new arena ideas
posted01/19/2009 12:21 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/02/2008 05:04 PM (UTC)
one of the key factors in all the mk games are the arenas.every time i play an mk game i think about new arena possibilitys. what arenas do you think should be included in future mk games!
05/03/2008 06:22 AM (UTC)
Welcome to the site, skorptile!

On topic, I would love to see more of Shao Kahn's throne room. I know it isn't a new idea, but I think they could have made the arena more interactive than it was in Armageddon. Perhaps a death trap where you get smashed outside of the arena, and Shao Kahn breaks your neck or something? But this death trap would be disabled if you were playing as Shao Kahn.

I also would like to see Shao Kahn sitting in the throne, watching the fight.
05/03/2008 06:39 AM (UTC)
nice ideas for shao kahns throne room! I 2 thought that it had a pretty good design for armaggedon but needed some xtra features. thx 4 welcome by the way
05/03/2008 08:27 AM (UTC)
skorptile Wrote:
nice ideas for shao kahns throne room! I 2 thought that it had a pretty good design for armaggedon but needed some xtra features. thx 4 welcome by the way

You're most welcome dude!

Yeah, I loved the design, but it was a very boring arena. It was just circle, with a throne. I would have been so much better if it just had some minor features, like Shao Kahn in his throne or something. Perhaps even some weapons available on the wall that you can pick up and use or something. Anything to make it more interactive, and less boring. It has so much potential!
05/03/2008 03:06 PM (UTC)
it's not the only unlockable arena in mka that needed some work they had a lot of promising ideas 4 arenas, but they all turned out the same. cool backrounds but none of them were interactive as an mk arena should be(with the exception of the ones from mkd) .but seriously,reikos war room,
scorpions lair,lin kuei temple,krimson forest,kahn's balcony ,arktika the list goes on and on! none of them had xtra features weapons or death traps. they weren't even multi tired! I think they all could have been great arenas if only they were more interactive. whoever agrees with me plz let me know I want 2 see if others feel this way 2
05/03/2008 03:52 PM (UTC)
i think like more edenia ones like a edenia battlefield being cheered on by soldiers
05/03/2008 04:17 PM (UTC)
edenia... yeah that's a pretty good idea. i don't think they've ever had an edenian arena. they could do a lot in an edenien battlefield.
05/03/2008 11:54 PM (UTC)
skorptile Wrote:
it's not the only unlockable arena in mka that needed some work
they had a lot of promising ideas 4 arenas, but they all turned out the same.
cool backrounds but none of them were interactive as an mk arena should be(with the exception of the ones from mkd) .but seriously,reikos war room,
scorpions lair,lin kuei temple,krimson forest,kahn's balcony ,arktika the list goes on and on! none of them had xtra features weapons or death traps. they weren't even multi tired! I think they all could have been great arenas if only they were more interactive. whoever agrees with me plz let me know
I want 2 see if others feel this way 2

Exactly. But unfortunately, they ran out of time and had to cut a lot of corners. It's a shame. They could've made the game fantastic. The arenas could have been so much fun to play in.

I would have also liked to have seen Reiko's War/Map Room be more interactive. But it was just a rectangle with a map on the floor. So much potential gone to waste.

Another one, as you mentioned, is Shao Kahn's Balcony. It was my favourite arena of Armageddon, but it needed to be more interesting. I loved it how you could see the scenery, and if you look at the ceiling, you can see Shao Kahn's giant teeth of his fortress, which has an exterior designed to look like his helmet. You can see this in the following picture of his fortress:

05/04/2008 03:13 AM (UTC)
Now that i think about it they could have had a lot of great arenas in Shao Kahn's fortress alone.The elevator you use to go to the dungeon in storymode for example.That could have been a good one with the grinders
it has.Or possibly the roof of Shao Khan's fortress but it would be hidden,like you'd get knocked through the celing of his throne.its just an idea. Nice comment on how you see part of Kahn's helmet from the balcony by the way. never noticed that before,ill look for it next time i play.
05/04/2008 03:40 AM (UTC)
skorptile Wrote:
Now that i think about it they could have had a lot of great arenas in Shao Kahn's fortress alone.

