My ideas for future MK titles.
posted12/19/2011 10:29 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/08/2011 09:55 PM (UTC)
I was thinking about the end events of Mortal Kombat 10. How half of the good guys die, and how so much has happen, now obviously Shinnok is going to invade, now I believe the good guys who died will still be playable, because if you think back, Quan-Chi owns their souls, they will more thn likely be fighting on the Netherrelms side in the invasion unless Raiden somehow finds a way to free them. And if you think about it, since Shinnok is invading? that means MK4 is still taking affect. Shao Kahn still stole the throne from Onaga, so MK6 can still happen, Shang Tsung and Quan-Chi are still aive and just as evil as they were so MK5 still has a good chance of happening. Maybe we will see some older characters from the later timeline in the series? people like Kira and Shujinko and etc.

Also I wanted to say this too, I was a huge fan of Deception's onquest mode, I absolutely loved it, the feel of it and everything was awesome but it was just too short, i find myself playing it again at least once a year (with unchained, the psp version of Deception). Wouldn't it be amazing i they brought back the Konquest play style from Deception in the next title? Don't get me wrong though i loved how MK9's Story mode played out, it was great, but I miss the feel of the older ones, But here is another question... What do you guys think of the fighting style? Think they should stay how MK9 has it? or should they make a new system for nowaday consoles of the weapon and two fighting styles gameplay?

There are all of these ideas and questions, I know that Ed Moon said something about bringing a good amount of all new characters into the series now, and also Liu Kang might be brought back aagin the same way he was in 6, since Raiden did take his body at the end. But these are just ideas. Anyways.. opinions? >:3 also, I REALLY want deceptions events to take place still.
12/08/2011 10:56 PM (UTC)
Firstly, I like MK:D's Konquest mode, and would welcome it back with open arms. However, the fighting styles/weapon system was dumb, and shouldn't come back. MKvsDC/MK9 got it right. It'd be nice if they'd add more to stances midst fighting styles (like Sonya's military stance, Deathstroke's sword stance, Freddy's nightmare stance, and Sektor's leg lift.)

Now onto the bigger topic:
Several months ago, Boon had tweeted that the next game would not be like a re-telling of MK4. I'd assume, if that's true (which it probably is), the chance of having Deception/Deadly Alliance re-occurring is pretty slim. It's 99.99% likely MK10 is going to entail Shinnok's invasion, with assistance from Quan Chi, and some back-stabbing here-and-there, but probably plenty of new plot points overall.
Also, don't forget, (I think) there is (or was) a good amount of time between MK1, MK4, and MK:DA. I think there are/were 5 years in between MK1 and MK4, and another 5 between MK4 and MK:DA. QC was getting stalked by Scorpion all throughout the Netherrealm for years, until he escaped and found the tomb of Onaga's army. There's definitely a 10-year gap between MK1 and MK:DA (story-wise.)
That's plenty of time for more changes to occur, and alter future events from what they previously could/would have been. (What span of time did MK9's story mode take... a few days? A week? I don't really know... maybe since that portion of time has been so drastically altered, the invasion may come a lot sooner...)
Frankly, I'm so confused about the time frame now, my head hurts just thinking about it...
As for DA-D, there's some major plot issues already.

First of all, Shang hates Quan Chi (and vice versa) with a passion (though, it's safe to assume they never liked each other anyway), Quan Chi now can control souls (so he doesn't need Shang anymore), Shang Tsung is dead (for the moment), and somehow Quan Chi has already discovered the runes he copied onto his skin so as to awaken Onaga's army (which happened after MK4.)
(Edit: I feel kind of dumb for just realizing this, but if Quan Chi posseses Sindel's soul, shouldn't he also possess Shang Tsung's soul? Wonder if that will affect anything..)
That alone means that Deadly Alliance is (probably) never going to happen again (or at least in the same fashion), and Deadly Alliance is immediately followed by Deception. (If it were to happen, I guess Onaga could still track down QC for the amulet (that is, if QC is still alive after MK10), but that seems kind of cheap.
So, if you're looking for a re-telling, not so good of a chance.

