My MK:Armageddon storyline redo. (Because my old one sucked)
Yeah I know it sucked. Was horrible. The what not. Anyway this is to fix those problems and more or less start over. Hope you like! Also here I am doing video intros for the characters (maybe not all of them but the important ones for sure) and maybe endings too but anyway...

Mortal Kombat: Armageddon

(Fujin stands on top of a cliff)

Everything has come to this... For millennium, the forces of good and evil have fought for control of Earth. We have our warriors (we see Liu Kang, Kung Lao and Sonya Blade here) and the forces of evil have theirs (we see Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung and Quan Chi). We have triumphed time and time again thanks to the efforts of Earth’s greatest hero: Liu Kang.

(Flashback to Liu Kang’s death)

Yet after he was lost to the Deadly Alliance, it was as though all hope had died within our other warriors. Some were blinded by anger or stricken by grief.

(Kung Lao is shown fighting Shang Tsung)

Kung Lao battled long and hard, determined to avenge his friend. (We see Kung Lao get his neck snapped) He failed... (We see Kitana fighting Quan Chi, but Quan Chi gets her into a stranglehold and breaks her neck) Kitana was next to fall. Johnny Cage (we see him get stabbed by Baraka), Sonya Blade (she gets slashed in the back by a Tarkata) and Jax (likewise) all fell to the overwhelming numbers of the Tarkatan. In the end only Raiden himself stood in their way.

(We see Raiden’s defeat.)

Yet even he could not win... however it was then that something much worse happened... Onaga, the Dragon King had returned and despite Raiden’s sacrifice... he could not be stopped.

Ultimately the deceived warrior known as Shujinko stepped forth to stop him. (Shujinko and Onaga fight in Onaga’s palace...where ultimately Shujinko is defeated) Ultimately Shujinko’s strength alone was not enough. Onaga had won...

(Shujinko is able to escape from the palace, Onaga decides to let him escape.) Onaga did not pursue, instead choosing to focus his concentration on the Kamidogu.

(Back to Fujin)

It is now more important than ever that we band together and stop the Dragon King once and for all... if we do not... then we shall face Armageddon.

Liu Kang

Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good
Allies: Kung Lao, Kitana, Raiden, Johnny Cage, Sonya, Jax, Bo’Rai Cho, Ermac
Foes: Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Goro, Shinnok, Onaga, Tanya

(Inside the Shaolin Temples, Liu Kang’s spirit and body battle inside, they are both equal, Raiden teleports in and out of his fingertips come his power of lightning, both Liu Kang’s soul and body are blasted, both screaming into pain as the two start to merge into one. Slowly he becomes Liu Kang again, Raiden’s stops shooting lightning and Liu Kang falls to his knees, breathing hard.)

Raiden: Liu Kang... (he walks toward Liu Kang.)

Liu Kang: (moaning, he stands up. He turns around in a daze to see Raiden) Raiden?

Raiden: Relax... you have just been revived.

Liu Kang: Revived? How?

Raiden: By me. Calm down. Everything will be explained in due time.

(Taking a moment Liu Kang first notices Raiden’s new look)

Liu Kang: Say... when did you start wearing black Raiden?

Raiden: Never mind that.

(Raiden motions for Liu Kang to follow him. Confused and curious, Liu Kang does so. They traverse the mountains where Raiden has explained to Liu Kang everything that has happened.)

Raiden: Shujinko now plans to defeat the Dragon King.

Liu Kang: I see. So what do you have planned?

Raiden: (he pauses, but then he speaks) We will find Shujinko and we will make him pay for what he has done...

Liu Kang: (shocked) What?

Raiden: Shujinko’s stupidity has put Earth in grave danger. He must pay for his crime. Those who place Earthrealm in danger will pay with their lives.

Liu Kang: But that’s murder!

Raiden: Perhaps. But it is necessary.

Liu Kang: I.... I won’t have any part in this!

Raiden: What? What are you talking about? You are the Champion of Mortal Kombat! You have a responsibility to defend the Earth!

Liu Kang: But not kill the innocent!

Raiden: Innocent? Shujinko is far from innocent! His actions are no better than Onaga himself! Liu Kang! You are either with me or against me!

Liu Kang: Then I am against you.

Raiden: So be it!

(Raiden shoots lightning at Liu Kang, who barely dodges out of the way in time. Raiden comes at Liu Kang and thrashes him a bit knocking Liu Kang to the ground. Eventually Raiden throws Liu Kang off the cliff. Raiden takes a look down and sees no sign of Liu Kang.)

