My Opinion: The Futuer Of Mortal Kombat Is That It Is Dead
posted06/14/2005 10:40 PM (UTC)by
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06/30/2003 04:34 PM (UTC)
I know this will probably get huge bad replies from a lot of the MK fans out there. Let me first say that I am a huge fan of MK, and can't wait for the new movie to come out, but let me explain why I feel that Mortal Kombat is finally dead.

Starting out with Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance. When this game came out I'll admit I was excited to get a copy of it. But when I played it and the major let down of the speed of the game, the new styles, and worse yet, some crappy new fighters, I kind of felt like I was let down. In this game they piled so much into the Krypt that they ran out of room for anything fun for in game things. Like hidden finsihers, or better fighters all together. The bosses in the game were way too easy even on the very hard level setting of the game. Not being able to jump by pushing up, and crouch by pressing down, and the absence of everything true in all other MK games, the buttons. Now MK was just like any other 3D fighter with simple Attacks 1, 2, 3, and 4.

After a year of being out, MK Decpetion soon followed, and it at least gave us some of things we were so desperately wanting from before. More fighters including a lot of familiar faces returning, and new finishers, and now more levels. One real cool thing was the addition of Puzzel Fighter, and Konquest Story Mode. The only let down of the new mini games was Kombat Chess. It proved to be very boring at times. Unfortunatly the speed only increased a little, and the same choppy controls were there too. A lot of other MK fans though a major let down was that there were supposed to be these rumored Super Unlockables, but hey, if you think the game isn't going to do too well after being out a while, add a rumor to keep em playing it. Last but not least, the new Hara-Kiri move was a huge disappointment. It would have been better if the victor of the match told the opponent to do the move besides having the looser be the one to do it to themselves. If you ever played the CPU a lot, that's all it tries to do is a Hara-Kiri almost every time you win. Argh! Darn that CPU! Again, the last boss of the game is still easier than Shao Kahn ever was. At least Kahn was more difficult to pick up on the first time fighting him.

Around the corner is MK: Shaolin Monks which in my opinon doesn't look too promising. Sure it will relive our MKII past time experience, but if it is anything like MKV, or MKVI above we'll be fooled again.

It just seems now, Mortal Kombat doesn't seem to get better, it tends to get a little worse. MK's 1-Gold were all very huge, and popular, and fun. The fourth installment was the fastest of all and the most fun to play out of all the MKs if you like the fast paced fighting game style. The third game offered the most secrets, the second I believe offered the best graphics, and the first one of course was the ground breaker. The adventure games are okay, but I guess you've got to try out all your angles. In my opinoin, Mortal Kombat is only surviving because it has such a huge following, and a very interesting and detailed storyline. Although in the past few games from MK4-MK Decpetion the story line seemed to fall apart, it is still the one, and in my opinion the only thing drawing you back to the game for more. You've just got to know what these characters are going to go through, or have been through in the past.

In closing I still want to say Mortal Kombat will go down in history as one of the most popular fighting video games of all times.
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art by fear-sAs
06/11/2005 04:42 AM (UTC)
I only have a comment on the Hara- Kiri. If the winner told the opponent what to do, it wouldn't make it a Hara- Kiri. Hara- Kiri also means seppoku which is ritualistic suicide. If the victor told them how to kill themselves that would completely defeat the prupose.

One last thing, MK4, Gold, and the adaventure games are regarded as some of the worst in MK history, so I don't really see how they can be regarded as descent.

For me though, even though I like MK, I can't regard it as a serious fighting game because it tends to cover it's mediocrity up with unnecessary things such as the inclusion of FRIENDSHIPS, and Konquest modes.
06/11/2005 06:40 AM (UTC)
SmokeNc-017 Wrote:
I the
One last thing, MK4, Gold, and the adaventure games are regarded as some of the worst in MK history, so I don't really see how they can be regarded as descent.

i think MK 4 is way better than MK3. And I Also think that MK:D is the best Mk game they made since MK2.
06/11/2005 06:54 AM (UTC)
Candyman1014 Wrote:
SmokeNc-017 Wrote:
I the
One last thing, MK4, Gold, and the adaventure games are regarded as some of the worst in MK history, so I don't really see how they can be regarded as descent.

i think MK 4 is way better than MK3. And I Also think that MK:D is the best Mk game they made since MK2.

