Neat-o MK Fatalities!
posted10/29/2005 08:58 PM (UTC)by
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08/18/2005 11:34 PM (UTC)
Check it out!

Scorpion throws his spear into the opponent's chest, he pulls off his mask and reveals a skull head. The ninja spectre spits fire at the spear rope, it ignites and burns the opponent to a deformed, crisp, black corpse!!

Noob Saibot
Instead of an anteater, noob morphs into a gigantic black widow. The spider injects venom into the opponent who liqufies into a vast puddle of blood and bones!!

The mutant beserker goes pshco and starts dicing up his opponent until only a bleeding skeleton is left standing!!

More coming soon! Tell me what you think!grin
10/18/2005 02:11 PM (UTC)
that great but there is thread of this already. post it there.

the idea are good though
10/20/2005 11:51 PM (UTC)
They're awesome! Post some more. My favorite is the Scorpion one.
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10/21/2005 12:30 AM (UTC)
Raiden starts to fold a bunch of paper spikes. After awhile starts to send bolts of electricity into his opponent. He/she appear to be unharmed, but when a ballon out of nowhere sticks to the opponent. The opponent replies, "NOT STATI..." (You can pretty much guess what happens!)
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It's offical. you Suck!

10/21/2005 02:43 PM (UTC)
Shao Kahn

He picks the person up by their neck and holds them there. He swings the person and their spine is ripped out, He Laughs in victory.

alternate: He pulls out his war hammer and hits the person on the head and their feet sink into the ground, ( they are now stuck) Kahn then punches the poor bastard and they explode, He laughs in victory
10/21/2005 11:01 PM (UTC)
kung lou- kung splits you from crotch to mid torso. they kicks your legs into a johhny cage split, causeing all your organs and gut to spill through your crotch split.

Nightwolf- whips out his tomahawks. strikes the enemy in the chest with the tomahawk to bring them to their knees. he then pulls there head up and in one quick swipe he scalps the enemy. with the top of the head cut off reavealing the brain, the enemy falls face first causeing the brain to plop out.

kitana- fan expand- kitana stabs the enemy in the throat with her closed fan. after a few seconds of agony. kitana opens the fan up while it is lodged in the enemy's neck. it opens and decaps the enemy and taersing through their neck.

sub zero- arm impale- subby breaks and then rips of the enemy's arm off. whille the enemy is stunned in pain, subby frezze the arm he just removed. once the arm is frozen into a stiff icicle like thing. subby impales it through the enemy's torso.

Kabal- kabal takes out one of his hookswords and stabs it through the enemy's calf(leg). it basic has then hooked on it. after this kabal begings draging the enemy at high speed by running at high speed in a cricle. the enemy is shredded and scraped due to the speed and friction. all that is left are skidmarks of blood torn flesh and broken bones.

at the end of the fatality kabal raises his hooksword witch only has the foot and calf of the enemy still through scewered through it it.

kabal 2- buzzsaw revenge- kabal hacks off the enemys feet with a cool croos cleve hooksword swipe. as the enemy is knocked off their now blood stumps. kabal start to press buttons on his respirator. sec after that the ground begins to shake and the MK3 buzzsaw rip(the one that was his special) out the ground a few feet away from the enemy's crotch. just as kung lous buzzsaw in MK:sm, the buzzsaw cuts up the enemy vertically in half.

Kabal- gut spin- kabal takes his hooksword and and makes a deep horizantial cut in the enemy's mid-section. kabal then takes a couple of steps back and then does his spin dash. when he hits the dash it causes the enemy to spin violently, since the speed and the force of the spin are so strong all the enemy's guts and organs and tons of blood shoots out of the mid-section rip. all the enemys organ and blood are spread through the stage 360 degree style with a hole in the enmy's torso in the center of it..

kenshi- teleknetic drain- kenshi takes out his sword and does a 5 hit slash and stab combo with his sword. this combo hit the enemy vital blood area, so you see the enemy is bleeding slightly from the cuts. then keshi lifts the enemy up in the air with his telekentic power. then he does a pose as if he was "wringing a wet mop or wash cloth". the enemy's body then gets twisted tightly like a wet mop being wrung out. when this happen kenshi is wringing out all the enemy's blood through this. as well as breaking vital bones like the spine and what not. the blood spews out violently when all the blood is out of the enemy's kenshi drops the with there broken body into the pools of there own blood.

here is a another fatality: since someone said that rain shold have a water power, i ll try that.

