Mortal Kombat X - The Alliance of Meat and Skarlet
posted06/08/2014 10:06 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/22/2006 12:35 AM (UTC)
Yes, I know everyone but me hates Meat, but please, I implore you to once again hear me out.

Skarlet lives to serve Shao Kahn, and as shown in her MK9 ending, she would certainly avenge the death of her father and master. Her target, of course, would be Raiden.

Meat was being created by Shang Tsung via an experiment.Due to Shang Tsung's 'death,' Meat would be free to escape his confines and flee the Flesh Pits. Of course, he would be wandering aimlessly.

Skarlet needs blood to remain strong. Sure, she could kill anyone she meets and drain them, but most people aren't powerful warriors. Their blood would only get her so far. Meat most likely carries the blood of someone powerful, or at least powerful enough to fuel Skarlet. Alone and afraid, Meat desperately desires guidance and protection, and he finds it in Skarlet, meeting in the most apt of ways, accidentally.

The two form a pact. Meat uses his infinite flow of blood to keep Skarlet strong, and in return Skarlet protects Meat from harm. Together, they search the realms for Raiden and his allies, ready to slay them all.

I am in no way insinuating a tag team like Noob-Smoke; that's stupid. In this sense, Meat doesn't even have to be playable. I simply find their alliance highly beneficial, both for themselves in story and for their development as characters. I very much hope you all can at least conceive the idea of the two moving together throughout the realms.

Please, tell me what you think, good or bad.
06/07/2014 05:58 PM (UTC)
Where were these types of ideas in MK9's storymode.... Seriously, send all your shit to Boon and blow up his twitter feed. lol Even if it's just subpar material, it's most likely better than the mindfucks we got last time around and even though they can't use your ideas, hopefully you inspire them.
06/07/2014 06:03 PM (UTC)
I'm not feeling it. Meat is a prime example of a joke character and I don't see them making any more out of him than that. If anything that would RUIN any potential Skarlet has of being her own character. I wouldn't take her seriously at all if they did anything like that.

I honestly don't think anyone could make him a more serious type character. He's just... well, Meat. I mean come on.
06/07/2014 06:08 PM (UTC)
H3ndrix Wrote:
I'm not feeling it. Meat is a prime example of a joke character and I don't see them making any more out of him than that. If anything that would RUIN any potential Skarlet has of being her own character. I wouldn't take her seriously at all if they did anything like that.

I honestly don't think anyone could make him a more serious type character. He's just... well, Meat. I mean come on.

I don't even consider Meat a part of MK at all.
06/07/2014 06:08 PM (UTC)
H3ndrix Wrote:
I'm not feeling it. Meat is a prime example of a joke character and I don't see them making any more out of him than that. If anything that would RUIN any potential Skarlet has of being her own character. I wouldn't take her seriously at all if they did anything like that.

I honestly don't think anyone could make him a more serious type character. He's just... well, Meat. I mean come on.

I find it quite counterproductive that those deemed as joke characters are forbidden from becoming anything more.

Every character in Mortal Kombat, even Hsu Hao (my god), can be transformed into something greater. Meat actually has the potential to grow into something more. Why keep him in the dust?

If I may ask, is it the concept I proposed that you aren't feeling, or is it Meat in general?
06/07/2014 06:11 PM (UTC)
I'd take Meat any day over Hsu Hao and Mokap. Those two can go, Meat can stay in my opinion.
06/07/2014 06:14 PM (UTC)
H3ndrix Wrote:
I'm not feeling it. Meat is a prime example of a joke character and I don't see them making any more out of him than that. If anything that would RUIN any potential Skarlet has of being her own character. I wouldn't take her seriously at all if they did anything like that.

I honestly don't think anyone could make him a more serious type character. He's just... well, Meat. I mean come on.

Ya meat is a joke character but like Rain and Blaze I can totally justify them being in, if only to show off next gen tech (yes I know it's cross gen sad )
06/07/2014 06:29 PM (UTC)
I like Meat, especially in MKA. Meat would preferably make a better alliance with Drahmin. Skarlet would fit better with Nitara, in my opinion.
However, MK does not need any more alliances.
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06/07/2014 06:29 PM (UTC)
I'm not really interested in either of them. I wouldn't mind though if Skarlet is included. However Meat was created as a joke and I think it's counterproductive to make him more than that.
06/07/2014 06:32 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
H3ndrix Wrote:
I'm not feeling it. Meat is a prime example of a joke character and I don't see them making any more out of him than that. If anything that would RUIN any potential Skarlet has of being her own character. I wouldn't take her seriously at all if they did anything like that.

I honestly don't think anyone could make him a more serious type character. He's just... well, Meat. I mean come on.

I find it quite counterproductive that those deemed as joke characters are forbidden from becoming anything more.

Every character in Mortal Kombat, even Hsu Hao (my god), can be transformed into something greater. Meat actually has the potential to grow into something more. Why keep him in the dust?