Raiden: So much for your resurrection...

(With that Raiden disappears, however Liu Kang climbs back up after he leaves...)

Kung Lao

Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good
Allies: Liu Kang, Kitana, Raiden, Johnny Cage, Sonya, Jax, Bo’ Rai Cho
Foes: Goro, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Shao Kahn, Onaga

(His intro starts with him in the Living Forest where he sees Ermac walking with Liu Kang’s spirit. Without a moment’s hesitation. He sends his hat at Liu Kang, which of course goes right through him, the two turn their attention to Kung Lao, who’s hat returns to him)

Liu Kang: Kung Lao!

(Kung Lao leaps down)

Kung Lao: You are trespassing on Lord Onaga’s land. Leave now or die!

Ermac: We will defeat you.

Kung Lao: So be it.

(Kung Lao charges at Ermac, who blocks his attack, the two spar until Ermac gets Kung Lao into a hold)

Ermac: We have him! Now Liu Kang!

(Kung Lao looks up where he sees Liu Kang’s eyes glow green and suddenly he shoots energy from his eyes into Kung Lao’s. Eventually it subsides and Ermac releases Kung Lao. A bit dazed, he stands up. When his vision becomes clear, he sees Liu Kang’s spirit standing before him.)

Kung Lao: (His eyes get a little misty) Liu Kang?

Liu Kang: (smiles)

Kung Lao: I thought you were...

Liu Kang: I am... I’m just not exactly myself you could say...

(The two do whatever it was Liu Kang did when he saw his brother’s spirit at the end of the first movie. ^^; I have no idea what it was.)

Kung Lao: (ashamed) I’m sorry... Liu Kang... I failed to avenge you...

Liu Kang: Don’t be... Shang Tsung is dead. We must free our friends.

Kung Lao: Yeah... they’re probably still at Onaga’s palace. (He sighs) Tell you the truth, I just want to retire. I mean, why does something always happen that keeps me from doing that? It’s kind of annoying...

Liu Kang: Well tell you what. After this, you can retire. Me, I’ll probably go up to the Heavens, but we’ll see... but for now....

Kung Lao: Yeah, I think I can fight one more battle...

Ermac: We must go then...

(Later, Kung Lao travels a little further ahead than Ermac who is inspecting the area, down in the ravine, Kung Lao can’t believe his eyes. Shao Kahn and Goro are standing below.)

Goro: My lord, I have made contact with my people, they will be here shortly.

Shao Kahn: You serve me well Goro. Soon, Outworld will be mine once again...

(Kung Lao watches this with both surprise and disgust, he flashes back to his handshake with Goro at the end of Mortal Kombat Gold. Suddenly his face is overcome with anger and he clenches his fist...)

12/20/2005 04:48 AM (UTC)

I think the intro was pretty well done. I don't think Onaga should've just let Shujinko go as you'd think he'd be a nuisance to him. I think that instead of just letting him escape, Shujinko would do something to give himself the time needed to retreat and gain help.

Liu Kang

I think it's ok. There are some things I would like to note.

-First off, I noticed you said "Instead the Shaolin Temples...". I think you need to change instead to inside and maybe temples to temple.

-I think Liu Kang should've said something different when noticing Raiden's new look.

-Raiden shouldn't have told Liu Kang of his motives for Shujinko so soon. Instead, he should be talking to Liu Kang about Onaga and coming up with a plan to take him down.

Kung Lao

I like this one more than Liu Kang's. There are a couple of things or so I feel I should note.

-I think you should take out the word "spar" in the part in which you talk about Kung Lao and Ermac grappling each other. They aren't sparring at all.

-I think Kung Lao talking about his desire to retire shouldn't be there, because I think it should be brought up a bit later, but more so, he should already know of the threat of Onaga and be willing to help despite not wanting to fight.

I guess that's all for now.
Noob Saibot

Origin: Netherrealm
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Frost, Brotherhood of Shadow
Foes: Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Ashrah

(In the Netherrealm, Noob Saibot and Smoke begin constructing new cyborgs while Sub-Zero hides from view. Smoke sees him, quickly disappearing, he catches Sub-Zero off guard and gets him into a hold. Noob turns around in curiosity to see Smoke holding Sub-Zero)

Sub-Zero: Smoke! What are you doing!

Noob Saibot: Wait… I know you… (realizes who he is…) are you…? It has to be!

Sub-Zero: What the hell are you talking about?

Noob Saibot: (he laughs a bit) It’s been a while hasn’t it… little brother?

Sub-Zero: WHAT?

