My Armageddon Storyline
posted12/23/2005 04:40 PM (UTC)by
About Me

I swear on my soul, that the Tekunin, will leave no survivers, good or evil! All because of you i lost my soul and my human body. I will be human again!!!And with a barrage of missles, Sektor had slain Shao Kahn for good and took his rightful place as King of all the realms..... until the next tournament.

Member Since
09/17/2005 11:07 PM (UTC)
(We leave off with Quan chi fleeing Raiden's blast at Onaga.)

Quan chi: (Panting heavily) I barely made it out alive. I should wait in hiding until this new more powerful foe is defeated.(Quan chi makes a portal to Shao Khan's fortress where he finds Shao Khan and Motaro wounded after his and Shang Tsung's last attack. Knowing they would terminate him on sight, he swiftly and stealthly attack them, Motaro being first. He climbed the walls and landed on Motaro's back then snapping his neck. Then using Motaro's tail he impaled Shao Khan through the heart. Then he accended on Onaga's palace just in time to watch Onaga's side prevail as Li Mei betrayed her former comrades. Thinking this would be the perfect time, he immeadiatly revealed himself to Onaga and swore his loyalty. Onaga excepted generously, not knowing of his soon betrayal. The trio of power decided to throw another tournament. And if the evil side prevailed it would be.....Armageddon.
12/22/2005 12:02 AM (UTC)
I think it should be noted Motaro was killed by Sheeva and it was revealed in Gamecube's Deception the Shao Kahn Quan Chi and Shang Tsung killed was really a decoy clone. The real Shao Kahn is hiding out in Outworld.

More importantly, why reveal Motaro and "Kahn" were merely wounded when they're immediatly killed off again? Why not just leave them dead and jump to Quan Chi and Onaga.
On that subject, I'm not keen on Quan Chi immediatly whoring himself to Onaga. That sort of thing has been done to death IMO, and I think he can do better/more interesting things. And I also don't think Onaga would be so gullible as to trust Quan Chi so quickly.

And why a tournament? From the sound of your story, Onaga is all powerful and can conquer the realms whenever he why bother with a tournament? If Onaga's going to hold a tournament, you should give reason cause right now it seems like he's throwing one for the hell of it.

Nice effort, but I think you should drop Quan Chi's little fight with Motaro and Kahn, develope a reason/purpose for Onaga's tournament, and give Quan Chi something better to do.
About Me

I swear on my soul, that the Tekunin, will leave no survivers, good or evil! All because of you i lost my soul and my human body. I will be human again!!!And with a barrage of missles, Sektor had slain Shao Kahn for good and took his rightful place as King of all the realms..... until the next tournament.

12/22/2005 06:39 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
I think it should be noted Motaro was killed by Sheeva and it was revealed in Gamecube's Deception the Shao Kahn Quan Chi and Shang Tsung killed was really a decoy clone. The real Shao Kahn is hiding out in Outworld.

More importantly, why reveal Motaro and "Kahn" were merely wounded when they're immediatly killed off again? Why not just leave them dead and jump to Quan Chi and Onaga.
On that subject, I'm not keen on Quan Chi immediatly whoring himself to Onaga. That sort of thing has been done to death IMO, and I think he can do better/more interesting things. And I also don't think Onaga would be so gullible as to trust Quan Chi so quickly.

And why a tournament? From the sound of your story, Onaga is all powerful and can conquer the realms whenever he why bother with a tournament? If Onaga's going to hold a tournament, you should give reason cause right now it seems like he's throwing one for the hell of it.

Nice effort, but I think you should drop Quan Chi's little fight with Motaro and Kahn, develope a reason/purpose for Onaga's tournament, and give Quan Chi something better to do.

hmm.... ok then what about this little branch off of the story from Subzero's point of view.

After his lost of the last tournament, he felt betrayed by the woman he called friend. And he plotted for a way to invade Onaga's lair just to see Li Mei die by his hands. But little did he know Li Mei was plotting an attack on the Lin Kuei temple as well. He was caught by surprise and almost lost his life but fled at the last minute. Upon his return he saw something frightening, Frost had been unfrozen and gone. He knew of their connection a couple of tournaments back and knew that Li Mei had to of took her. Knowing of her vedetta against him, he called onhis only hope of survival, but he was in the Netherealm. He happened upon him training but didnt want to disturb. It was Scorpion, the champion of the elder gods. He knew only their combined power would aid his konquest in killing Li Mei. Scorpion agreed but with suspicious means. They soon recuited all of Earth's warriors. Liu Kang, Jax, Sonya, Kabal, Striker, Johnny Cage, Cyrax, Ermac,and even Smoke. But Onaga had a few tricks up his sleeve, with a few recuits of his own. Noob Saibot, Millena, Baraka, Reptile, Rain, Mavado, Kira, Kano, and even Raiden has bent to the will of these tyrants. It's good, Scorpion, Subzero, and Liu Kang, versus evil, Onaga, Li Mei, and Frost. Who will win? Lets hope good because if evil wins its.......Armageddon!
12/22/2005 06:57 PM (UTC)
Last tournament? What last tournament?

Sub-Zero is trying to find a way back to Earthrealm. As far as we know, Li Mei knows nothing about the Lin Kuei as she is from Outworld and the Lin Kuei is a clan in Earthrealm. Why would Scorpion be in the Netherrealm? He's currently trying to hunt down Onaga.

Your line up of the "good guys" vs. "bad guys" makes no sense.

Look, if you're going to try to make a logical storyline, you should actually learn the storyline, because you don't. It's fact.
12/22/2005 07:07 PM (UTC)
Take Subzero the 7th's advice and go study up on the mk storyline. Thats why theres the internet! wink
12/22/2005 07:13 PM (UTC)
Here is something that can greatly help:

That's the most accurate MK Plot Guide that I know of. Now, the Goro and Shao Kahn bits for MKD weren't put in and there are some tidbits I disagree with like Shang Tsung being a Tarkatan. However, it's pretty damn accurate and informative overall.
About Me

I swear on my soul, that the Tekunin, will leave no survivers, good or evil! All because of you i lost my soul and my human body. I will be human again!!!And with a barrage of missles, Sektor had slain Shao Kahn for good and took his rightful place as King of all the realms..... until the next tournament.

12/23/2005 04:32 PM (UTC)
i appreciate it but are someof you still convinced that MKDA wasnt a tournamen? Bcuz it was.
12/23/2005 04:40 PM (UTC)
Yes and no.

During MK:DA, Quan Chi and Shang Tsung held a tournament to find the strongest soul to use for the Dragon King's army. Li Mei was the only character confirmed to have participated.
Most of the other characters were doing their own thing and I doubt any of them bothered with the tournament. In the end, the heroes just stormed Shang Tsung's Palace.
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