Mortal Kombat X - Sheevas Journey to Earthrealm
posted06/07/2014 07:07 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/22/2006 12:35 AM (UTC)
I know a great deal of you do not care for Sheeva, but please, here me out.

In her MK9 ending, Sheeva killed Shao Kahn after she realized her species had fallen out of favor with him and her nearing termination. Earthrealm saw her murder as an act of justice on their behalf, and granted her people refuge in Australia.

It is there that Sheeva became a heroine for Earthrealm, pledging to protect them from further harm.

Now of course, She did not actually kill Shao Kahn, but this journey of hers could present her in an entirely new and stronger light. Considering Shinnok is targeting Outworld, Sheeva may convince her people to find refuge elsewhere, and may possibly succeed and being taken in by Earthrealm in exchange for protecting them from Shinnok.

Seeing her as a heroine and beacon of hope for Earthrealm could very well bring Sheeva into a new light, and could also create a strong fanbase and appreciation for her. She is one of the few characters from the MK3 era to have never been expanded on. This could be her opportunity. Please, Let us not forget.
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06/03/2014 05:14 PM (UTC)
I have spoken out against Sheeva being included in MKX several times.. and each time it is because her story is boring and she has been nothing but a thug who shows up just to get a beating and has contributed nothing to the story..

BUT, if they did something like you suggest, rallying the Shokan to help defend EarthRealm and Outworld against Shinnok, THAT I could get behind...
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06/03/2014 05:14 PM (UTC)
Could be interesting. If they choose to go this route and not turn her story into garbage if she appears in future installments, I'd be cool with it. I think she's been on the roster long enough to be more than a she-goro punching bag.
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06/03/2014 05:28 PM (UTC)
They just need to take her story into a different direction. Maybe have more interactions with other characters to make her more appealing to players.
06/03/2014 06:05 PM (UTC)
I have been a fan of Sheeva since MK3 and I mained her MK9...along with a few other characters but it was with Sheeva that I had the most fun with, kicking people's butts online grin I mean where's the fun in winning with Kabal or Kung Lao? I've also mentioned ways they could improve her storyline but it seems no one sees the light with her.

The thing is, Sheeva is different from the rest of the henchmen in the game because she is not necessarily evil. It's been repeated over and over that all she wanted was peace for her people and in some of her (non cannon) endings she turned on Khan when she realised the Shokan fell out of favor. Reptile, Baraka, Kano, etc, are evil just for the sake of it and their stories haven't really been explored either. I don't get why Sheeva is the one that gets all the hate. I'd even say that we got more glimpses of her personality during the MK9 storyline, than those guys.
She believes in honor and is proud of her race; she told Kitana that death is the only way she could regain her honor. It was also revealed that she has royal Shokan blood in her, similar to Goro. She even became the Shokan's leader in her ending. So many awesome little details but yet again, we never really saw her story being explored more than that.

I believe they can really make her side with Earthrealm's heroes now that Khan is out of the way and almost every Earthrealmer is dead. The Netherealm already has an army, how awesome would it be if the Shokan joined Earthrealm's army with Sheeva as their leader?
As for her fighting style, she once again got the shaft in MK9. It seemed to me that she was the last character they created and they didn't even bother to make her on par with everyone else. Her startups were ridiculously slow, even for a grappler. And she didn't even play as a grappler. She was the closest thing MK9 had to a playable grappler but she still wasn't a true grappler. They almost got it right with grapplers in Injustice, hope they get it right with Sheeva in the future as well. She is the most unique looking female in the game for f*cks sake! Her fighting style should be as unique.

Anyway I just love Sheeva and hope she gets her time to shine sometime in the future. I am almost sure it will take a while until we see her again but oh well...hope dies last!
06/06/2014 08:43 PM (UTC)
The one thing that gets me is that they would give Sheeva such a strong and meaningful ending, only to leave it in the dirt in the next game.

I feel the same way about Jade's ending, but it's Sheeva's I'm more concered about. She finally has an opportunity to become more than just a bodyguard or punching bag, and it seems NRS is just going to throw it away. It saddens me greatly.
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06/07/2014 12:21 AM (UTC)
All that crap about 'honour' was like a poor man's version of Klingon philosophy, It mostly didn't even make sense.

In MK9 Sheeva did have more personality than in previous iterations, but then, so does a bowl of mushy peas.