Rain- water pressure- rain goes up to his enemy and breaks his leg to bring them to their knees. then he puts one hand on their lower jaw and one hand the upper mouth, basically streching the mouth wide open. he then leans the enemy foward with their mouth and jaw unhindged wide, and his uses his water power to make a small but powerful water stream shoot out the ground. with the enemy's wide open mouth, rain forces the water down the enem'y throat. as the water is ging in the enemy's mouth at a high rate. the enem'y stomach is expand far beyond its threshold. finnally the mid-section of the enemy explodes from the acess water being forced into him. blood and guts spills everywhere.

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10/22/2005 01:36 AM (UTC)
I'm impressed!smile

Kung Lao
Kung Lao uses his hat to cut open (not off!) his opponent's stomach. He pulls a bunny out of his hat and shoves it into the opponent's stomach. Then the opponent starts to vomit out blood and the rabbit. The bunny returns to his master and slips back in his hat. As for the opponent, he/she stumbles for awhile and explodes.

The Thunder God morphs into an electric eel and wraps around his opponent, he squeezes hard until blood drizzles out of the cracks. Then Raiden eletrocutes his opponent into a burnt skeleton.

Dairou folds out a fold-out cutting board and slices a block of cheese with his Autumn Dao. When he's done, you hear a fart noise and flashing text appaers on screen that says:DAIROU CUT THE CHEESE!!!!!

Scorpion pulls out a giant fork thingy (what you use to barbecue) that has a hotdog on it. He takes off his mask, revealing a skull. He spits out fire on it and takes a bite.....he frowns.
10/22/2005 01:59 AM (UTC)
punches the opponent through the chest and keeps her hand there. She then starts to scream as their skin, organs, muscles all fly off, and Sindel is holding on to the opponents spine from the front, as she raises it in victory.

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10/22/2005 02:30 AM (UTC)

Jade uses her Bojustu to stab the opponent in shoulders, the neck, and in both sides of the pelvis. Then she throws her razor-rang into the opponent's torso. The opponent's torso, head, and arms fly off the legs legs in one piece but when they hit the ground they go shooting in every direction. The legs stay upright.
10/22/2005 11:53 AM (UTC)
could you please send me some fatalitie for ps2 thank and have you got any idea on how to fight online
Reptile007 Wrote:
Check it out!

Scorpion throws his spear into the opponent's chest, he pulls off his mask and reveals a skull head. The ninja spectre spits fire at the spear rope, it ignites and burns the opponent to a deformed, crisp, black corpse!!

Noob Saibot
Instead of an anteater, noob morphs into a gigantic black widow. The spider injects venom into the opponent who liqufies into a vast puddle of blood and bones!!

The mutant beserker goes pshco and starts dicing up his opponent until only a bleeding skeleton is left standing!!

More coming soon! Tell me what you think!grin
10/22/2005 01:55 PM (UTC)
what more

Noob saibot-
-Shadow crush- nood raises his hand and makes a black shadow appear at your enemy's feet. the shadow englufs the enemy in a sack like trap a levitates them 3 feet in the air. at that point you see the the sack is moveing with the enemy trying to get out. nood then summons a spiked club and procedes to beat the sh!t out of the sack holding the enemy. after ten swings, nobb backs up and the sack opens up dropping the broken pieces and bloody chunk of the enemy.

Quan chi-
-portal rip- Quan chi takes out 2 big ass nails from his vest and drives then into the enemy's feet pinning them to the ground like kira's fatality. Quan chi then does a big flip back, and that out his shinnok amulet. with that amulet quan chi open up a small portal and stands behind it. the vortex of the portal rips the pinned enemy aparts bit by bit in a fast manner. after quan chi closes the portal all that is left are the 2 nailed feet of the enemy.
10/22/2005 03:51 PM (UTC)
smoke hara kiri-drops bombs all around him,blows him and the world up

kahn hara kiri-takes off his helmet,hits himself with his hammer nonstop and hits himself in the head with it and his head explodes

kahn friendship-kahn takes off his helmet and plays frisbee with it and the oppenent plays too

sub zero friendship-makes ice cream for the oppenent

johnny cage friendship-gives the oppenent money

sindel fatality-takes her hair and throws the opponent with it nonstop and then screams at the opponent until their skin peals off

stryker friendship:he kills himself and everyone is happy and celebrates

Sektor fatality: he shoots out missles and blows up the opponent til theirs nothing left of him