Noob Saibot: There’s still a bit of a resemblance between us. Hmm, anyway it doesn’t really matter does it?

Sub-Zero: Why did you call me brother?

Noob Saibot: (laughs) You mean you don’t know? (Inspects him) You have carried on the Sub-Zero legacy quite well. You’re far more powerful than I was during my time as a Lin Kuei.

Sub-Zero: WHAT? You mean…

Noob Saibot: Yes… I am your older brother.

(Sub-Zero is at a loss for words, it takes some time for him to find the words to speak)

Sub-Zero: But… but… Raiden told me Scorpion killed you!

Noob Saibot: Yes, but I also killed Scorpion did I not? If he could still exist beyond death then so could I.

Sub-Zero: How?

Noob Saibot: Thanks to Shinnok and Quan Chi of course. They gave me a new body.

Sub-Zero: Quan Chi? But you…

Noob Saibot: Amazing isn’t it? Those who were once your enemies can sometimes become your allies.

Sub-Zero: Brother… why are you doing this? What…?

Noob Saibot: You always were naà ̄ve… why do you think Father choose me? Because I was destined for something much greater than what our mother would’ve offered us. Ironically, I did not realize this destiny until after my death. I owe Scorpion some gratitude really.

Sub-Zero: You killed him in cold blood!

Noob Saibot: What would you have done then? What if you were in my place that night when I killed Scorpion? Would you have been any different?

Sub-Zero: I respected you brother… but now you’ve become the very thing you once fought against! You disgust me!

Noob Saibot: (he ignores this comment and walks forward) Smoke, assist me in killing him.

Sub-Zero: What?

Noob Saibot: This will be my first act as ruler of the Netherrealm.

Sub-Zero: You’re insane! You want to rule this place? A dead realm?

Noob Saibot: (ignores him, but suddenly Smoke stops) What is it Smoke?

Smoke: Mal… mal…

Noob Saibot: What?

Smoke: Malfunction…malfunction (he starts yelling in pain as he drops to his knees, Sub-Zero is able to get free. Suddenly a few more flashes of light, Smoke falls to the ground, deactivated. Sub-Zero gives a stunned reaction.)

Noob Saibot: Hmm… I guess I didn’t take away all of that robot’s free will. What a waste.

(Sub-Zero gets up and starts to attack Noob. However Noob easily throws him off and strikes him twice knocking him to his knee.)

Noob Saibot: I always was the better fighter. (They both prepare to continue the battle, however an unknown figure appears suddenly, they both turn to see Ashrah standing there, who draws her kriss.)

Ashrah: (To Sub-Zero) You had best leave. (She turns to Noob, Sub-Zero gives a slight nod and runs off, but not without picking up Smoke’s lifeless body, Ashrah and Noob fix each other down…)


Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Neutral
Allies: The Elder Gods, Sub-Zero
Foes: Quan Chi, Noob Saibot, Moloch and Drahmin

(Scorpion stands on top of a cliff in Outworld, in deep thought… we see a house in rural Japan, inside we a beautiful wife and a young child, who’s gender is unknown. We see this from Scorpion’s eyes as he walks into the house, looking at his beautiful wife, suddenly a large blast breaks open the door and we see a shadowy figure enter the room. Laughing as he does so, he shoots two skulls at Scorpion’s wife and child. Scorpion’s head turns where he sees his wife and child struck by them. Scorpion lets out a yell of horror and reaches for his wife, however he can only look into her eyes as she dies. Scorpion turns his head, where he sees Quan Chi walking towards him, laughing as he does so. Suddenly Quan Chi transforms into… the older Sub-Zero, who reaches down, grabs Scorpion’s throat and you can hear a horrible tear as Scorpion’s view goes up much higher…)

Scorpion: (snaps out of it) The same dream… again…

(Scorpion turns to leave, but then he sees a black ninja standing in front of him, Noob Saibot)

Noob Saibot: I’ve finally found you… we meet again… Scorpion.

Scorpion: (not sure what to make of this) Just who the hell are you…?

Noob Saibot: Come now… surely you remember your old ally?

Scorpion: Ally…? (remembers) Yes, I did see with Shinnok all those years ago. I don’t know your name and quite frankly I don’t care and unless you have anything I’d want to know, get out of my way.

Noob Saibot: (laughs) Yes, I remember seeing you there as well. You were the only who didn’t follow Shinnok’s orders.

Scorpion: No one tells me what to do. I do things my way, even when I’m working for somebody else.

Noob Saibot: (chuckles) You haven’t changed a bit. You’re still a stubborn bastard.