And i congratulate whoever it was who said they mained her in battle, frankly i would have liked to use her more if it weren't for the terribly thought-out similar combo inputs that led to me making many mistakes.
06/07/2014 12:27 AM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
...Considering Shinnok is targeting Outworld, Sheeva may convince her people to find refuge elsewhere, and may possibly succeed and being taken in by Earthrealm in exchange for protecting them from Shinnok...

Sheeva and the Shokan running from a fight?

06/07/2014 12:29 AM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:
...Considering Shinnok is targeting Outworld, Sheeva may convince her people to find refuge elsewhere, and may possibly succeed and being taken in by Earthrealm in exchange for protecting them from Shinnok...

Sheeva and the Shokan running from a fight?


Much like Goro, I do believe Sheeva is intelligent enough to choose her battles wisely.

I don't think she would allow her people to remain in Outworld where their demise is very likely to ensue.
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06/07/2014 06:00 AM (UTC)
I've always had a soft spot for Sheeva. She's always been one of my favourites. I will say it now, I will be shocked if she is playable or included in MKX.

Her ending is one of the stronger ones that I can remember in MK9. It was fresh and there is a lot of potential with that story. We'll see, I don't want to get my hopes up.
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06/07/2014 06:22 AM (UTC)
Sheeva's awesome and I hope she makes the cut for MKX.

06/07/2014 08:00 AM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
The one thing that gets me is that they would give Sheeva such a strong and meaningful ending, only to leave it in the dirt in the next game.

I feel the same way about Jade's ending, but it's Sheeva's I'm more concered about. She finally has an opportunity to become more than just a bodyguard or punching bag, and it seems NRS is just going to throw it away. It saddens me greatly.

06/07/2014 04:15 PM (UTC)
I actually really dig the idea of Sheeva on the good guys side. It would finally, FINALLY give her something useful to do and could prove to be a great show of personality for a character that always seemed to linger about in the background.
06/07/2014 04:43 PM (UTC)
_MKX_ Wrote:
I've always had a soft spot for Sheeva. She's always been one of my favourites. I will say it now, I will be shocked if she is playable or included in MKX.

Her ending is one of the stronger ones that I can remember in MK9. It was fresh and there is a lot of potential with that story. We'll see, I don't want to get my hopes up.

Honestly, I think hers, Jade's, Smoke's and Noob Saibot's have the most potential to further develop their characters.

The difference between them all, however, is that Smoke, Jade, and Noob Saibot already have a history of development. Sheeva has none. She needs this more than anyone.

I still would love to see Noob Saibot's ending be actualized, but I digress.
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06/07/2014 05:09 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
blacksaibot Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:
...Considering Shinnok is targeting Outworld, Sheeva may convince her people to find refuge elsewhere, and may possibly succeed and being taken in by Earthrealm in exchange for protecting them from Shinnok...

Sheeva and the Shokan running from a fight?


Much like Goro, I do believe Sheeva is intelligent enough to choose her battles wisely.

I don't think she would allow her people to remain in Outworld where their demise is very likely to ensue.

while i do agree with u ritakou, i just cant imagine the might shokan abandoning their home and hiding behind earthrealm fighters. that just screams cowardess.

i CAN see them creating alliances.... but not fleeing like refugees without putting up a massive fight first at least
06/07/2014 05:25 PM (UTC)
No more Sheeva....EVER!!!
06/07/2014 05:56 PM (UTC)
I've been corrected lol now I know at least one Arcade edning is alluded to in character bios. but man this ending should not be taken seriously at all. Out of every character ending this is the biggest "hehe" joke ending. Johhny cage even had a more serious ending.

This ending is a gigantic middle finger to Australian rating boards. MK wouldn't come to Australia, lot's of fans were pissed off. This is the creators saying "fuck you" to the people who denied the fans their game. Not to be taken as a hint to the next game, pretty confident of that... NRS... that's kinda of punk rock and badass lol. I always loved this ending for that.
06/07/2014 06:03 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
I have been a fan of Sheeva since MK3 and I mained her MK9...along with a few other characters but it was with Sheeva that I had the most fun with, kicking people's butts online grin I mean where's the fun in winning with Kabal or Kung Lao? I've also mentioned ways they could improve her storyline but it seems no one sees the light with her.