I agree.

I think MK4 is the third best MK game, with Deception coming first and MK2 second.
06/11/2005 08:53 AM (UTC)
We'll see what happens with MK7. It's either going to establish the series as a true competitor and gain a lot of recognition as a great game all round or it's going to be the nail in Mortal Kombat's koffin, so to speak. As far as fighting games go anyway.
06/11/2005 12:48 PM (UTC)
I personally don't think it's dead sure some MK games are crappy e.g. MK Mythologies, Special Forces, but i don't think that would kill the franchise. DA and D imo revived the MK franchise both games are fun to play and you can't blame them for adding styles i mean how boring woul it be to play MK now with these awesome graphics and all u can do is high punch,low punch,high kick,low kick, and uppercut u would be bored with it in 3 days. Now don't get me wrong i love the old MK games MK-T are my favorite MK games but those limited attacks worked for those games. they can't stick with the same thing over and over again because people will eventually stop playing. in order for it to get better in needs to evolve and add new things like fighting styles,puzzle kombat,chess kombat,etc. that make the game fun.

p.s. this is awesome furious
06/11/2005 01:37 PM (UTC)
Actually its the past of MK thats dead :) Mortal Kombat evolved into what it is now. Wheter thats a good or bad thing is up to you tho ^^
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06/11/2005 01:55 PM (UTC)
If threads like theese occur, than it's dead. Instead of sorrowing the MK games, we should o something about it's improvement. Post to Midway, we have the power!
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
06/11/2005 02:27 PM (UTC)
MK is not dead. It is merely dead to those who have lost faith in the series. And I predict it the series will definitely die if another game like Deception is delivered to us.

I myself love all the games with MK3 and UMK3 as the exceptions. My favourites in terms of fun are MK4 and Gold. I still don't understand everyones problem with them.

Deception was good, but the icing hid the rubbish underneath and the engine sucks. MK7 needs a new engine and needs to be thoroughly tested. We will just have to wait and see what happens. Boon and co's laziness will be the end of the series though if they churn out another Deception.
06/11/2005 03:03 PM (UTC)
MK is not dead, it's still selling copies ( over a million last I checked, it could be more ), and whether or not you agree with me, they'll keep making MK as long as there are people willing to buy it.

It's basic economics
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

06/11/2005 05:44 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't say MK is quite dead yet... It definitely has cancer though. Point is, the MK team really needs to get their shit together and start caring about their game or they'll kill it. I've lost a great deal of faith in the hapless MK Team after Deception, but I do wish deep down they will gain back my faith and release something out of this world. Until they do though MK's days are numbered for sure.
06/11/2005 06:14 PM (UTC)
I dont think MK is dead. I do think however, that they need to keep making the sequles a lot better than the one beofre it. Something that is very hard to do.

MK1 was outclassed by MK2. But then, MK3 was a bit of a let down, though still pretty good. UMK3 was nothing spectacular, then MK trilogy was fairly decent.

MK4 and MKGold were kinda rushed in my opinion. Although i do like them, they kinda weren't all they got hyped up to be. Again a bit of a let down.

MK:DA is by far the best since MK2 IMO. I love it and I still play it very regularly.

MK:D for me was also a big let down. The character line up was very strange, and they built up big stoylines (like Rayden ebing evil, Quan/Shang's disappearance, The Evil Earth Characters) and did nothing with them. I also dont think the game differed enough from Deadly Alliance. Same routine. Three styles, only this tim 2 more finishers. But the finishers in general weren't that good, especailly th hara-Kiri most of which were dumb.

I think they need to make MK7 completely new and fresh in terms of gameplay, and add characters that are relevant to the story. They also need to use the storylines they build in through the intros and character bios, and not just forget about them.

So all in all I dont think MK is dead. But I think let downs in future games could be its undoing.

