My MK8 thoughts *to do with MKA*
posted06/13/2006 02:11 AM (UTC)by
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

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01/14/2006 03:16 AM (UTC)
I want MK8 to be an adventure game. It has to be tied to MKA. The people that are going to be in MK8 should be the ones that live.

The first one that came to my mind is Stryker because he will be very uniques if added to the adventure. He should be mainly focused on guns so when you play as him, you should have the decision of making the view First-Person or THird-Person. THere should be guns such as the pistols, SMGs, shotguns, and grenades. You should also have the option of using your fists, nightstick, or knives. His story should be all about shooting and some stealth.

The second is one from the evil side which is Kintaro. This will playout really good, the game will be like an ordinary war game where you are the only man vs like thousands just coming at you while you demolish them with you brute strength. There should also be missions with Shokans as your allies.

The third and fourth are Scorpion and Sub-Zero. IT's obvious how they will play out. Just like any other, they just fight and finish missions.

The fifth is Jax. He should play out like between Kintaro and Stryker. Brute force, REALLY HEAVY MACHINE GUNS and ROCKET LAUNCHERS, and metal arms.

The sixth should either be Noob or Smoke. They're type of story should be all stealth. They could maybe work as a team. You can turn invisible for a short while and walk slowly, etc. It would be kool to play as a stealth ninja.

The seventh is Reptile. Teleporting and Invisiblitiy.
06/08/2006 03:09 AM (UTC)
Excelent thoughts. We need only the freshest characters that make a glamorous impact.

So to start the game in MK8, we need the following characters:

Stryker. A very unique character, who likes Bombs and grenades and taiser guns. Final analysis: IN

Kintaro: Just seems like a better version of Goro. I don't know why. Maybe his leaperd skin back is a turn on, lol. Final anaysis: A likable character, so he should be in.

Scorpion-Subzero: That's what MK is all about. These are the staple characters. Eventhough I personally wouldn't miss them if they are gone, it will be good if they stay. Final Analysis: these chararcters are life support for MK, so they are in.

Reptile: I never liked this character. He had a few good roles to play in mortal kombat. Final Analysis: not a live-or die character...
About Me

-Courtesy of TheCypher-

06/08/2006 11:27 PM (UTC)
outworld222 Wrote:
Excelent thoughts. We need only the freshest characters that make a glamorous impact.

So to start the game in MK8, we need the following characters:

Stryker. A very unique character, who likes Bombs and grenades and taiser guns. Final analysis: IN

Kintaro: Just seems like a better version of Goro. I don't know why. Maybe his leaperd skin back is a turn on, lol. Final anaysis: A likable character, so he should be in.

Scorpion-Subzero: That's what MK is all about. These are the staple characters. Eventhough I personally wouldn't miss them if they are gone, it will be good if they stay. Final Analysis: these chararcters are life support for MK, so they are in.

Reptile: I never liked this character. He had a few good roles to play in mortal kombat. Final Analysis: not a live-or die character...

okay, what other *unique* chars should be in the game... i think maybe... Cyrax and Sektor, first of all, they got lightsabers and are the only cybernetic ppl in the game and second of all, they are put in hot dogs
06/11/2006 02:42 PM (UTC)
The whole red dragon taking over the world thing, armageddeon could be their chance, they could become the new villains for next gen games, and it would add a tactical element for the game, as they are so secretive.
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06/12/2006 07:31 PM (UTC)
Did I read that right? You want to turn MK8 into a first person shooter with some stealth aspects? No offense man, but the gaming world is WAY overpopulated with shooters right now to turn a solid fighting game franchise into just another FPS or Metal Gear Solid game. That's not unique to me. I'm all for the adventure games, especially after Shaolin Monks proved that Midway can deliver in this genre, but for the main series, I'd be alot happier if they just stuck to fighting.

But, if we're talking side games like Shaolin Monks or MK Mythologies, then your ideas about Stryker sound good to me. I wouldn't want to see it go first person, but a third person game that's more of a beat em up like the old school Streets of Rage or Final Fight would be cool if it had the throws, combos, and weapons. To be honest though, I'd almost rather see a new character than Stryker. A guy that will appear in MK 8 that looks more along the lines of Sam Fisher. A sort of super spy would be pretty cool. Of course he'd have to look different and a bit more unique than the idea that I'm describing.

So turning MK8 into a shooter? No way. An adventure game that goes into the realm of Metal Gear? Sign me up.
06/13/2006 02:11 AM (UTC)
How about a duel disc for adventure and fighting.

two more ideas

Have a game where all the characters have their own RPG and if you accomplish all the RPGs then you unlock an old MK game like MKT or MK 1 as the prize
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