The thing is, Sheeva is different from the rest of the henchmen in the game because she is not necessarily evil. It's been repeated over and over that all she wanted was peace for her people and in some of her (non cannon) endings she turned on Khan when she realised the Shokan fell out of favor. Reptile, Baraka, Kano, etc, are evil just for the sake of it and their stories haven't really been explored either. I don't get why Sheeva is the one that gets all the hate. I'd even say that we got more glimpses of her personality during the MK9 storyline, than those guys.
She believes in honor and is proud of her race; she told Kitana that death is the only way she could regain her honor. It was also revealed that she has royal Shokan blood in her, similar to Goro. She even became the Shokan's leader in her ending. So many awesome little details but yet again, we never really saw her story being explored more than that.

I believe they can really make her side with Earthrealm's heroes now that Khan is out of the way and almost every Earthrealmer is dead. The Netherealm already has an army, how awesome would it be if the Shokan joined Earthrealm's army with Sheeva as their leader?
As for her fighting style, she once again got the shaft in MK9. It seemed to me that she was the last character they created and they didn't even bother to make her on par with everyone else. Her startups were ridiculously slow, even for a grappler. And she didn't even play as a grappler. She was the closest thing MK9 had to a playable grappler but she still wasn't a true grappler. They almost got it right with grapplers in Injustice, hope they get it right with Sheeva in the future as well. She is the most unique looking female in the game for f*cks sake! Her fighting style should be as unique.

Anyway I just love Sheeva and hope she gets her time to shine sometime in the future. I am almost sure it will take a while until we see her again but oh well...hope dies last!

Reptile isn't evil for the sake of being evil. His motivations are almost the exact same as scorpions (tragic villain). He's just a gross lizard and get's reduced to mindless villain. Ya there was the genocide stuff, I honestly think that's the writers messing up their own character later on. If they actually addressed Reptiles own hypocrisy for the act and questioned it I'd totally be down for the idea. Much like I'm down for the idea of Scorpion repeating what was done to him to someone else.

Correct me If I'm wrong but aren't Goro and Motaro essentially the same? "FOR MY PEOPLE!!!"
06/07/2014 06:05 PM (UTC)
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
I've been corrected lol now I know at least one Arcade edning is alluded to in character bios. but man this ending should not be taken seriously at all. Out of every character ending this is the biggest "hehe" joke ending. Johhny cage even had a more serious ending.

This ending is a gigantic middle finger to Australian rating boards. MK wouldn't come to Australia, lot's of fans were pissed off. This is the creators saying "fuck you" to the people who denied the fans their game. Not to be taken as a hint to the next game, pretty confident of that... NRS... that's kinda of punk rock and badass lol. I always loved this ending for that.

Ironically, this ending has a great deal of potential for development.

Even if it was intended as a middle finger to the ACB, it is still fruitful. Much can become of Sheeva from this ending, and instead of shooting it down as a mere joke, why not have it used as an advantage?
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06/07/2014 06:07 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
_MKX_ Wrote:
I've always had a soft spot for Sheeva. She's always been one of my favourites. I will say it now, I will be shocked if she is playable or included in MKX.

Her ending is one of the stronger ones that I can remember in MK9. It was fresh and there is a lot of potential with that story. We'll see, I don't want to get my hopes up.

Honestly, I think hers, Jade's, Smoke's and Noob Saibot's have the most potential to further develop their characters.

The difference between them all, however, is that Smoke, Jade, and Noob Saibot already have a history of development. Sheeva has none. She needs this more than anyone.

I still would love to see Noob Saibot's ending be actualized, but I digress.

Yeah, her ending really caught me off guard at how good it was. They could have easily given her a crud ending as we've had a bunch of those, but it gave such an overlooked character a future.

Some things going in Sheeva's favour for a return
-That ending (Maybe the MK team likes her more than we think? My impression was that Boon and co. were not huge fans of hers but that ending leads me to believe that she has at least some fans on the team or maybe they found a new appreciation for her after bringing her back?)

-Story mode (According to Story mode she's alive.)

-Gameplay diversity (She's a grappler character and a playable Shokan. They could create a new character for this purpose, but fighting games usually have more than one grappler and she fills that role)
06/07/2014 06:12 PM (UTC)
I know what you're saying but I don't think the Shokan should side with humans. I'm not saying they are evil for the sake of being evil or it's in their blood like the Tarkatan. They have a smugness and sense of pride and loyalty to them.