However, Shujinko started his quest for Damashi/Onaga 40 to 50-ish years before MK1 even begins, so it's safe to assume he might return whether Deception unfolds again or not.

Characters tied into MK4, like Tanya, Reiko, and Fujin will probably be back. Hell, maybe Kai will be back, with an actual personality(!) wow , since both Liu Kang and Kung Lao are dead. However, I'm pretty sure Kai was recruited after MK3, and with Liu dead, who's going to go to America to recruit him?
Characters from DA can be a little troublesome, as I don't know what span of time (or even place in time) the next game will occur.
With Subz dead, Frost may return eventually as a member of the Lin Kuei (under Sektor's command, possibly.)
However, she was probably 18-24 (at most) during MK:DA, which would make her a bit young to appear in the MK4 era.
Li Mei will probably return sometime later due to her semi-decent fanbase, and fairly interesting storyline (though she has heavy ties to DA (and she's also young (for Outworlders) during MK:DA), which would need some tweaking...) Also, Bo' Rai Cho will most likely be back, as will Havik, as they both appear in MK9 endings (as did Fujin), so NRS hasn't forgotten them.
As for the new Black Dragon members like Kobra and Kira, I don't really know, as Kabal was still good (though dead, and being controlled) at the end of story mode.
That makes it hard 1.) for Mavado to hunt him down and leave him for dead 2.) for Havik to save his life, and recruit him to spread chaos 3.) for him to follow Havik's instructions, return to his evil ways, and recruit Kobra and Kira.

Logically, both Kobra and Kira should already be alive, though young, but I don't know if they'll be re-introduced the same way. I'm sure if they do come back, they'll still be thugs. Maybe, Kano will recruit them.
Overall, I think it's safe to assume that these characters have a fair -to-good chance of returning, come MK10 (not including dead heroes): Scorps, Reptile, Baraka, Mileena, QC, Rain, Tanya, Shinnok, Kenshi, Reiko, Havik, Bo' Rai Cho, Kano, Sonya, JC, Cyrax, Sektor, Skarlet, Sareena, Ashrah (questionable), Ermac, Kai, Raiden, and Sheeva. (I would've said Shujinko and Noob, but Shujinko was imprisoned during MK4, and Noob is presumably 'dead' due to being sucked into the soulnado) That's 24 established characters who have a decent chance of returning (based off of what little we know...)
Anyhow, sorry for the huge book report here, but it felt cathartic. smile
12/09/2011 04:51 AM (UTC)
I doubt that we will see the events of 4 thru Armageddon. MK 2011 ended in a cliffhanger concerning Shinnock's plans to invade Earthrealm and Outworld, so 10 should pick up there unless the story is twisted and Quan Chi turns on Shinnock and takes the Neatherrealm for himself and invades the two realms.

I also think that some post MK 3 characters should return. I can imagine Kai having a similar look to SC Zasalamel. He problably will replace Liu Kang. Tanya may return to contrast mileena. Kenshi will be back and so will Rain and Skarlett. Fujin may step in for Raiden. Havik and Hotaru should come back as well and Mavado.
12/09/2011 09:35 AM (UTC)

I think it's safe to assume that these characters have a fair -to-good chance of returning, come MK10 (not including dead heroes): Scorps, Reptile, Baraka, Mileena, QC, Rain, Tanya, Shinnok, Kenshi, Reiko, Havik, Bo' Rai Cho, Kano, Sonya, JC, Cyrax, Sektor, Skarlet, Sareena, Ashrah (questionable), Ermac, Kai, Raiden, and Sheeva. (I would've said Shujinko and Noob, but Shujinko was imprisoned during MK4, and Noob is presumably 'dead' due to being sucked into the soulnado) That's 24 established characters who have a decent chance of returning (based off of what little we know...)