If I may ask, is it the concept I proposed that you aren't feeling, or is it Meat in general?

Haha oh Gods, I almost forgot about Hsu Hao! But anyways, it's a little bit of both, like I said, I think pairing Meat up with Skarlet would weaken her as a character completely.

And I also don't see any potential in Meat. His name is Meat, he's a walking bloody corpse. I just don't see anything cool or good to come of him, unless he somehow get's turned into his own character (Name, Skin or at least SOMETHING) then I just don't see it working personally. I'd rather them make an all new character and leave Meat as a treat for MKA.

stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
Ya meat is a joke character but like Rain and Blaze I can totally justify them being in, if only to show off next gen tech (yes I know it's cross gen sad )

Yeah but Rain and Blaze are 10 fold the characters that Meat is. Rain and Blaze even when first introduced had more potential than Meat. If they ever had intentions of making something out of him, then they should of NEVER named him "Meat" for one. Screams fan service... I swear I SMH every time I type that name... I think he should just remain a little gem so to say for Armageddon and leave it be.

Though I understand Riyakou that you like him, and I am in no way trying to bash your ideas, just stating my own opinion is all, but I want this game to be of a more serious attitude, leave ALL of the laughable shit out please.
06/07/2014 06:50 PM (UTC)
H3ndrix Wrote:

Though I understand Riyakou that you like him, and I am in no way trying to bash your ideas, just stating my own opinion is all, but I want this game to be of a more serious attitude, leave ALL of the laughable shit out please.

Would you say the same for Bo' Rai Cho?

He was initially designed as a joke character, but he has become one of the most important characters in the series, and a very good character gameplay-wise.

If Bo' Rai Cho can become something greater than a joke, surely Meat can as well.
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

06/07/2014 06:58 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
H3ndrix Wrote:

Though I understand Riyakou that you like him, and I am in no way trying to bash your ideas, just stating my own opinion is all, but I want this game to be of a more serious attitude, leave ALL of the laughable shit out please.

Would you say the same for Bo' Rai Cho?

He was initially designed as a joke character, but he has become one of the most important characters in the series, and a very good character gameplay-wise.

If Bo' Rai Cho can become something greater than a joke, surely Meat can as well.

Bo' Rai Cho was created as a character with some joke elements. Meat was created solely as a joke. Mokap was the joke character in DA.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/07/2014 06:58 PM (UTC)

I think any character has the ability to become more than a joke otherwise I'd be the biggest hypocrite ever. Purple Rain anyone? Lol

So yes, Meat had the potential of being made serious, given a new badass design, and a decent story. But the chances of that is below zero mainly because the devs have made it up in their mind that he'll stay as a joke. They couldn't care less about Meat. And neither do I tbh.
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

06/07/2014 07:11 PM (UTC)
Well Rain's name was a pun for sure. But his story and moveset was original enough to set him apart from the joke characters.
06/07/2014 07:16 PM (UTC)
fijikungfu Wrote:
Well Rain's name was a pun for sure. But his story and moveset was original enough to set him apart from the joke characters.

And this is what I don't think people are seeing. Joke elements and straight up JOKES are two completely different things.

At this point it just seems like "I like this character so make him/her more serious so I can have them." Which I understand, but to me it's a huge waste of a character. I'd rather see Dairou return than Meat. Give the effort to another character, don't waste it on a straight up joke. Not joke elements, JOKE.
06/07/2014 07:20 PM (UTC)
I don't hate meat, I just want him to be more fleshed out... Get it? :D
06/07/2014 07:23 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I don't hate meat, I just want him to be more fleshed out... Get it? :D

Ba dum tss. Lol.
06/07/2014 07:25 PM (UTC)
H3ndrix Wrote:
fijikungfu Wrote:
Well Rain's name was a pun for sure. But his story and moveset was original enough to set him apart from the joke characters.

And this is what I don't think people are seeing. Joke elements and straight up JOKES are two completely different things.

At this point it just seems like "I like this character so make him/her more serious so I can have them." Which I understand, but to me it's a huge waste of a character. I'd rather see Dairou return than Meat. Give the effort to another character, don't waste it on a straight up joke. Not joke elements, JOKE.

I'm sorry, but I just cannot understand this.

You believe that turning a joke character into a serious one is a waste of a character? If anything, creating a joke character would be a waste, wouldn't it? In that sense, wouldn't making the character more serious be a correction, rather than a waste?
06/07/2014 07:35 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
H3ndrix Wrote:
fijikungfu Wrote:
Well Rain's name was a pun for sure. But his story and moveset was original enough to set him apart from the joke characters.

And this is what I don't think people are seeing. Joke elements and straight up JOKES are two completely different things.

At this point it just seems like "I like this character so make him/her more serious so I can have them." Which I understand, but to me it's a huge waste of a character. I'd rather see Dairou return than Meat. Give the effort to another character, don't waste it on a straight up joke. Not joke elements, JOKE.