Exactly. It's just because Shao Kahn has such a great sense of style! But seriously, there are some great arenas. They need to be included in future games, but that would require Shao Kahn to reutrn, which I am literally praying for.

The elevator you use to go to the dungeon in storymode for example.That could have been a good one with the grinders
it has.

That's a really good idea. It's big enough to be an actual arena. And there are already some death trap possibilities.

Or possibly the roof of Shao Khan's fortress but it would be hidden,like you'd get knocked through the celing of his throne.its just an idea.

I don't know if I like this one. I like it how you're in the presence of Shao Kahn in his throne room. I wouldn't wanna be on the roof. It would be boring. The balcony would be better than this. No offense.

Nice comment on how you see part of Kahn's helmet from the balcony by the way. never noticed that before,ill look for it next time i play.

Yeah, if you have Mortal Kombat: Trilogy, choose the arena called "The Bank". If you smash the opponent through the ceiling, you have a clear view of the stronghold.

You can't see the Outside of the stronghold in Armageddon though, in any arena, which sucks.

05/04/2008 04:00 AM (UTC)
yeah i guess you are right about the roof thing. not a great idea,but thanks for the elevator comment. i liked that idea better anywaysgrin
05/04/2008 04:03 AM (UTC)
skorptile Wrote:
yeah i guess you are right about the roof thing. not a great idea,but thanks for the elevator comment. i liked that idea better anywaysgrin

Hahaha. Yeah. I really think the elevator would be cool to have. There are so many death trap possibilities! It would be cool because it's very interactive.

Also, I think that there should be a death trap for "Shao Kahn's Balcony", perhaps smashing through the rail and plummeting to death?

Hey, have you got any ideas on how to make "Reiko's War/Map Room" more interactive? I don't, for a change.

P.S. You don't have to agree with me on everything I say. If you don't agree. Say so, and I will debate with you!
05/04/2008 04:10 AM (UTC)
Reiko's war room huh... that's a tough one. The only thing i can think of is that you find his hammer and can use it as a weapon. dumb i know but if i think of anything better i will post it
05/04/2008 04:15 AM (UTC)
skorptile Wrote:
Reiko's war room huh... that's a tough one. The only thing i can think of is that you find his hammer and can use it as a weapon. dumb i know but if i think of anything better i will post it

Yeah, it's one of those arenas of which are destined to be boring, but are still a good idea... if you know what I mean.

Perhaps some guan daos hanging on the outside of the arena that you could pick up and use or something?

BTW, I like the idea of having his hammer available to use. Kinda like how Shao Kahn's wrath hammer is able to be used in the "Battle Arena".
05/04/2008 04:28 AM (UTC)
Perhaps for the War Room their should be two weapons. one for each player to use. another idea could be that you could get punched down through the floor and land in the dungeon where you get ripped to pieces by the dungeon dwellers. so far my only death trap concept. let me know what you think!
05/04/2008 04:33 AM (UTC)
skorptile Wrote:
Perhaps for the War Room their should be two weapons. one for each player to use. another idea could be that you could get punched down through the floor and land in the dungeon where you get ripped to pieces by the dungeon dwellers. so far my only death trap concept. let me know what you think!

Interesting concept. Now that I think back to Mortal Kombat: Armageddon's konqeust mode, the dungeon (where you see Shujinko) is not that far away from "Reiko's War/Map Room", and could be directly under it, so this could work well.