Kabal Fatality:(a remake of his mk3 one) he takes off his mask,scares the opponent and their ghost runs out screaming

Nightwolf fatality:shoots two arrows that go through the opponents eyes,then throws one tamahawk cutting through the persons legs,then throws another cutting off the persons head

Scorpion fatality:throws 3 spears into the opponent(1 in waist,1 in chest,1 in eye) says"GET OVER HERE!" and pulls the opponent towars him,he then takes off his mask and burns the opponent

Frost fatality:throws daggers at the opponents feat keeping them stuck where they are,she freezes he or she,kicks off their legs,and then does a slide as the rest of the body falls and she slides right through them breaking them into a million pieces of ice

Hotaru fatality:takes the flags off his back,covers one with fire,stabs the opponent in the stomach with the non flame one,grabs the burining one and lights the opponent on fire with it

Reptile fatality:takes off his mask,shoots acid into the opponents eyes making them blind,and rips off he or shes head with his tongue

Robot Smoke fatlity:makes some arm come out of his chest that holds the opponents mouth open,smoke then goes up to the opponent and forces his smoke to go into the opponent's lungs killing him or her

Bo Rai cho Hara Kiri:eats everything he can eat,he eats way too much causing him to throw up his organs,etc

10/22/2005 07:29 PM (UTC)
Wow abomb1987 ... I REALLLY liked urs!!!

Sindel: Her hair starts to move on its own and she uses about 5 strands of hair to stab the enemy in different parts of their body, then she mentally makes her hair rip the opponent appart

Jade: Phasing Kill- While she becomes intangible she sticks her hand into the opponent's chest and sqweezes their heart

Scorpion: His old MK fatality... using his spear he slits the opponent''s throat and blood shoots out

Sonya: MK movie fat.l.. she uses her leg grab to grab the opponent by the neck, then she throws them on the floor and using her
THUNDER THIGHS she snaps their neck

Ashrah: Origami:She folds little paper figures (kibd alike paper dolls) which come alive and fly to the opponent slicing them

Ashrah:Lotus Flowe: Ashrah puts her hands toghether, and when she opens them a lotus flower is there.She blows at the flower, and as the petals touch the enemy they engulf him in blue and pink flames

Noob: Shadow Realm: Noob's shadow extends through the floor, and as it goes under the opponent's feet it swallows them into the netherrealm

Sub: Frozen spear: He creates a cler ice spike which he throws at the enemy stabbing them in the chest and freezing them

Kitana: Fan Dance: Kitana performs a spinning dance with her fans. as she approaches the enemy the spinning fans slash the enemy to pieces

Reptile: Eat whole: Reptile approaches the opponent, whe opens hhis mouth to ridiculous propotions (like a snake) and starts to swallow the opponet untill he eats them whole (kinda like Tony Robins in Family Guy)

Quan Chi: Necromancer: Quan invokes a green corpse that comes out of the floor... it jumps the opponent and bites them untill they fall to the floor... then the putrid corpse drags the screaming enemy out of the screen as he leaves a train of blood behind

Shinnok: God's Wrath: Shinnok starts to float and his eyes glow.. then he shoots the enemy out of the screen with a blood red beam from his mouth

Rain: Death lightning: Rain causes a thunderous lightning to fall on the opponent... and after a bright flash there is nothing left but a smoking black spot on the ground

Ermac: Astral separation: Ermac astally projects, making a green/transparent version of himself (kinda like spirit liu).. he approaches the enemy and sticking his hands in them he drags their astral body out of their normal body. Ermac evaporates their astral form with his powers and returns to his body

Shang Tsung: Fire Snake- The same as the MKD opening sequence

Johnny Cage: Mega-Uppercut: A green-Glowing uppercut that propells the enemy into the air... no decapitatio...kinda like Liu's fat. in MK... or Mileena's ending in MKG

Li Mei: Star Points: Keep her MKD fatality

Nightwolf: Death Arrow: Nightwolf carefully aims one of his spirit arrows to the opponent's head, he shoots, and pierces the enemy skull

Sareena: Youth Suck: Sareena shoots a pink projectile that engulfs the enemy in a pink glow/mist. Shee apporaches and starts sucking/inhaling the mist... sucking along the enemy's youth.. leaving a decrepit corpse

Sektor:Rocket Launcher: From his chest cavity a huge bazooka comes out.. and BOOM... blast the enemy to smithereens...

