to see, not see, etc. They're creating characters to fit a story. The MK series has just been an ongoing story. Do you seriously think that for a sequel of a movie the writers would ask ordinary people, who would they like to see in the movie? The answer is no, it's not up to you. You can want, wish, put your suggestions on here, but the only people who read this are just ordinary Joes. That's why they made the Kreate-a-Fighter for MK: Armageddon. It's because they don't want your suggestions, if you want a certain type of character, creat your own. The MK team will decided who goes into their story and who doesn't.
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