My favoutire MKgames in order of fave-least fave (Tho i dont hate any):
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06/11/2005 07:30 PM (UTC)
I've gotta agree with Xtreme, as long as MK games sell millions, they'll keep making them. Even after Ed Boon says he's done making them, I'd assume that Midway would keep the series alive. I mean, honestly, look how many games get sequel after sequel, and while reviewers bash the games, they sell, so more come out. Case in point:

Army Men games (nearly every game averaged a five out of ten or lower)

Crash Bandicoot (every game since Naughty Dog stopped making them has been god awful, but they sell, so they keep making more)

I'd also put out there for debate this point: How many truly hardcore MK fans are there still? Are we fans arrogant enough to think that if we all got fed up with MK and actually (gasp) didn't buy MK7 that the MK series would die because no one would buy them anymore? I don't think so. MK has the gore, the fatalities, the special moves, the stages, and all of the little things that appeal to casual gamers, casual fighting game fans, and the not so hardcore MK fans that just like the games. MK has it's name, and it's always stood up under the srutiny from places like EGM, who try to destroy its reputation.

Of course, I don't want to see MK become like the Army Men series or the Crash Bandicoot series. I want MK to be better as well. I don't care about who tells who to kill themself or that MK chess sucked (all of those minigames suck in my opinion). Tgrant is right, MK needs a better, more evolved fighting system. More properties, more innovations in fighting and more substance, less style.

If Boon thinks that turning MK into a party game with minigames and a mediocre fighter thrown in will keep MK going, he's mistaken. Fighting game fans, MK fans etc want MK to be a better fighter first and foremost. Better characters, a more cohesive story and more originality (ie stop being lazy) are just a few things needed to improve the game. I'd also add more fighting modes offline for the single player and two player experience. Survival, Time attack, Tag, Tournament, etc etc.

But if MK keeps resting on its laurels, people will notice what we already know, and that's when the MK team will realize what getting complacent and tacking on useless features and add-ons gets them.
06/11/2005 08:09 PM (UTC)
MK will never die as long as Midway is making it.This series has received an award for BEST LONGEVITY in a series Spike Lee TV(Video Game Awards in 2004)

So for the first guy that posted this thread,you don't get a Best Longevity award if your going down hill.Just my
06/11/2005 09:51 PM (UTC)
MK is dead but Midway has the defibulator. The past 2 mks were major letdowns. Im giving midway 1 more chance to fix MK. its not too late to jump start MK but it will be by the fall
06/11/2005 10:59 PM (UTC)
When you have two games in a row with little improvement, like MkDA to MkD, then the fans start complaining to the extent that; A; The Programmers and Creators catch on, and; B; The third game comes out massively improved...., we

I love Mk Deception; it is in my opinion the second gen of the first TRUE 3d Mk games, but MkD and MkDA have simply differed to much from what many Mkfans consider the to be the "norm"; This is the main area of improvement; getting Mk back to it's roots, yet modernizing it at the same time with interesting new features. Mk Tag anyone? Klassic Fatalities rerealised in full next gen 3d? No more fillers? .....The truth is, Mk7 will live or die depending on who buys it. For one person Mk might be dead, because the new game didn't offer what they wanted, yet for another player Mk7 may be spot on!

......besides, if Mk7 is unsatisfactory, then it's not the end of the world for me; I have a life and afterall, it's only a game.... or is it? DUNDUNDUN!

Just so you know:
"Hara Kiri" literally means "Belly-Cutting" in Japanese, so the only remotely accurate one is Kenshi's "Seppuku"-(This is the Official form of "Hara-Kiri", which the Samurai underwent, except for the fact that the belly cutting was performed using a special Tanto Dagger. When the one commiting Suicide could no longer stand the pain, a Samurai standing behind would Decapitate him with a Katana!)
I'm not too hyped about MK7 because of the 2 games that came before it.

IMO they were pretty bad. Too much irrelevant stuff and almost no attention was put in to the MAIN part of the game. MORTAL KOMBAT.


For sure, I'm not going to pre order MK7, I'll rent it before I buy it. Or wait till the price lowers and then buy it.

I can tell if the fighting in the game is going to suck or not from watching game play movies and reading what other good gamers think, so I'll know if it's worth an instant buy or not before it comes out.

