07/31/2014 08:43 PM (UTC)
0RI0N Wrote:
"Boon hates Rain"

^I see this repeated all over this forum. Is there an interview where Boon said this or something? Can anyone find this evidence?

There are none. It's a theory made by a few butthurt fanboys, due to the fact that Rain hasn't been a proper character on the main roster other than in compilation games, and that Boon seems to make some jokes about Rain now and then on Twitter.
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07/31/2014 09:17 PM (UTC)
L-BowShot Wrote:
Lol i actually have a different theory about how liu could be back as a god and the main story revolving around this war between the gods with motals caught in the middle. We got raiden and kotal kahn already. I think rain is probably on his way. Subby they can make him come off like a god. Then have shinnok and fujin and maybe another new god or two and BAM you got mk gods among us lol

Really man, please make the time and read my 15 minute long post here. It's exactly what you said. If you won't like it, I swear I'll delete the whole thing and give a refund tongue

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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

07/31/2014 10:11 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
0RI0N Wrote:
"Boon hates Rain"

^I see this repeated all over this forum. Is there an interview where Boon said this or something? Can anyone find this evidence?

There are none. It's a theory made by a few butthurt fanboys, due to the fact that Rain hasn't been a proper character on the main roster other than in compilation games, and that Boon seems to make some jokes about Rain now and then on Twitter.

Thats what I suspected. If anything, I actually take that as he Loves Rain. And I also think he'll be in becuz of Raiden not having the Lightning Strike move.

@OriginaL Poster, sorry to hijack your thread. Back on topic- I agree with everyone else saying you need some MK4 fighters. Also, Im not too sure NRS is counting MoKap as a character. Which would make the "Newb-Kount" of MKDA = 9.... which means MKX's Newb-Kount could possibly be only 10.
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Want to make me a sig? Something simple with Reptile elbowing in mk9 would be great :)

07/31/2014 10:22 PM (UTC)
Weither you count mokap or not there also is moloch. It is his debut game. Anyways i actually do think there will be probably two mk4 chars. Most likely quan chi and tanya i think. I can also see BRC being a strong possibility. Its really hard to say though. Maybe if they give sone story details we could narrow things down some. At the moment almost all chars have a chance being in mkx. Only probably 10-15 mk chars are super unlikely. Thats what makes predicting the roster challenging.
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No Cage? No sale!

07/31/2014 11:19 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
0RI0N Wrote:
"Boon hates Rain"

^I see this repeated all over this forum. Is there an interview where Boon said this or something? Can anyone find this evidence?

There are none. It's a theory made by a few butthurt fanboys, due to the fact that Rain hasn't been a proper character on the main roster other than in compilation games, and that Boon seems to make some jokes about Rain now and then on Twitter.

You're wrong. He said it numerous times during Deception's development. You can not believe it if you want, but there's no reason to be a flaming douchebag just because no one's digging through ten year old archives to prove it to you. Calling people "Butt hurt" when people say something you disagree with is ridiculously childish.
07/31/2014 11:54 PM (UTC)
I would also like any of the original cyborgs (Cyrax, Sektor or Smoke). Cyber-Sub is excluded because he just switched spots with Smoke. That would still leave 3.
I would consider something more diverse like, Cyrax, Smoke and Sektor merged becoming a hybrid.
08/01/2014 02:57 AM (UTC)
Shang Tsung with his design from MKvsDC please!

08/01/2014 04:02 AM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
3.Quan Chi-100% in
7.Noob Saibot

10.Li Mei
Don't care about the rest of post MK4 characters

Stryker man ??? Come on! be realistic! Same for Noob Saibot!
08/01/2014 08:15 AM (UTC)
Well my guess is 28 characters.

1) D'vorah
2) Scorpion
3) Sub-Zero
4) Ferra/Torr
5) Cassie cage
6) Kotal Kahn
7) Raiden

Then we have the others unknown there will be at least 11 new characters so without the already known that would make 7 still to be reveiled, my guess is that one of those will be a revised Tremor.

8) Tremor
9) ?
12) ?
13) ?
14) ?

Then we continue to the old ones, the ones I think make it in are the following ones, these aren't my favorite characters (some are) but just my guesses based on what I read and saw.