I'm sorry, but I just cannot understand this.

You believe that turning a joke character into a serious one is a waste of a character? If anything, creating a joke character would be a waste, wouldn't it? In that sense, wouldn't making the character more serious be a correction, rather than a waste?

Yes and I never said he wasn't a waste of a character, because to me him and Mokap both are. I dislike joke characters, they add nothing but "Aww look at this" for about five minutes. That works in a game like MKA. That would ruin what this game could be. I'd rather them never have existed in the first place, to answer your question.

If said joke character has potential, then go for it. But Meat doesn't have anything going for him. Not even a name. Meat is a joke character from a game that isn't really taken seriously anyways. I want him OUT of this game and every other joke character with no potential as well. That would be two characters, Meat and Mokap. Where are you going to go with them? They already have garbage stories. Bo' Rai Cho, Rain, none of them started with completely and utter garbage moves or stories.

I TOTALLY take the guy who goes bowling with his own head serious. NO matter WHAT they change about him, that will ALWAYS be there, his legacy as a joke will always be there. And to me, making something more out of him is a waste. He was good for what he was, for the game he came from and that's about it.

EDIT: May I ask what is appealing about him to you? Maybe I just don't understand what you see in him specifically.
06/07/2014 07:50 PM (UTC)
H3ndrix Wrote:

EDIT: May I ask what is appealing about him to you? Maybe I just don't understand what you see in him specifically.

I view Meat as a missing link behind the Shang Tsung's truest intentions.

Shang Tsung has this hidden laboratory where he undergoes experiments to create powerful or simply better beings. Mileena is an example of Shao Kahn's intentions, but what of Meat?

He felt the need to escape from the Flesh Pits, so there must be something truly horrifying about it. Had he been completed, he might be just another devoted minion. Instead he is an aimless soul with a great deal of knowledge. He knows things. He has information regarding Shang Tsung's intentions, particularly, what he was created for. Above all, whose blood does he carry? It could be Shao Kahn's, Quan Chi's, Kitana's, Jade's, or even Shang Tsung's own blood.

A great deal of truth lies within Meat's very existence, and I feel it is a must that it be explored.

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06/07/2014 08:07 PM (UTC)
The great deal of truth behind Meat is that it is very unlikely that he will ever be expanded upon.
06/07/2014 08:07 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
H3ndrix Wrote:

EDIT: May I ask what is appealing about him to you? Maybe I just don't understand what you see in him specifically.

I view Meat as a missing link behind the Shang Tsung's truest intentions.

Shang Tsung has this hidden laboratory where he undergoes experiments to create powerful or simply better beings. Mileena is an example of Shao Kahn's intentions, but what of Meat?

He felt the need to escape from the Flesh Pits, so there must be something truly horrifying about it. Had he been completed, he might be just another devoted minion. Instead he is an aimless soul with a great deal of knowledge. He knows things. He has information regarding Shang Tsung's intentions, particularly, what he was created for. Above all, whose blood does he carry? It could be Shao Kahn's, Quan Chi's, Kitana's, Jade's, or even Shang Tsung's own blood.

A great deal of truth lies within Meat's very existence, and I feel it is a must that it be explored.

Does Meat puppet even speak? I mean even his ending was made to write him out completely after this game. "Meat was an experiment who escaped Shang Tsung's flesh pits before he could be completely formed. As the other kombatants fought, Meat rushed unseen to the top of the pyramid and defeated Blaze. Godlike energy enveloped him, giving him the power to shape-shift. With the ability to become anyone, Meat lost his sense of identity and disappeared into obscurity."

I don't think Meat is really needed for any of the things you mentioned. Lets say he does have knowledge, well how the hell is he going to tell anyone about it? Isn't he a "fun character who assists Shinnok?" I don't see any of that doing anything productive to be honest.
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

06/07/2014 08:13 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
You believe that turning a joke character into a serious one is a waste of a character? If anything, creating a joke character would be a waste, wouldn't it? In that sense, wouldn't making the character more serious be a correction, rather than a waste?

Well the team didn't really waste any time or effort creating them. Meat was already made as the bloody skeleton for fatalities. And Mokap is a dude in motion capture suit. Plus he was given already made fighting styles so it was not like the creative team was serious about these characters when they made them.
EDIT: @H3ndrix "Meat lost his sense of identity and disappeared into obscurity".
I think that was their plan from the beginning.
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06/08/2014 10:06 AM (UTC)
As a general concept I think it makes sense and it could work but the problem is that Skarlet and Meat don't really have much going for them character development wise. I'd like to see Skarlet return and maybe see some growth to help distinguish her from being a "blood based Ermac".

Actually...I think some sort of subplot dynamic WITH Ermac and Skarlet would make more sense because of their common duality of body and spirit. Both characters are comprised of the essence of countless fallen warriors and were both powerful subjects of Shao Kahn thus being freed after Kahn's defeat.
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