It sucks, because MK has always been one of my favorite fighting games, but I don't want to spend my money on a game that's going to be sitting on my shelf collecting dust within 2 weeks.

What I want from MK7 is this

(This is according to how I feel personally, not anybody else.)

1) and most important = an awesome VERY well thought out fighting system. Something for adults that can think. I don't want styles with like 7 attacks. I want something that feels more complete, so I want around 60 or more. That includes single attacks, combinations, throws.....

I like to feel very free when fighting, not limited to a few moves.

also have only 1 hand style and 1 weapon style.

each single style can be a hybrid of many styles.

I'd like the fight engine to be around the complexity and depth of T5, SC, VF4.

2) Cool and serious fatalities, NO FUNNY STUFF= The fatalities I like from MKD are ones like Sub-Zero's, Scorpion's, Kenshi's stretch......... stuff like that.

Darius's Picasso is a NO NO.

3) More interactive stages = Mix MKD, DOA U, Tao Feng, VF4, T4, T5.

More small multi tire levels, like a 3 foot drop mixed in with long falls like 20 feet+

Fighting on a stair way would be pretty cool. that could mess up some game play though, or maybe add variety to it.

More attacks using the stage = Jump off a wall, off a pole, do a VF style stomp attack from the second floor. Or throw a fireball down from the roof top when you knock your opponent off the ledge.

4) The cast of fighters doesn't have to be so large, 20 would be good.

The less fighters they have to make, the more time they have to make each one better.

5) More fighting modes = Kombat ( Kumite ) , story, VS, Tag, team, tournament, practice.......... Spend more time on game modes relevant to the fighting in MK, not so much on mini games. Have most of these available online.

With the Mini games, they could just update the ones they already have for MKD and MKDA. = Since they are already made, they won't waste so much time making new ones. = Test your....., Puzzle, Chess

I also would like to see a power stone / Naruto 2 type game.

It's something that I could play with anybody and the opponent feels like they can do something.

That's all I can think of right now.
06/12/2005 05:34 PM (UTC)
AAAAAAHHHHHHH,just no please in some people LOL,MK is far from Dead,if it was i highly doubt that they would even make them anymore,don't you think??Come on now.wink
06/13/2005 12:54 AM (UTC)
Huumm..... You like the movies. That explains alot.
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out of ninjas, cyborg thugs, evil ninja robots, martial artists, martial artists with sharp hats, princesses, bodyguards with more than 4 limbs, undead movie stars, native american shamans, evil emporrers, gods and secret service agents, you say Stryker didn't fit in MK3?

06/13/2005 12:41 PM (UTC)
Tyrnax, we appreciate your optimism. lol
06/14/2005 09:00 PM (UTC)
I agree with a lot of what you said. I remember coming home from school and immediately playing MK till supper time, and sometimes even more afterwards. I couldn't get enough of the game, I could play it for hours on end without getting sick of it. I'm not sure if it's because I am growing out of Mortal Kombat or if it's because the past few games have been kinda crappy. The last MK game I had fun with was MK4. I was so excited to hear that MKDA was coming out (and that's about the time I joined this site to find out more about it). Unfortunately, after I got the game and played it for about 45 minutes I just didn't wanna play it anymore. I thought perhaps it was because the game was true 3d and it was something I had to get used to so I forced myself to play it. I think that's about the time MK started to die on me. I would play the game off and on a few times a week until I stopped completely and just didn't care anymore. It wasn't because of crappy new characters, It wasn't because there was only one fatality for each character, it was because I wasn't having fun, the game was slow, and boring and i felt like the life had been sucked completely out of the series.

Deception didn't really help, being that I was-am (not sure anymore) a huge MK fan I got the game hoping for something good and being disapointed yet again. People have said that Deception is better then it's not its the same game with puzzle combat and chess added in which has nothing to do with MK in my opinion. It's fine to add in mini games and such but the time wasted making those mini games could have been spent fixing the combat engine.

I hope that the next MK fighting game can bring back the fun factor. I truely miss that...having fun playing MK. sad
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06/14/2005 10:40 PM (UTC)
I think MK at the moment is a Zombie, bodily functions are in check but the brain has gone bye bye.
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