My MK7 Bios- Mileena, Tanya and Sheeva
posted01/06/2006 06:17 PM (UTC)by
About Me

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04/30/2005 04:28 PM (UTC)
OK, i know that Tanya and Sheeva arent rely favorites with you guys but i rely think that they should be in the next game.


Race: Tarkata/ Edenian
Origin: Outworld
Alliance: Neutral

Allies: Tanya, Li Mei, Bo Rai Cho, Edenia, and Earthrealm Warriors
Enemies: Kitana, Sindel, Jade, Baraka, Rain, Shang Tsung

I have done it. Finally. I have replaced my...sister, and I am now ruler of Edenia. Before Raiden and his Earthrealm warriors could ask Kitana to help fight the Deadly Alliance she was already on her way. She feels she must do good to redeem herself from her past as an assassin, a past that she will never be able to escape. Not as long as Shao Kahn and I still remain as living reminders of it. Once it was revealed that Onaga, our former ruler had indeed returned and was in possession of Kitanas and the earth warriors bodies Sindel and Jade fled to her rescue. As soon as they did I took the chance to claim the throne. I wore a veil to cover my hideous deformities. This deceived those foolish Edenian’s and I had no problem taking over Edenia. The only one who knew about my deception was that vile lowlife Baraka. Once lovers, now sworn enemies, I had to eradicate that pathetic Tarkata. My initial plan was to destroy the realm of Edenia, but the longer I stayed the quicker that plan soon left my mind. For once in my insignificant existence I felt appreciated. Wanted. Loved.

I agreed to meet Baraka at an ancient Beetle Lair. He tried to fool me, sending a mere weak, worthless Tarkata. He was nothing. I sharpened my teeth with his puny bones. But that was not enough for me. One kill, ha! I longed for Baraka’s blood. If he thought he could escape my wrath that easily he certainly had been away from me for too long. Mileena will not let the one creature that could ruin the best time of a life of misery get away without a decent battle. I met a Tarkartan in the lair of beetles for a second time. But this time was different. I knew that scent. Baraka had come this time. The coward had finally found his courage. Still it was not enough too defeat Mileena. He slashed me with his blade. It was deep, but not deep enough. He turned away in victory. I attacked him from behind slit his throat with my sai. Made a meal out of some limbs and left the rest of him to be devoured by the beetles. Though I felt jovial at his death, something seemed wrong. It was the way I have felt when I thought many other formidable adversaries were dead. Unvictorious.

With Edenia under my command I am now in control of the most powerful army in all the realms. I sent them away in hope of their defeat to the Tarkata, but they come back stronger than ever. All I had ever dreamed of was coming true before my very eyes. I have been accepted by people. And not just any people but the ones who once obeyed my ... sister. The ones who hated me. I have never felt this way before and I do not intend to let it go. I shall ensure the suffering of all that stand in my way. Kitana, Sindel, and Jade will all fall to a fate worse than anything they can imagine before I give up the throne. I am now in allegiance with Onaga whose soul lives on, his queen Li Mei and I am also secretly using the assistance of Tanya. She may have betrayed Edenia many times before but now she has given me her solemn word that she shall not turn her back on me, or Edenia. If she does she will just be another meal for me to enjoy. No one will take away my position of ruler, I will not let them. I am no longer the unwanted hybrid. The mistake. The Clone. I am Mileena, princess of Edenia and I intend to stay that way!
01/03/2006 01:01 PM (UTC)

Race: Edenian
Origin: Edenia
Alliance: Neutral

Allies: Mileena
Enemies: Jade, Kitana, Sindel, Rain and Baraka

A traitor to Edenia. An enforcer of the Deadly Alliance. A coward. I have been called many things in my life, not many of them good. I have lost everything and had to make a life out of nothing. My best friend Jade deserted me. My family disowned me. All of the people I put my loyalty to seem to be killed not long after. No one trusts me and no one wants to help or ally with me. I feel alienated from everyone else. Like everyone in all the realms are happy and I’m miserable. I searched for someone to help me. Someone who actually wanted my help. It was then when I found Onaga, the ancient Dragon King. He took me on board and made me his ambassador. At last I was in a place that felt like a home. But then my former friend and her queen took him away from me. They performed an ancient spell that put his soul back into his original body as this happened Sindel pierced his heart with her Kwan Dao and stopped it from reforming. The one living creature that had put faith in me was now gone. Thanks to those Edenian’s I used to call friends. Especially Jade, she was once my closest friend in all the realms and then she was gone. My decisions may keep me alive. But they have made my life a hell.

I felt lost. It felt like I should give up. Everything I have ever needed or loved has been taken from me. Then I found someone who knew what it was like to feel like crap. Mileena. A clone of the princess Kitana that went wrong when the Tarkatan essence that was included to make her more vicious hideously deformed her. It gave her the mouth of a true tarkatan, not a nice sight to look at. Mileena, now posing as the princess, and deceiving the people of Edenia, has allowed me to assist her. But it has to be done in secret. If the people of Edenia knew that I was back home then I would most certainly be attacked. If they found me working for the ‘princess’ then they would know that Kitana was not in power. And Mileena’s deception would be finished. She would be back to a life of living off others victories. I know how that feels now and I don’t wish that fate for someone who is kind enough to take me on when no one else will. In all truth, I am more thankful for Mileena than any other boss of mine. For she has brought me back to my home, my roots, Edenia. And now that I am back I intend to stay.