15) Tanya (The leaked x-ray rumors, and she deserves to be in after left out of DLC)

16) Reptile (Can't be left out, or a new Raptor will be in.)

17) Johnny Cage (This is the probably the one Boon talked about, saying that no-one is left out because others made it in, and that some characters return with older looks, this or Kano.)

18) Shinnok (They either kill him off in a cut-scene or use him, I believe they use him properly now.)

19) Ermac (I believe the artwork = true, and he has an huge fanbase)

20) Quan Chi (It would be insane to leave him out, he has so much story potential)

21) Cyrax (Probably somethign to do with Cassie cage and perfect replacer for Jax.)

22) Fujin (Just makes sense to be in.)

23) Liu Kang (I dunno, they probably will find a way to revive this shit.)

24) Kitana (Because of the many whiny fans and because of that horrible most-player list)

25) Mileena (this is my biggest doubt, I don't think she makes it in for some reason, but still more chance than all others, but probably Sonya replaces her)

26) Smoke (too much fans, probably just another ninja again, nothing ENenra to be seen.)

27) Kenshi (Very popular, so he must be in)

28) Kai (Boon wants revenche on the fact that they couldn't give him proper moves in Armageddon and he wants to show the handstand in action.)

- Sonya Blade, she probalby be in to bug me, but my hopes are good this year that she will be skipped.

- I believe boon is trolling again for Rain, so he probably will be DLC like always, so he can get money out of it.

- Sektor will be dealth with cheaply, being killed by this new SUb-Zero guy off-screen. As two cyborgs are too much, they focus on the more boring Cyrax that is my fear.

- He doesn't care for Havik or Reiko, so they probably will make it to the DLC (boring non-speaking session)
08/01/2014 08:35 AM (UTC)
johnny_cage_win Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
0RI0N Wrote:
"Boon hates Rain"

^I see this repeated all over this forum. Is there an interview where Boon said this or something? Can anyone find this evidence?

There are none. It's a theory made by a few butthurt fanboys, due to the fact that Rain hasn't been a proper character on the main roster other than in compilation games, and that Boon seems to make some jokes about Rain now and then on Twitter.

You're wrong. He said it numerous times during Deception's development. You can not believe it if you want, but there's no reason to be a flaming douchebag just because no one's digging through ten year old archives to prove it to you. Calling people "Butt hurt" when people say something you disagree with is ridiculously childish.

Well, prove it then. Show some official sources where Ed Boon makes these statements about Rain. If you don't want to do that, then it is just your word against mine and others'.

And the reason I am being a "flaming douchebag" (lol, good one btw. ;P ) who says the reason is fanboy butthurt, is because that IS the case most of the time.
08/01/2014 08:44 AM (UTC)
There are enough hints on how Ed Boon doesn't like Rain.

- He wasn't in vanilla mk2011 while ALL others were in.
- He wasn't in Deception, THE game all old non-used faces were in like Kabal, Jade, Sindel and Nightwolf.

At first Boon didn't want Rain (and meat/mocrap/Chameleons) in Armageddon, but after some fans asked for it they desided to add the more "jokey" characters in the game anyway.

More than enough proof that Boon doesn't really like Rain, and all this teasing of fan-boys is pretty evil, I never see him teasing on Scorpion fans or Tanya fans.

And yes, it does matter if Boon loves you, see Scorpion, who is in every game.
08/01/2014 08:46 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
At first Boon didn't want Rain (and meat/mocrap/Chameleons) in Armageddon

That's incorrect, Rain was one of the very first pieces of promotional artwork released for MKA.
08/01/2014 08:50 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:

At first Boon didn't want Rain (and meat/mocrap/Chameleons) in Armageddon, but after some fans asked for it they desided to add the more "jokey" characters in the game anyway.

And now you are just making stuff up. *sigh*
Dvorah, sorry, but after all the crap you've said while being on this forum, nothing you say will be taken seriously. I warned you at the very start, and now here we are...
08/01/2014 08:59 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:

At first Boon didn't want Rain (and meat/mocrap/Chameleons) in Armageddon, but after some fans asked for it they desided to add the more "jokey" characters in the game anyway.

And now you are just making stuff up. *sigh*
Dvorah, sorry, but after all the crap you've said while being on this forum, nothing you say will be taken seriously. I warned you at the very start, and now here we are...

Do I look like I care? For you? hahaha you are no importance for me.

