10/04/2014 06:24 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
the same outfit (because it would be really freaking weird for Quan Chi or whoever to randomly give a bunch of undead folks new clothes to wear.)

You would think that...but don't forget, when she was captured in MK9, between the scene where she's tied up in the tower and the scene where she's chained up in the arena, Sheeva or Kahn or somebody DID in fact change her clothes into a skimpier outfit for no good reason.

And even after she gets free, she continues to wear that outfit for the rest of the game.
10/04/2014 07:45 AM (UTC)

If Kitana and Jade and Sindel appear in MKX then they should have new costumes, similar to their MK9 costumes but new and different. Also if they are in fact slaves to Quan Chi now, then they shouldn't be just brain dead henchmen. They should be conscious and aware that they are trapped with Quan Chi against their will. Kinda like how Kitana was portrayed in the Mortal Kombat movie. She knew that Shang Tsung and co were her enemies and they knew she was their enemy, but she was still part of Shang's court and hung around his island very nonchalantly. They respected her status as Shao Kahn's daughter. Even the shadow priests at the end of the movie obey her commands after she defected to the good side. I think Kitana, Jade, and Sindel should be treated the same way in MKX. Quan should respect their status before they came to the Netherrealm and treat them better than the others.

That's just my opinion though.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

10/07/2014 09:55 PM (UTC)
I just really hope if Kitana makes the cut that she'll definitely be evil and controlled by Quan Chi. Sure she was "possessed" in deception but I'd love to have the chance to truly control and play as the evil Princess.

That part in the Quan Chi trailer about him still having some of the heroes as slaves gives me hope we might get Dark Kitana.
10/07/2014 10:15 PM (UTC)
Asking for another character under the label of "Kitana omg yay" is just plain pathetic. And I think it's enough proof that she's gotta stay dead.
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