It looks like there are a very limited number of possibilities for death traps regarding this arena, which is very disappointing. I liked the arena very much but it's just too boring.
05/04/2008 04:51 AM (UTC)
I liked that idea because unlike most armageddon death traps its something entirerly new.(even though it doesnt exist) ever notice that most of armageddons death traps involve either huge rotating crushing devices
or end up in some sort of impalement. the only really original death traps are at the evil tower and at the battle arena(because there are 4)

(p.s) i also have death trap for the pyramid of argus. you get tossed off the arena and a bunch of the kombatants fight you. after fending them off for a little while they overpower you and all you see is them crowding you and blood spraying out. let me know if you like this one too
05/04/2008 04:56 AM (UTC)
skorptile Wrote:
I liked that idea because unlike most armageddon death traps its something entirerly new.(even though it doesnt exist) ever notice that most of armageddons death traps involve either huge rotating crushing devices
or end up in some sort of impalement. the only really original death traps are at the evil tower and at the battle arena(because there are 4)

Yeah, Mortal Kombat death traps have become too predictable. The only really unique one was the Yin Yang Island one, where you get eaten by fish.

(p.s) i also have death trap for the pyramid of argus. you get tossed off the arena and a bunch of the kombatants fight you. after fending them off for a little while they overpower you and all you see is them crowding you and blood spraying out. let me know if you like this one too

Whoa man, that would be awesome! That's probably the best death trap idea I've ever read/heard! Really like it. It would be fantastic to see, especially on the next-generation consoles. But, this arena was probably only a one-time thing, directly relating only to the Armageddon storyline.
05/04/2008 05:04 AM (UTC)
possibly if they remade armageddon we'd see it again.which would be good because they would have more time to make new death traps since they already know what arenas to the way what is your favorite mk a deathtrap ?mine would be ether the one in the Evil Tower or the Foundery
05/04/2008 05:10 AM (UTC)
skorptile Wrote:
possibly if they remade armageddon we'd see it again.which would be good because they would have more time to make new death traps since they already know what arenas to include.

I doubt they would ever remake Armageddon. But if they did, hopefully they would have the arenas more interactive. I loved the Armageddon arenas. They were fantastic. But so boring and dull. They need to be more exciting.

by the way what is your favorite mk a deathtrap ?mine would be ether the one in the Evil Tower or the Foundery

After much thought, I will have to say Hell's Foundry death trap, which made its debut in Deception, and returned as an unlockable arena in Armageddon. Either that, or the Yin Yang Island death trap, which was a one-time arena in Deception.
05/04/2008 05:18 AM (UTC)
Same here. the only reason i said evil tower was because it is diiferent from the other mka death traps. they should have beought back more deception arenas. although i must say thearmageddon konquest mode death traps are much more interesting then the arcade ones.
05/04/2008 05:23 AM (UTC)
skorptile Wrote:
Same here. the only reason i said evil tower was because it is diiferent from the other mka death traps. they should have beought back more deception arenas. although i must say thearmageddon konquest mode death traps are much more interesting then the arcade ones.

Exactly. Obviously they put much more time into the Konquest than the Arcade mode.

I also love the Evil Tower death trap. That's the one with the portal, right?
05/04/2008 05:29 AM (UTC)

I also love the Evil Tower death trap. That's the one with the portal, right?

Yes its originaly from mk 2 and is the 3rd level in mksm. as well as one of the few intresting death traps in mka also has a nice tune too i think
05/04/2008 05:42 AM (UTC)
skorptile Wrote:

I also love the Evil Tower death trap. That's the one with the portal, right?

Yes its originaly from mk 2 and is the 3rd level in mksm. as well as one of the few intresting death traps in mka also has a nice tune too i think

Yeah, I think it's a fantastic arena. It needs to return in future games.

BTW, I came up with a death trap for the "Nethership Interior" .

Perhaps you could get smashed through a certain part of the wall, and wind up in the ocean, where you get eaten by some sort of aquatic creature(s).
05/04/2008 03:48 PM (UTC)
i came up whith a death trap for edenian battlefield the soldiers charge in and mutalate the other kombatant
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