I have enough other people on here that I do like, you, icebaby and some others aren't the entire forum, you know.
08/01/2014 09:04 AM (UTC)
I'm ashamed that you are also fans of Rain, Reiko and Tanya... I wouldn't want to be put in the same group as you.
08/01/2014 09:06 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I'm ashamed that you are also fans of Rain, Reiko and Tanya... I wouldn't want to be put in the same group as you.

If you are blind, and cannot see that Boon doesn't like Rain. Then i'm the one who should be ashamed.
08/01/2014 09:07 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I'm ashamed that you are also fans of Rain, Reiko and Tanya... I wouldn't want to be put in the same group as you.

If you are blind, and cannot see that Boon doesn't like Rain. Then i'm the one who should be ashamed.

For someone who doesn't care about me, you sure are willing to respond to my posts.
08/01/2014 09:10 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I'm ashamed that you are also fans of Rain, Reiko and Tanya... I wouldn't want to be put in the same group as you.

If you are blind, and cannot see that Boon doesn't like Rain. Then i'm the one who should be ashamed.

For someone who doesn't care about me, you sure are willing to respond to my posts.

I respond to everything, i'm not like humans that start to ignore others just because they don't like them. I don't care that you dislike me, I'm not going to ignore you or something like that.

Back in the day when Armageddon was out (Rain was the only character that hooked me) I heard from someone that Rain actually was a last-minute add-in. If that person was lying, so be it, the other points are stronger anyway.

08/01/2014 09:14 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Back in the day when Armageddon was out (Rain was the only character that hooked me) I heard from someone that Rain actually was a last-minute add-in. If that person was lying, so be it, the other points are stronger anyway.

Instead of checking if it was correct, you just instantly believed him? That was pretty naive of you, or you were just very willing to believe it to find some excuse to hate on Boon... Or you could just make this up as well.

And no, your other points don't prove anything. Unless you find an official statement from Ed Boon about him not liking Rain, none of your crazy conspiracy theories hold water.
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When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

08/01/2014 09:18 AM (UTC)
Dvorah, your opinion is sometimes very exiting to read. As you are willing to get in discussions with other users. The only thing you should not do is placing lies.

I'm not saying you are a liar all the time. But saying they wanted to leave Rain out of MKA... that's just a silly statement as many, MANY people know this isn't the truth. Stick to facts and rumors! Don't lie to get your point around.
08/01/2014 09:18 AM (UTC)
We'll see,

If Rain is in MKX, i'm wrong.
IF he's not, i'm right.

08/01/2014 09:20 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
We'll see,

If Rain is in MKX, i'm wrong.
IF he's not, i'm right.

Nope. Rain not being in MKX won't prove you right either.
08/01/2014 09:20 AM (UTC)
It does, especially after the jokes/hints on twitter.
08/01/2014 09:23 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
It does, especially after the jokes/hints on twitter.

08/01/2014 10:19 AM (UTC)
johnny_cage_win Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
0RI0N Wrote:
"Boon hates Rain"

^I see this repeated all over this forum. Is there an interview where Boon said this or something? Can anyone find this evidence?

There are none. It's a theory made by a few butthurt fanboys, due to the fact that Rain hasn't been a proper character on the main roster other than in compilation games, and that Boon seems to make some jokes about Rain now and then on Twitter.

You're wrong. He said it numerous times during Deception's development. You can not believe it if you want, but there's no reason to be a flaming douchebag just because no one's digging through ten year old archives to prove it to you. Calling people "Butt hurt" when people say something you disagree with is ridiculously childish.

I'm sorry but in this specific discussion, you're making yourself look childish. Suddenly Boon starts tweeting about Rain and all the haters are quick to jump to conclusions and make stuff up about him hating the character. When did all this happen? It got me wondering coz I certainly don't remember him saying he dislikes the character.
The fact that you think he might hate him because he wasn't included in several games doesn't make it a fact. Let me give you a fact: Rain sold well as DLC. People warmed up to him. It's obvious in the social media. There are requests for the character everywhere, which a few years ago (before his appearance in MK9) would make no sense.
I could also state that Boon hates Johnny Cage with stuff he said about him but never give you an actual source. Does it validate my statement? No.
So why do you even do that? He might still be in the game. Get over it.
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