They are half dragon half humans. They would view us as unworthy primates. They would also likely view earth as a shit hole. Same goes for Edenians, I'd like to imagine they are too smug to align themselves with humans who only consume/destroy. Just my opinion.
06/07/2014 06:17 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
I've been corrected lol now I know at least one Arcade edning is alluded to in character bios. but man this ending should not be taken seriously at all. Out of every character ending this is the biggest "hehe" joke ending. Johhny cage even had a more serious ending.

This ending is a gigantic middle finger to Australian rating boards. MK wouldn't come to Australia, lot's of fans were pissed off. This is the creators saying "fuck you" to the people who denied the fans their game. Not to be taken as a hint to the next game, pretty confident of that... NRS... that's kinda of punk rock and badass lol. I always loved this ending for that.

Ironically, this ending has a great deal of potential for development.

Even if it was intended as a middle finger to the ACB, it is still fruitful. Much can become of Sheeva from this ending, and instead of shooting it down as a mere joke, why not have it used as an advantage?

Because I doubt they would try to make something out of their own joke, if that was the case, why make a joke at all and just give her a more serious ending? I doubt they will do anything with Sheeva like that...

I don't really like the idea of her being on the good guys side, that's just.... weird. And it reminds me to much of a kids game type story, making all these bad guys do good shit.

She might not be pure evil, but she is a citizen of Outworld, let's leave it at that and keep Outworld a part of her story, leave Earthreal out of it. Just my opinion.
06/07/2014 07:00 PM (UTC)
H3ndrix Wrote:

Because I doubt they would try to make something out of their own joke, if that was the case, why make a joke at all and just give her a more serious ending? I doubt they will do anything with Sheeva like that...

I don't really like the idea of her being on the good guys side, that's just.... weird. And it reminds me to much of a kids game type story, making all these bad guys do good shit.

She might not be pure evil, but she is a citizen of Outworld, let's leave it at that and keep Outworld a part of her story, leave Earthreal out of it. Just my opinion.

How can we ever develop characters if we are opposed to change?

When it comes to alignment, Goro was a friend and ally to Kitana, and he and his fellow Shokans fought with her against the remainder of Shao Kahn's forces in Deadly Alliance. This is what led to his death in the game. In addition, he worked with Kitana diplomatically to bring about peace in Outworld, forming a treaty between the Shokans and Centaurians.

Goro is clearly a being of good nature. According to her ending, Sheeva follows the same line. Clearly, Shokans are ultimately beings of good rather than evil.

Personally, I feel this is something worth expanding on.
06/07/2014 07:07 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
H3ndrix Wrote:

Because I doubt they would try to make something out of their own joke, if that was the case, why make a joke at all and just give her a more serious ending? I doubt they will do anything with Sheeva like that...

I don't really like the idea of her being on the good guys side, that's just.... weird. And it reminds me to much of a kids game type story, making all these bad guys do good shit.

She might not be pure evil, but she is a citizen of Outworld, let's leave it at that and keep Outworld a part of her story, leave Earthreal out of it. Just my opinion.

How can we ever develop characters if we are opposed to change?

When it comes to alignment, Goro was a friend and ally to Kitana, and he and his fellow Shokans fought with her against the remainder of Shao Kahn's forces in Deadly Alliance. This is what led to his death in the game. In addition, he worked with Kitana diplomatically to bring about peace in Outworld, forming a treaty between the Shokans and Centaurians.

Goro is clearly a being of good nature. According to her ending, Sheeva follows the same line. Clearly, Shokans are ultimately beings of good rather than evil.

Personally, I feel this is something worth expanding on.

That's fine, but leave her in Outworld. I'm not opposed to change at all, I'm opposed to pointless change that doesn't benefit the character. And I think that's exactly what would happen if they brought Sheeva to Earthrealm or made her a completely good character.

And I think NRS saw that, as they never really did anything else with Goro after all that now did they? He just went back to being the bad guy. I'm not saying that's all he should be, there is much more there to work with, but making him a completely good guy and/or bringing shokans to Earthrealm? Nah... bad idea. I like the sound of bad guys with honor/some good in them better than "They are the good guys now!"

And I think it's kind of a stretch to say they are "clearly" beings of good nature, really? If Kahn favored the Shokans over the other races, then guess who would still be on Kahns side? Goro and Sheeva. That's not good nature, that's looking out for themselves. Kahn gave his attention elsewhere so NOW they want to kill him? Nah.
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