Kenshi: Mind wipe: Kenshi warps behing the enemy, and holding their head he psychically fries the opponet's brain (Kinda like hotaru did in his ending)

Havik: Chaos dimension: The screen starts to spin and different images appear... thenit stops and the opponent is on the ground in fetal position and shaking.. then their head goes SPLOSH!

Khameleon: Medusa Bite: Khameleon biter the enemy, who starts to become stone. finally, when the enemy is completly turned they turn to sand and blow away in the wind
Jade: Jaded: jade turns the enemy to jade, then using her staff she smashes the brittle stone
10/22/2005 08:03 PM (UTC)

- telekentic crush-
ermac used his telekentic power to rip two chunks of ground out of the earth(blouders). he then lines them up on each side of the enemy, slowly brings the 2 huge rocks towards the enemy. like the deathtrap in the prison the enemy trys to push the 2 rocks away but their arms snap trying to push it away, and ermac crush the enemy between the 2 slabs of rock, letting blood drip out the little gap and flesh chunks and bone fragments as well.

-soul of netherrealm- scorpion shoots his spear at the floor near the enemy's feet, in a burst of fire scorpion create a small portal rip into netherrealm at the enemy's feet. out of the small portal, two skeleton' grab and break the enemy's ankles. after the while draging the enemy into the portal they begin eating the enemy's lower half. once the enemy is half way through the portal a big hand with razor claws pops up and impales the mangled enemy(what is left of his chewed up lower half) on its fore fingers, and drags then to hell. scorpion pulls his spear out of the ground to close the portal.
10/23/2005 02:34 PM (UTC)
Kabal fatality-Hooksword tear scare-he takes off his mask,making the opponent faint,he then takes his hooksword,stabs the opponent in the head with it,and drags it down cutting through the body from the center

Reiko friendship-reiko puts on kahns mask and pretends to be kahn and the opponent pretends to be a servant

Goro Fatality-jumps into the air,and lands on the opponent breaking their body in 2,goro grabs one part of the body and beats the other part of the body with it

Sub Zero fatality-sub zero freezes the opponent,tears of the head of the opponent,takes out his kori blade,and hits the head with it like baseball and it hits the opponents body breaking it into little pieces of ice

Havik fatality-Havik eats away at the opponents flesh until the opponent is a skeleton

Kitana fatality-kitana kisses the opponent,and their body blows up like a huge balloon,she throws a fan at the oppoennt,and the opponent goes flying around the room,losing all the air in them

Kung Lao fatality-kung lao throws his hat at the opponent,and it cuts off both legs,then it comes back like a boomarang and cuts off the opponents head

10/23/2005 02:39 PM (UTC)
-internal freeze- sub zero stabs his hand into the enemy's torso, while his hand is in to torso, subby begings to freeze there insides. he only freeses it for 2 seconds, he then pulls his hand out and kicks the enemy in the chest really hard. the blow causes the enemy to bleed interally. the enemy falls foward and beging to puke up bloody ice slush with broken frozen organs in it. the enemy falls in the pool of there own frozen entrails.
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^ Naked nasty dishwasher dance...

10/24/2005 05:23 AM (UTC)
Sareena: Sareena reveals her true demon form: Something far larger and more bizzare than Kristine Alley (XD) It wraps the opponent in slimy tentacles and uses the suction cups on them to skin her foe

Frost vs sareena exclusive fatality: The winner bitch slaps the loser's head and yells "You bitch! Sub zero is MY man!!!

Nightwolf: Does some mystic spell to turn the foe into a wolf. The wolf tries to retaliate, but Nightwolf snags it by the neck with a claw grabber thing until the wolf stops struggling to escape, and then chops it in the head with his hatchet. Nightwolf carries the dead wolf on his shoulder, ready to make a meal of it. (Yikes......)

