My next MK
posted07/18/2008 03:45 PM (UTC)by
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02/12/2004 08:06 PM (UTC)
Alright, I like my idea so I gotta share it with someone. (Who knows, maybe Boon is bored and searching the web, finds this and says Brilliant, give him a job. Ha, I'd prolly say no.) Anyways for my MK, I would want it about 50 to 100 years after Armageddon. More or less the end of MKA saw an all out war for every fighter going at it with Blaze in the middle. At the climax, Blaze unexpectedly explodes in a white light. The outcome and reasoning is unknown. What is known is every MK fighter is dead, heroes and villains alike. And the elder gods can no longer see their realms. All is blackness to their omnipotence. Thus over time they personally walked among the worlds in search of worthy warriors to imbue with power and raise them as informants of their worlds. Soon a network is built and the gods continue their reign. But tradition must be followed and the tournament must go on. Sending the lesser gods, warriors are chosen to compete for immortality, glory, power or closure. The time has come for the Earth realm to crown a champion and defend against fellow newly made victors. Now is the time for Mortal Kombat. So more or less, it's a whole new cast. At the moment I only have 3 characters in mind. One important part though is that Earth has not advanced technologically but has taken a path of following it's roots and past traditions. So while major cities may be somewhat advanced for the most part the rest of the world exists in the past and follows stronger morals and appreciation for life and the unexplained. (magic) My three characters are obviously based on prior fighters, and I would think they'd have too otherwise it wouldn't feel like mortal kombat.

First: Is a Shaolin monk. Not like Liu or Lao though, but like a real Shaolin monk. Bald, wrapped in robes of white and orange, and silent. Very fast character. No name yet. None of my characters do. Special moves would consist of smokey illusions of dragons and tigers.

Second: The ninja. Gotta have one. But again more traditional style. No bright colors. Ninja are suppose to be stealthy, bright yellow isn't stealthy! So decked out in all black, maybe very fine gold trim on some parts. Picture the ninja's in Batman Begins and it'd be about right. Solid black eyes too. Uses a sickle and chain and has a capture move similar to the spear. Also the only character not invited to the tournament, just comes. Has knowledge of the past tournament. (see where this is going?)

Last: And my favorite. Would be the sorcerer. Better yet, a Necromancer. An albino, with a animal skull necklace. Pale white, mid length gray white hair, white eyes, and chops. (always liked chops, can't grow them myself) Dried bloody bandages wrapped around his wrists (muay thai style) and shredded black and rust pants. (crap he steals from graves) Maybe some tattoos, and just dirty looking. Covered in dust from graveyards. (I'll draw him soon) Moves consist of fast animations of the undead striking, in a bold royal purple glow. Fatality would be raising three zombies at random from the past MK games as they tear and drag down the opponent into the ground.

Of course one or two of the lesser gods would be present too. And the final boss would be a victor from one of the other realms.

Special moves would be few though in terms of one shots. Maybe three that you can do right away. Maybe lock some in the Krypt. But I think 4 or 5 moves should be unique and incorporated into combos. Not dial up combos, but if a specific combo is connected it follows with a special secret move automatically. Say the ninja, nails a 6 hit combo that sends the opponent outward he then automatically sends out a spear and we hear, Get over here! (ha, guess I gave away my ninja) Plus characters could have two endings. First one is picture based like the last few, then once you've beaten the game with everyone, you can then beat it again and get second endings that are animated and have a much deeper story. And yes beating the game with key characters explains what happened at the end of MKA. (the ninja and the necromancer, aka Scorpion and Shang Tsung)

So yea that's my idea. It's more detailed in my head, but it's a start. I'll draw my necromancer and think of some names before too long. If there's a decent response to this thread I'll keep going with it.
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