All who oppose the ‘princess’ shall find death at my hands. I am now her personal bodyguard in a way. If Mileena feels worried about the way someone is acting around her I shall investigate. If someone seems threatening to her I shall deal with them. But most of all, if someone finds out about her true identity I must ensure that they do not speak up and reveal it. The more time that I spend with Mileena the more I realise the truth about her. It is not to destroy this realm and all of its inhabitants the first chance she gets, as I first suspected. She actually seems to care about the realm. A realm that had once rejected her and in a sense ruined her, now loved her. If Mileena could pick up her life like this what is standing in my way. I have a new plan. Not to turn my back on Mileena and betray Edenia once more, but to reform myself. To seek help from former friends, starting with my old comrade Jade.
01/03/2006 01:03 PM (UTC)

Race: Shokan
Origin: Edenia
Alliance: Good

Allies: Sindel, Jade, Kitana
Enemies: Kano, Shao Kahn, Goro, Mortaro

I had been tricked, that double crosser Kano had told me that he would assist me in other throwing Kahn, but he had other plans. He went to Kahn behind my back and told him of my plan. Kahn made sure that I would not be able to go through with it. He locked me up in his deepest dungeon and declared me dead. He had actually decided that he did not want me to be killed, it would be an easy escape from my treachery. Instead he left me in a chamber with barely any light sources and no sign of life. All I had to keep me barely alive were the bodies of traitors before me and water from a leaking room above me. I was once Kahn’s most favoured protectors, he even made me personal protector of Queen Sindel, and now I was lowered to a dungeon where not even the vermin would go. I remained in that hellhole for what seemed like a lifetime. When I found a small crack in the wall and knew that I had new hope, I worked at making that hole big enough for me to fit for many days. Soon enough I could fit through the hole and I fled as far from Kahn’s palace as I could. I was now free.

I hid in the dark forests of Outworld and watched as Kahn’s centurian armies killed my race of Shokan. I disguised myself as a simple peasant and tried hard to trace down the woman whom I had once protected, Queen Sindel. I had heard that she was now reunited with her daughter Kitana and fighting against Kahn. I had to find her and join her in the fight against my former leader. It was no easy job, as it seemed she was trying to get as little attention as possible. On my journeys I found out that the sorcerer Shang Tsung had joined forces with Quan Chi and together they had murdered Shao Kahn. This made me very happy, that lying traitor was now dead. At the same time I was angry that it wasn’t me who his blood on my hands. As I ventured further into Edenia I found that Onaga the Dragon King had returned to power and had control over princess Kitana and many other defenders of good. I eventually found Sindel and she informed me that Shao Kahn was in fact still alive, it was a clone that had been killed. As Sindel went on looking for her daughter I now resumed my earlier mission. To kill the man who had destroyed my race and turned some of them against us. This time I will succeed.

Although Kahn was highly guarded I managed to get into his hide bouts and thought I was ready for the kill. When I was grabbed from behind. Rain, a Edenian ninja who betrayed them for Kahn took me to an underground tomb. Sindel, Jade, Kitana and the Raptor I knew as Reptile greeted me. My first instinct was to attack, as two of the people surrounding me were former followers of Kahn. But Sindel realised my plan and stopped me before I could. She told me that Rain had been in hiding from Kahn for a very long time and that Reptile had recently been the body of Onaga, the Dragon King and was now joined with us to completely eradicate all means of his return. She told me that she had ordered Rain to return me before I killed Kahn because we needed him alive to destroy every way that Onaga could return. He had all of the ancient documents of the elder gods in his possession. So now I must put my agenda on hold, but mark my words Kahn will be murdered. Sheeva will make sure of that.
01/03/2006 04:32 PM (UTC)
you have some very good ideas. Midway should listen to people like you.
01/04/2006 01:19 AM (UTC)
Well some of the ideas of your stories are good.

-the idea is good, but not really anything that new. Theres lots of idead floating around about Mileena taking Kitana's place and ruling Edenia etc. I'm not a fan of it personally, even though I kinda see it as the most probable next step. Id like to see the two ally and end the boring repetitive feud. But even tho im not a fan of the idea, the bio is good (if that makes sense lol).

-Well she allies herself with someone evil......again? IMO Tanya is beyond redemtpion. MKD was her second chance and they blew it. Sorry.

-This one I really like. I like the idea that she Kahn wanted people to beleive she was dead, but he kept her alive for whatever purpose. A few details are kinda somewhat dubios though. Im not sure if during the time she would be imprisoned that the Centaurs actaully killed her race. And well theres the fact we been told she already died, but u know MK, they evade it and rewrite things. but at least its not an actual ressurection you gave her which is good. The best of the 3 bios IMO. Sheeva deserves another chance.
01/06/2006 06:10 PM (UTC)
MKKitana Wrote Mileena: the idea is good, but not really anything that new. Theres lots of idead floating around about Mileena taking Kitana's place and ruling Edenia etc. I'm not a fan of it personally, even though I kinda see it as the most probable next step. Id like to see the two ally and end the boring repetitive feud. But even tho im not a fan of the idea, the bio is good (if that makes sense lol). i was actually going to have them both ally but i thought it would be too soon so ive just had kitana not bother with mileena. another thing i thought would be different is if mileena finds that she actually likes the edenians suddenly so she becomes more neutral. Tanya: Well she allies herself with someone evil......again? IMO Tanya is beyond redemtpion. MKD was her second chance and they blew it. Sorry. i actually meant to make her and mileena neutral but forgot (oops) but i think if tanya tries to make up for what shes done it might do some good for her story. so i mad eher regret everything by thinking of all the bad that happened to her brecause of her descisions.-Dan
01/06/2006 06:17 PM (UTC)
soz about that message being in a big clump im trying to sort it out but its not working
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