Shao Kahn: Kicks the foe. While the foe is flying, Kahn raises his arm and some altar rises where the foe would land. The altar binds the opponent to it and Kahn menacingly walks toward his foe, dragging his hammer against the floor. The opponent screams NOOOOOOOOO as Kahn SLAMS it as hard as he can on it's chest. It bursts everywhere. Guts, ribs, and other gibbles litter the floor while the head, arms, and lower torso remain on the Altar. Kahn does some sort of evil pose with his hammer.

Havik animality: Havik turns into a giant octopus and drags his foe into a chaotic dimension. The foe returns as a rainbow ooze. As beautiful as it looks, the foe really just died a gruesome death.

Jade: She pulls down her "Pants" and the camera zooms on her foe who just saw something noone would EVER want to see. The foe turns into a jade statue (It's that horrific!) and falls down in a million pieces.

Noob saibot: He yanks his opponent's soul out of his body and slices it to shreds with Death's scythe.

Nitara hara-kiri: She drives a stake through her own heart, causing her to melt.

Nitara animality: She turns into a blood thirsty fox (bat taken by sektor...sad) that latches to her foes face. She then claws and bites the hell out of it until the foe dies. She licks the wounds for a while (tasty) then morphs back to normal.
10/24/2005 06:57 AM (UTC)
Whatcha think?:

Laser Grid- Sekter types a command into his wrist computer and several nanobots deploy from secret compartments in his body. In front of the opponent many arrange horizontally from eachother on either side while a few arrange in a line above his head. They all fire lasers creating a grid and move really fast past the opponent. There is some blood spray and you see dark lines all over the opponents body in the shape of the grid. The opponent then falls into a pile of slightly cooked square sections.

Smorgasbord- Reptile plunges his hands into the center of the opponents chest, palms outward. He then rips the rib cage apart like a pair of cabinet doors exposing all the internal organs and starts feasting ravenously on them. The opponent falls to the ground with his/her empty chest spread wide open.

Inside Out Toasty- Scopion begins by removing his hood and mask.He then jams both his hands into the opponents mouth and tears the upper and lower jaw apart, basically unhinging it. He then releases a stream of flame from his mouth and down the opponents throat. Eventually the opponents mid-section bursts. The lower torso falls to the ground in flames while Scorpion holds the upper torso in the air as it is consumed by fire.
10/25/2005 12:56 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero: Rapid Ice Punch- Sub sweep kicks opponent down to the floor. He then proceds to Punch as if he was working a boxing bag. Every punch, he releases a fist made of ice. He hits about 20 punches. The opponent is now froze. He charges up one last punch. The last ice fist is releases from Sub-Zero only to blow up the opponents head.

Ermac: Ejected Boom- Ermac takes the opponent and levatates him in the green glow. He levatates him off the top of the screen. The opponent blows up when he/she comes crashing threw the bottom of the floor.

Lui Kang: Bycicle Decapatation- It's preformed just as it sounds. Lui Kang uses his bycicle kick hard and fast. The last kick, Lui Kand kicks his opponentn in the face only to take off his of her's head off.

Baraka: Cut Down- Baraka stuns his opponent by elbowing them ontop of their head. He then shoots both is blades from his arms. Baraka swings his left arm right, right arm left, threw the opponents mid-stomache region. After the swings, Baraka injects his blades back into his arms and kicks the mid-stomache softley. The stomache is kicked and falls behind the victim. Right afterwords, the opponent shrinks, ribcage to waist.
About Me

^ Naked nasty dishwasher dance...

10/29/2005 08:58 PM (UTC)
Some more fatalities to shock children and the elderly (Except my grandma, she loves

Kitana: She first unleashes her deadly kiss. While the opponent is expanding, she then slices the foe right down the gut. The opponent's guts spray out everywhere and even Kitana as she backs away all disgusted. The foe resembles a slashed open bean bag, only fleshy and bloody.)

Scorpion: He removes his mask and starts spraying flames all over his foe's face until it's nothing more than a skull. He then mockingly says to his foe: "You know, we could trade fashion tips!" and then pushes his foe down and the skull crumbles. "Oops!"

Baraka: He Jams his claw thingies into his foes eyes. He keeps jamming deeper and deeper as his foe screams. He lifts the foe until it dangles limp. He then rips his claws out from the opponent's sides of it's face, tearing the head in half.

Jax: He pulls out his assault rifle and says "Say hello to my little friend!" and turns his foe into a pin cushion.
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