Scorpion: What?

Noob Saibot: Come now… we met before then… you remember… on Shang Tsung’s island at the tournament…?

Scorpion: (eyes widen in shock)

Noob Saibot: Yes, I am the man you killed. I am the Sub-Zero who took your life!

Scorpion: What? How the…? (confused Scorpion takes a few steps back)

Noob Saibot: It was rather amusing, after my death at your hand… I became what you see before you by Quan Chi and Shinnok… while you went off to chase my little brother, I became a loyal servant for them. Watching you constantly be manipulated by the sorcerer was very amusing actually.

Scorpion: (clearly angry, Scorpion prepares to attack)

Noob Saibot: I did not come to fight Scorpion, I merely wish to make you an offer…

Scorpion: Sub-Zero…

Noob Saibot: My name is no longer Sub-Zero. I am now Noob Saibot!

Scorpion: (taken aback) How the hell did you get a stupid name like that?

Noob Saibot: (ignores this comment) You are a specter, I am a wraith. That is where our differences end… you should join my new army Scorpion… we are both hellspawn warriors, we are both evenly matched… I was an assassin, you were an assassin albeit of different clans. I killed you, you killed me. We are the same Scorpion… join me and we will conquer all! We will rule the Netherrealm!

Scorpion: (shocked, but then angered) You really are insane.

Noob Saibot: You created me!

Scorpion: And now I wish I didn’t! If I was the one who created you… then I must be the one to destroy you! We will fight one last time wraith and it will be the last!

Noob Saibot: So be it. But you had your chance. (shakes his head) Decided to play the hero eh? Well… that’s a first. I can’t say I see a hellspawn being a “good guyâ€?.

Scorpion: I’m not exactly a good guy either…

Noob Saibot: Well we agree on something at least…

Scorpion: You did not kill my family… if I had known then, you would not be what you are today… I…

Noob Saibot: Save the challenge for later… I wish to see your face when you watch my army conquer all and I, I will become the supreme ruler of all realms, even the Elder Gods will fear me!

Scorpion: You’re just like Quan Chi.

Noob Saibot: Well, I’m not like you. (he jumps away to form a clear distance between them) Unlike you… I’m proud of what I’ve come to be… I really ought to thank you.

Scorpion: You’re not going anywhere… (launches spear)

Noob Saibot: (jumps through a portal before the spear hits.)

Scorpion: (recalls spear) Damn…

(Scorpion goes into deep thought, a look of guilt on his face, finally he resolves himself)

Scorpion: I’m not sure if the Elder Gods will like it, but I can’t ignore this… (looks up and sees a mystical portal to the distance which the player would recognize as the one Shang Tsung and Quan Chi used in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance)

Before anyone says so... yes Scorpion did fight a representation (or an image I forget) of his worst enemy, I don't know if that would be Noob or Quan Chi but he won, ok I'll just put that to rest... he won.
12/21/2005 04:32 AM (UTC)
I think they're both pretty good. I don't think Noob should say he wants to rule all the realms.
12/21/2005 12:17 PM (UTC)
I really liked reading your intro ideas. Specially the whole flashbacks of how the heroes were defeated. Good job!

As for the bios, they are pretty cool. Keep writting.
OK here is the current list of characters so far... (The only problem is I suck with creating new ones...)

Playable from the start:

Liu Kang
Kung Lao
Johnny Cage
Noob Saibot
Quan Chi
Shang Tsung
(Um I guess that's it for now, more later)

Secret Characters:
Raiden (He's also the sub-boss of the game)
Shao Kahn

Possible characters:

Characters who won't appear
Reptile (only because it's impossible)
Hsu Hao

I'm missing characters, but if you encourage me to use them I might. grin
12/22/2005 07:18 PM (UTC)
Hmm, that's a pretty good list you got there. Like I said to you before, I would like to see Dairou in there, especially since you're going to have Darrius.
12/22/2005 07:40 PM (UTC)
The ideas are good, except the dialog needs work, its was bit corny. Plus you can't have them revieling to much to each other. We need the mystery!

This is the only thing i disagree

Noob Saibot: I always was the better fighter. (They both prepare to continue the battle, however an unknown figure appears suddenly, they both turn to see Ashrah standing there, who draws her kriss.)

Ashrah: (To Sub-Zero) You had best leave. (She turns to Noob, Sub-Zero gives a slight nod and runs off, but not without picking up Smoke’s lifeless body, Ashrah and Noob fix each other down...)

I'd like to think that Subzero would tell Ashrah to piss off, this is his fight!
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