I hope that's not the returning roster...because some the characters need drastic revamping in their characters such as Sareena, Ashrah, Skarlett, Reiko, Havik, Bo Rai Cho, Shinnok, Tanya and Mileena. And how could you not have Sub-Zero in the next game. I know Sub-Zero fans would make a huge uproar if he ended up not being in the next game being as he's one of if not the most popular character in the game. That would be outright stupid not to include his character in the next game. If I had any type of influence of what characters would return to MK10 it would be as follows:

Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Kano, Sonya Blade,
Reptile, Baraka, Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, Kenshi, Stryker, Kabal, Rain, Kai, Kitana, Jax, Smoke, Jade, Kung Lao, Fujin, Frost, Sindel, Shinnok, Shao Kahn, Kintaro and Goro. (They would all have an expanded moveset with at least 9 moves and be revamped.) I would make Cyrax and Sektor human, and then I would make Noob transform into "Nightshade" while Mileena would change her name to "Ravish". Ermac would change his name to "Kollage" since he's supposed to the fusion of various souls. And finally, I would make Bo' Rai Cho younger and in better shape instead of being obese and fat. This would make him harder to fight with as a character.

Then I would also include brand new characters such as new Kunoichi ninja characters and a variety of other characters that would serve as impactful characters in the video game. Each character would have at least 9 specialty moves, a personality, and their own motivation in entering the tournament. Some could be introduced as hidden characters or unlockable characters as well. But look at MvC3, they have a variety of characters. I think MK should do the same and offer up more characters if they have the potential to be impactful towards the game in terms of the gameplay and their movesets.

12/09/2011 05:27 PM (UTC)
Esoteric Wrote:
I hope that's not the returning roster...because some the characters need drastic revamping in their characters such as Sareena, Ashrah, Skarlett, Reiko, Havik, Bo Rai Cho, Shinnok, Tanya and Mileena. And how could you not have Sub-Zero in the next game. I know Sub-Zero fans would make a huge uproar if he ended up not being in the next game being as he's one of if not the most popular character in the game. That would be outright stupid not to include his character in the next game.

I said "Not Including dead heroes," as I'm sure some of them (like Subz) will be back (and playable) in one way or another, no matter how dumb that may be. However, most of the dead heroes better not be back as if nothing ever happened.

You think they're just going to put characters like Sareena, Reiko, Havik, et al back just like they were before? Of course they'll revamp characters!!!
Look what they did to Stryker. They turned one of the most picked-on MK characters into a complete badass. Also, Kabal and Nightwolf got major improvements.

There's a high probability that there will be new characters, so I feel no need to make any up at the moment. Also, I really don't understand the point about changing characters' names.
Anyways, this thread has more to do with whether MK:D will occur again, and if characters from DA-D have a chance of making an appearance later (post MK10.) It's not really about roster guesses or character ideas for MK10.
12/12/2011 07:28 AM (UTC)
I hope so, I just don't want MK to turn into another MK4 or with characters with corny gameplay in the video game with recycled moves from other characters. I think that would prove to be wasteful if a new/old character is introduced/reintroduced and they have similar moves to established characters. Examples would be Sub-Zero's slide/Reptile's slime slide/Noob's shadow slide, Mileena's Telekick/Scarlet's teleport.

12/16/2011 12:59 PM (UTC)
I'm not sure MK4 to MKA will ever happen. The characters? I guess most of them will if only to give some bad storylines a second chance. But with the DLC and the new direction the franchise seems to be taking, i don't think that their timeline matters much.

I believe Shinnok will still try to invade, but there will be change characterwise and if not, we could even be provided with an whole new boss and new plot/story.
12/18/2011 04:56 AM (UTC)
Of course it should start with Shinnok invading, but I'm thinking Quan Chi should backstab him. I mean, he would. And Scorpion could probably learn the truth and backstab HIM. With most of the good guys dead, I'd give Kai a chance like everyone's been saying. He couls be personally trained by Raiden and probably gain an actual personality and become an overall good character. Also, Fujin, and maybe some new gods as characters. And completely new good guys. Pefect opportunity to have new good guys. Maybe some new SF agents?
12/19/2011 10:29 PM (UTC)
Only my opinion but there are already cool chars that have potential as good guys and their story wasn't developped that much due to MKA and the PS3 generation. I guess having the MK4 and later roster back along with 2 or 3 new chars would be better. Off course chars like Raiden and Scorpion will be back.
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