My lame idea
posted10/20/2007 10:59 PM (UTC)by
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I need a new sig, something with Kabal from UMK3 would be sweet. Just imagine that here
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04/01/2007 07:32 PM (UTC)
Since everyone else is posting their ideas for future Mk storylines, i've decided to throw my retarded hat in the ring.

The whole "end of the world" plot has been done to death in Mortal Kombat games. So I was sitting in geography class this morning and wondering what religion the characters from MK worship, then I thought, "hey, they worship the elder gods, there's no name for their religion".

So I gave it a name, "Gaianism"-meaning, "Belief in the living body". so then I though, "This can't be the only religion in the entire Mk universe, there must be more, there must be a competing religion." So then I thought of a name for a universalizing religion. I named it "Animism".

Then I created a small, non-specific, storyline:

"With all the major threats defeated, Earth is finally at peace. The Shaolin order return to their temple to live, train, worship; in relative safety. A few years pass and followers of a spreading religion, animism, slowly become more frequent in the land of Gaianism. At first the two factions are able to live together, with out confrontation. in fact, some shaolin monks even convert to animism.

when it is found out that some monks are converting, the grandmasters expelles said monks. Their reasoning: The Shaolin order is based upon Gaianistic beliefs***, and therefore can only be practiced by true Gaianists. The explusion of monks with animistic beliefs soon causes an upraor in the animist community. And Animists begin discriminating against Gaians; Animist stores do not sell to Gaianists, so on and so forth.

A strong animosity between the two religions grows, to the point where, the two simply cannot live together. Neither will leave the region in question, so a tournament is proposed; the two factions chooses their finest warriors to compete. The rules are based on the rules of the mortal Kombat tournament, and therefore the tournament in inaccuratly dubbed "Mortal Kombat". "

***Not the real-life Shaolin order.

Anyway, I figured I add places for some old MK characters later on, like Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Fujin, Raiden, Johnny Cage, etc. pretty much all the Earthrealm warriors.

Please rate on a scale of 10.

10/17/2007 01:39 AM (UTC)
It's different, I'll say that.

Isn't animism something that Native Americans believe in? The Shinto religion is similar to that.

I'm sure that different characters in MK follow different religions. For example, I could see the more American characters like Sonya, Jax, and Stryker being Christians. I could kind of see Sub-Zero being somewhat of a Taoist (or at least following certain Taoist ideas). The Shaolin monks follow Shaolin Chan Buddhism, btw.

Although you're not basing this off of real Shaolin beliefs, it's still a bit weird to have this whole uproar thing and have Shaolin monks converting to another religion. The thing is, Chan Buddhism absorbs influences from Taoism and Confucianism. There are many different forms of Buddhism, because the Mahayana (greater vehicle) types of Buddhism have that flexibility that other religions don't really have.

I'm not really going to give a rating for this, but I hope you do think about what I said.
10/17/2007 02:08 AM (UTC)
Here’s a tip, have confidence in what you say. If you say it’s lame and retarded, most people won’t even bother looking at what it is.

I’m not trying to ridicule, just trying to help.

As for the idea, it’s interesting, but I don’t think it would fit well within the MK world. Too many real life wars and conflicts are fought over similar issues.
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Fatalities don't kill people, CHUCK NORRIS KILLS PEOPLE!!!

10/17/2007 02:13 AM (UTC)
I think MKA wasn't about the end of the world, regardless of the name. I think it is simply about how destructive the game actually is, compared to the older games, where it was about killing people. But, that is just my oppinion...
About Me
I need a new sig, something with Kabal from UMK3 would be sweet. Just imagine that here
10/17/2007 04:34 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
It's different, I'll say that.

Isn't animism something that Native Americans believe in? The Shinto religion is similar to that.

I'm sure that different characters in MK follow different religions. For example, I could see the more American characters like Sonya, Jax, and Stryker being Christians. I could kind of see Sub-Zero being somewhat of a Taoist (or at least following certain Taoist ideas). The Shaolin monks follow Shaolin Chan Buddhism, btw.

Although you're not basing this off of real Shaolin beliefs, it's still a bit weird to have this whole uproar thing and have Shaolin monks converting to another religion. The thing is, Chan Buddhism absorbs influences from Taoism and Confucianism. There are many different forms of Buddhism, because the Mahayana (greater vehicle) types of Buddhism have that flexibility that other religions don't really have.

I'm not really going to give a rating for this, but I hope you do think about what I said.

Yea, it's tricky to stick a fictitious religion to a people based on a real life group. That's why I'm so "unconfident" as someone above me said. Damn, I didn't thik that animist would be a real religion, it's a turn that describes spiritual religions, that's why I chose it.

Not neccisarily this story, but I do thik it would be interesting if the next Mk got into the religion aspect of being a shaolin monk. it isn't all fists and fatalities, you know.

Anyway, Thanks for the feedback, guys. It means alot to me.
10/18/2007 05:05 PM (UTC)
i read the first 2 paragraphs and i alredy give it 2
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10/20/2007 10:59 PM (UTC)
Change the name of the forum man to awesome ass idea haha its not lame dude, For the idea since its a new game that got alot to worry about story, characters, new ideas, and so on. So i dont think religion will play a role at all but good i dea got my ass thinking, but yea come up with something else and a better forum name goodluck.
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